
Thursday, August 30, 2018




Got down to my ancestor’s muscle and bone and all he had was a knife and a sword to stab
He had neither morals nor fear of death and didn’t think about anything but eatin’ n’ phuqyn
But one day an animal hungrier than he came upon his scent of a stench, no bath heaven sent
Had to put all of his power and brawn into the struggle to survive, he did and the tiger didn’t.
Why the species exists is because of it’s drive to turn nothing into a super nova in a millennia
Fever pitched hate and fear of the killers of your tribe might drive you to be the super warrior
Who cannot die until the battle subsides and all is well with the troupe or culture of madmen
Both ways across the pond from north and south poles to the Mariana Trench, this here is it.
You and I won’t be talkin’ or thinkin’ about this or that after the final curtain falls, drop dead
We may find that it wasn’t all too human, to be or not to be #Man, brothers, sisters all inbred
At one time way back in the day when cousins mated with cousins, causing mass mutilation
We came alive eventually, inheriting a third wish to be or not to be without any questioning.
Timeline in the space of a local quadrant is twenty four hours, halfway through being twelve
Ad infinitum and so it goes on forever and a day, that’s an infinite amount of spirits, top shelf
But the whole thing is, the dust to dust part at the end of your life, when everything is lost
Makes you feel like you belong to a club of One, all is well and this was fun, but at what cost?
Short and sweeter than Tupelo honey, an idea rings a bell, a light goes off, squelch the fears
Unknown and known merge as the yin and yang often do, the ocean crashes, nobody hears
If you think you have the bull by the horns and you’re ready to wrestle with the end of you
Then just charge the bull face to face, head to head and boom, boom out go the lights too.
by r j j stephan, i
c. August 30, 2018 @ 12:00 midnight AM
{ written while listenin’ to AC/DC HITS like #SoulStripper on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/MXIpNL0mEGg }

Monday, August 27, 2018


Alrighty then, this isn’t going to go over well from the priests, ministers, reverends, cardinals
Even the #HolyFather’ll feel the humanity of his childhood, presidents, kings and queens too
Nobody from anywhere in any quadrant of the Cosmos can have higher hopes than my pals
Where there’s a will there is a way to accomplish the intended result, target set and will to be.

It’s a judgement call about the substance of everything, the matter and energy of the mystical
Moving to disguise infinity which has no mask but is what it is, a thing itself is all symbolical
Hyperventilating and outperforming in a context of Being and Nothingness, a platonic punk
Where I come from, the platonic punks excel in their chosen fields, rise to the top of the funk.

Paradise had no trouble and then suddenly it did, without a scintilla of God or Goodness’ Ra
I had an idea one day after all of the skies turned black above, I’d be thinkin’ ‘bout this #bull
What a trip it’s been since a little byte of apple from the tree of knowledge caused my tumble
Waking up, wiping the sleep out of my eyes, this dream is vanishing right now, poof, GONE!

Tomorrow is now today and the Aliens have landed and infected the wombs of women to be
Just the DNA in genes have been rearranged, no sexual encounter with big headed eyeballs
But there is a small detail that has been left for a private lesson, between you and your Self
Common knowledge and ancient wisdom become One, just one little byte, now hit ENTER.

Oh hehl no, that didn’t just happen! Are you trying to make me die laughing out loud, yes?
Man up and take the lead, take charge and get the show on the road, time is wasting away
You’ve only got so many ticks of the imaginary hands on this rock clock, so be the GD ball
Roll and rock until the dark turns into the dawn, shut eyes to the daylight, it’s fun to #Fall.

r j j stephan, i
c. August 27, 1951 AD { Today’s a day that’ll live in infamy, the day I was born! Thank God! }
*written while listenin’ to #Dion & other great jams on iHeart link @https://www.iheart.com/artist/elvis-presley-1014/songs/gospel-medley-10470311/ }

Sunday, August 26, 2018

#NoReadersAccess #DontThinkIDontThinkAboutIt

I will try to cop out on the whole shebang if I can, if there’s a will and there is, this intent
To be or not to be here and now, with y’all and the ones who ain’t here yet, heaven sent
Bottom line at the core of the essence of the solar system, galaxy and cosmos, is Evil yet
Evil is merely Live spelled backward, just sayin’ it is NO coincidence, you better #Think!

About the cause and effect of your actions after your mother and father conceived your egg
Microscopic DNA or just a miracle from the storks flyin’ around the partly cloudy, blue skies
Neither #United nor #American in a fractoid kind of way, over Niagara Falls in a houseboat
What the combination yields is this dream you see before your blue eyes, ears, nose & throat.

When I say ‘you dig’ and if I say ‘it’s all on you’ then you might want to become in the know
It’s all on your mind and your spirit, soul’s stuff of red, white and blue to discover the crow
Not just a bird on a fence, squawking and squatting in the yard, waiting for crumbs of mirth
Laughing at the #Struggle of you and me, one flight away from The New Day’s hidden birth.

Jump and slide to the left and right, stay out of the way but know exactly what’s grabbin’ you
From behind is the usual sneak’s modus operandi and if you’re ready, the wimp is the screw
Hidin’ in #Darkness, out of the mind of the #Others who kill n’ chill ‘round a black hold sun
From caskets on state Rte 1, #ZaZen keys your ride with #rock n’#soul, a Ra dam revolution.

What you will do is not what I shall do unless you planned to fly far away yesterday, it is done
When you hang above the earth to be eaten by buzzards and crows, the humane way is burial
Under dirty, burned ash of a star that used to be, dirt we call planet Earth, yo’ mama’s home
Hope and Faith will lead you to your dead ancestors joint, deep down in catacombs of Rome.

Old whitehead, old man that stayed away from the sea of #DavyJones, not my or your place
Not in this space, we need the air above the ground to seed genetic freaks here in this Space
DNA created from ashes of Nothing, you feel me? Am I rubbin’ your blind faith eyeballs raw?
Don’t shoot the messenger, I ain’t lyin’, it’s in the books my father wrote, #WordsUp #Ma.

r j j stephan, i
c. August 26, 2018 @ 9:11 AM PST
{ *drafted while listenin’ to @BlindFaith #CantFindMyWayBackHome on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/VLeZvv1EhYo }

Saturday, August 25, 2018

#RednecksOnly #LadiesOnly #WhiteheadOldMenNo


OMG, he used a bad word, an evil word, the end of the world word, it’s a #WordUp, pal
My feet carry me across the ash of this dead star, pretendin’ it’s still alive after it all
A flash of atomic fission and fusion terminated the essence of #Rock remnants of spark
In the blackness of the emptiness of #Space, there is no# Time, you are It, you are Dark.

I don’t mean your skin or your mind inside your fouled-up cro-magnon, top-shelf above
God’s heart beats for a certain number of pumps and that’s it, that’s all, your caput, Love
Not only because you thought you were so pretty and/or smart in too-human crop shrills
But wait, but also there is no God, this is an accident of atomic collision without any Wills.

Amazing in the grace and outrageousness of supernatural emptiness, an obedient, #Fippy
An unknown, mighty invisible legend of the human mind, a contrivance of extinction fear
Stronger than the suboordinates and weak examples of genetic recombination gone #Viral
Northern to southern hemisphere, all around the circumference of the equator, Adam fell.

It’s a mythological generalization of the hidden misery to be abandoned, without a backup
Nobody to cover your #Six when your yin is exposed to someone else’s yang, “Yah! Giddyup!”
No reason to feel left out of the saddle without a foot in a stirrup my friend, ride her bareback
Hold tighter than a buckin’ strap and get ready to be thrown into the middle of a jet tarmac.

Whine and write about the woes of your conscious mind’s confrontations with fear’s whiplash
It comes and goes but it’s never real, it’s always an illusion of “Feeling” the superhero #Flash
Feeling inside what you think anyone feels outside of yourself is an act of futility, self-torture
If there’s a match at once and suddenly the match breaks apart a heart, love remains pure.

A philosopher inside job, it’s not the Time in inner nor outer Space no notice of Space’s Void
Pills n’ burnin’ cherry tree sap from livin’ in the crib of Captain America, refuge of the Freud
Unconscious. burned Ego and an Id’s Super Ego, #FakeNews crumblin’, sabotagin’ my solace
Get back in your dimension, back to #Scoundrels and #Infidels say that to my go-dam face.

r j j stephan, i
c. August 25, 2018 Saturday @00:30 AM PST
{ written while listenin’ to @SamSmith #TheThrillOfItAll Tour link @ https://youtu.be/7AXo-bYGXI4 }


Friday, August 24, 2018

#JerseyDevil @JerseyDevil on the #EveOfTheMiscarriage


Laughin’ because it smells like gunpowder in the air, again a battle to avoid a reaper
No peace for longer than a New York Minute, it’s the nature of the battling soulmate
Burden is no more nor less than the future well-being of the Earth, mundane ecosystem
Presence regurgitated from the historical past of Time and Space, omnibus in a meme.

I’m not laugh-in’ just so you know, when I say something I think is funny, I won’t grin
Join in the stupefied mirth and recollect your function on this back stage for a thin fin
In heaven, your soul sheds your material thing, what you thought you were, you weren’t
Don’t look happy yet don’t look sad or lonely or uncomfortable, look like you do, gent.

Dropped a dime on me and you when we weren’t lookin’ and the grim reaper procrastinated
Needed to take one of ours into the inner circle where only the chosen few are initiated
Secrets divulged as if they assuage the fear and angst at the bottom of the holy cherry pit
You can’t see it but you can kill it if you just conjure up the right spell for hocus pocus.

Firewood burns but it’s not like that smell, like gunpowder burning, maybe napalm dust
Blinded and muted without hope to regain the power lost to the agent of fallacious rust
A moronic manifestation of the original Adam, first dude before every other who birthed
Twisted and burned, nothing to hold together the pain and suffering or the shock or awe.

An arrow clean through the heart’s left ventricle began the leak, life evolved to be Love
Omen of the alpha and omega in the system of this ups and downs, a round trip so easy
Raised hands, feet up on a rest to make sure the black panther feels the growl of the dove
I am what I’ve been since day one, no name for it except, lil ole me, so below, as above.

r j j stephan, i { “Hunter of Invisible Game” -- #BruceSpringsteen }
c. August 24, 2018 Friday @ 1:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to the #JerseyDevil @Springsteen #HighHopesCD & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/KYEg8K5HKzM }


Tuesday, August 21, 2018



Teddy-bear used to speak and then it just became muted by my age, daddy gave me a name
I couldn’t keep talkin’ about the wasted days, my nice mama & papa made me hug my fame
Like a bird whistling times that an hour had passed from your lame life, chase a real mouse
Old #BlackBetty really mattered but Freedom acted the fool and trapped me in a hor house.

Yet it is not the limit of your skin and bones, you will let the rocks roll over the sticky point
Rivers will carry your DNA from snow-caps to the bottom of ground zero #MarianaTrench
Nobody will come to save you or anyone else way down there below the belt in #Hades joint
Nothing in particular, nothing in general and it is very important that you have real stench.

In the middle of the times you find in your presence of the seventh son’s of .45’s & a .357
No bull’s eyes above your head, they are dead in the middle of your hearts and souls of zen
Strength in the faded pretenders who say what they’ll never mean when their called on to fly
For the first and last time, the end will begin the next day under a blue or black diamond sky.

No wings, don’t need ‘em when Gravity is zero and the eights to the bar, boogie on the floor
Now and then you trip on about the fact that you’ve got less than an hour to live, maybe more
Anything can happen if you get mugged by a guy hungry and strung out, I left him in a trench
He thought I was gonna lay down and die for his command, scary, scar-face and dank stench.

When you’re desperate for food and safety to rest, you might be lured into a material world
Smugglers and witch hunters take up a good portion of time to entertain the masses, unsold
For the sake of the peace and mind of the ones who read what I’ve written, lighten up, chill
It’s gonna end like it or not, enjoy #ZaZen on a Harley or in an Acura but still, be mystical!

r j j stephan, i
c. August 21, 2018 Tuesday @ 8:44 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Van Morrison & HITS on youTube link #JellyRoll }


#FilibusterTuesday #ricoSacto @ricoSacto

Richard Joseph Stephan -  Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Do not be a scared gambit little #Gambino because there’s only sunshine and blue sky ahead
Until the final swig of Tennessee whiskey, all drunk, CBD stoned, stupid cannibinoid dread
Death is an aspect of the cosmic consciousness between #Happiness and the empty pit #Void
How you get there and who you are when you deploy me uptown, bid and burned, I’m freed.

Cards dealt, dice rolled, down near the devil’s riverside playin’ stones, pebbles and hot rocks
For the last time, gettin’ drunker than a sober alcoholic with a whole keg to swill on the docks
Before we launch, everything is stocked, the boat is ship shape and we are ready to party hard
For no reason at all, the Truth hurts, I dusted my off my boots and you trumped me #Libtard.

Desperate men die just like the ones who live for a hundred years and leave an historical leg
For the descending DNA to stand upon and pretend that it means anything more than dregs
A flip of the switch and you and I are done with the breath and the animation of the haloscum
Saints and their nemesis, the humans and demons who evolved from a Big Bang’s doldrums.

Swaying in and out between the lines, over and under the ground, the water, the sky and Ho
Where nothing is left over from all of the matter that burned up in the furnace of my #Hello
When it was time, how it was done wasn’t as important as burnin’ smoke n’ shots in the dark
Reproduction of a genome for no reason other than, a force is not a choice, don’t double park.

A pint or cup will do if the quart or gallon can’t be had, it’s almost nothing to see, invisibility
A will to animate the inanimate objects through kinetic genetics or a physical shove, we to be
Knowing nothing’s close to knowing at all, #GetYourHandsUp, it’s a factoid in a deck’s stack
Robbed, fired up rolling thunder, muscles ripped, @Thor stole It and is flingin’ #Scat back.

r j j stephan, i
c. August 21, 2018 AD @ 6:06 PM #Mardi
{ drafted listenin’ to @Everclear #AMRadio & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/hjg39XRkjVc }


Monday, August 20, 2018

#AppropoTalkOnTheStreet #NewKidInTown


by Richard Joseph Stephan -

Even #SalvadorDali couldn’t be #SalvidorDali if there ever was one as in #FrancisBacon lore
Yet someone brushed the canvas and scratched the paper surfaces, whomever, genius ho-ore
Now on to the next function in the calculus, as if there’s ever an end to infinity, ad infinitum
#Ma in heaven be my witness with my #Pa in charge of the cosmic egg, where I come from.

Once or twice is one way to look at It, repetition of a lonely God you used to be, #BackWhen
In the olden days at the origin of the Cosmos, before the Egg cracked into galaxies of systems
Burning atoms of liquids, solids and the atomic gas of distinct molecular structure, the ZaZen
Impact into consciousness, ethical, moral values, Omni-Emptiness, holier-than-me flimflam.

You’re at one and the same time a moron and a happy bastard, daddy was a trick’s OBJ blow
Always on your shoulder, with a microchip of millions of dollars, a cache of debits on credits
Say you’re an uncouth, no account individual, pick a milk, homogenized style of dry cow teats
Big and yellow or black and small, possibly just an invisible, white-headed glow of my halo.

For the end of the space on this plane of existence to the end of the Time you have to breathe
Truth is Truth or it isn’t, always the right kind, going in and out of my head, dead gums’ teeth
Come with me to cold water, thirst’ll have you follow a leader, four hooves at back of the herd
Flys flying around the carcass of things that used to be, unburied, open-pit pile of spider turd.

That’s a bit strong for a speculative deduction from assumptions which have yet to be proven
Beyond any reasonable doubt is not the measure of the law, it’s the measure of a witch haven
Conjuring of spells, called Laws and Rules and the Means of Enforcement through Force, Sin
To engage the population in guilt for being alive in a free country with free speech, that’s Gin.

Self-defenseless, equipped with deadly force, to enforce self-defense vs. an extinct predator
An illusion becomes a delusion and causes an unwanted, welfare beast of a #Mandingo score
Run fast, jump high, grow big muscle in #Steroidal dysfunction, cut loose in a DMV groove
Roses move in dozens, all alone, in ecstatic display of being dead flowers, Unmoved, I move.

r j j stephan, i   { HEADER artwork is a representation of @DALI in perpetuity, IMHO }
c. August 20, 2018 @ 10:00 AM PST { #WhoDatMandingo }
{ written while listenin’ to the mighty Eagles #GreatestHits on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/--rAINTn2TE }

Sunday, August 19, 2018



Pick me up safety ball, with a new net for the whole set, threads from Italian forms
Playin’ both sides, winner and loser, in order to secure the confidence of One & all
Donned a bonnet of the being who claims humanity is the origin, evolved in a ball
Surface, underground and airborne because it is the Way of the Cell, Unmoved worm.

A peculiar place to be when you’re being begged to retaliate with deadly force, in error
Havin’ skills to penetrate to the heart and grab the breath from the one with flash fear
Of the nature’s force to repel evil and harmful movements, to have deadly force power
Holding it back in the readily recollectible bank of skills until required, to see and hear.

A perception and a conception involving the neutral observer in order to ascertain the gist
Of what it is to be a human, a man, an animal but not a plant, plant and animal consumer
Everything from the salt of the Sea to the tree sap and snow caps of Earth’s Man dreamer
Fallen to sleep, as if fallen from empty space or heaven above the dirty, filthy, cuff of a fist.

You get a hundred years more or less to discover and grasp why your mama killed me dead
Maybe he needed money for some food or a mating tool or just because of the idiot’s head
There was a bald, bloody head runnin’ inside that skull’s frag-bone, blown out black holes
Walked upright on all fours, two to walk the walk, two featherless wings, frozen, iced souls.

Thirty two teeth, sixteen in the upper and the same on the lower settings, all of ‘em fall to stir
Don’t need teeth when a human is a baby and apparently gumming food to death is OK at 68
A move or two at the right time in the right place is the difference between success and defeat
A purple mark right between your blackened eyes, embedded bullseye birthmark’s heartbeat.

Adam fell down here, Cro-Magnon man got buried underground, God’s got no swallow or gag
Threw down everything the universal magnate could conjure in a mixed-up black-magic bag
Apes swingin’ on vines, runnin’ on all fours, climbin’ limbs n’ branches like high monkey bars
It’s all about the bites n’ tears of the meat, the form’s DNA spurts, carnivore lies of lying liars!

r j j stephan, i
c. August 19, 2018 Sunday @ 1:11 PM PST
{ written while listenin’ to #ACDC concert in #OaklandCalifornia in 1979 on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/epSe9V5ngeo }

P H I L O S O P H I A: #CosmicCreek #CountItOff

Richard Joseph Stephan
If you want the Truth then you better be able to handle the Truth or else you’ll go insane
Only you can predict the way you’d react to the Facts of Life your daddy never divulged
Not even your mama called her father ‘daddy’ but there you go again, causin’ word pain
Because you are not free to accent your language expression when on a fecal, oral deluge.

Your early training in public manners was to learn to stay out of public in my coolsville
Where nobody else ever goes because it’s all in your skull, in the silent pane windowsill
Without a reflection nor transparency, just a frosted mess of ferocious, cellular rocking
Not the music rock but the lava rock from the belly of the Earthly core, golden sulfuring.

Now first things first, what is more important, #Freedom or #ObedienceToTheOverlord?
Think about it for a moment, there’s need to rush to judgement, like I’m the enemy, ha ha
You just DO NO shoot the messenger because you cannot comprehend the message’s chord
Which is the Way and Means to know the reason for Life in general as well as your ‘Mama.”

Speaking and understanding the speech of the speaker as a listener is a sacrosanct code of Ur
Engaged in the effort to become enlightened in darkness, mind unveils delusions of grandeur
Finding nothing but air all around the Earth but nothing at all anywhere else, drop a dime
Means something or nothing, depending on an acceptance of #BlindFaith and the #Sublime.

Micro-aggression with the lifting of the small pinky to move the unmoved mover to doubt
That the world leaves you alone even if you inject the venom into the situational ethics’ pout
You always know that doing the right thing as soon as you can will never go wrong, unless...
You challenge a #GAM (GrownAssMan) who says he ain’t a boy and boom, you’re Brightness.

Yet you are not the snake behind their eyes, their demon has no effect on my own Way of Tao
Attempting to break my stride while in quest of the Nirvana which presents itself to say Ciao
Incomplete mission without the use of reason or force as backup, awakened in a twilight zone
A Void, empty place in space appears to be all Divine scene projections upon a retinal bone.

r j j stephan, i { written for all illegal immigrants who want sympathy from #LosDiablos }
c. August 18, 2018 @ 12:12 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Curtis Mayfield & The O'Jays on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/iENoCn8k0bw & https://youtu.be/9-LuNJXFGTU }
P H I L O S O P H I A: #CosmicCreek #CountItOff: "BEHIND THEIR EYES LIES A SNAKE" by Richard Joseph Stephan c. Saturday, August 18, 2018 If you want t...

W.W.A.R.D.?  #Understand? 

#CosmicCreek #CountItOff


If you want the Truth then you better be able to handle the Truth or else you’ll go insane
Only you can predict the way you’d react to the Facts of Life your daddy never divulged
Not even your mama called her father ‘daddy’ but there you go again, causin’ word pain
Because you are not free to accent your language expression when on a fecal, oral deluge.

Your early training in public manners was to learn to stay out of public in my coolsville
Where nobody else ever goes because it’s all in your skull, in the silent pane windowsill
Without a reflection nor transparency, just a frosted mess of ferocious, cellular rocking
Not the music rock but the lava rock from the belly of the Earthly core, golden sulfuring.

Now first things first, what is more important, #Freedom or #ObedienceToTheOverlord?
Think about it for a moment, there’s need to rush to judgement, like I’m the enemy, ha ha
You just DO NO shoot the messenger because you cannot comprehend the message’s chord
Which is the Way and Means to know the reason for Life in general as well as your ‘Mama.”

Speaking and understanding the speech of the speaker as a listener is a sacrosanct code of Ur
Engaged in the effort to become enlightened in darkness, mind unveils delusions of grandeur
Finding nothing but air all around the Earth but nothing at all anywhere else, drop a dime
Means something or nothing, depending on an acceptance of #BlindFaith and the #Sublime.

Micro-aggression with the lifting of the small pinky to move the unmoved mover to doubt
That the world leaves you alone even if you inject the venom into the situational ethics’ pout
You always know that doing the right thing as soon as you can will never go wrong, unless...
You challenge a #GAM (GrownAssMan) who says he ain’t a boy and boom, you’re Brightness.

Yet you are not the snake behind their eyes, their demon has no effect on my own Way of Tao
Attempting to break my stride while in quest of the Nirvana which presents itself to say Ciao
Incomplete mission without the use of reason or force as backup, awakened in a twilight zone
A Void, empty place in space appears to be all Divine scene projections upon a retinal bone.

r j j stephan, i { written for all illegal immigrants who want sympathy from #LosDiablos }
c. August 18, 2018 @ 12:12 PM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Curtis Mayfield & The O'Jays on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/iENoCn8k0bw & https://youtu.be/9-LuNJXFGTU }


