
Saturday, September 05, 2020

#GodsTime #MansSpace #WorldBeEmpty #KnockinBoots #UnderThatPaleMoon #SugarStirring #ShadesNeedDrawin' #KnockinBoots #MeAndThee

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, September 5, 2020·
------------------  #LetUsRock ------------------
Rednecker with a fake love-line, one of my limbs came up lame but for now, it’s Magic I said
Now out to the pasture where they groom my seeds, steal my force out my awesome vigor size
What do you want me to do? If I resist they cause pains and suffering even to 3 lit-up fireflies
On the wall for a rest until it’s time to find a safe place, taxi to the unburied, asleep in my bed.

Whiskey, wine and beer even if you don’t have the White Lightening, Gin and Vodka squeeze
Years down the road with or without the Truth, just found it to forget about it, you better bow
In a manner of speaking, we all need to get busy with knockin’ boots soon, so looky here now
Needs, desire the same things, like water and air, knockin’ boots, stayin’ alive, livin’ to please.

Concerts come on when the darkness descends leavin’ the full or pale moon, I swoon for It
Pumped up days and nights before the amplifiers got plugged in and the metal and wind fit
Moving the old boys and girls and stirring the blood in the good ol’ boys’ hearts and minds
Sung along, played along, paid for the whole shebang with my whole paycheck, a gold mine.

Here and now and then, space and time put their mark on the Darkness with ultraviolet dots
Making the waves of particles that confuse the Science with the Religion, a philosophical err
Ice melted before I got here to the hot heat that stirred my inner thrust to reproduce the Ilk
Needed the mothers, a lot of mothers, so many they turned into One big teat of mama’s milk.

Trending historical record for the recollection of the absolute, fishin’ in the dark for One zero
Fishin’ under or above, just beyond the stratosphere, all the same, knockin’ boots with a hero
Sweet rolls and sauerkraut to make the cuisine a throwback, spoiled cabbage spiced up waste
Knockin’ boots when there’s nothing to do, I’m all in sugar, let’s beat those sweet bees knees.

Party and last call down by the river under the Choctaw bridge over the Big Muddy, oh mama
Good times way back in 1969 before I had to #MakeWarNotLove, my mama cried & let me go
My papa knew I had to go and he was pretty proud that I got the hell out of dodge on my own
Well hung in the days and nights when the heart was thumpin’, undertaker cuts Truth down.

No mercy for anyone lucky to be alive, it’s a matter of being here and dealing with nothing
Y’all know the thing, we’re all adults now that we can read & write, God’s dead in Sing Sing
Many more bright minds than my dull and inferior tool, I’ve abused One accidental mortal
Innocent and holy, first day of FIRE outside, boots knockin’, house rockin’ a cold day in hell.

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, September 5th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 4:10 PM PST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to faves like Nickelback playin’ #SharpDressedMan ZZ Top cover link @ https://youtu.be/Eh9Q6BGGU50 }

#CrumbledEarthMudBalls #WhereIComeFrom #WeRepresent

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, September 5, 2020
------------------ #INVARIABLE @Variable --------------
On the inevitable day or night that I personally exit this set of 208 bones, hold me close Boo
Hold your breath when that moment comes, I’ll send a signal from a netherworld so far away
From the miraculous search for your origin that you found before your last gasp/bump for air
To the ends of the dying star, Earth unqualified as a planet except to the pretty denizens of It.

In the middle of living in the reality we call the Earthly existence, we need gigs and holy digs
Without them we perish, unhappy and unhealthy, possibly murdered or left to dead buzzards
It never really mattered at all even before the civilized and modern left hostility to world war
Sundown or in the middle of the blazing golden dawn, this is our home sweet home, eh or...

It just can’t be all there is, this living and working for a living, semi-retiring or just expiring
But why, who cares? I fu-queen care and if you don’t I’ll make you care, you’re on, offspring
Not of the kings and queens, not of the fake leaders of the peaceful and violent packs of fags
I will always be what I want to be as will you, the rub is, you have no clue, your old belly sags.

Fortune’s what YOU make not what is given to you for free, even freedom isn’t free y’all know
Come over to my place where the living is as good as gold, out in the foothills of Sierra’s snow
Opened up the gates just past the boulders up a hill and around back, #Solocup mud hole off
Of me, me casa, you casa, put all of the fifths, gallons & flasks in the old plug’s horse trough.

It’s darker than a hangover you get every weekend, kids grew up and left town, likability split
Now it’s the way it was down by the riverside when we got carried away, it was a real #FitByte
On the tailgate ‘til morning light, sparkin’ up in a fixed Void, it’s all about mama’s good fight
Dixie plates and Solo cups, let good times roll, me casa, su casa, bonfire’s cold, so hot, ignite!

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, September 5th, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ Drafted listenin’ to some TheRealBigSmo #DownINTheBackwoods & HITS cuz, I gotta get carried away ... link @  )

Friday, September 04, 2020

#IfAllYourFriendsJumpedOffACliffWouldYou? #YallWannaGitHah #JustJump #DontForgetBringATowel #Towlieban #CluelessFired

Under a pale moon and a sky full of hot star rocks, just like this one before it burned cold stiff
All there’s left is the H2O of the rivers, the seven seas from the Arctic north to Antarctic cliffs
Margaritas are up and if you can’t drink 6 you’ll miss the hair of the dog early on in AM doubt
Ain’t worried about all the sorrow your mother and father left you, all of the gods leaked out.

We used to be a star in the Dark Void, above, as below, burnt dirt is It, y’all dumb and deaf?
It’s all we all got y’all and it’s not your fault, it’s not my fault, we are stuck where we got left
Abandoned by the hydrogen and oxygen Origin and left with the rivers and seas of silence fire
Down deep to the surface of all that’s left of the the gas, the Hydrogen and Oxygen, all we are!

Straight to Hades in a hand basket or just full of lead lined-holes or steel-slivered, fine edge
Sharpened on stone, impossible to crack or break on stone or bone, learned power in a pledge
To be or not to be was never anybody but a hobo’s question, everyone else immersed the One
INside the bones and all of the pints of inner blood, buzzed on just 2 jugs of a goddess’ gun!

You worked hard, every day, every year you paid your taxes and back alimony, welfare guts
Mr. Misunderstood on the Earth, one bad mutha shut my mouth, hangin’ in the middle of It
Sky cloudy white, azure blue or black void of the 24 hour flight around the grand Mother hit
Light and heat takes a couple seconds from the Sun’s surface to get earthbound, roots & nuts!

Been in Florida’s hot sun with bikini mamas on a quicky weekend out with girls from a haze
They’d go back to normal being schoolteachers and administrators, lead science/math tease
No way ever to see or be seen by the blind third, second or the first God’s eye, MrHerb Man
Pilots fly nearly high enough, astro and cosmo men and women spacewalked on this omen.

Knocked boots even when I had ‘em kicked off by the door, a place in Space I want to be
By the fireplace’s hot, crackling #Fire we could feel a self healing warm, cosmic plasma
My attitude changed from the day of my conception in my mother’s empty womb of ova
Hooray for the eggs and of course the gametes with unimpeded flagella, only One to be.

Clearly, alcohol is a necessary condition for peace and happiness until it’s all gone, um, duh
Bottles and cans, left over water-cubes wet emptiness and a memory of being screwed too
Not the sex kind but the rolled and robbed kind, my wallet was in the trash, cards, cash no
I used to care but now I don’t GAF and there’s a reason for that and this, I’m gonna tell ya.

Before you knew, you saw what you saw an remembered how it all went down, can’t you see
It’s all a matter of going through it once, recollecting the process to repeat involuntarily to be
Reincarnated or not, even if this is a one shot deal, luck of the draw so to speak, angels await
All of the souls outside of the bodies that are alive on Earth want to be born, want women PG.

Love is the hook and the spunk of the boys and girls make the friction necessary condition, It
They do It, over and over again to make certain that the thing itself is procreated with the Tit
Mammary glands with a source of Oneness within, without which animal life will extinguish
Explains the attraction to that #Homespot, can’t you see old Mother Earth’s boys, just wish!

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, September the 4th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 07:11 Ante-Meridian, Pacific Standard T
{ Drafted listenin’ to the Hippies Grateful Dead link @ https://youtu.be/byEwZAXAy4g }

Thursday, September 03, 2020

#GoneAndForgotten #NoProblemo #WakeTheFemaleDogsUp #GoStraightToHehl

Richard Joseph Stephan·Thursday, September 3, 2020
***** boots need knockin *****
Woke up in the middle of the daymare you can never see first hand, it’s deep inside my dope
Frozen freaks and spectacular perfect forms of the way men and women used to be, you see
It’s not a matter of me or you liking what it’s always been or what it’s gonna be in a century
All Jose Cuervo tequila and black jack down my gullet and through my nervous system hope.

This pathos and comedy should keep you and I wide awake 24/7 but we’ve gotta get shut eye
#18 hours every day, 24 hours of data broadcast into my cerebral cortex to become a 3.14 pie
In geometric progression from your lips that the unmoved movers of the things themselves
Substance involves the atomic and sub-atomic, prefabricated Void of the Origin of Fire elves.

Compared to nothing on Earth and everything in Heaven, you and I are huge cogs in the mix
Killers and eaters of the dead things, plants and animals, sometimes ourselves in hard times
White, yellow, brown & red men used to run the show with religion’s blind faith, nomo nomo
Now and from here on out to the end of the species and our solar system, what will be will be.

As if there’s a reason to be alive, to survive every day knowing that everyone will, we’ll all die
Some in our sleep, some in pain until loss of consciousness and some just after a sand pound
Like the atoms collide, people and every other animal on Earth collide, tryin’ to stick around
Awaken to darkness or blazing light, a matter of Earth’s wobbling revolution, fly maggots fly.

You, know nothing yet claim to have knowledge you cannot divulge, just throw it in the truck
On philosophy of living and dying on the surface of a spinning, wobbling mass of dead rock
Why the accident of life happened in the first place and when the trip ends, hey y’all let’s talk
Fundamental origin leads to the inevitable chain reaction of the invincible, imaginary phuq.

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, September 3rd, 2020 A.D. @ 12:12 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to the Allman Brothers Band link @ https://youtu.be/r82i-RPzIwc}

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

@JackieGreene #PapaDontTakeNoMess #MamaKnowsBetter

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, September 2, 2020
----------------   #PapaDontTakeNoMessYall ----------------
Dusted off, imploded in a microbe Singularity, suckered into incarnated sex pistol flagellates
From deep depths of being a barefoot senorita with two Margaritas to send me to places gone
I need some music and a couple more shots and I’ll be gone, right here and now, altered fates
Free to be me anytime I want cuz, I’m the One who created my commingled warrior top-gun.

A gracious bow to my ancestors who preceded me before I find myself all gone, back to dust
There’s no sun and no rain and definitely no pain where we’re all goin’ to the Great Beyond
Last chances to be the good, the bad and the ugly to take advantage of anything but the death
Miami to Peking, nothing stops a virus or a bacterium from moving into the seizing of breath.

You may have forgotten about your own mortality because you’re so busy stayin’ alive, alone
Family and friends cannot stand in for you when it’s time to take a powder from power, stone
In Pacific or Atlantic or Indian oceans or any of the bottomless Dead Seas of a dry rotted rock
Without hydrogen and oxygen’s accidentally recombined a gravitational collapse on a block.

Gods got nothing to say before the linguistics were materialized from the ether, the form’s O
Sooner than later, the floating and sinking will be done, like it never existed at all, caput bro!
All of us, all of yours and mine, all gone, Time and Space of the eclectic divinity, invisible roe
Big Bang is coming in an eon or two, maybe three, we’ll be on our way, Singularity be in me!

Pertaining to the unknown pressure you see in the middle of a green rive-run to my equators
Nothing else you’ll think of doing except, eating, sleeping, staying out of trouble, old tweeters
In a thorough search for the meaning of life according to my father and brothers, holy secrets
Shoes and gloves off, naked as the birth day’s light, 208 bones swig a Margarita, Tequila fits.

Smoked, drank, snorted and listened to the rock of ages, the century’s divine sounds of Man
Boys and girls couldn’t take much more than the orphanage could dish out, we adopted pain
Now on the far end of the living life spectrum from to be or not to be to what could have been
Missed the opportunity that was knocking on the wood, I thought someone would answer it.

Sorry about nothing, it’s not my fault or my responsibility and you know it’s the Truth, news
Hair of the dog comes once or twice every week ‘til my liver wouldn’t give me another stagger
Kidneys did their best but the dialysis killed the living, injected the venom of death’s dagger
Leaked living water, locked, loaded, red, whitey gone deep dive into a pretty senorita’s blues.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, September 2nd, 2020 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to Allman Brothers Band #HITS https://youtu.be/r82i-RPzIwc }

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

#BootsNeedKnockin' #DownWithTheSound #UpWithTheFinger #TalkinSmackBlack

----------------------  #ThisIsAStickUp  ---------------------
We used to call the black and white film Silent Movies, then Talkies, Miles Davis’ stone cool
Intention of Power, your father in heaven, who found this power of the Herd-law & order rule
Not even one of the herd is allowed to get out of line, there’s no cowboys in a moral dilemma
Pertaining to the nature of the dream, the #Woke man and woman used to be infrared fella!

I can be a simple mind for a moment while I relate to ones who’ll never be a Hollywood stone
As you’ve been so far out of the mainstream thoughts of mankind for decades, it is well done
Grown from spores and eggs into the fodder for the spinning of the wheel of fortune, no loser
Never losing and always with everything I’ve begun with, a code, an idea is a singular winner.

Grapevine from origin to the final point of the whole shebang, the death of the person you are
What happens to all of the things you’ve done for the good of your soul? What happened to I
My ego has nothing to do with it, that’s an illusion that I’m different from the world’s Matter
Form of shapes lost, mostly a uniform 208 bones to frame It, six feet long void, a Haymaker.

Slapping us silly with information battles of losers who love to follow but it is never all over
And over ad infinitum, reincarnated from the gnats and gadflies we come loaded for the bear
You know about the lock and load routine but you must also bleed the philosophy of holy Ra
Both a general and a particular thing itself, the form takes on the matter and vice versa, ouila!

Pharaohs, Kings & Queens who have mercy on their subjects, they’re mortals, faith blinded
Requiring a miracle that is caused by the Will of the Power that projects the event as ended
Your ideas about what you see with your lying eyes can be your downfall to the lowest trauma
More resolutions than dilemmas of chaos’ #RaceWar’s Power to direct apes to fake Nirvana.

r j j stephan, i wake-the-dead #BeWokeOnes
c. Tuesday, September 1st, 2000 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ SlamJam dunk, perusing Popeye’s hour-Classic link @ https://youtu.be/mlg2VJj837U }

Monday, August 31, 2020

LastDayAugust2020 FiniteInfinityClosure ProductionReproductionExtinction AdInfinitum Margaritas123, WhenPigsFly...

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, August 31, 2020
------------------- #FreedomAintEverFree --------------------
For twice upon a time comes true only in dreams, repetition ad infinitum for the sake of stars
Burned being a bad thing or a good thing depending on One’s points of view, there are Many
From the simple subatomic particles to the macro solar systems and plethora of galactic bars
Where the gods are three sheets to the wind, surfing on a solar wind, it costs a pretty penny.

Details on the matter and form, the substance of the things themselves, there is Nothing else
For the last time, you & I drive home...after the night we went #AllTheWay, you got so scared
You wouldn’t speak with me for weeks, you may have been pregnant with a son of God thing
Else you just needed to go have some fun, on Cupid's Undie Run & #SuperSpreader #Faking.

I’m shivering, send the gang bangers to the #Twitter as #AsILieDying, ready, set up the blues
Mothers & sisters not only procreate the species’ planetary survival, extinction & #FakeNews
Stop is not an option in the ultimate termination of the pattern of civilized BBQ’s, I’m on Fire
Hot, sacred bonfire in sacred hearts and holy souls, twirl of swirl in a chasm, birds on a wire.

Thank the Roman and Greek and gods above this planet’s atmosphere for a 7th son’s fortune
If there is no solution to a problem then it’s not a problem at all, yet there is a single solution
#WhereIComeFrom there is no sun and no moon, there is no solar system of planetary belts
Send a billion humans out of here and now in rocket ships that come and go in somersaults.

I’m figuratively banging a gong while I personally play T.Rex, bang a gong ‘til you’re all gone
Of boredom like a gold fish or black molly in petri-dish existence, same old song, we cool cats
Nothing better but there’s one thing worse and that is not being alive at all, being skin & bone
Mercy being alive as savage, cannibals are hungry for the CoVid19, #BatFlu sons of dirty rats.

Too young then too old but there was a a NYC minute, momentum in a Twilight Zone too late
To be your idol, the saint above and beyond the normal humanoid genome is a privileged fate
Nothing to look up to and nothing to look down upon, just a boy turned into a man, evermore
Third eye blinded by Faith’s words, AHO, streetwalker scat-fire hung lowdown on the corner.

c. Lundi, August 31st, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST

Sunday, August 30, 2020

#StuckInTheMiddleWithYou #ButWhyAreYouHere #EverybodyElseIsLongGone #ThatsAllFolks

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, August 30, 2020
------------------------- #DamnedSkippy -------------------------
I will miss this place in Space when I see no more, vision becomes awareness of this 1’s Void
Utter singularity at the bottom of our hearts and deep within the blue blood of a hemorrhoid
It fires up the smoldering embers that haven’t been on fire in eons, running the dozens hoods
With or without you I move to the beat and rhythm of sirens crying to the stars of the woods.

Inside seven seas, It begins underfoot of transitory incarnations, homo sapiens drop a dime
The animal ovulation of Eve and the process of becoming present to in-breed & to reproduce
What this substance is, this effulgence pouring out from the center of the matrix’ ace & deuce
In a mix just to bring the alpha to face the omega before it’s Time yet it’s Space is in due time.

For me the most important chops and shreds I can muster is this iota of prime ribs off a slab
Vamanos means come on, let’s go in Latin and you’ve no free choice when you hear The Call
When Corazon Espinado comes in television, she’s replace by my love in my life, oh Carolita
She moves better than I and she thinks more clear and is actually God’s gift to this solo mio.

Nobody can ever stop me from being right next to the bones and a beauty bleeding bladder
Can’t play games with her that I learned from the block, in the hood world, she knows Fear
Nothing escapes the locks of the gold and silver mines within her 999 cc’s of off-grey matter
Meridians, perimeters, boundaries just more words for Nothing, the Void, All There Is here.

Out of the blues in and out of everywhere that you hope is more than it appears to be, empty
Specifically, if there is no river, there’s no creation of a river bed, if there’s no men to be free
Of the snakes and rats who seek and destroy what’s left over by random, holy rat’s odd maze
Mean streets and deadend crossroads up the freeway, down the turnpike, jam expressways.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, August 30th, 2020 @10:10 AM PST
{ Drafted post-pandemic while listenin’ to #WhenTheGeneralsTalk by https://youtu.be/OcKcjpSWmm0 & @CarlosSantana #LIVE2020 https://youtu.be/Afaf6YWWqD4 & watchin’ #ShaoLin https://youtu.be/pcIuVT3X_UI }