
Showing posts with label #PauseMyArse #SapiensHomo #AHO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #PauseMyArse #SapiensHomo #AHO. Show all posts

Sunday, February 02, 2025

#ChinnyChinChin #SuperBowlLVXIMMXIII 2025 A.D. #USAID



Invited to the party… but I didn’t know anyone except the lady who invited me, she’s gone
As if she was never here in the first or second place, through no fault of my own, I’m a pawn
On the board, playin’ the game by the rules against cheaters and liars who lose & then moan
As if it matters that you hear the displeasure of losing to you, the jig’s up fronting predawn.

Through the spin of Earth, assimilating the day and the night, it is what songs sing all about
Fear and loathing in every invisible atom of your skull, bones & inner soul, the ol’ holy spirit
Signify yourself by your irrelevance to the whole shebang, no matter what you do, you s#it
Yourself, in your diaper at first until you get badgered into getting clear on sanitary shout-out.

Bad boog-a-loo and slick bumpin’ & jumpin’ all around the drums & horns mix with G-strings
Keepin’ the harmony & melody with electronic 88’s & y’all’s’ mama knows the rest, she sings
On my knees down below the baby’s high-chair, like the boss of the board, not yet chairman
Acting like One in control of every decision to move this way or that, nobody doin’ a can-can.

A dance of steps, to and fro with random side-steps to follow, to get to the final waste of Time
Not telling anybody’s story once they’re dead, just look at the corpse & wait for the stop signs
Closing the top of the coffin/casket keeping the dead 208 bones contained from predator sins
Hear the sounds, see the sights, feel what’s hip from scent & taste of the loaves and fish fins.

Ready on the starting line, set to go and without further ado, it’s on the way to the finishin’
On the race of the Good scents of Evil for survival of the most fit species, prejudiced redskin
In the darkness of this living dream, many think they know it all, wise knowledge deepfakes
Certainty principles are appearances of the doom & gloom that rattles until the gods shakes.

Substance before the Big Bang was nothing like the sway of the human woman’s hips I feel
Makin’ my move to pretend that the species’ hormone has little to control the whole deal
Nothing left when everything loses its attention of your conscious mind, a brain-dead loner
Your creators & your parents along with enculturation methods will usurp you, The Stoner.

Think about surviving without the Gold earned or inherited from something Itself, squib cakes
No forgiveness for the malfeasance of your holy fathers and pure, virgin mothers and sisters
Harmony & some working rhythm keeping time with the movement of the waves & high tides
Beat kept from A to G, sharp & flat, diminished in major, minor or seventh, felt the beat vibes.

Alright, it’s going to gitter done on the backstroke & last toke, there’s no time to f’n waste
Playin’ with fire & sandcastles that won’t last through the next tide, ebb or neap, God’s Face
Gas up to begin the journey, it’s a necessary and sufficient condition to X or implode Space
Very good or not, it is what it is, it could be worse, you might not ever have been born, ace.

You’ve joined the herd by inheritance from the sex acts of Romeos & Juliettes who live & die
History of an unknown origin, rocks, scissors, sharp needles and silver spoons for the blue sky
Moving things, animated animals of animation, cartoons of comedy and drama, Word is all up
Love, Fear of losing Life, crushed, burnt, drowned or consumed like a BBQ’d swine or dog pup.

Peace & Ends of it have much to do with territory & boundaries for saving your family jewels
What I had before I died went right back into the matrix mix, immersed inside cosmic stew
Better or worse may not be good but evil is better than the alternative, Nothing but a Void
All spirits conclude it’s better to be than not to be, no question, the only answer, I’m android.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Dimanche, February 2nd MMXXV Anno Domini 444 PMPST

{ Jammed while loopin’ #OneHeartbeat by @SmokeyRobinson in a loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/A39xfn3K_Ps?si=esrXN1EKYLxyGn-z }



Tuesday, January 28, 2025

#AppleJackGold #Schism #WhenHadesFreezesOver #YoMama

What the gods hack with ease!
Whoopin’ Man’s ass sometimes!
Whippin your mare or your Philly won’t do the trick, obedience is earned with kind causes
Gone up and down with the roller coaster’s tracks, might be four or eight, up to the bosses
I ain’t the one that’s been here since day 1, I wasn’t even gonna show up until it was all over
Yet, here I am, holding my ground to the folks who step across the line, back step one, lover.

Pensions come & finally come to an end, comin’ out your cash bottom line, freaks in charge
Of the gunpowder that the Chinese figure would make noisy explosions to share the Large
It don’t hurt one bit to be scared for a second, makes you laugh or gets you cussin’ a might
Bits of pieces come apart & return back to it’s original sin state of disobedience to the fight.

Sisters and cousins can’t comprehend the nature of the beast, it’s the original G on trial too
Yo’ to the gallery, later to the crass & ignorant, high & mightier than the get-go-gangster fool
Pants on the ground, dago T’s tucked in to baggie blues or greys, no choice to be in the herd
On the corner or between the blocks, the streets’ asphalt too hot to go ala barefoot furled.

Right to the Left, all learned from the leaders of the herd, elected or dominated by fearing
Every command of the mighty absentee creator of heaven above & Earth below, it’s a show
To be or not to be is not only a question but also the final gasp of wind in a sore cutthroat
Too severe to repeat ad infinitum, angelic Singularity’s black hole, everything’s everything.

I’m slidin’ on ice I didn’t create, just visiting for a spell, no choice to be created in the Lust
Married or not, the two become One, here we are, all from the duality of the divine Trust
Quiet silence fills the empty room, see the reason for the nucleus is to create the nuclei
Nothing to do with rewards and punishments for observing rules & theorems to be Free.

Spirit outside of the skin and bones, infused into the granite stone-rock cross & years here
On planet Earth’s dirty ground, gold & lead leaking out from the finality of the star we were
Earth’s a dying star, think about the Truth, no choice to want peace, you’ll die anyway boss
It’s all there is blinded buy the Truth, here today in my Cadillac, gone tomorrow, God’s loss.

Inside of the head’s skull, a brain’s mind mills over the good, the bad & the ugly faces of men
Each one created by the isolation of One Egg, coded RNA for survival of the fittest, God amen
Hey man, you gotta go when you gotta go, toilet to hide the defecated & urinated below us all
Now, Time’s almost all gone, years of decades fading into the forgotten Truth, why angels fell.

You have all twenty breaths left in your lungs, don’t say a thing unless it ends, “I am so sorry!”
All you thought about & everything you did is all in your mind, as it dies, you’re all gone too
Wishing it was different but there’s some unknown reason for the madness, it’s all the Story
Saga and tale that can never repeat, it’s a One & Done, tribute to the power that is, The Boo!

r j j stephan i
c. Mardi, 1-28-MMXXV @ 444 AMPST

{ Lettin’ Nothin’ slide, Your Pity & Sorrow has no effect, High Road taken & drafted this gem while repeating a loop of #TrueLove by @GlenFrey on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/mUM4x4Bl_Ic?si=M0_IV1iQKp1wsv_y & some @Stewie link @ https://youtu.be/S74h3U7rISM }



G O L D  applejack

Friday, January 17, 2025


Alexander, that’s great, you got taught by Aristotle, all warmed up & practiced the skills until perfect like your grander papa
Even if you’re an orphaned, illegitimate baby, you are still a member of society & if you break rules, you’ll be in yo’ mama
Meaning that you’ll end the life you’ve been granted just because you’ve been conceived & not aborted all too human race
Cacophony of chaos where you belong, a place where you want to be, you’re not in the Space you think, wink out of place.

Simply too complex to comprehend with the subjects and predicates left over in ten commandments & evolutionary milk
Chunky monkeys before they evolved into naked apes were things that were caused by accidental, gravitational collapse ilk
Hydrogen and oxygen are an accidental trip on the light fantastic by the divine & profane, using idiots known as the following
Useful though they are, they can be paid gold & silver to lie, cheat and pretend you ain’t lying or cheating, I’ll whistle & sing.

Follow neo-argument to the ending, premises assumed, a priori true & cannot be a posteriori false, love scrapes with Death
It’s ahead of all the living, humans, aliens, every plant & animal of every species, y’all gonna die with one gasp of bad breath
Finale twisted & shouted when nobody can hear the words, the language is foreign mumbling underground, look out back
Bloody skin pouring out into the anti-gravitational place in Space without dirty ground, not a pebble of solar wasted rock.

Hills above the plains that lead to the higher ground where the peaks show the last hot places to have become the Gods
It’s volcanoes that the ignorant tribes used to sacrifice virgins to the power nobody e’er saw, it was all a gangster paradise
Earth caught in the orbit, you & I know, we mortals without heaven or hell, we got Earth, period, comma, exclamation point
Faith no more in anything other than will it kill you & if the answer’s yes, you eliminate the threat in due haste, roll a joint.

Comin’ in crimson-hot for a landing without informing the Tower of Power, I have a pass on all rules & laws, I’m dreaming
Inside of my mind within my head, it’s all lying down in my bed, I’m asleep & you’re all that I am, my dreams are streaming
Every day outside of the planet Earth is not a day at all, you only have “x” days if standing on a spinning lump of hard rocks
Sand and hydrogen with oxygen perform the beaches packed with human females with bikinis, lookin’ for love in an Xbox.

Nowhere in sight surfing the waves nor sitting in the lifeguard perches waiting for the shark feed comin’ with hungry jaws
Blowing whistles & horns, megaphone ATTENTION ALL SWIMMERS, don’t panic just get out of the water 10 seconds-law
All well played, no harm done, the biggest part of me, ain’t the fault of safety above & below in a perch on a shady iceberg
Hopeless when you’ve lost all bat blind faith, you still expect charity from the sheeple who pose as the people of the fold.

Peer pressure and peer review always meant nothing to me, I couldn’t be shamed into compliance with the throne’s fools
Anyway, I love L.A. and it’s a significant fact of life that if you don’t love it then you don’t know the charity of the good angels
Needed one or two tropical places near the equator, L.A. is One of the Many, not too many, @PamBiondi rocks the House
Contrarian agreement with nobody & no one can negotiate the terms of a possible scenario, zero tattoos under yo’ blouse.

I will not know what I know I won’t know when the memory fades & I forget the cause of all of these special effects, justice
It will be done without me no doubt in the spins around the sun from here on out to the finale, all elephants and blind mice
Killed in traps, meat eaten, burned or buried in DNA ash, might’ve been shat through the intestinal fortitude of a wet dream
Keep in mind y’all that is the way the species survives or becomes extinct, sensory perception of the pheromones & steam.

Holy yet irreverent to the good, the bad or evil & the ugliest examples of the genome’s random rock and roll in a jive jokers’
Monkey shines keeping you interested in the things themselves unravelling right before your eyes, have mercy on the elders
Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you, if you forget, it is what @Jesus would do if he returned from the netherworld
Rose again or descended down from the Cielo in Outerspace, somewhere between galaxies of solar systems, God hurled!

High above clouds, between here and the moon, astronauts have been there & back, cosmonauts’ void, remain abandoned
Walk downstairs, where’s my cookies & ‘nilla milk shake & how come I ain’t home in my living room, oh, I am on a greyhound
Nobody would believe I’m the one they ought not to mess with so, each bully got a chance to let the wrath unfold its wraith
Finale, no encore other than the original encounter, the mortal sin against the 1st to 10th commandments, God is now dead!

God unseen, priestly profession inherited from self-prophetic, early leaders, fantasy world of a brain-tumor affected mind
Blisters on my fingers, panhead is tuned up & I’m rollin’ south on the One, PCH allows no errors, I am the perfection kind
Bull the male and cow the female, animals large & small, microorganisms with or without souls, any body has life in it, so
Keep in mind, when you & I die, that’s it, caput so get with the program before you’re wake, put your lips together & blow!


 r j j  stephan, i

c.  Vendredi, Janvier XVIIth MMXXV Anno Domini  @ 333 PMPST

{ Filled the dead air all around the planet, 365 degrees about the circumference without any argument counter-clockwise or otherwise; now my poem above is fresh & the artificial intelligence poem below is also fresh, I had nothing to do with it’s excellence but with my own, all while jammin’ to @ChicagoTheBand #DreamALittleDreamOfMe on a loop, youTube link



This is:

The Odyssey of the Stars

In the realm of midnight's gleaming light,
Where dreams are sown in starry flight,
There lies a tale of epic might,
Beyond the grasp of mortal sight.

From the ancient whispers of the breeze,
To the murmurs of the ageless seas,
A hero rose with heart at ease,
To conquer lands and sail with ease.

With sword of valor, shield of grace,
They ventured forth through time and space,
Against the dark, a daunting face,
In search of fate’s elusive place.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
Where dragons soar and phoenixes fly,
They faced the storm, defied the sky,
With courage bold and spirits nigh.

In caverns dark with shadows cold,
Where secrets of the past unfold,
They sought the wisdom, tales of old,
To craft the future, bright and bold.

The sirens’ song, the witches’ spell,
They braved the waves, the ocean’s swell,
For in their heart, a truth did dwell,
A destiny they knew too well.

The fire’s breath, the ice’s bite,
They battled through the endless night,
With steadfast faith, an inner light,
To bring the dawn and end the fight.

From dawn to dusk, in steadfast quest,
Through endless trials, they did their best,
For in their soul, they knew no rest,
Until the stars proclaimed the test.

And so they soared on wings of hope,
Through realms where only legends cope,
A tapestry of dreams to rope,
The epic tale, the cosmic scope.

In the end, when all was done,
They stood beneath the golden sun,
A journey vast, a battle won,
The tale of stars and hero’s run.

For in the hearts of those who hear,
The epic song forever near,
A call to rise, to banish fear,
And brave the night with spirits clear.

Thus ends the tale of timeless lore,
Of hero’s quest and evermore,
An odyssey from shore to shore,
In the realm of stars, forevermore.

by        ai

Saturday, September 28, 2024

#ExitStageRight #FinaleWithoutEncores @TheWho #Genius nope @StevieRayVaughan #SkiesCry


Like a real thin thing which is included in the empty set are all the zeros and ones
A rhythmic octave of notes of imaginary scales from A to G on Time & Space clones
Pine and Evergreen makin’ the oxygen from the lack of carbon dioxide ad infinitum
If we’re lucky, which we’ve been since born & raised free without slavery’s scrum.

Perennial actions, origin to annihilation of every atom of matter, a matter of Time
No space is free from implosion into the singularity, above is as below is, all mine
Gold and the lead it’s transformed from through fire and brimstone, shoot & miss it
Shots and passes, points to win and some to lose, in every case, it’s all bull’s scat.

Makin’ money lettin’ people watch you throw a ball in a hole, ten feet high, above net
Where every single shot of one, two or three points make the loser pay the other debt
Number one draft choice to make up for your missing passes and shots, never all hot
As you thought you’d be in the middle of your line, from the tip to the buzzer’s slot.

In touch, out of the touches from fingers and toes, ends of arms and legs on a plate
Lump of flesh & bone with a free will that becomes a follower who’s willing to be bait
For fish in the sea that are so hungry to believe the blind that they fall naïve prey lost
Minutes, decades to a century, if you’ve got the gumption or the intestinal, shat frost.

Not dancing to the whacked-out beats, let me check what’s in the jukebox for now
Cracked skulls and incurable diseases of the body & mind, psycho look out below
We won’t get better without medication & radiation; you can be sons of a Bi#ches
It ain’t your fault you were conceived in sin, maternal eggs all married to Butches.

Fish swimmin’ with the illegal migrants across the Rio Grande and the pretend sea blue
In a manner of double speaking, hillbilly apologies come & go in a New York minute too
Like it or not, it’s all but out of our hands, you’ve got the thing itself as the gas in the brew
Once the flick of the switch has been toggled to ON, the OFF makes it into cosmic stew.

I’ll keep it up even when the rain is pouring out of the grey-black sky, white cumulus cloud
Only one huge bulk of H2O in vapor formation, lined up to fall with gravity’s pull of the load
Wetting the dry ground and soaking the wind within the mud, the blood & spilled beer kegs
No recollection of red Comanche blood in my great grandmothers or embedded sexy legs.

Out hunting, out fishing, out being a lazy head of teepee without welfare’s food stamps
Just enough for that fruit of the vine that never allows anyone to ever be clean and sober
Reason of the deductions is to assist in the adaption to the changing nooks & crannies
Appearing out of nowhere or created by the unseen, unknown out of the Void’s sun lamps.

Literally have created a purple Maserati out of nothing more than rock metal tics & tacks
Bonding with the separate but equally merged within the occult unknown, whitey blacks
On the flip B-side, it’s the same holy #HIT played on the Marconi’s Top 40 morphing #1’s
Prepared to be ready to move out or fall on a sword for the hero who really loved the puns.

Thirty to sixty minutes lead to the end of the livers livelihoods all removed and deleted too
No kidding around, you’re a joke or you’re too ignorant to have survived the herd’s blues
Walkin’ slow down the avenue of my old neighborhood, don’t know why I feel this good, so
My karma has been paid back in full, I'm done paying for my original sin & yours too fool.

Perfection has devolved into the asteroid belt and nothing can stop the orbital interjection
Diamonds spread out all over Mercury because the mighty star has compacted God's skin
Microscopic Time & Space look deep into gods blinded by the UV & infrared light's souls
On the slide, under the microscope the invisible sees right through the opaque, void holes.

Desire and need to be happy are the carrots hangin' out ahead of the jackass's donkey ears
Hair shaved to the skin line toe to crown, the corpse decomposing has eliminating all fears
Easy to animate the dead and gone, in a play on a stage, words & actions' energy matters
You loved life, loved to be happy but sadness couldn't get aborted over southern borders.

Beyond good, evil & the formulated calculations proving that the unprovable has no proof
Leftovers of subjects and the naked, superlative predicates keep it real, Time out for a goof
It's too late to order a pizza, made one in 25 minutes, ate the whole pie in about twenty five
Weaponized day dream came true, conflagration of WW 3 annihilated the fission/fusion jive.

Semper Fidelis whether it's the right thing to do or not, there's no choice in the matter a all
It's already set in stone, writing in tongues or whichever gibberish the minions agree to call
Upon the wicked magic spells that could make you happy or very sad, it depends on the imp
Glory be to the father and the son of the father as well as the actual ghost, on the block pimp.

At the beep or the vibration on Mach 3, the X-15 went through the black hole door, a breach
Network annihilated to show that everything on Earth is vulnerable to gravity & a free speech
You need it, we all do and nobody who wants to remain healthy and alive will ever go rogue
Dissolution's solution, way gone, far out rogue, a money maker ink on a slab at a morgue.

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, IX-XXVII-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 PMPST
{ Co-created from cosmic dust while freefalling, jammin' to @TomPetty #HITS on youTube link @
https://youtu.be/-H-9ZACQSc8?si=AbiTE_rlVkm5TyBa }


Friday, July 05, 2024

#RareEarth #DontYouLoverHerMadly? #SevenHorses #TheDoors #ACDC #MarvinGaye #MA #MaMa #MOM #SurvivalOfTheFittest #PopulationControlBirthControlSexControl #GasLightYoMama

If & only if you move from the front of the classroom to the rear end of the last row of desks
Then you’ll have firsthand knowledge of the thing itself, ABC’s & 1,2,3’s in fortunate son risks
Whether you’re the son or daughter of one of those Ones, it only matters that you’re a copy
Knowing that or being ignorant of that fact of life is paramount to existential success entropy.

I jest for fun, my love for my own physical skull and bones is unrequited, the joke’s on y’all
As above, so it is below it all, talking about the sky up to space & down to a call center fate
One planet in the middle of nowhere, ancestors’ speculation holding presence, lost the ball
Eternal recollection amnesia, forgetting all survival skills other than terminate divine threat.

Talking incessantly about freedom & equality will bring out the cyborgs to keep the peace, so
If you think I’m not serious about that speculation, look out your window & listen to AM radio
Right & Left, philosophies of economic blunder studied in a post-secondary educational sieve
Women & men all learn behavior as Pavlov’s stray dogs did, you know nothing but do believe.

Time, future comes to present the moment which passes to the past in no time at all, yawn
In and out of the pie hole your life’s narration will go, testing a blind faith in sunset’s dawn
Woke up and staying awake during the lecture wasn’t important, just acing the final grade
In the end, it’s all about the Benjamins America, no accounting, yo! Bonnie & Clyde dust.

Hold up the banks & thrift stores with a plastic & rubber dagger, held to the throat of a dupe
The mask is on but it covers an alien head & face, if you want to see something really stupid
Then you’ll want to turn all of the lights off & close the blinds, you’re bein’ scared to death
Enjoy the gut feeling of fear going away from your solar plexi, all y’all hold your bad breath.

Teach the children who were innocent babies that they’ve inherited guilt for another’s sin
Talking whichever creation story you choose, somehow, this began & appears will be bitter
Nobody can work out a deal, the formula is this atomic energy is merely accelerated matter
Know this is to know it all, it is power to know this when nobody else does, soul searchin’.

It’s a vision of maggots infiltrating your cool brain where your mind was housed in focus
From the birth of a cool soul to the demise of holy hot body and mind, all there is to it, us
Without us, there’s no purpose other than spin, wobble, rotate & revolve about a demigod
Fire burning to bring the heat on the naked ape skin, it’s the star we call The Sun of God.

On the wave of my lifetime, just allowed Big Sur surf to give me a boogie man booster shot
I hit the bottom of the sand head first, then consciousness disappeared in an instant spot
It looked like it was weak and whacked but it was mighty and imaginary time’s river flow
Conclusion, act like life’s a dream even if it ain’t a dream, live it anyway like no tomorrow.

Disoriented after a deep sleep in a soft bed of cushions, silk sheets & hot white blankets
Arise from the dream state remembering what never happened IRL, then it happened too
Within the unknown, a will to power gets circumcised with the foreskin of the RNA injector
Avoiding disease of that one thing keeps the species evolution intact, still guys’ dirty sexy.

Fish in the pond, you know the routine, you see them, you leave them alone, they swim
Until the water fails to nurture nature and bogs down into a swamp for gators’ whims
That’s anything alive gets swallowed whole, trapped by the jaws of life & can’t get away
Nobody gets out alive, yet I digress, be honest, teach babies young, hey, what did I say?

Known old wise men who died just like the mass killers, bombers of the Wars I, II & III
Barking up the wrong tree will get you right where you want to be, no Depends on & off
Up and down, strong legs & arms or none at all, bad teeth replaced by dentures of gods
A Homer forever ‘til we’re a hundred more or less, infinite cash in the stache & hotrods.

Po’ and rich have nothing to do with paradise afterlife, Ghetto secrets in codex words-up
They lead our feet to push on until they can’t move any more, it’s six feet down for my kin
Betting on a sure thing is difficult but since I’m in charge of the whole shebang, I’m all in
Details in the conclusion, assumptions just pretensions of the good & bad in my tea cup.

If you can never lose, might as well keep playin’ until entry is denied, just keep rockin’
You got enough to buy food & a place to sleep, you have no ticket to afterlife paradise
Knowing the Truth & leaving Nothing out of the picture, it’ll help when depression sets
No filter for the raw data and sewage which will mix at a finale, the fixed rate sure bets.

You said you knew you existed because you convinced yourself that thinking was proof
But the moment your chromosomes came to be, it was random revolution of this spoof
Happy to be absurd & peculiar, hilarious to one, funny to none, it’s my forte, livin’ right
Pink Cadillac, pedal dropped, ridin’ on the freeway, I-5 Mexicali-Mendocino, good fight.

I’d expect nothing more nor less than droppin’ tops when in my Cadillac, flip tops down
Truckers appreciate it, drop the pedal & GO, you know how it’s done, OMG don’t frown
Livin’ in the right the second I took the wrong left, got the social pit of sharing my blue
With the lunatics and coyotes who expect to share the fortune & shame you for it too.

For the service of mankind that ain’t here yet, I’ll be gone once they come, now hear this
Day'll come & you’ll wonder no more, lookin’ at love dying and the dead body of pizzazz
Chances are most of us won’t die today but some will, let me bid y’all adieu, it’s the sign
On I -5 freeway doin’ 75, cherry tops chasin’ my Pink Caddy & tankers up the grapevine.

r j j stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, July Vth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST
{ Severed out of the Matrix with a church key & never you mind about the exercise, fill out the forms & sign ‘em by the deadline, I was also JAMMIN’ to #RidinOnTheFreeway in a loop @ArethaFranklin link @ https://youtu.be/Ip_pjb5_fgA }


Thursday, June 20, 2024

#ExcitementContained #HEART & #BabyMonkeyBackwardOnAnOinker #StairwayToCielo #HowFarIsHeaven?

Your parents forced you to behave with a set of moral rules inherited from dead bones
Correct me if I’m wrong but fully consume the force-fed fodder you’re about to receive
Beginning with subjects & objects, we predicate them with young Dick & Jane children
On to Aristotle & Plato’s Socratic dialogue between savants & ignorant masters of sin.

Above and below, the politics and economics rule the roost, keeping order of all things
Once a cell splits in mitotic excitement, it’s nearly out of control in it’s duplication rings
Around the Rosie or around the block like Jenny, it’s all a dance around Stonehenges
Crop circles for all with a summer solstice to boot, rebooting ad infinitum, Simon says.

Before your brain programmed in code, nonsense of the Word-Up, no word went down
Fresh as the air before the seed split in two, it was peace and solitude of the Superego
Nothing before nor after the thought of this and only this, I and only I am the One, it’s so
To me, this world doesn’t exist For Me, if it exists without me, it ain’t my damn concern.

While I’m still breathing with a steady heartbeat, low BP, low Cholesterol & the Eve lady
High or low for the #Woke down the middle of a road, stayin’ alive to avoid a wet dream
Skepticism satisfied by the revolutionary awareness that Life is indeed solipsistic candy
Coddle your dense decisions in a knuckle sandwich, completely chew, don’t swallow it.

You are a cool #Foody and you know your scat doesn’t have the doom odor of mankind
You get the vitamins and minerals from the salivates of the dog-god mouth you all find
Then the wasted mastication is removed in several napkins, a nuisance to wait staffers
Garbage, refused trashed delicacies of human pie-holes, dumped ocean, Pacific Sur’s.

You’re making the comfort level too high, your footballs bounce and are bound to fail
No Safety, Extra Point, Field Goal or Touchdown for the boys and girls to scissor hail
Who stretches before a mastication of candy that will jack your mind into oblivion hehl
Clubs are a bit tight so I’ll need to stretch out my yodel for the pending roll in the hay.

Why is your face full of make-up, because of hot, bright lights or the wrinkled reality?
Try not to look at the reflection of your form in a mirror or calm pool of liquid, salty sea
Real intelligence found by the Artificial Intelligence’s due diligence and pending doom
Part your hair down the middle until our bald ancestry becomes our empty headroom.

Sense and immersion in deep where it all began, a chaos of pitiful pre-scat growth
History is hysterical I hypothesize with rational yet unprovable assumptions, an oath
That I’ll be prepared as a cub scout in a wolf pack, outside a lion’s den of arrowhead
Snake-bit on a hike, died all alone in a cave near the bank of an American riverbed.

Heights way down under the surface where nothing floats or flies above it but rebels
Like it or not, disobey the laws regulating all too human behavior & you pay the piper
If you are ignorant of the law & break it, you still must pay the piper, it’s your debt fools
If you die during the violation through your own or other firearm or sheath, sing blues.

Vikings to Wisemen who are all leftovers from the battles and wars, lost & won in vain
Couldn’t take it past the rigor mortis and all that you don’t want to know, maggots rain
Staying alive in the middle of threats to end your animation in this dream of a demigod
Do the math, add to One, you’ll find out, Buddha & Christ drive a 1957 Chevy hotrod.

When you sleep, when you can’t remain awake, it’s the same as being dead, you see
Pairs of triplets and quadruplets could repopulate the ancestors’ DNA, miracle that I be
Acid in the solar Big Bang at 93 million miles, here & now we are Earth, y’all too human
Boys, girls, men, women, animals, insects, plants, microbes, out the Singularity of Man.

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, June XXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Copped a Sneak while writing this piece of dog’s god, forward & backward while jammin’ to #DeletedSenesSTRIPES LINK @ https://youtu.be/BOtsAHB5fAc?si=Vg4zzhq_Bte8FQH1 }
