Nobody on Earth or already in Nirvana, Heaven or deep below nowhere at all escapes this All in your conscious mind for the duration of breathing in and out, avoid pain & suffer bliss
Go figure it out without a calculator from Texas’ instruments, nothing is easy, it’s top shelf
Fired yesterday & hired today because nobody can live without the soul of the thing itself.
Fly on a wall returns to the foolish scat it came from, in a frog’s alimentary canal, in & out
Breeze coming through a forest of gnarled evolution of mass & energy, baby #jesus’ mouth
Secrets are silent power, you ain’t privy to the Top Secrets, it ain’t your fault, the way it is
This here and that there is the whole shebang, First Cause & Final Blip in the Void, all His.
Who was here and now before any of us who are here and now, all of our days numbered
One moment on to the last squeal in the den of asps or vermin, Con is survival after death
If you can’t get the flock to follow, it will dissolve and disappear to the humane wolves’ ilk
Stupid, innocent, despairing morons banded together, sake of all mother’s chocolate milk.
Dreams all over, all eyes blink & wake up the inside of your skull’s content, all lights, out
Can never drop the blind men and women from the gene pool, they’ve got 20/20 sights
Neither of the genders apply the high IQ intelligence inherited from their ancestral DNA
Cause of finale effect is the way it is, right now, in 2024 AD, Lord, have no mercy, it’s OK.
This here fly is on that there wall in the four cornered room with a ceiling & all hell below
Some old girls & some boys find out the Truth & others die before they know it all, so blow
Put your two lips together & force air from one of your face’s holes, no eyes, ears, at last
On the money, a singularity is ahead of your behind, to be a savior, be all too human, alas.
HIPPA is the law, you don’t get to know that I am dying of being alive longer than I deserve
It’s a matter of DNA malfunctioning and the ability of the human body to antibody disease
Killer microscopic life, in the air we breathe, in the water we boil & drink, that food we eat
Plants & animals connected in deep deposits of Earth’s magnetism & atomic oat & wheat.
Fix your understanding with missing links to what you’ll never know for certain, be #woke
Don’t study for access to the incredible conglomeration of disguises and masks, don’t choke
It will only be something regurgitated ad infinitum, if not by you by the minions who imitate
What is seen, heard, smelled, tasted and felt by skin and bone or inside of the mind of Fate.
How can you dream when you’re dead and gone? You can’t, the dream ends at death, Gone
Out of here and now, there’s all the there and then, it’s the same old song, all skin and bone
Bow down, on your knees because twilight’s zone is too bright to stay upright, eye’s on a Saint
Threatened existence in atomic fusion of intelligence and ignorance, I think I am, then I ain’t.
Bears hibernating like the living soul in the bones that can’t be awaken, they can’t be #Woke
Impossible, therefore improbable that there is any alternative to life and death, no frog croak
But there’s a whimper slipping into the darkness with or without any of us, even a fly on a wall
Yes, it’s time, gotta fly around ‘til the eight ball drains, before it’s too late, in the side, one ball.
I got a break in the action, something to fill in the empty space between the lines of abstraction
All you need to know is what you will do when you die, that’s it, everything else is all done, son
Your generation alive or dead, into the wild blue yonder or buried for the neutrinos to consume
Magic or figment of imaginary sensory perception, recall if we don’t but I assume we’ll resume.
You, me, everything that ever existed is the thing, subjected to the objective world, popeye guy
Seen the seven seas, the continents of impeccable germs, enculturated by the minions’ 3.14 pie
Shallow or deeper than the core of Earth, there’s Nothing outside Earth but Space out of Time
Ignorance is nobody’s fault, it’s the nature of the beast, what you don’t know is I’ll drop a dime.
Bars and spaces for the sharps and flats, scaled forms A to G forms of multiscaled treble & bass
Beat up the bullies and monsters for my brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, now I’m past
All fighting Irish rubbish & heavenly clouds puffed by evaporated mud lakes, a holy burial shroud
As above, so it is below, the things themselves all related to the universally renowned Ort cloud.
I got a habit I didn’t know was a habit, I just thought I liked doing that behavior, I liked it a lot
Never occurred to me until I had a dream, I was playin’ the guitar up on the moon, it was Blues
Blues were all mine before you were born, but you’re doin’ just fine, you’re on the way to get it
Preach your history to the world, they won’t care but they’ll pay to listen up to your grief’s shyt.
Kidding but not kidding, it’s not what you want to heart but what you need to hear, it’s all true
Nothing is more important than chills up the spine, the race to know Earth will do what it does
Innocent of being guilty, uncharged yet suspected due to circumstantial evidence, hearsay too
Of what crime to blame, assault, battery & psychological trauma to the heads & hearts of bros.
Hear words, play notes to synchronize the high, wet musical formation of the mountain’s dew
Sudden impact of the rocks spewed by volcanic eruption of lava as slick as hot silk, muddy spew
Ports where nobody ships in, where the fish swim freely without nets & hooks to snag them up
You’re here in the world with me, it will fool you right in front of your smooth shave soap cup.
Beard & mustachio shaved clean off except for sideburns & the hair of Delila’s Samson, not hers
Pronoun to be the ‘we’ & ‘they’ with the dead air of long hair, clipped off as if I got drunk first
Right where she wanted me again, check me out on the board, I really want to go to France live
Not after I die, unknown form, my baby is ready, we’re on the way to a café in Paris, still alive!
Go figure it out without a calculator from Texas’ instruments, nothing is easy, it’s top shelf
Fired yesterday & hired today because nobody can live without the soul of the thing itself.
Fly on a wall returns to the foolish scat it came from, in a frog’s alimentary canal, in & out
Breeze coming through a forest of gnarled evolution of mass & energy, baby #jesus’ mouth
Secrets are silent power, you ain’t privy to the Top Secrets, it ain’t your fault, the way it is
This here and that there is the whole shebang, First Cause & Final Blip in the Void, all His.
Who was here and now before any of us who are here and now, all of our days numbered
One moment on to the last squeal in the den of asps or vermin, Con is survival after death
If you can’t get the flock to follow, it will dissolve and disappear to the humane wolves’ ilk
Stupid, innocent, despairing morons banded together, sake of all mother’s chocolate milk.
Dreams all over, all eyes blink & wake up the inside of your skull’s content, all lights, out
Can never drop the blind men and women from the gene pool, they’ve got 20/20 sights
Neither of the genders apply the high IQ intelligence inherited from their ancestral DNA
Cause of finale effect is the way it is, right now, in 2024 AD, Lord, have no mercy, it’s OK.
This here fly is on that there wall in the four cornered room with a ceiling & all hell below
Some old girls & some boys find out the Truth & others die before they know it all, so blow
Put your two lips together & force air from one of your face’s holes, no eyes, ears, at last
On the money, a singularity is ahead of your behind, to be a savior, be all too human, alas.
HIPPA is the law, you don’t get to know that I am dying of being alive longer than I deserve
It’s a matter of DNA malfunctioning and the ability of the human body to antibody disease
Killer microscopic life, in the air we breathe, in the water we boil & drink, that food we eat
Plants & animals connected in deep deposits of Earth’s magnetism & atomic oat & wheat.
Fix your understanding with missing links to what you’ll never know for certain, be #woke
Don’t study for access to the incredible conglomeration of disguises and masks, don’t choke
It will only be something regurgitated ad infinitum, if not by you by the minions who imitate
What is seen, heard, smelled, tasted and felt by skin and bone or inside of the mind of Fate.
How can you dream when you’re dead and gone? You can’t, the dream ends at death, Gone
Out of here and now, there’s all the there and then, it’s the same old song, all skin and bone
Bow down, on your knees because twilight’s zone is too bright to stay upright, eye’s on a Saint
Threatened existence in atomic fusion of intelligence and ignorance, I think I am, then I ain’t.
Bears hibernating like the living soul in the bones that can’t be awaken, they can’t be #Woke
Impossible, therefore improbable that there is any alternative to life and death, no frog croak
But there’s a whimper slipping into the darkness with or without any of us, even a fly on a wall
Yes, it’s time, gotta fly around ‘til the eight ball drains, before it’s too late, in the side, one ball.
I got a break in the action, something to fill in the empty space between the lines of abstraction
All you need to know is what you will do when you die, that’s it, everything else is all done, son
Your generation alive or dead, into the wild blue yonder or buried for the neutrinos to consume
Magic or figment of imaginary sensory perception, recall if we don’t but I assume we’ll resume.
You, me, everything that ever existed is the thing, subjected to the objective world, popeye guy
Seen the seven seas, the continents of impeccable germs, enculturated by the minions’ 3.14 pie
Shallow or deeper than the core of Earth, there’s Nothing outside Earth but Space out of Time
Ignorance is nobody’s fault, it’s the nature of the beast, what you don’t know is I’ll drop a dime.
Bars and spaces for the sharps and flats, scaled forms A to G forms of multiscaled treble & bass
Beat up the bullies and monsters for my brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, now I’m past
All fighting Irish rubbish & heavenly clouds puffed by evaporated mud lakes, a holy burial shroud
As above, so it is below, the things themselves all related to the universally renowned Ort cloud.
I got a habit I didn’t know was a habit, I just thought I liked doing that behavior, I liked it a lot
Never occurred to me until I had a dream, I was playin’ the guitar up on the moon, it was Blues
Blues were all mine before you were born, but you’re doin’ just fine, you’re on the way to get it
Preach your history to the world, they won’t care but they’ll pay to listen up to your grief’s shyt.
Kidding but not kidding, it’s not what you want to heart but what you need to hear, it’s all true
Nothing is more important than chills up the spine, the race to know Earth will do what it does
Innocent of being guilty, uncharged yet suspected due to circumstantial evidence, hearsay too
Of what crime to blame, assault, battery & psychological trauma to the heads & hearts of bros.
Hear words, play notes to synchronize the high, wet musical formation of the mountain’s dew
Sudden impact of the rocks spewed by volcanic eruption of lava as slick as hot silk, muddy spew
Ports where nobody ships in, where the fish swim freely without nets & hooks to snag them up
You’re here in the world with me, it will fool you right in front of your smooth shave soap cup.
Beard & mustachio shaved clean off except for sideburns & the hair of Delila’s Samson, not hers
Pronoun to be the ‘we’ & ‘they’ with the dead air of long hair, clipped off as if I got drunk first
Right where she wanted me again, check me out on the board, I really want to go to France live
Not after I die, unknown form, my baby is ready, we’re on the way to a café in Paris, still alive!
At last, you have found the end of the trail, take a breather now, you’ll need it to payoff
Love intruders who get paid in gold for the pepper and salt sprinkled on last suppers
All dead cattle, chicken, pig & fish on the menu, it’s anything goes but human species DNA
It remains like a song that you can’t get out of your head, Moody Blues or Tops of ZZ, Ra.
Burden on the beast is unequivocally divested of Jack Flash, border jumpin’ none, all night
When rollin’ down on the border, y' better watch out for the law’s wing you’re under, right?
Walkin’ the line all alone is beggin’ for the end to catch up with your bones to inject venom
All it takes to finish the project is reaching a conclusion & resting in peace without a ransom.
Important once & always will be except for right this very moment, you’re the one in Hell
I ain’t the one down at the pit where the center of the Earth covers for solar dirt debris
Bloody elbows and knees skinned by fallin’ down hard on asphalt, gonging the hell’s bell
Football, softball, hockey, kick the can, hide n’ seek or what a twilight zone allowed to be.
Order cannot be the result of chaos, but disorder may be the only way to Nirvana today
However you get to wake up in the morning has something to do with your past control
Good or bad judgement, freedom or death is a choice, free country, we’re all too human
Wild eyed for no more than a daylit night, a skeleton key unlocks a rusty padlock, my son.
Now you know what I know, that’s about it, what do you mean now that you know it all
You mean no more than the bugs above, on & below the stone rocks, leftover Genesis fall
Pebbles from the beach mean something that nobody can fathom, a geo-gang banger kick
One fad behind another drum back-beat that rocks and rolls to the jazz & rhythm’s blues
You know after the first time your heart & soul are played between thirteen & thirty-three
Scheme to play the game by the rules that get broken by the losers who never win in the end
Adjustment of your last move on one board of sixty-four, think that you exist like a king or pawn
The Love game’s gonna end, it’ll be over before any god knows it, black lights darkness’ dawn.
Here and now keep it up and see the light, show you the unconscious, straight upside yo’ head
That was a bit harsh, I realize that but it’s a necessary condition for the deduction induced rave
Just before the gasp you forgot was all you were gonna receive from the communion of the Red
Bums, junkies, nuns, priests & all ministers of the calling of mankind to be the food aliens crave.
Highest place before empty Space brings down your love and happiness down to the Rave On
Kiss and tell me to come back tomorrow, to give you a call but I forgot your number, all gone son
Tried a million ways to find a figment of my imagination that came alive for one night, now gone
All dreams come & vanish into a faded recollection to rave on, just feel the beat & rock for fun.
No need or want for the defenses that annihilate the funk & scum of the Earth, fatherless sons
Of Motherless & defenseless daughters who were glad only at the final 40 winks, stocking runs
Dressed to the nines and very good at kissing the ones that deserve the gift, just a reeling feelin’
Eventually the jam’s all over man, like it or not, nothing fails to expire & dissolve into ‘It,’ nothin’
You saw what we all saw from that first slap on the ass to wake us all up to the strangers
It all made no sense for seven years and then you awoke to the discipline & holy dangers
Praying knees, folded hands, uttered words of foreign tongues, program being evil’s good
Trust me, power word ‘evil’ backwards, if I have to spell it out, here you go, it’s ‘live’, rude.
Nevermore the rhythm and rhyme to get the party started, in the boiling hot pot of shine
Got the Ball jars ready, sterilized the germs to oblivion, spirits will fly high mixed with wine
Shots lead to passing out, sleeping where it appears you’d be safe, middle of standing down
Heaped up garbage overflowing out of the dumpsters, found you feeling Earth’s job blown.
Cruddy and slime slicked with the rejected scum from the living and the dead bones of Man
Games played with rules broken and amended through retribution with the created Woman
It all began in two minutes from the Big Bang of higher ground than the core’s essence, K-car
Points at the angle’s meeting, onto triangle, square, hexagram & pentagram in glass bell jar.
Harmony now, omega nevermore in the matrix, presence betwixt past & future, now or then
In every case no matter which variables substitute for zero, multiply that & you get nothing
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing at all, not even one molecule, not an atom, no neutrino
Digging wet dreams that are dry & fired up in smoke, highbrow mental jokes the tropes blow.
Figures of speech, this, that & all of the other things that occupy space in Time, formed matter
Call it meat, living or dead, raw or cooked or fried, baked in a final scene, upon a finale platter
Precious moments flyin’ by in mediocre whisk of wind, crying for sweet, foxy lady, mind blown
Begging for rhythm & reason to occupy Time, Space behind me before the tricks run uptown.
Freak out on #9, Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as yellow snow, I shoveled it
Still alive goin’ too fast cross town in traffic but in the end, it’s all hit & run, just for fun & split
Away from the far away places that everybody goes to get away from the reality of dead souls
Accidental conceptions, millions of the ilk over the years, leaving leftover Tupperware bowls.
Bullets are no help without the powder of the chemicals, sulfur, carbon & potassium nitrate
Projectile penetration into the host will disrupt the stability of its nervous system & call fate
To be or never to have been at all are the only two choices you have, a retrospective of luck
Drawn up in the mysterious alphabetical chronology, dressed to the nines for a pickup truck.
3.2 beer for your horses, whiskey for my mules, equal happiness for all, spirits loose in thin air
By the time you get to the entry of this womb, you’ll be too late be born, stillborn as you’ll be
Better to have been for a moment than never at all, so they say, once they feel a death blow
Volatile ice cubes melting in the atomic radiation, now you’re radioactive like uranium, Doah!
Coordinator of your mothers’ fathers behavior on & off the battlefield of war between states
Of languages you may recover from the sound of shared meaning from the heavens’ gates
Above and beyond where you can’t see beyond the emptiness to the Milky Way’s chocolate
Continents are the result of sea condensation diffusing the stratosphere into deep spaces.
By the time we all get to the fierce opposition to our appearance, magnificence dissipates
Like a finale that’s scientifically accurate, the whole building goes dark until the aisles empty
Seats left nobody for the encore, audience became invisible or was never, ever there at all
Harmony running adjacent to chaos which rears its ugly head at will, a necessary condition.
Hula Hoop twirls around the boy & girl as if the joints needed the shocking of the monkey
Made a million bucks on plastic hollowed into an empty circle of air, a rainbow color key
Mountains of mole hills are the sufficient condition for the Earth to freeze of star nonsense
Fools freezing in the ice and snow, bands of gangs banging between the citizens & migrants.
How is the freedom that isn’t free for you or your low kin, well now, you better get back JoJo
Start at the beginning but before you do, get all the way to the end & see what happens, so
It’s all fool’s gold bullion & paper silver certificates that could be stuffed into CoVid19 funk
Are you saying that whomever is in charge is both rational & above the law, like a dog drunk.
Mirror reflecting your nature in two-dimensional reflection, it’s not water surface, it’s glassy
Mental idiocy in the darkness where your mother fears to go, angels vacated the great flood
You’re humble and you’re in the malfunction of the turkey lost in the straw, barnyard sassy
Flow to the current’s merge with the tributary, rage away with inertia, absorb in dirty mud.
You begin and end at the same time in the same place, nothing changes the thing itself, ever
It’s such a trivial trip in a used car on the way to the concert that we couldn’t get into, a crowd
Larger than life, you don’t want to get lost or lose a loved one you’ll never find again in town
Fear to get you past the scariest things on Earth, they invisible eaters of the souls gone down.
Hard rockin’ on the soft rocks by the oceanfront & up the coast, it’s a matter of time, we know
Before we can’t see the days and nights any longer, mortality & that little reminder of death row
Long in the tooth or saber toothed with the tongue in the cheek, lying like a bug in a Persian rug
For something or nothing, it’s all been done before & will be done again, in concert shot-mug.
Dug the dirt out of the holes, made several and then filled them back up with cow manure cures
Seeded the plants in the pots down by the riverside, nobody t don’t know squat about the lures
You cast off the bait to the fish in the river and sea, a bite & hook pulls them to the hard ground
Killed dead, gutted, fileted & heated until the meat falls off the bones and girls all come around.
Barbeque or not, it’s all academic to the peanut gallery, heaven can wait but there’s a hell below
To which we’re all gonna go, like it or not, one way or another, the evil devil will snatch your soul
Right out of the hands of God, if need be, it’s the way it must be, deal made with itty bitty runes
High rhymes and takin’ y’all to the cleaners, book written to relieve you of your gold doubloons.
Drifted wood from a sunken ship that didn’t make it over the sea, a part of the deck undersea
High as a priest on a stack of nuns, chewin’ the gum and thrashin’ up between shots of Jack D
Picks and grins until the finale rears its ugly head, bimbos and jerkoffs pair off & head home
Black licorice gum chew, Black Jack of silence, Juicy Fruits you’ve got to swallow, oh lord, O M.
No mercy after all is said & done, cause of the last effect has expired its presence, a good fight
For liberty, justice for all & the All-American, post native tribal reservations of chiefs and braves
Reality & the illusion of open doors to perception, sight, sound, smell, taste & touch, one might
As above, it is the way it is, so below blue or cloudy skies here on the rocks, divine angel slaves.
No need or want to be dead and gone, therefore, since I am right now, Alive, I’ve got news too
DNA is unseen as scientists’ pretend that substance is not a dream within a dream, it’s Poe’s fool
Blind faith in your leaders will get you killed, ask dead heroes of wars for ideas of fake news dirt
Cosmic pool of mixed acid from super extraterrestrials, x’s & y’s furthest solar system, years’ BC.
If and only if it’s necessary and sufficient to argue the premises presented as facts & not fictions
On beings who are all too human & the nothingness’ original sin, eating Appleseed’s mortal sins
Freezing in the ice cold weather of the plains, curled into a womb-like hole in the frozen tundra
Waiting world to change into grown remnants of the origin, Deus’ name in the damn sand, duh!
Reaper is grim only for the survivors who must bury the chapter, out of sight, out of mind-group
Underground, underwater, launched to the moon or between planets, Mars to dimly lit Uranus
Pluto is not only out of the question but without the speed of light acceleration, it’s soufflé soup
Astral mind leftovers, brain synapses’ proxy sparks, embed data for retrieval, Tobor Robot is ‘Us’.
Epic production of skid row on steroids, all of the boys turned into vagabond men without a clue
On what to do next other than look around for something to come from nothing at all, zero due
Woke up after school was out, graduated from primary, secondary & tertiary mind-body bloody
Joined the wagon train, the caravan headed westward, far west of Mississippi River Big Muddy.
Lost in Space but headed in the direction of all matter, in and out of the drive-thru, animal style
As above, so it is below, as I have blind faith in the nature of the beast within, top of rank & file
Greased the gears to keep the motor runnin’ smooth, avoiding the seize & malfunction signals
Flash, red, yellow, green, blue, traffic lights everywhere, every crossroad, I ain’t your pal, Pals!
r j j stephan, i
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 1-13-2024 A.D. @711 AMPST
{ Mistreated & mischaracterized in perpetuity yet drafted this mega-ditty while jammin’ to @JimiHendrix #RentonLegend link @ https://youtu.be/ALy7FdHXXcw }
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