
Showing posts with label Fabian Socialist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fabian Socialist. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

#BlownUndercoverBrother #OnlyYouBabe #HotLegs @JossStone @RodStewart @CurtisMayfield #StonedJunkies



Scared of your mama & papa because they use corporal punishment to tame the beast within
Nobody knows why the cultures & civilizations survive the machinations of this solar system
All we have is archeological evidence and written word in undecipherable form, extinction son
Daughters too, nobody gets out alive with memory intact, Dark Star above is all the same sun.

Black hole just the emptiness of the twilight zone where there’s no place to set up the camp
Nothing matters once your breath gets snatched out of your heartbeat power, blood vamp
The whole thing in half & doubled up the cuts up to four & fortune opened the plethora of it
Highlights for low lives inhabiting the open canopy of the great outdoors, all naked Earth chit.

Free your mind, what that is can be the substance of the existence you treasure goes caput
Up in smoke, forgetting the historical record of your recollection from birth to present cut
Grits and collared greens going through your solar system’s heartbeat of lucid mind game
As below you see the causes & effects, if repeatable experiment confirms, Truth in a meme.

Loving the forgotten negative and positive memories, all were figments of imagination too
Created to store for retrievability at a future time, during any argument for the Truth of you
Asking why Life is happening to Whom, as should be a harbinger to a 64,000-dollar question
Squawking as you know is not only impossible to spell but also, It is an original sin position.

Sons and daughters have come & gone, greatest grandmothers and sufficient grandfathers
Prefer to be unpredictable to avoid being ambushed by the haters & jealous fool brothers
Thinking that because their damaged mind thinks something, it must be by definition, true
Benefits under our wings, strong flight to come & go at will, dig it, fool’s gold of royal blue.

Game well played; rules broken only if there was danger of losing the breath of the holy soul
In the Cadillac or the Tesla, it all comes down to a Maserati, now that I can tell you see, fool
Not that you really are a fool but hell, you look like one anyway, that & a dime gets you void
Null as it is when nothing is presented as all there is, cancel culture, I’m woke & it’s no joke.

Vibrations and the inner secret of what happens when the brain gets a dose of imbecile
Ain’t peculiar as it is and always was, you don’t want to become the imbecile with no X-file
Everyone knows the alibi for being a moron is that it ain’t the idiot’s fault, lay down on it
Syncopations measure your justification for remaining present, above dead grounded chit.

Bent out of shape and doing everyone wrong as the reciprocating of the karma cosmic bust
It is peculiar and there’s nothing normal about the thing, moving without purpose to slack
Realize it, that you have it all, ain’t nothing more nor less than what you gleaned, The Fact
I’m peculiar, our world is peculiar, escalating, getting stranger, mother & father all just lust.

Intelligence and wisdom are both necessary and sufficient for access to the occult secrets
Of saviors and saints, you sing hymns to the basic tunes of A sharps and flat Cs on axe frets
Guitars workin’ the rhythm & waitin’ for the rhyme to fill the air with the hip wavelength
To your point, having not had any THC for hours, my mind is in the presence of all clear light.

Astronauts all abandoned in outer space due to an uncanny injection of mission trajectory
Gathering the apology to present to the survivors, the time to retire was end of the story
Next month is coming, it will mellow me out like the first time I blew a bong of Thai stick
Separation of the spirit from the skin and bones is as easy as pie, if you’re ol’ dead Dick.

Once you know you can’t ever forget about it, unless selective amnesia beats your skull
No need for crossbones if there’s no meat on the bones, it’s the case in hearts & spades
In pink, in red, in purple & black, full spectrum of the royal blues, shotgun tokin’ to pull
Uphill downhill has a limit to repeat, in a plethora, chance slash & cut, I got sharp blades.

There’s hot blood in the clear water, it turns pink & disappears into wild blue yonder skies
Talking and walking is what the people learn to do after they scoot right up to a health spa
All soil comin’ from their recycling solid and liquid consumption of planet Earth’s white lies
In one ear and out of the other, out of the womb of the ladies who fertilized the free ova.

Perfect one helping the D.O.G.E. succeed at the acceleration to extinction of homo sapiens
Efficient use of Time in Space until it’s unneeded, stop the clock, Time Out pneumonia signs
No wings or legs, no breasts, no heads or feathers, skinless & deboned, Kentucky bluegrass
Three, two & one unknown countdown to total annihilation, faith, hope & love your pasts.

This is not your first rodeo & you will roll along until there’s a funk worth its weight in gold
Fearing nothing but Fear’s concept analyzing the tricks of pragmatic power, the kids got old
Over the hills are the cover for reality, the other side of the mountain has nothing but ICE
Frozen, never too cold, it exists for nothing, it’s accidental, random cause of mitosis’ dice.

There is a ‘pi’ that’s 3.14 units of nothing but a hole, get sucked in & nobody ever gets out
A live THING, dead in the matrix of fish & fishermen, pagans & Christ’s sake make gods pout
As per chance, there’s survival past the last breath, then & only then will happiness manifest
It’s unhappy if you’re in pain, disappointed by the loss of pleasure & health, don’t be a pest.

Here and now, in this present that succeeded yesterday’s past on into tomorrow’s dead air
Hip is being totally understood by the ignorant who can’t comprehend simple math’s fanfare
Think you can’t add two plus two or three or four, you’re right & you’ll dead in a NYC minute
Not my choice, we’re here now, we’re gonna get out of here even sitting on our + or - butt.

Rouge lipstick on a pig may be appropriate in formal situations but it’s not in the hog slop
All the cool fun has been squeezed out of the electrical outlet, empty shell of a blown top
Hits form the bats make the runs go home, it’s not over ‘til it’s over, Yogi Bear Uh, word UP
Higher than low underground, lower than the absolute zero of the things’ themselves cup.

Puns overlooked if the mind isn’t adept at hidden meanings in the sounds of silence’s speech
At the podium or just behind the microphone, words come out, words return a sandy beach
On the way out of a vortex of wild blue water, immersion ends at the core, Dead quicksand
Dumping garbage, refused containers & wasted, solid & liquid matter, strike out, get fanned.

Flood is merely the Earth in the form of hardened gas getting too hot to remain in one chunk
If you flow like the rivers of Earth, away from the poles of North and South toward the center
Spinning and wobbling around the sun, the star’s ecliptic goes perihelion half the time, I am It
Power to dissolve the mud, the blood and beer is within, we have what it takes, hot dam chit!

r j j stephan, i

c. Mercredi, February 19th MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Jam produced while listenin’ to @JoeBonamassa concert link @ https://www.youtube.com/live/sn9MX5a5Now?si=deEWaAfZK-m6hTOL }




Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Get off of your arse 1-22

Herd is in lockstep & goosesteppin’ on the steppingstones of the ancestors’ cool ilk
Ones who left their marks upon shifting sands of Time, now long vanished toast & milk
Blinded by your parents, large sisters & big brothers, no free choice involved, true force
Marked words of the bums and junkies will allow your memory to jog in Space & Time.

On any street, every middle path on every road from senselessness to nonsense & back
There is a wake-up call for you in the back of the room, you’ve slept up against the walls
Penetrate the veil you can’t see or hear through, eyes wide open since an aroma scent
Wafted in and out of your head, between your ears & signaled to your loins, your balls.

I didn’t create things themselves, just commenting on the nature of the thing itself sings
Beast or sons & daughters of the atoms before they recombined into the too human genes
Coming and going you & I have no reason to believe for certain that your mama ain’t real
World-wide from coast to coast of every territory on all seven continents, we a Void’s meal.

Comforting in the comforter undercover, it is an occult secret nobody recalls, it is written
Invisible ink used by the writer(s) wasn’t originally invisible, annihilation rockin’ mortal sin
As if an Earth existed before you were conceived, or that it will disappear when y’all die too
Nobody or hardly anybody, well maybe just a many as there has always been, livin’ in a zoo.

Miracle of the effect which is the disappearance of your soul’s attention to picayune apes
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is what you’re NOT, That’s Life, it’s what whine is, cool grapes
String theories debunked in the mind but never out in the Twilight Zone, they remain alive
Until the Big Bang reverts to the Big Hush of the final subatomic lick, this is the Deep Dive.

Killing the living is all you can do if you’re alive, if you don’t eat you will die for sure
Animals, plants, viruses & bacteria buried in exoplanet animated dust & I’m on tour
Become a bum’s trash on the corner or in the gangways until the bums flip the bird
Taking no credit for the smoldering cigarette nor deliberate pyromanias of the herd.

Many dead men left their opinion about Reality as it appeared in their Time on Earth
They may have been poisoned, drugged or their recessive DNA match is in afterbirth
No small feat but it’s what’s been done in some cultures & not in others, ½ life lucky
If fortune isn’t in your star horoscope, pay a 208-bone bribe for a skeleton’s task key.

There’s only so much time any of us are allowed by an accident or intent of someone
Meaning when it’s your time to go, it doesn’t matter if you like it or not, it’s done son
Terrified of the lack of consciousness before you die means you’re wasting overtime
At the foot of a high mountain or on the beach of a vast Antarctic span of H2O slime.

Loaded & locked arms of fire and lead, projectile exchange from US to THEM, know it
If you don’t know by now at this late stage of the game, then I say, it’ll be a checkmate
Nothing you’ll be able to do other than move out of checks of knights, rooks & a queen
Fix your gaze on identical targets, demand what is in supply, pay the price to be mean.

Starving immigrants from their squandered homes want what you’ve got, takin’ it all
Give it up voluntarily or it will be taken by force, where’s Zorro when you need him now
Time to extinguish the foul among the genome, motherless, fatherless God’s son, fall
Whistling free will, to be or not, what you do not possess, your lips together, just blow.

Creeping underneath your face, your skull attempts language & body regulation, all et al
Fizz of the chemicals in hydrogen and oxygen, waiting for us all to drink hot Kool-Ade, pal
On your own or interdependent on the nature of the planet’s beasts, top of the food chain
If you don’t follow the string of data, the premises will still lead to a valid conclusion pain.

You just will be one of the ones who will never know, knowledge is impossible in a vacuum
You’re in one, I’m in one, it’s the same one we’re all in, born to be wild, die in a dragon puff
King of heaven when there’s a queen means that the king is the queen’s highness worship
Forget nothing, remember it all birth to the last gasp of gas, incarnate into Nirvana, R.I.P.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, Janvier XXIInd MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST
{ Drafted without fear of failure or success, while listenin’ to @WARtheBand #CiscoKid & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8TkpolQKie8 }

Friday, December 20, 2024

END OF YEAR #POWERSTROKE #CommonGrounded #GoodGodHappyNewYear2025 @Eminem & #TwoTrailerParkGirls ... goin' 'round the outside!


Gods were here and now they’re all gone and it’s the way it is now both above & below US
There’s no point to drawing a picture from one straight or crooked line that winds to a circle
This here, right this moment is all there is inside of your mind, other data has uplink-bleed
Creep up and down the corridors of the matrix maze you’ve appeared in, to star as a lead.

Once or more than a million times, I have related your mother to the poor lady seed pod
Throws up the babies to increase the monthly income from the powers that be you & me
Two or three (tree) more times and the end of all good times is all that’s left, you’re all in
Can’t become a dot when you’re a line or a two-dimensional shape of Pavlov’s Doge coin.

What I am is what you are, living matter that will not last the century’s causes of effects
Miraculous search has been abandoned for the mundane absence of malice to sexists
Plague kills the living to make room for the cleared palate, we’ve erased your memories
Slate to be or not to be, invasion or exile, either way you’re all gonna die, god-eye sees.

Woke can’t wake up, can’t fall asleep back into the sugar-baby coma for the colored Id
It’s the gamut from deep purple, ultra-violet to infrared & the bovine scat fed to every kid
On or off of Planet Earth, the leftover chit floats about the burning gas-balls of stardust
Incompetent as you know yourself, sensations show sensational & exaggerated disgust.

BBQ’d animal crackers assume animated cell-forms, DNA/RNA combos of fission fashion
Pinned to the pine trees you see from 8 miles high above pop rocks of atomic subdivision
Second city you emerge form a swam of Lake Michigan trolls & drones to retrieve big balls
Jesus’ quotes The Prophet, a frozen-stiff God’s sons of creation, Souls’ fall to welfare rolls.

I will what happens, all in front of my woke-face, persuasion of others is a misnomer’s spiff
I kicked you in the low-hangin’ fruit, the family jewels, hear screamin’ Angus of AC/DC, a riff
You know like I know once you’ve progressed beyond the mercy of the welfare department
Popstars pop out of the toaster with tart fruit, manna of champions from a Jetson’s toaster.

Force you into the round hole, you’re a square, four lines meeting the four points leftover ilk
As you know, nobody knows anything, sights & sounds of the stars we call Zeus’ kids’ milk
All the dead men & women who lived since the Power allowed evolved apes to get hell bent
Everyone would have been surprised by the mystery of struggling to survive a punishment.

Since the water has been evaporating out of the atmosphere due to the orbit’s wobbling
Soon the continents’ shores will increase the sight of the crags exposing Earth as asteroid
An accidental effect of the Big Bang is Life on Earth, there’s no other star in the universe
We are all there is, what you see in the black sky at night is the blanket over your fear-Void.

Enough will never be enough for the whole shebang, the rainbow trash is the fuel for Zeus
Humility within is exposed by jealousy of all fungal infections we call our elected, ewe puss
Monkey shines, pre and post your mother’s labor, father’s random-mix of the slippery slope
I ain’t gonna say this twice, if you listen & navigate the rest of your life story, it’ll be all dope.

Tiny and simple to huge and complex, a dot transforms into shapes of animated, aired acid
Came from sunshine’s photosynthetic modification of the thing itself, One pretentious Id
Before your conception, you can’t recall but there was either Fear & Love evolved to mutate
Egg & seminal fluid is It, what you are ain’t a god’s daughter or antihero son of a gun’s date.

Revoke & resign are not viable options, all you get is dead air, a body of work, piece of work
Fallen or just trippin’ on the formula retrieved from commandments on slate rock for a dork
That prehistoric modification of blind faith’s belief in Nothing absolute, First Cause antihero
Pals of Bad-Built-Bush-Body, degenerate savages are the progeny of our gods, I add to zero.

Comic books with funny jokes between punks and their animals, generate the mirth of gods
Laughing their invisible soul’s arses off, there’s reason for madness, I will cause extinction
I drank all of the leftover bowls of cereal cow milk and sugar, sweetened my cavity function
Pulled the rotten roots out of the maxilla & mandible with a shot of nonvaccine Nova Caine.

Ski & skate as a substitute for crawling, walking & sprinting, point A to B, a Clarkfever fizzer
If and only if the boredom will be too much to take, only then terminate DNA & RNA’s uplink
What will happen then, what will you do then when Scat hits the fan und spreads like butter
All recycled matter we call food, dedicated defecation, no drinks stay within, it’s all in sync.

POTUS’ toughness gets a blow to the noggin and goes into the power-stroke of the millennia
What I am is what I got between my ears, non-material mind of different strokes, what the…
Gods in the dams to keep the river waters from the melted snow atop the high lander peaks
Kids rock just has hard when it’s the softer and kinder rock of ages, prehistoric funky geeks.

Locomotion is mocking the revolving & orbiting pieces of dirty galaxies only dead heads see
Ate dogs, cats, cattle, horses, goats, pigs, sheep, snakes & live elves, all too humane to be
Off color ultraviolet waves turn into infrared frequencies that were never here or ever there
Spatial timing is everything, nothing is more important than that, avoiding extinction in fear.

Running the dozens, you’ll never even know, poets don’t even know it, no fate of protocol
With the leftover stardusted sand, the hydrogen & oxygen are artificially intelligent, like #aI
My father Al, artificially dreamt that a dream’d come true, it did, here I am, hereditary sloop
Deep Space is empty of wisdom & knowledge, goddess’ drones filling womb-cosmic-soup.

I have the trump to cancel-out your powerful acey-deucy high-balls, I will lay low to the end
Finale will eventually finalize a contract, signed on a dotted line and then logged in heaven
No fire and brimstone will annihilate the yuletide logs in the fireplace, placed Hell’s kitchen
Near a melting pot of every race, sexual menudo of 208 bones of a cultural collection of sin.

Amboy’s Dukes & girls into dead Folkes, terminated via age or accident, answer the phone
Pretention of naked-ape children who’ve graduated out a Universe’s university, mind-blown
Common ground keeping us down, all gravitational pull of the wobbling revolution, my orbit
Crowned and finally left grounded skull & bones, buried, burned, pulverized “Never Forget!”

Now you see it, then you don’t, emptiness inside of a deep hole, eating ducks, cats & @Doge
I’m your father & your mother’s father hence, you are what I am yet one of us is a cool rogue
Infinite periods between sentences download paragraphs’ phraseology, simple fools’ pools
Genes demented forms of liquids & gases turned solid, wasted dump of uneducated fools.

Bums and brutal junkies filling out forms for the games of hens & roosters, illegitimate eggs
Been what you’ve been, off of the throne when gods’ deaths’ go goo-goo doll, drag of dregs
I am nearly gone; I’m goin’ to a #GoGo with the smoke of @Smokey & shebang of a miracle
Force One, dead yet not gone, no more death & suffering, Hohoe Xmas, 2025’s Hell’s Bell.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Vendredi, Freezember XXth MMXXIV Anno Domini at 911 AMPST

{ Drafted during the #FinalShow of @Armstrong_Getty #ClipsOfTheYear @ @Armstrong_GettyRadio @kste650 #GitSome #ObviouslyNotJoeBiden while jammin’ later to @WARtheBand link # https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo?si=5MnFZWWDx7x156at }


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Truth Say Not One Word #OnenessIsThrillingClimaxToEarthLIFE #CATS here before the cavemen!


Filling station where you charge your batteries under the bridge of highs & lows
Money ain’t in the bank yet, gotta wait for the transfer of funds via my eyebrows
Rope in Texas hangin’ nooses from high trees at high noon & then whiskey shots
Time for us to settle down the kids, they’re full of energy from eating with no rest.

Don’t need the stationary place for my bones unless it’s safe to close my eyes
You never know when the bastards come stalkin’ to stab you or slice you up too
Maybe use you for the stew they make for the minions who dance around the park
Around the bonfire so hot and bright, you forget about the evil lurking in the dark.

Brought the impossible argument to it’s final conclusion, no coming right back
Letters all you’ll ever get for years and you never right back, a game I ain’t playin’
Shelter in the storm, I found my own lean-to and it’s better than being behind home
Alley dark below this Earth, lasts longer being nothing but empty Void, God’s a bum.

Taught me how to sound like everybody else who understands getting beyond all of it
As if you could have the entire time, years since the infraction of the Dogecoin chit fit
Ethereum is personal, unconscious & reactive as all other cause & effect that happens
The difference between the two is that The Truth kills The Lie, look out below, God sins.

There’s no need to spar about who is right or wrong, humanity figured out light’s speed
Following your mother into the black hole where she went down that divine rabbit hole
Where the spasms roll through the nervous system, causing the inebriation of the fool
Ready to expire the bones, it’s temporary extinction for the soul’s inner spiritual tool.

Superman & wonder woman mated to create a Dyson Sphere, Nothing like a Tabby star
Power up your energy output on each star in the Milky Way, terraform the world’s K-car
I found the middle of the Dyson Sphere, we travel like the Jetsons with super sprockets
Manipulating the very fabric of the matter & shapes of things all in temporary subsets.

Physics and astronomical reality aside, asleep in a dream now and then, happy too
Unhappiness achievement independent of the Class 3 forces, pure energy = voodoo
The cyborg revolution is accelerating upto light speed, no need to burp heaven scents
It’s comin’ chief, like it or not, you’ve got no choice, taught by native master sergeants.

Come see and you’ll invent the rest that’s missing from the present, the past recalled
If history of you yourself is all you can recall, well that’s enough to fight ‘til a bitter end
Keep mindful, a motto, Survival of Fittest, #Woke read incursive writing, enclave’s Void
Dark inside but fire enlightens the unknown, sheds light on fake facts of life destroyed.

You got your head on a swivel, command & control of ancient civilization, a Future too
Prick your head up out of the sand, your feet & everyone else’s hooves are deep in mud
Nobody’s legs can animate all things, the forms of animated Earth mud, it’s a live crew
Ghosts in the machines, call them your relatives & friends & strangers in the wild blue.

Yonder you’ll be & in retrospect you’ll never recall with brain & mind embedded in DNA
Deep and dark Outerspace, far away from our starlight Sun, the father of straight & gay
Extinction is the effect of failure to propagate the DNA matter between sex and candy
For what it’s worth, last blink, you’re blind, no gasp of breath, BAM, Nothing, y’all Free.

No judgement day, promised land or hell fire, The Way to control the herd’s shepherds
Ten commands, theorems & corollaries to guide & control the Way, virus of free birds
Nested higher than kites can fly, when the wind dies, the flight reduces the big smoke
Your mama knows she is the blame, now you know, it is all about, “Your Mama, man!”

r j j stephan, I
c.  Jeudi, 9-19-MMXXIV Anno Domini @911 AMPST

{ Crafted while listenin’ to @PitBull, @TraceAdkins  & @LukeBryan #WhereTheCountryGirlsAt on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/qBbTUw6dIpA?si=evjfo3g8A3iq_QRX }



Sunday, September 15, 2024


On the nature of being between rocks & hard places, mantra gin & whiskey
Dialogue and holy commands of the commanders followed a “T” grey beauty
Truth about lies & rampant fabrication of lying liars who grace our Earth
Place in Outerspace with junk & #StarWars in defense of offense, Afterbirth.

We’re inside the Marxist placenta, it’s eating itself in a word misspelled by a bloke
Spelling bumblebee and the other words used by darling loves who remain Woke
Hard liquor you see ahead in a glass, a neat one of Jack, in charge of minions
Knowing nothing, believing in blind faith’s indoctrination of first-last strike sins.

Who said what about how & why you know when one is being offered ends’ gold
Full throttle to keep Time in a bottle so it doesn’t get poured out & drunk to get old
Hey man, it ain’t my idea, this is the way it is and the way it’s gotta be original OG
Got with it in a groove, followed the force of centrifugalism into spin of neon skin.

Black & white just like the old TV’s used to be, there was no color in cathode gas
It has the WORD that got made flesh in the radio & TV waves paid back, jackass
Gods above & below Earth’s moon, they’re all AWOL & come back to witness
Revolution between powers that be and the ones that want to be, Wannabees.

Contents are unknown but the fixings of conglomerat can't be underestimated
Fix has been in for centuries, millennia it’s one & the same thing now, God & Ted
Billing you & me for the payments to red devils & horned gods of a Viking queen
Peaks of the mountains got chopped off by a UFO’s needing gold backs uptown.

Nowhere a Milky Way, far, far away from anywhere, UFO clouds, bring it to me
Pricking up ears in a holy sepulcher, just to raise the dead ad infinitum, dreamy
Phoenician & the rockin’ relatives of the original G’s, Adam, Eve, Cain & Abel
Willing to let it all go if you pay me a ransom, billion bucks in a gold, cash bell.

Perks of rock candy jelly in bean form, rocking holy smoke’s routine, put-on folks
Like it or not & only if you DON’T, all matter of telling the truth, the ol’ okie doke
Pumped up air into the jump shots, miracle is that you still breathe gas up to it
Instant peasants required to aid kings’ chores queens want done, bunch-o-chit.

Complete asinine punks and their progeny’s parents which is selfie's final exam
Running a chit show of this planet’s civilization until a bitter end, a put-on scam
Cringe-worthy to examine under a microscope to avoid the Eve of Extinction
Old men & young men, mothers, sisters, wives & friends, are mortals’ sin-skin.

No free will or choice, good, bad or ugly, it just is what it is, substantial Zero
As above  so it & is exactly the same below, ala core to stratospheric blow
Brimming from the top of a scalding, hot café con leche, T-cell damned, hotrod
Eight by Six, 30 days in the hole or when it’s fiesta time, that’s a recall to God.

Misanthropification of mercy in holy gravity, below & above grounded, red dirt
In a flow around & over the rocks because I can do that, Dusty, total cock Block
Schism cracked glass in the canopy, free for all animation straight to the top’s tip
Hair shaved, grown underground & clipped over & over ad infinitum, time to RIP

Hot takes from trouble hooks & lures that the river flowed by a carbon hot rod
Tush I looked below & above for no reason other than to generate a people god
Men, women, gods & illusions of extinction for air & ground, orbit's chaos key
Nothing lasts forever, be Nothing forever, hillariously yours I am #DictatorFree.

r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, Septembre XV, MMXXIV Anno Domini # 1111 AMPST
{ Crafted out the Void while jammin’ @PITBULL concert on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/9H8tZ3vKM8U }


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mining mines of minds gold, silver and platinum... #SwampThingsAndRichGirls @CarlosSantanaEssential #Almost911AGAIN


All in the game baby, l come to Jesus or Krishna or Buddah or Zoroaster paradise’s revival
Regarding the ecstasy you were conceived by, a momentary lapse of the fitness of survival
Intense as the sun is the closer you get, burning to ash & crumbled dusty bone, got skilled
On no cloud 9 or underground creation under the mud, blood & beer we spilled & swilled.

I am a sceptic, I believe that nothing can be proved absolutely without assumptions of fact
Facts are impressions and they may or may not be accurate, maybe distorted to be a redact
No worries about that, words were never meant to evolve, they merely appear & disappear
In myths of angels and devils, drums and trumpets playin’ the rock & roll for babies & deer.

I’m away and long gone, because I couldn’t handle the ignorance and fake incongruence too
Pretending to know it all, knowing no Truth at all about anything from why we live to why die
Laugh, it’s funny, you’re going to the same place all of the dead moms & dads already went to
Certain rigor mortis, ceasing the perp walk in the yard from water to snow peak, what a guy.

Dead air now, nothing sounds like this, quiet as the drop of a pin in a vacuum tube, it’s moot
Point that is useless to comprehend the miracle of sensation, the idea and thought of a rootb
Imagine, you’re asleep as I am, we’re in the same head dreaming a dream of me, yet this bites
It’s lying down appearing to be unconscious or dead, yet functioning as the host of the lights.

Virtually anything is possible, probability only limited to the impossibility of contradictions
Nothing’s neither created nor destroyed, it’s that, Nothing is Everything, could be worse sons
We or at least you & the others will get it on the best y’all can but it won’t be good 3.14 #pi
Ultimately, if you cannot disappear into thin air & transverse dimensions, you live & you die.

Score in matches and games where the competition is more skilled & lucky than you can be
Turns up high on your side, luck or bad night for the opposing team, ten to one, score to me
Holy gods ain’t here, we name them & scribe their existence and purpose for unveiling a face
In the end, the Call is for relaxing to the rhythm an rhyme displayed everywhere, every place.

Scored and nearly won the game, the match and the tournement, just high dreaming but alive
Wash the dirt off of my hands, invisible mud staying outside of me is fine, I’ll babble a deep dive
Royal blues I’ve had after the breakups & losses to the super ego my parents created one night
Innocent and ignorant, downloaded programmed philosophy of Life, makes everything alright.

Second guess my first one at my peril since I know my first guess is always right 100% of Time
Space Time reality, asleep, whistling in the dark, start to finish in all fifty states of inbred being
#44 like #4 accepted and rejected in one fell swoop, dead on arrival for the duration’s dime
Fourth dimensional chess without an opponent, I made rules that mutate an idea that I sing.

Maybe pre-predication cannot be eradicated after all is said & done, forgotten and annhilated
Bing Bang’s reversal is inevitable since there’s no other way to S#it, Shower & Shave, y’all dead
Formation of the shapes of substance is controlled by random chaos & occasional holy scree
In a gospel, in a parable to make an analog imprint of a little bit of this & that on me for free.

Froze my toes off literally, severed the black decrepit metatarsals with a butter knife, hold up
For the exchange of your wife if you give me all the cash in your pocket, you get my purple Tesla
Strong or weak, without the body, your mind can fill the vacuum by no relenting to the bullies
Peaceufui when sights & sounds are eternally terminated, Nothing’s in the mood, hot to freeze.

Mercy’s call of duty is the comfort of the stupid and clueless, method is the Word, coast to coast
Woke awakened for a peek at the future if they continue in anticipation of punishment’s reward
Taking it seriously so I gave every drop of blood and sacraficed my muscles and bones on toast
Kept my promise, let all of my blood out of my veins, freedom-free, at-One is a dead-ass ghost.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, 9-10-2024 (*911 EVE) @ 111 PMPST

Monday, September 02, 2024

R I C H A R D ? Is that you? Knock, Knock, Who's there? Richard? Dick? No, you're a dick! I meant that is your nickname right Richie? Dick! You are one like it or not! #GetOverIt

Mix up your mind with your head wrapped around an invisible idea concoction of menudo
Choices between dirty water soup from wrung out rags left on a hot tin roof, you said “I do”
Too late or too early is right on time, presence in the present circumstances, you all get it on
Puns divulged to the Twilight Zone’s Outer Limits, no way to tell the Truth, it is all a #PutOn.

Anti-matter and sweet energy that created it from nothing special is All the omnipotent Void
Your 9 step-children or at least your mothers and fathers would all agree, this is all B.S. boys!
The rich, hard civilization is in ruins, Life goes on without it, language and culture be damned
Inside force, the Cell of the states of being, coast to coast, border to border, it’s a WWF slam.

Mine full of coal, gold rock, diamonds, rubies, sapphires & emeralds procure a jolly good time
Bleed and pull the scab off in time, wait for the scar to remind you what happened and when
Illegals and legals will all die, like it or not, naturally a challenge for pure water, knock knock…
Who’s there, you won’t believe your eyes, you’re being invaded by a Trojan Horse on the block.

Remember the Jets and the Sharks from the West Side Story, there is no comparison with NOW
Knowledge and Wisdom in the infinite set of extinction, you’re all in and out of the menudo mix
Crimes and the punishment for committing those crimes, It’s the end of enlightenment’s blow
No border is secure for Humpty Dumpty who sat on a wall to have great fall, scramble egg trick.

Tastes of your bon-bons I shared out of your good-hearted offer, remain ingrained inside me
At least in my own mind, I’m a legend, that’s all that counts, the others don’t qualify to be
As they were they still are, nothing to do with me, maybe not even with you, we are in tune
On the Marconi, AM or FM all wave or amplitude-frequency modulation of vibrato picayune.

Creeps know other creeps as they are from the same origin, offspring of horrid DNA’s RNA
Imagine Evil is Live spelled backward for some unknown reason, living in evil with the ugly
Peers of the punks just past thirteen years old, mentally the top of their games in perpetuity
Insurrection is denying the resurrection of a dead human being after rigor mortis sees today.

Expecting nothing more than whatever you deserve based on Karma’s sentence to get even
If you’ve harmed the genome, there is payment due upon death, purgatory or hell, I’m sayin’
No free will after you turn “corpse” and whomever is in charge will burn or bury the bones
Think your thoughts survive? A recollection of Life as you know it, becomes defunct stone.

Ask your dead amigos & amigas, ask your dead kin folk, maybe I’m wrong but I’m a zygote
Something happened and blew me to this surface of mud, blood & beer, that’s all she wrote
Whatever you say, burdened by what has been, you pay the karma for chit you didn’t do too
Finale & that encore curtain’s fall means just this, “You got lucky to be here, now just blow!”

Harm nobody, no one, nothing at all that behooves your facility on a narrow path’s breaches
Democracy manifest Jack Carlson put’s your head into the squad car, know a bunch of bitches
Head lock and hand on my penis, people, what is the charge, eating a succulent Chinese meal
I can’t stop choking up my cheerios & chocolate milk, I stay alive after my two hands don’t feel.

Pawns to Newcastle’s with bishops & knights in between them guarding the Kings of Queens
Harmful to your health, like smoking on your gums’ breath, inhaled divas on the play’s scenes
Charm sub atomics on being nucleic, molecular and the evolved form forced by lust and love
Extinction is the only option other than the Fit’s survival, mortality will come, below, above.

r j j stephan, i
c. MotherMonday, 9-2-2024 A.D. @ 911 AMPST

{ Copped a sneak & blasted this unedited blather out while jammin’ to:  @TrafficBand concert link @ https://youtu.be/N0tf8FIPZsw?si=60Ieg0MTyc5hfqn2 }
