Common numerator of every denominator is One, there are no exceptions to the rules of the roadsLessons learned early during the original abandonment by the guardians, alone with the strange toads
A miraculous, holy dream of waking up in the cosmic realm of bib overalls & a meteor dent in the Earth
Hard crust with an entry wound from outer space, a random, lucky shot in the dark, it’s divine afterbirth.
Monkeys shined like nobody’s business, apes having their inherited epileptic fits of mind-game effects
On First & Final causes of the matter & energy interchange, animated, cosmic menudo love to be sex
Woman & man in the darkness or in the blaze of starlight blinding third eyesight, copy my home blows
Cheat on the exams & plagiarize the term papers for the Masters & PhDs distributed like Bazooka Joes.
Shamen dressed in feathers and nothing more nor less than skin covered bones, sick unto death, in debt
Paid I full whether the overlords like it or not, they were here before & after the Big Bang’s collapsed set
Whose soul is within your consciousness and is it’s mortality an illusion or a whole truth, nothing is shat
Naked squeeze of another 208 bones, that’s something but what’s love got to do with it, bunches O’Scat.
Of fire & water we’ve consigned from the powers that be somewhere other than here & now, I am void
Now, never, before & after the burns heal, after scars disappear with homo erectus’ collapse into android
Alive before and after your conception inside of eggs, invisible mythology aside, matter-form cat pride
Forward and backward, faking out the offenders who could not defend themselves, therefore, they died.
Of natural or unnatural causes, being saved by blind faith, myth & the absolute Truth’s computer byte
The egg came before the chicken not vice versa, sing it out loud, scream from the top of your lung fight
For more air, more oxygen and hydrogen to die for, all underwater, can’t breathe my last breath, I’m dead
Didn’t want to die, it wasn’t my idea, nature of the beast is the whole shebang, blues aren’t crimson red!
Be seen or invisible, played out the mind’s games that have hidden rules, pitfalls to die for in coffin’s satin
Bears in my lion den after the slaughter into smoke and mirrors, nothing’s too good to bury a pick & grin
At the back stage door, it unlocked by itself like magic, I heard the click, then the clock did the dirty trick
Last moments of pure mental torture fill your memory, remembering you, the egg began with a l’il Dick.
Small enough to see with a microscope or a periscope, the unmoved mover moves above and below It
Ground of being alive, hungry to consume the matter without any First Cause’s power, shaped like scat
Excalibur sharp & ready to slice & dice, in defense of the offensive killer, murderer honkies on at 11 tape
Through your birth canal, you squeeze in so you can escape before you fake death with mouth all agape.
So, this Goosy Lucy & Henny Penny have issues with the barnyard, they’ve got the Homer/Marge blues
All fear is tantamount to facilitating the rigor mortis awaiting all form of skin & bones, all I drink is booze
Hard or soft liquor to lick my wounds in a figurative way, forgetting the suffering & pain in the derrieres
Why? I don’t care. Paying dues and debts for past transgressions of all mamas their grand papas’ fears.
Prospective mates in mountains of prospects, beauties & beast’s Harley Davidson roll afoot, tattoo you
Head to foot, painted with the inside thoughts on the outside with the failures to be healthy & free blue
Close to the birds and worms they consume, fire burns the bird in supersonic flight, dead baby of bats
It’s now a battle of kickin’ fools in the private parts before my blade is pulled & pushed through guns.
If and when you are conscious, be the human in shame from the origin’s garden of Eden by the Tigris
Upon that apple tree we’ve hung our legends upon the hill, burnt offerings on the funeral pyre of Oz
Apemen and the women who bore them from the wombs of holy, good luck of right place, right time
Calculate the lovers screaming words that mean nothing but the punch lines of dirty, bad jokes of gods
They had sixth senses of humor, humorless stupidity of idiots and morons, hilafarious, no ph’qqn studs
Woke and awakened in the end, as it was in the beginning, dreamscape escape of the Great One comics
Cocked hammer, loaded mag, winning's all there is to survive The War, Sky's falling, a hot head-hit fix
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, 3-24-2023 AD ( III-XXIV, MMXXIII Anno Domini ) @ 420 AMPST
{ Full house jam to @HallAndOates 2005 #Bahamas concert link @ https://youtu.be/Uo91yAjMZiQ }