You know & I know that freedom ain’t free, no indication of life after death
I think I don’t think so, I get you, you’re way out in left field with no ‘T’ in OM
But & however, besides the facts of life, there’s an end to the start of dumb.
Saturday nights for 52 weeks every year for over 70 years, you & I fell in
To the game resulting from lust or love, there’s a conception’s deception sin
That all errors of forefathers in addition, gods impregnated the orgy whore
Obligation to whom, invisible spirit in Space above blue sky & Earth’s core.
Nine months later, quadruplets became, named East, South, West & North
Want and need to cry and laugh at the nervous breakdown then self-worth
Blazed the trails that have now grown over by the Time and Space reality
Queer quirks of linguistic sounds of consonants & vowels, true truth to see.
Domestic idiots with free speech are perceived as a threat to the status quo
In fact, free speech limited by golden silence is the rap synch of Curtis Blow
Neither men nor women can be immortal, you’re all going to die, everybody
I will die as well, nobody gets out of here alive, Jesus or Buddha, oh lordy!
What I am is what y’all are too, I’m not an alien of the planet, nor are y’all
Forces of gravity and inertia are here, right now, right there where y’all fall
Piercing your skin, scalp to fingers and toes, eat food, defecate recycled Id
Smugglers blues annihilating the egos and superegos as the need arose It.
If and only if you’re an idiot with an intelligent mind, then you are an alien
A genius with a degenerate mind is the paradigm of extinction of species
Way gone beyond all outer limits & twilight zones above & below clear skin
You & the whole species you’re a part of is sentenced to divine extinction.
Full, half and quarterbacks on 100 yards of grass field, ending the game
Kick the ball through the uprights for 1 or 3 points from 5 to 50 yard fame
Can you shut your mouth when you’re not breathing, probably no chance
Silence is lead when it ain’t golden, functions of morons & idiots to dance.
Principles in the propositional logic affects the deduced inductions of Space
Time is an illusion of all poor minds who have become conscious of a Face
Ugly or beautiful, you are neither a fool nor an idiot or moron, lucky to be it
All the Time you spend is all you get, nothing more nor less, End is caput!
Controversy is never one-sided, it takes two to tango, right is never wrong
Good is never too bad, evil is never dead right & I like grateful dead song
Underneath the dirt, burnt out cinders of a Big Bang, T-bones in the yard
Matter & Energy ruptured the fabric of Time’s Void with Nothing, a canard.
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, August XIXth MMXXIII Anno Domini
{ Drafted while listenin’ to @BWStevenson #MyMaria on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/JdBvTvxHy7E }