
Showing posts with label #Weakness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Weakness. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

@LinkinPark #HITS2025

A person wearing a hat and sunglasses

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Skin in a Sorry game from you to Outerspace above the sky, in & outta here, all of me
La vita is all there is, dawn ‘til dusk, then it all ends in a penultimate finale, freed free
Hits or misses the mark, the bull’s eye right smack in the middle of it all, arrow points
Mark this momentary lapse of the ovum’s benediction as initiation smokin’ the joints.

Higher than any woman or man should ever be, you know it if you know it, if not, well
Then it is what it is, you may never know, you may pass away without the Nirvana pill
Not many receive it non-gratis except the worthy due to relation to the innocent gods
Before birth all in flesh & blood, the unknown was known, forgotten phuqin’ hot rods.

We didn’t have to be here learning how to love and beget more of the many, too many
A geometric progression from two to too many is the modus operandi for extinctions
Species already gone in perpetuity and will be gone whenever the atom splits energy
Not only but also every single one of the many has it all & nothing more than A to G.

Talkin’ sharps, flats, sevenths & diminished, all the chords in rows of stanzas from high
Above or below the clouds that coverup the action nobody could handle & retain sanity
Enjoy the trip we’re all on, hit any name in the book from A through Z, in synchronicity
Hope and Faith determine the opportunities at random, until It all becomes One to die.

We’ve all been up and down depending on our luck being raised in this vacuum’s Space
Good, evil, beautiful & ugly, ungifted random DNA recombination formation of the face
It’s the animal attraction of the form to recombine the DNA without regard to free wills
This MO was required to civilize the animal nature within, in search of climaxing skills.

Angles within the triangles leave the complementary outer angles the difference from 180
You cannot make this theoretical any clearer, you’ve got to get an angle on the shebang
All of it, not just some of it, little or nothing, unacceptable cause of extinction, cross the T
Nothing for the cure, nothing is the cure and there’s nothing less than this hot bang-bang.

Man on Earth, please stay down there, quit sending the protoplasm far above the rock world
Where gas turns liquid and flows from poles to equator in streams and rivers of love curled
Knowledge is wisdom to proceed everywhere in stealth mode, in the light and in the darker
Places from pole to pole, the imaginary places unseen because they’re the process’ marker.

Graves, stones of memory to survive the skin and bones, souls and spirits created in grace
Just because the Divine wanted to pretend not to be Divine, experience Life & Death’s face
Solo or with the ones who pretend to be friends and enemies depending on your awareness
Being a hermit, introvert at One with Being, atom to nebula, never, ever love y’all any less.

Required for happiness is the air you breathe and the freedom you feel to say and do it all
No holds barred and there actually never were holds, it was all in the programmed of minds
Ones who left the commandments and theorems for study and implementation, pass the ball
Shoot to thrill, bull’s eye there at dead center, let it go, point enter goals and holes’ shrines.

Meat & all it is, dead animal remains’ filet or patty, all too human way to be God’s carnivore
Pressure outside of the protected limit of influence, nothing to worry about, it’s a broken back
What you see is what you get, it’s not a promise but it’s an educated guess, in & out the door
Flocks fly in for the season, that’s the suspense of reason overwhelms even a loving La Flaca.

Daunting future coming whether you see it comin’ or not, even if you do, there’s no escape
You came to conquer the nature of the beast, now is your chance, first or last, conceived rape
Baby into enculturated protoplasm to enhance the culture & leave nothing but ash & smoke
Fire burning, heart beating, circulating the hot blood in a puddle of mud, all in a back stroke.

Your gold is good and everybody takes it with a grain of salt, that’s not the biochemistry plan
What it is today an yesterday is the same as it’ll be tomorrow & on to the finale, barcode scan
Squared to the cube, 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate? Historical bookmakers, angels in skits
No existence for you or me without them, the odds are you lose to the house, pay your debts.

I’m listening to your voice but I neither hear nor understand what you’re saying, speak softly
Carry a big stick, make it pointy on one end in case you need to make a point a bitter strongly
Looking within for the response to the query yields more of the above and less of the below
Talking, to anyone and everyone except your Self, that is the Way, narrow, fly like a sparrow.
r j j stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, March 5th MMXXV Anno Domini @444 PMPST
{ Complicated this rendering of #ThoughtOuttaNowhere with more word salad fodder for Truth kindling, & listenin’ to @MichaelJackson #Xscape version on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/GZyp6adOog0?si=Lu_yTBxkZ3NlMqYI }

Saturday, February 22, 2025

#LIPSTICKonApig @DOGE #WasteNoMore #LaFlaca @Santana #FamilyGuyCompiled @FINIS @Tesla @Musk #Corvette @Chevrolet

c o r v e t t e
All of us in a hurry to get business done so we can go home, kick back, relax & rest on a flip side
Unrealized divine dividends accumulate unto infinity’s gate, grace knows nothing matters, pride
Masked up like the hooligan-hoodlum you’re grandma thought you’d wind up being, a wise guy
Turning Gold, God’s leftovers droning in a black background of salt & pepper in a random high.

It could have been much worse than it is, your life might not have been so blessed without One
You served masses for the One & did just fine with the Latin, hot boy confessions & communion
Athlete of moderate skills in all sports ‘cept Track, skills to run or jump a lick, yet I gave it a shot
In the end daddio, the fact of life is that Philosopher’s stones are close to my loins, I’m a robot.

My bottom, The Seat of Consciousness is nowhere easy to be found, unless you like hard roads
Talkin’ nearly invisible potholes without a shoulder, just a two-lane highway without any Edison
All Time all-star T.D. passes into a future, in search of a miraculous thing itself, unknowing cloud
It looks like it’s either crimson red or royal deep purple, depending on the Time you’re allowed.

You’ve got what it takes once you’ve arrived on the path to find the philosopher’s stone, a rock
Matter reduced to the Void where you’ve come from before yo’ mother’s womb, 24-hour clock
Tick-Tock from China to the Scorpion Nebula, annihilation of the soft & hard roads to Nirvana Ra
Historically it is naturally, a human’s personal struggle to survive, alone without a deadbeat’s Pa.

If the shoe fits your size of feet, wear ‘em with blessings, some humans go barefoot a whole life
Bless you, bless everyone you know, bless everyone you come into contact with, even yo’ wife
Blasting as fire and brimstone might when experiencing atomic fission and fusion of a holy god
Nobody on Earth has ever known nor will ever know what the (expletive) was the point, hotrod!

Spam & lamb, we sacrifice & consume for the invisible smoke that rises from jump, sunny days
Knights and bishops do what they can to put pawns in The Way of desolation’s stale checkmate
Hair on some naked skin, covering the sinews and muscles of the drones, shock the brain fate
Once you’ve been graced to discover the Truth you can’t believe, in Time’s blinded first date.

Don’t tempt me, on the other hand, go ahead and tempt me, I’ll field the hit, I am adept
After the game is over, silence is golden, no braggadocio for the minions, point, game, set
It’s not for me to say, it’s not for me to persuade anyone of anything at all, don’t trust a fool
Not that I am one of them, I’m not one of them, you don’t know, I do, in the corner to drool.

This means War until you run out of life to kill & leave a fear of death to reign over the believers
Blind Faith works for kings and queens who’ve locked up the only philosopher stones in a purse
Sight unseen with the 20/20 vision allowed by the perfect lenses that bend light into gold-lead
High road, finished at the line-up, life with no parole, walls’ squares of a room to see the dead.

Still alive, still want to survive and breath for my infinite heartbeats that feed on the Electrons
Everywhere with the Neutrinos, Neutrons fill up the Void to feed the Singularity vortex of suns
Milky Way conglomeration of Cause and Effect are a shock to the blind faith of the believer clan
Random chaos, feature of the creatures who live & die as angels & an evil spirit’s barcode scan.

You’re alone with your friends at the party you never got invited to, you showed with no invite
Everyone is surprised you’re there since you perished without a trace decades ago, in a fist fight
Smacked with a baseball bat in the back of the head, sucker homer on my skull killed my drone
Hooked up to machines to keep my heart & kidneys in order of their verve, a holy spirit blown.

There’s a final approach to the runway of never-neverland but I’ve aborted the landing forever
Place in Time and Space will remain undivulged to the minions, although they’d die with a fever
Unable to keep the realized wisdom within, free of the disease of mitigated gall, drink on a cross
Crucified for your words said to the ears and understanding of those built for the Nirvana’s boss.

Don’t shoot the messenger again, before & after the zero, all negative & positive subatomic ions
Breathe in and breathe out, the diaphragm takes care of the autopilot, heart beats with all sons
Daughters who turned into mothers of brothers & sisters, a dead labor of love, some gave it all
Smoked ash, embalmed, consumed hunger of animals & bacteria above, so below, we’ll all Fall!

None of the nuns nor the priests and priestesses use the Word, the Sound for taming the geists
Spirits in a night fake disappearance once the light produces a silver lining in the clouds of mice
Twilight of rats and roaches who get their chance when the silence stays for infinity, game’s over
History of ancient & modern civilization leaves nothing but smoke & mirror code, all undercover.

Porch has a swing, a place for Big people to sit ‘til a heavy weight of lard arses collapses the chit
Place in Space on the highway and byway of Chicago Avenue, got on the road in ’69, just phuq it
In the service of my civilization a minute, rewarded with retirement to turn lead into fool’s gold
Hence, there’s a period at the end of the final gasp of gas, regardless of Reality or illusion load.

Now & then, it’s finally over & you have nothing at all to say about it, you’re a cog in the wheel
People are just people, whatever the fornication that means, Nothing at all is close to a steal
Soft for the food, hard for the protection of the thing itself, the thing that thrives as God’s tool
Used every morning & evening before the afternoon, Sight unseen, got it covered, wise o’ fool!

Daddio, are you done yet? Speaking easily or most difficultly means that is your problem, so
Hard road finding this philosopher’s stone when you know it’s red or purple, in Time & Space
No maps, just intuition & the ability to magnetize the county trash dump & recycle junk station
Hot water in the ice cubes of your mind’s synapses’ cells of anonymity where you imagine Sin.

You ain’t responsible for the things that are caused by the effects of the First Cause, innocent
As it was the day you got conceived, trust me, it ain’t your fault either, you’re what heaven sent
How you deal with the rest of your luck of the draw, that’s probably already written, olden fear
One dream for everyone, it’s a matter of war and peace on the planet in the middle of nowhere.

Are you with me or not? I don’t care one way or the other, I’m just your final chance to elevate
Between the top of the stratosphere and the empty volume of nothingness, it’s a blinded date
Your mama is all I can say, the day you were born, blinded by the light, you screamed just as I
Not a single peep on the last blink, seems to be a bait & switch dilemma for this pie in the sky.

Streams and rivers full of the heads of steel, on the trouble hook, scent of oyster, hens jumpin’
Roe for the rest, cannibals of their own hunger for self-indulging survival of the most fit, to rut
Idiots of a fancy culture, dressed all naked apes up like they’ve come to party with the minions
Do not shoot the messenger except with a speedball addiction, it’s a matter of WAR, Time sons!

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 2-22 MMXXV Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @WARtheBand #GreatestHITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo?si=DYv-WWiTavZ-lYgj }

Friday, February 07, 2025

#ShakeTheRocks #RockTheWARBand #Signify


Hell below where we’ve all been able to go, in some past incarnation punishment schtick
Disobedient of ten commands passed on from the chosen tribes of the King of Godspell
Trying to levy punishment for breaking laws of common men & women, it’s a golden rule
Doing to the others, friends & strangers, like you’d want them to treat you, don’t be a fool.

You are quite perfect as a living lump of atoms that’ll dissolve pigs under sprinkler spigots
Turned to ash & busted bones or rotted into the Earth crust in a wood or metal dead caddie
Only you know the same thing I know, we’re all going to die at the end of life, nobody splits
Out of the body without the soul, there’s nothing you can do about the great lie, bury me.

Pointless in the fist of boxers, the punch line is not so funny when it’s a jab to a glass jaw
Hard or soft rocks are the whole shebang of the planet, the water & sand the magic of jinn
Probability theory is both general & specific when it’s the thing itself about Relativity within
Temperature measured by the proximity to the starshine captured by subatoms of foreskin.

A marvelous moment you lose your inner being, stops breathing & coagulates blue bloods
Head to toe, the rigor mortis hits all but the psyche which was ne’er there in the first place
Work is a battle to approach retirement, being paid for doing nothing, as a reward two-face
Squeeze the bags of liquid and air until they’re vacuumed empty of the male corner hoods.

Hands and feet, eight fingers, two thumbs, ten toes & a funny bone that ain’t ever laughing
Sip your wine, swallow words once you’ve written them, speak and forget about everything
Particular singularities are sucking everything into them, black holes annihilate all mothers
Meaning nothing to anyone in any language, fact of life, a father sired you, mutha branders.

Tears hidden from the light of day, in the darkness at the edge of my bed, they rock & roll
Wetting my pillowcase, soaking into the foam rubber with my nightmares and dry dreams
Playing music that returns to repeat the melody and lyrics more than thirty days in a hole
Catch me if you can but you’ll be biting yourself, enjoy your stupidity, gramma screams!

All kids are gonna die, your mamas are gonna die just like your papas, it’s called extinction
Not only will you pay for your ancestors, but I will also be taxed in brown, black & white skin
Poor older men and older women got too old to analyze the concepts and useful induction
Race to the finish line even if you didn’t begin at the start, win, win and dare I say, just win!

Somewhere above or below the rainbow where the illusion of starlight doesn’t obfuscate it
The one and the only thing itself that everything that is atomic matter is, that’d be the #Chit
In your heart & in your mind, all that is you call your soul, it’s a divine way of double switch
My god of your pantheism disregards disillusion, that’s just justice, eatin’ a ham sammich.

As cool as could ever be, the ice cubes have replaced the broken, all spurned hearts in tow
Needing no companion, any assistance paid to professionals, walk alone, fine until I blow
This town, a state of being Four Winds recycling carbon dioxide & mononucleosis I coughed
Wants and needs fulfilled inside my mother’s womb, exit on the stage to the right of the left.

Your mama was so cool, she made the snow caps melt into rivers of rocky road ice cream
It’s a metaphor but the point is, if you had to pick a friend out of a lineup, she’d hit the team
Anyway you look at it, 360 degrees above & below the cosmic egg full of the scum of stars
To evolve into self-consciousness & observe ethical behavior will insure survival of boxcars.

Bring it back around to the start’s finish line, go to jail for nobody but yourself, it’s your rules
Observe millionaire hillbillies & the upper crust meeting in the ivory tower, white room fools
It ain’t my fault so don’t blame me for the way it turned out to be, it’s the luck of the draw
Rollin’ dice or playin’ Texas Hold ‘Em, winning is everything, beat the deal’s & house flaw.

All or nothing to lose for nobody anywhere on Earth, this is a gift we’ve run into accidentally
On purpose of observation to focus on the subject & object in predication, unconsciously
As above it is below just like it’s been since my day 1, a diaper phase eating Ex-Lax factoid
Down the rabbit hole now, no matter how infinitely deep, I think I am, disconnect schizoid.

Copycats teach their skills to the stupid, ignorant morons who fall into holes of inner space
Wanting to stop free falling and end the drop in a smashed skull & bones in a puddle of mud
Like you’ve never known since your own conception by 2 germs looking to climax in grace
You can’t and nobody will get the picture until our last gasps, last punch in the busted face.

Hidden in a ceremony are the secrets that only the in-crowd keep close, abreast of the gist
Reorganization of chaos to force it into perfect order in perfect union with the divine mist
Word of silence and proof of a loudmouth is the epitaph on the granite rock of God’s cross
By the end of the story, you’re not done even though you’ll be annihilated by the holy boss.

Hey man, don’t shoot the messenger, the nature of the beast is that the beast is the gods
Above and below the burnt out cider of the sun, a planet in revolution about the hotrods
Driven on the main drag from the apex to the bottom of the barrel of monkeys’ fur coats
Hotter than a pistol just emptied the barrel into the monkeys, apes gone to wild in boats.

Some girls know & some have no idea, it’s the species hope to survive the extinction apes
Embedded in the genes’ random animals, it’s the code to wipe out the zygotes’ with vapes
Sooner or later on the scale of infinity, when it’s over it’s over, implode in a sub nucleic iPod
Blame the moon, blame the sun, there’s Space too but Nothing else but Void, praise God!

Now and then, scat comes down from out of nowhere, clouded skies of black space
Nothing is not something, that’s all there is though, what you see is what you got too
Hat is off inside the building but outside, I only tip it to the ladies, they don’t know it so
Just a minute, I’m never late but this time, I’m sorry what you saw’s what you got, face.

Hills climbed, oceans crossed, wound up getting’ down in upper ends, the block’s corner
Schemes of the pyramids and the underground bunkers of the rats & roaches, my brother
Ears wide open for morons who’ve misconstrued Truth with bull’s scat, 84 million my love
Pills swallowed, H2O drunk in SOLO cups, can’t mix the Black Jack, skies the limit above.

Awake or asleep, I know nothing & it’s just like the day I was born now, existential crisis
Living or dying is all we’re gonna get to do, be happy it’s the shortest period in What It 
Home or away from the base, it’s always the same, leave & go back when it’s time to see
Space so vast, your mind ain’t inside your skull, your mind’s tapping outside to divinity.

Back of the full house and the front of the store, the remains of the ancestors stay alive
In echoes in the mind of the kin who were begotten by the One, the 1st one before the hive
Known or unknown, facts of life are what they are, facts that can’t change no matter what
It is this way of life that releases the stored power, a supernova in the mind, we are a dot.

r j j stephan i
c. Vendredi, February 7th MMXXV Anno Domini
{ Kicked this down the ladder while jammin’ to @WARtheBand concert #CiscoKid & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Wu7ygAqF_Mk?si=CABreW3R6u5Y9bb- )
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine

He drink whiskey, Poncho drink the wine
He drink whiskey, Poncho drink the wine

We met down on the fort of Rio Grande
We met down on the fort of Rio Grande

Eat the salted peanuts out of can
Eat the salted peanuts out the can

The outlaws had us pinned down at the fort
The outlaws had us pinned down at the fort
Cisco came in blastin', drinkin' port (Cisco-)

Cisco came in blastin', drinkin' port

My, my, my
They rode the sunset, horse was made of steel
They rode the sunset, horse was made of steel

Chased a gringo last night through a field
Chased a gringo last night through a field

The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid, he was a friend of mine

The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine

My, my, my
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid, he was a friend of mine

The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine

Source:  Musixmatch
Songwriters: Morris Dickerson / Harold Brown / Charles Miller / Lee Levitin / Thomas Allen / Lonnie Jordan / Howard Scott
The Cisco Kid lyrics © Far Out Music Inc.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

ANOTHER PERFECT DAY enjoy it or diet! #WhereIsEve? #AdamIsWasted

granddaughters when they're young & innocent!




If I said that I love L.A., would you hold it against me, please? Cause man, I love L.A., no lie
Notes from the underground have surfaced up here above the valley, in the cold, damp fly
Beggars and moguls filling up the potholes with the asphalt that costs nothing for the taxes
Pure profit for the very happy sittin’ under the sunny skies of Los Angeles, city we all love too

Not only the original dinosaurs in the La Brea tar pits but also, the chicks & bums on 6th street
It never is gonna get better than this, it can only become a pariah with no functional backbeat
Tremolo & bass do whatever they feel, like a jazz ensemble mixed flats & sharps out of order
Santa Ana winds don’t bother me, never since day one back in December 1974, a perfect day.

Shoulda left Chitown with my MGB drove onto Century & Santa Monica Blvd, I love L.A. kids!
Where the movies y’all love get made in the sun & shade, coast to coast, downlow downshift
People dressed like monkeys or the ½ naked ape they all seem to be, beggars, smokers of lids
Imperial highway keepin’ my wheels rollin’ & crankin’ @BeachBoys lookin’ for bikini beaches.

Hearing the gist of the program and liking what I heard, I knew it was a matter of Hit singing
When it ends, the finale may not be good for you but it’s worse for “them” to scream & shout
Unless you’re an orphan & childless, you’re gonna regret comin’ to Earth without succeeding
At anything, anywhere, anytime to succeed is beyond wildest expectations of the freak aliens.

Ain’t beggin’ for the way to get from here to there, I already know, you might ask me, it’s tight
Fear of the unknown dissipates with maximum attention to facts, here today, caput manana
Love’s Hate wavering within your soul & mind, generation of pity for being ugly, pitiful & poor
In the background, there’s a passageway to get underground, comes in a due-haste dogfight.

Mothers have a vulgar word-up for the fathers who inseminated their womb, a warmer cold
They hit and run but mama has 20 years to go, unless she created a phenom in a page’s fold
You were happy yesterday & you will be tomorrow too, there’s no way you can annihilate It
Resolution to remain One in Chi & the same as you were before Time, out of Space, Scat’s It!

Bringing your wings for the flight since nobody can walk or crawl as far as the sleek birdhoods
West to East side we’ve been rollin’ since Day One, hit the ground runnin’ freewheeling skids
Got the dozens for those who know the rips & for those who don’t, calm down chicks & dudes
I’m talkin’ ‘bout yo’ mama, New York City to Beirut, man & woman, boy & girl, all baby’s kids.

No way you can move the unmoved mover, even a micrometer is too much, not one iota, son
Not only is the Love here and now but also, it’s nowhere else, there or then, past or future sin
Mountains and the bumblebees movin’ my mood from purple to clearlight, reasonable lying
It’s Taqiyya arguing with idiots who don’t know the wool is pulled over blind eyes, I’m sighing.

Hand it over, every time you lose your possessions and your loved ones, ashes to ash in a box
Grape ape of the primates evolved the genius by accident, random lust, baby boys’ hot rocks
Let me get something straight between us, I never lie but I will hide the Truth for a fool’s sake
I’m no savior, not even a saint or a sinner, I have no sense of any Evil of Buddha baked in cake.

Happiness is all Aristotle & Plato trumpeted with the bums who knew no better, blank slates
Commands of behavior and the known punishment for disobedience are a way culture dates
Peace and War, sharing matter with the last to come to the party, random photons of the Void
Damp or dry as a bone, it’s this & that, no words said, it’s understood God’s got a hemorrhoid.

Is the irreverence for someone other than me? Of course, I ain’t God & you ain’t either, God!
Holy ghosts and the temptations of Eve got all of the bums to agree, take it all for free, hotrod
Think or not, nothing really matters at all but commit a mortal sin & you’ll know it’s a mortal
Life & Death, rough Truth, tough Love, step up to the plate, we hit a homer & game’s all over.


r j j  stephan, i

c. Dimanche, Janvier XIXth, MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Dreamt this one up while jammin to @RandyNewman #ILoveL.A. #Century #SantaMonica #Ventura #SixthStreet on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/KcADqxnQA_4 }