When your lover leaves you for an hour or a month, only one thing worse, being living the D
Body needs to be pleasing to the sensation, the form, the shape of the genie in the bottle cap
Perform an act three times before a finale comes like you are in the chlorophyll, you’re a sap
Babies in bathwater thrown into the rivers of Green and Ganges, flown into the deep blue sea.
Marginal yet sufficient price to pay for the rights, the privileges, to be wrinkle and Zoloft free
Still I am gonna rub the lamp, the bottle or the skin and bone of The Beautiful’s form of glory
Lickin’ lips because all of the liquid phlegm has receded into a Void’s xylem and phloem holes
We are the Human, food at work, in school or retired from a dirty Earth, a secure social club.
Food? No we’re not, nobody is a cannibal left on Earth, but they used to eat us, alien martian
Left the moon up in heaven to remind us that we were not alone, but now we are, all alone
In a locked barn door or behind the shield of misconception, impression to abort mighty sin
Speed of Light faster than Love wants to be, slow it down to embed the feet in the trap, son.
No, you say, yes maybe so, maybe not, it all depends on the Time and Space of what this is
A dream? Of yours, mine or an unknown xy chromosome from the matrix bones all abuzz
Loving it and hating to be without it, the air I breath, the O2 mix, just right to appear, loves
All of the hearts that beat from the conception to the end, fakin’ all of the PC right moves!
At some point, impressions formed in the light even to the blinded ones, all present on day 1
For no reason other than two genomes licked lips, became One from Two, raw without a bun
Price to pay for the next twenty years, repeat it twice, thrice or half dozen more times, spaced
Good, bad or ugly, black aces and eights runnin’ the dozens on the jive-as of a human erased.
c. May 4th, 2019 A.D. #MayTheFourthBeWitchChew #GottaRubItTheRightWayEh
{ drafted while listenin’ to Christina Aguilera ‘yum’ on Genie in a Bottle ...
sayin’ nope on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/kIDWgqDBNXA }
