
Showing posts with label OOOMEGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OOOMEGA. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

#InAPhillyMood @DarylHall & #Stones, #Sticks, #BrokeBones208 @WARtheBAND #HITS #MidnightSpecial #SlyAndTheFamilyStone

Turned it loose as water goin’ over downfalls, sacred, profane, y’all about to @Ye it up
Peering deep into the holy cows, we slaughter & reform into burgers & steaks, shut up
Yo mamas and the absentee fathers qualify for the welfare of abandoned mothers, RIP
It’s the way things must be, know nothing, as Sylvester Stewart, Sly Stoned the HULU.

Fade blue to red, infrared to ultraviolet, discontinue it, makin’ out mothers be too cool
Completely changing laws & rules of being alive on Earth, eat well & be nobody’s fool
Bunt a screwball down the 1st baseline, run like it’s your last hit, slow down for a homer
Put away funk in the trunk, simple bone in an empty cosmic egg, fake Oaktown Raider.

Born by Saturn and Uranus, I am Pluto but not a hot dog, just blown cinders of old Sol
All of us have the soul of the Sol, practicing movements to increase & be enemy spies
Phishing ain’t fishing but you’d like to pretend it was an identical concept, all in a hole
Deep states of blown balls of fire, it’s what the solar system is, no God & no Evil eyes.

All sixteen pawns ready to move one space at a time, creeps look like human beings
You will drop your tic-tacs on the ground, you will see your mother again, she sings
About your life and death, you weren’t here a minute ago, now you’re there, oh I see
Common funk in the skies, airborne mothers of all fathers, Time traveling my scree.

Monkeys flying sideways with wings, anti-gravitational optical illusion, hallucination
You die while awake or sleeping in a dry dream, phantom insider secret, a mortal sin
Real not artificial intelligence in any area, 51, 52, 53 or 4, spacecraft crash in the blue
Common men, common aliens, uncommon as a cadaver under your magic spell foo.

Chaos & the order of the nature of everything are exempt from analysis, believe in scat
It’s your mitochondria that won’t allow the garbage to be released into the latrine vat
Muscles, nerves, organic matter recycles just like the starbursts & collapses of gods
Outside all too human presence here & now, there is nothing, my astronaut hotrods.

Endothelium is moving to keep the whole shebang in the head, nothing is out of here
We are One & the Many, All there is can’t be seen because it’s all the same to a kicker
Empty cells without bars, a void of something that’s Nothing at all, believe in God scat
Skinny Bob had this to say, “Do not split atoms anymore, you will be annihilated stat.

Sucked into the declassification, all secrets disclosed & keeping in mind, you’re gone
Not here on Earth, no sleeping in your bed, dreaming that you’re just a passenger bone
One of the 208 fasteners of your skin & organs that play Life in a holy fragment of stars
You’ll die, it’s certain, I will too, also for sure, it’s the Truth, the last gasp of the WARS.

There is a time when you’ll discover that you’re as ignorant as a newborn, my angels
Phantasm disappears, nothing but dead-air left over, no life, no death, Cielo or Hells
Speculate about ignorance and its trait as being the cause of extinction, all life atoms
Before your conception, you were where you’re going at the end, bum camp of chums.

Poor Richard & Richie Rich are the twins of the inverted diamond, shine on high ground
Mud, blood & beer mixture to bake a cake for your birthday, a clear act of lost & found
Woke up screaming silently, eyes not wide-open yet, matter of cough & choke #WutUp
As above, so it is below, all these things’ forms of animated stardust just phuq chit up.

Tougher than the rest, you can’t equal the inequality, it’s impossible, all is impossible
Hearing, seeing, feeling the smells & tastes all in my head, thinking I am, hence I am
No reason for your mind in your head, starved, thirsted, drove myself to a coffin bag
That corpse, your corpse, all the corpses to be, the grateful and the dead, on the rag.

Written rag’s the bloody one, don’t clarify or the insipid minds will drop a dime in slop
Hog’s balls for feet, baskets, empty holes for One’s kick at uprights, holy cork screws
In church, temple, or monastery away from sheeple, Way up on a higher mountaintop
Mighty mice & men breathe in & out, hold it, held it, suffocated in yonder’s royal blues.

Drunks and stoned junkies full of the refused matter that couldn’t metabolize the ions
Neutrinos and the subatomic invisibles, all there yet invisible to you, me and godsons
Tiny baby sisters will annihilate the species in short order, no more Luv in the darkness
Stronger than the survivors, it’s over when it’s over, as it was at ma & pa in climax’ diss.

Hardy just as it will always be whether you’re alive or not, bluster of weather blows out
I’m climbin’ my grandfathers’ ladders from ashes below my ground to tip of highness’
When the supernova settles into the dust asunder and the black hole Singularity’s hiss
In my ears every day, I hear it every moment I’m awake in paradise, I need a big gin fizz.

Six up and six down, it’s the time of my life, no reason or rhyme, just aware of the chit
It is like a rerun movie you forgot that you saw, recalling in flashbacks of bubbles’ s#it
Dirt roads & freeways into the turnpikes onto the tollways of big, fat spinners of charm
I got big one waitin’ right in back of you, it’ll always be there, it all means me no harm.

Heaven all up and down from Earth, astronauts saw Nothing close-up, bloody aye-aye
Disconnect your two fins from the H2O, nowhere to swim in a Void, sink & swim today
Hair just the disappearing fur evolved at random, natural selection, all asexual sexy
Nuclei comin’ out of nowhere, I am what they are? But, thought I was yo, God’s sonny.

Two bits & a sawbuck just for losing blood, sweat & tears, 4 days & 40 hours per week
Cached, labor exchanged for sustenance to keep on existing solo, with a .44 DNA freak
Survive extinction on the Facebooks, the Twitters, the Instagrams of It, nothing special
Your mama wouldn’t have had it, she’s dead & gone, smiling with lightening & thunder.

Seven continents dry of H2O, the rest disappeared yesterday, they’re all underground
Above the core’s center where the moonshine can’t reach, black, dark, lightless sound
Chevys & Fords let Dodges come around, had the Superbees & Chevelles & Mach 4’s
Pumped in the nitro-glycerin, injected like the love light out of me, wasted the w#ores.

Mama used to warn me before I went out into the ‘hood, eyes wide open, pay attention
City boys find out soon, predators lookin’ for trouble, find me to be all their own, ZaZen
Economic and apolitical as the animals around me walk on two legs, lion with no den
When it’s dark, I sleep until light, if I’m on graveyard shifts, I’m woke in darkness’ sin.

Murder of crows lookin’ for a mockingbird who repeats the song ad infinitum, @DOGE
Hey cuz, I’m gonna cuss and mark my place in Space, in my own black crow, walkin’
All like a man, bipedal Ways on the ground but fly like an eagle, schemin’ on the worm
Heart stopped, soul & consciousness fade to black, that’s all there is, sorry ‘bout that!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, February 11th MMXXV Anno Domini at 711 AMPST
{ Commotion with the lotion, drafted the deed above while jammin’ to #EssentialKennyLoggins #HITS https://youtu.be/HsCLRdGtkuY?si=g275ju_tCkAtplVj & @TheFourSeasons #HITS on youTube link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNo2OTI_rIo }

Sunday, August 04, 2024

#PainSINTheRear #ProOrDefconFive #PutAPenOnAMAP #YallDownHomePrettyCool

This here story is a saga or maybe just a dangling modification of the original sin of the human
Wings clipped, can’t run away and can’t hide from the justice that’s always a ham sandwich fan
Without Justice, there ain’t any for anybody, karma never comes into play when the end is near
Closer than you’ve ever thought since reaching the age of reason, apprehended pain in the rear.

The age of payback for the incorrect judgement causes of negative life forces to strike willy nilly
Without intent & only raw power moving from the origin in every direction from a spun center
Dragons, dinosaurs both in flight & grounded or water bound, imaginary fire spitting worm birds
How else to describe monsters who look nothing like images of you or your kin, Spake words!

Hot or cold, it’s the end of the day, imaginary 24-hour spin & wobble of the dirty ball of stardirt
Fun or not, it’s all you’ve got, imagine the alternative & it’s unacceptable, we’re in a deep sleep
Came to advise you to awaken before you die & you’ll get the Truth as it’s always been, a whole
The shebang is completely undisclosed, overexposed & undercover by a unknown force of ‘x’.

Idiots, morons, ignoramuses & your nuts and ovaries have been terminated for the sake of love
Fools like that cannot be generated by divine sons and daughters of supernatural beings above
Below here is only down into the core, the center of the whirl, there ain’t a place called Singsing
It’s somebody’s bailiwick don’t you know, the fix is in that you didn’t know, Timing is everything.

For once in the life of dead people who won’t confess their dead ending in a cul-de-sac in synch
Fishing in the dead sea or in a lazy river without a flow in a sewer or lazy river, yo’ mama’s a fink
Even if you didn’t know your mother, you’re an orphan or an abandoned child of Mother Earth
Porridge is hot in the pot, it’s simmering awaiting the ladle to scoop the portion, of all there is.

Articles articulating nothing but blather, talking heads, flapping toothless gums into the highlife
Scum came out of the hot, liquid rock, exploding the implosion to infinity’s singularity & my wife
Beware of the fox, hungry & sneaky, beware of the pigs & cows & goats & horses, ride & eat ‘em
Drink chocolate milk, eat the hooves & innards, ride saddled bare back of a hot steed’s system.

According to Matthew, Mark, Luke & John there is life after death, how’s It goin’ for them now?
Whole truth or not, there’s a reason for Madness you can’t fathom with your weather-vane blow
It’s either the solstice or the equinox, there’s no other spin on the revolutionary guard chivalry
Once around the block, around the sun, around the totality of the things themselves, 3rd eye Z.

From A, the sound of air comin’ through open, stretched Fonzi lips, like this, “Ehhhhhh, heaven”
Confirmation or Bar mitzvah for all or none, cut the thing, see the God, bad & ugly miscreation
Younger than wise old beards, no choice but to run far & fast until there’s nothin’ but 7’s & 11’s
In the ballroom with the bears in white sox, can’t dance a lick but can carry a tune to the Sun.

Begin with infantile, all too human brains which will house mature, nurtured gold of heretofore
A mind with power to will causes to precede intended effects, as above, so below so to speak
I know you know it all, what Dead animal-mammalians all know for survival-extinction’s sake
There’s no alternative to the uncertainty principle, knowledge’s impossible, y’all hear the roar.

Chocolate covering of the bismarks’ sweet bread, infusion of vanilla custard to addict the sweet
Causing a reverence to the disease of the pleased sweet-tooth tastes of the country’s city street
Dead end or not, it was a home run line, at one high curb that put wild-eyed drunks to the floor
One place to park on a one-way, dead-end street so passengers couldn’t exit the curbside door.

You all know ethical theories, the right, wrong, good, bad, ugly & downright evil in appearance
In reality’s final end, when all's said & done, fool’s errand to come & go with a silly fool’s face
Betrayed by your former friend you misjudged to be a close old school amigo, just press play
All of the things and I mean everything comes down to mud on your boots & scent hid today.

Old hillbillies know answers to all the questions, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia peaches
Wisdom from Maine to Washington & California, Arizona, New Mexico on to Texas up to Illinois
Where wouldn’t anybody want to go to live their life’s days and nights without stress and strife
Blood given for gold, but gold can’t keep the heartbeat in cue, hated husband love your alewife.

Bread in the pockets built into the plastic & magnetic strip, your digits are in a bank’s final scene
Moving to & fro because of your nervous twitch may have saved you from an immortal wound
Looking around 360 degrees, Ferris wheel in my head on a tilt-a-whirl swivel, merry-go-round
For no pretender can I salute and spill that wine’s inner sanctum, on a wooden floor in Queens.

I’ll hold your feet to the fire if for some odd reason I need to know the Truth’s nothing android
In old-school jury of One, I am what I am & that’s all I can be, right or wrong, Popeye navy fuss
Matter and all forms it takes due to random genetic recombination, supernatural DNA gold dust
From the closest or furthest galaxy from this Milky Way, there is a supra-natural, a holier void.

Any state of any continent civilized on the oceans of Earth, lucky to be here & now all betwixt
Complicated scat to divulge to innocent yet highly intelligent young women & men in the Mix
Out of school into a job, motherhood, military service, penitentiary bound, it takes 13 mutants
A lot or a few in the petri dish of germs, leftover by the gods or divine invisible thirteen ghosts.

You had it all without knowing you were about to lose it all, just to do it all again, pay attention
On every single day you wake up whether you’re #Woke or just unawakened under this hot Sun
I got the way to move your carcass from the sheriff to the marshal and you know it will be cool
Like more frozen than you’d ever hope to be, like a 24-hour mood dying to stay around the pool.

Jumpin’ in off the diving board, it’s easy to see over the fence but then loss of focus’ belly flop
Bitten piece of the apple, rotten or not, there’s a price to pay for disobedience, grab a hot mop
Havin’ the commandments under control is all you’ve got to do; it is artificially intelligent to be
At one point, world shakin’ underfoot, an Earth quakes like Hehl on Dirty Planet’s rockin’ seas.

North, south or around in the Infinite’s fake elliptical circles fool’s errands incomplete missions
Forgotten in the incarnation of the pretender’s soul, wisp of a ghost out of human eye minions
Self-rollin’ just to smoke a little smoke, ground resulting flowers from the seeds from the moon
All of Things themselves used to be on the moon, redneck paradise silence ‘shine, homegrown.

You believe the sagas of your mamas & papas, it ain’t your fault, you ain’t getting’ high or low
Real good times can be had for a moment in your & my time, so girls, look out the down below
Dancin’ and singin’ for no reason other than to be happy about being alive without fears’ pain
Dining in or out with the good, bad & the ugly is what it’s all about for divine’s spark, I’m all in.

Dodging bullets can only be done with luck and plans B, C, D, E & F if there need be alternatives
We the people of United States of America have no amnesia or need to be the dead high fives
Ready or not, the most power has the high ground & the low ground, illusions of success’ debt
When you live a hundred years, more or less than the whole shebang, Adam ‘knew’ Eve, upset?

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, August IVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ @bmwolgas’ #Trump-Clip from every year 1980-2024 link @ https://youtu.be/-luF0nLlM3A?si=O7WsUpkri5sB7K7I }

Wednesday, September 20, 2023




Whatever floated your boat yesterday is sinkin’ your deck today, it’s a matter of Time’s Space
High or low both above and below the waves, you’re a moron or you’re an idiot, it’s optional
You’ve got the RNA of both but the DNA doesn’t always reveal the fatal flaw of the fuzz face
Lucky to have devised the signals of smoke & hand forms of silent force to be reckoned with.

Plants and animals are rollin’ around while standing still in one place, one spot moves still
Until there’s no more movement allowed by the powers that be, the minions survive the kill
Trying to keep the highest earners around to pay for the grifters & troubadours commit sins
Their voices & the sinews of their herds of animals, bark of trees, metal of pig iron maidens.

There’s junk in the yard & there’s junk shot into mainlines of grief for the dead head dreamer
None too good and many too bad to be alive, yet here they all are, born to the virgins & studs
Got the dreams on while the horns grew too hard to stay that way, the explosion forced breed
Boys & girls to grow & perform identical parts, ad infinitum for no reason, all begone to seed.

Ice melted because the star was too hot to be, too cold to never be & so away we go, we fell
Onto the beds of the rivers, the shores of the lakes, seas & oceans, where the dead get buried
If you don’t bury the dead six feet deep or eat the dead, they’ll stench to high heaven, in hell
As the ignorant & stupid move from place to place, they’ll find & die on the first pile that died.

Five will get you ten that my dad was proud of his firstborn in Chicago getting a BA in Philosophy
Ten squared will get you a hundred and if you square that to ten thousand, ad infinitum’s reality
Jobs done, the work was output, the product is finished, bought, sold and on the way to the top
Of the men and mice who crawl and shimmy up the pole, it slips like the slopes, coitus interrupt.

Justify your argument for what you require, what you need or what you want that you can’t get
Impossible to expect all fruits of working from teenage years to the sexy sixties, so deep in debt
Nobody gets out of this fight without battles & losses before the ultimate triumph of a last gasp
Paid off the notes, mortgages, loans & the rest of my kin’s debts, they didn’t know Life is a Gas!

Underneath my hoodie anyone can see if they look, that I’m the best I’ve been, don’t look
I’ve done nothing right or wrong, homeless or just a Homer givin’ the lowdown, royal blue
Pins in my cushion poked clear thru & thru so they wouldn’t come easily, all stuck like glue
Pullin’ no punches now, here’s an upper cut & a right cross, you are OUT swung a left hook.

Kill you ‘cause y’all are killin’ me, if you read & laugh at the joke, it’s on you, this ain’t #NoJoke
A pinch of the sounds understood as signals of mental thoughts, invisible to this 20/20 insight
Finish up your argument about a reason for trippin’ around Earth in this Form, snorting Matter
Simple mind, simple explanation for a First Cause of these subsequent socio-economic banter.

I’m out of the picture, so are you but you don’t know it yet, imagine going to livin’ underground
Below an everyday experience of your google function, signed & sealed from a pitcher’s mound
I would indeed take a bullet for you baby, you know it, only one like you to me, it’s all academic
Ugly made beautiful in symmetry as Yin & Yang might in a 3-dimensional circle, get on the stick!

Now the tunes will broadcast from cell to cell, absorbed into the embedded DNA code as RNA
Moronic fools are in command of the evolution of the genome, are you like your mama & papa?
Probably you didn’t even know who your mother or your father were, raped and orphaned also
By the by, you’re already gone, already right where you’ve always been, gangland’s funky fiasco.

There ain’t no justice, means that there Is justice, it’s double negative trump in a player’s game
Acey-Deucy wild, drawing a royal flush with a heart’s ace high bluff, everyone folded the same
Cool bluff, you are mindful, and you are possibly a moron, probably you have brain damaged It
Your mind and brain malfunction between your ears, you are a witness to the idiots talkin’ chit.

Brains above and below the Earth’s dirt, same old story, so it goes, on and on until the Ending
It’s always the same, last gasp, a wink and a nod, bury or burn you, remember you, that’s All
Nothing more nor less, religion of the gods & devils made the Earth twirl in the twilight foam
Come over & get the help you need to survive in the sea of virus & bacteria, you call it, HOME.

I’ve got a line on orgasm bytes of RNA available on Earth, catalogued & accessible to One, me
You’ve got just enough, not too much & not too little nerve to be brave in the face of danger
It’s something that’ll kill you, end your brief tour of duty on the planet, Truth of God, All Hers
You thought God was all too human Man, you were in error, Woman is Hot in animal coat furs.

r j j stephan, i

c. September XXth, MMXXIII Anno Domini
{ Mercredi, September XX, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST }


Sunday, September 03, 2023




Fair as it’s gonna get with the deck of cards you’ve been directed to deal with
The Name of the game is as unknown as the rules of engagement prerequisite
Ready without a clue, able to thwart any threat short of a Derringer to the head
Time’s way shorter than a thin line’s length before it morphs into a point of dread.

Utter nonsense he said as she said nothing, it took two to tango, all of this to show
How your inner self decided all of your actions, nobody I’d rather be than wind blow
It’s random chaos & sniper fire filling peace & emptiness of a war without a battle
One you caused, I caused, we all caused this LIVE dream, I’m in it to win it a little.

Truth is being told when I spill the beans on the hot stove, getting clear in a jiffy
Tin roof and dirt floor keeping the little dependent ones in your dreaming effigy
Filled up the tank God, it’s good for 300 miles or more, be in L.A. by noon, aw man
Know what I’m talkin’ about? Chill to WAR, the band & be all too human, Antman.

By the time the living is completed, speaking frankly for everything mortal or not
It all comes down to the DOW & it’s not a mistake that it’s reactionary to Reality
Same cause of everything is now metabolizing, One bubble showing off divinity
The Many carry the load & sing about droppin’ a dank blunt on the Nile’s hunt.

Fencing or sword fighting from the first to the last insult, somebody’s love falls
Into the holy black hole, extreme edge of the Void being It & not It simultaneous
Brought your sweet love home to me last night & now you’re gone already & so
Already gone empty, fallen away from the holy grail’s gold, hole the phone, bro!

My father in heaven & on Earth mated with my mother to receive me, forgave at last
Mindful of the copy produced out of nonbeer, it’s no stretch of the imagination to fly
As high as any other man could ever be, there’s reasons for rhyme & logistical past
Just because you thought you were so pretty; you were but forgot that it fades fast.

Sooner or later you’re gonna find out that reality we see has always been a ruse
To fool y’all, us all, even me the #SherlockHolmes from four-cornered room blues
Fathers neglected yet screwed our mothers & then got all dead-beat like the zombies
All through the rock of ages, the princes & princesses descended of bastard hobbies.

Dissolved the matter you used during your stint with 208 bones descended Adam
All at One used rib morphed, a grandmother of a good or evil tale of grim Grinch
Vicious yet calm & cool during tense situations like a holy threat of immediate death
Birth of a baby illegitimate in concept, married Ma & Pa, Love's cause of my breath.

Rocked, rolled, got sore, pain & suffering didn’t erase a recollection of the darkness
Inside of the womb & outside of the atmosphere, astronauts would testify firsthand
Without a gamete & egg I cannot exist, I think I came from this thing itself, scored
Dad lucked out a few times, we’ve all come, some gone JOJO, Big AL’s lion roared.

Not all alone with rockin’ sounds of drums beating & bass, rhythm, lead & the brass
Complete in my mother’s and father’s essence, they created Present turning to Past
Essence of secrecy about the nature of being, why we exist & where Life orginated
On a cusp of a planet, solar system, galactic consciousness of Nothing, grateful dead.
r j j stephan, i

c.  Dimanche 3rd day of September, I remember the Earth, Wind & Fire jammin’ in the background link @
https://youtu.be/iQRqPG3ztmg }

HAPPY BIRTHDAY #101 in Cielo Mama Mia!  Kiss Pop for me  XOICHd

Monday, July 31, 2023


For the sum of the additional, distracting subtractions from the atmospheric Stratus
A dream erupts into the natural world, a reality of the all too humane cosmic dusts
Many kinds of a One, atomic implosion of everything that exists in the universal Ids
Left and right, up, down, over & out of the mold you’ve inherited via DNA/RNA kids.

Now then, may have your attention please? Cease to comprehend language, as I do
With one swoop you can forget everything from Ga, Ga, Goo, Goo, God, God of screw
How else could we get here & now without the Love, without the sacred heart blood
Well, you know the answer to all rhetorical questions, this Evil Life was all the Good.

Nobody you know & anyone you’ll ever meet down the lonely stream of Mercury flow
Will be of assistance to the navigation of the thing itself moving about without a red leak
Blood thirsty for the flow of living fluid coursing through veins and arteries of the meek
Here’s the confused messenger, I know you are an idiotic fool at the royalty’s job blow.

Among the treasures of gold, silver & shiny rocks left over from Big Bang’s magic spell
There is something about everything even an idiot might observe at the bottom of Hell
Where angels fear to go, nobody gets out alive, soul-sentenced to Jung’s Sigmund Freud
Launch the rockets, fire up the engines’ fusion power to fizz away matter into the Void.

This time while occupying this space on the planet’s surface, water, gas & stone rocks
Say it just because you have no idea, not an inkling about the nature of the dry docks
Sitting, lying down, standing up, rolling via two-four wheels, chopper blades or wings
In each & every case, the alpha & the omega treasure the equation’s sweet nothings.

Mindful of the idea, the thought that mankind’s mind can’t exist outside of Earth lands
Don’t shoot the messenger with high CBD’s & GMO’s to silence the infidels in the sands
Going into gridlock down before a Friday Night slam, full force and power to inseminate
Spirit of the holiest leftover ideas from foreign tongues of the Tower of Babel, First Date.

First base single or a walk unless your rear’s a target of a curving screwball, curved up
Too far to hit the ball for a homerun, 350 to 440 feet from home plate’s five-sided mold
Pointed dead center to the strike zone, low batter knee to high batter letters, buttercup
On edge for you to slide upon, sharp as a fresh razor blade, made in the USA, steel cold.

Somewhere in this Time on this Planet, you will reemerge with your minerals’ medicine
Magic potions of mixed emotions, happiness and the lack of happiness, sadness’ sin sin
Candy licorice makin’ it all worthwhile, you are feeling all you are as immersed in plasma
Faith followed by blind humanity, no regrets, death evens it all out, your karma, my karma.

By the hookers and the crooks who steal shirts off of innocent backs, lit black light streams
Happy is no worries at all about being taken advantage of or eaten by the hungry in dreams
Unreal that you can’t recollect what you saw on television, why y’all forgetting trivial things
Fill your empty psyche full of the First Cause’s intent, now what ‘s One to do, sweet nothing.

Bought your mother and father a home in the parks of oak, they died and left the old boss
Old bones in harms way but never any notion that you & I need the force of @pi to be alive
Once upon a magic carpet ride over a sweet peach & cherry colored sunset, show high five
All y’all will ever see for the duration of your living large, the #BigGuy being is mental floss.

3.14 pi times itself is still a fraction of 10, 985.96 to be precise, now or never is the Time out
Think about your dead predecessors implicating The End is just a skull & crossbones’ doubt
Pirates on seven seas have buried the booty, the maps are tattoos on daughters’ job blows
Infants tattooed by needle puncture, apex to pole, there is somebody yet, nobody knows!


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Lundi, 7-31-2023 A.D. @ 1259 PMPST

{ Clicked on the bait & snagged a double whopper with cheese rewarded by a concert by #JGeilsBand #MyAngelIsACenterfold on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/lKgd2wneKX4 & @TheMightyTemptations #MASTERPIECE link @ https://youtu.be/0vvuhLZiPA0 & @JellyRoll #HITS link @  https://youtu.be/PunDCoz-S4g }

