
Saturday, December 01, 2018

#AnyPortInAStorm @FrostyTheSnowmanJimmyDurante

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, December 1, 2018
About the greenhouse effect, Atlantis@citraraya flooding my memories, a Zeus’ recollections
Evidence of the mothers and fathers of our own ancestors, ones who who are #Mass forever
Underground and underwater, things get buried with the catastrophic climate fluctuation
Human arrogance commits suicide when fear of the gods rules humane, tiny mind of men.

Perfect intellect evolved from the cells of amoeba and paramecium, mitotic and meiotic funk
Big Bang, gods of a pantheon, an invisible One God, almighty source of matter and our drink
Floods to bury the bones and texts of dead books, tall tales of foreign blinkers, stoned sights
Awareness of asteroid belts, death of our ancestors, our gods, our dogs of another planet fight
Corporate Blind Faith to protect God’s naked apes, none dead but buried seven feet deeper
Above the evidence of the floods, the archeology of the culture’s bones and scat, a God killer
Constant ignorance, ancient knowledge of a ferry burial in a monster’s piece, stoned & deaf
Diamonds in the rough, here is a spark plug for you, a half million year old spark plug, WTF?

Civilization’s millions of years old, not thousands or hundreds, believe me, research my gold
What it is exactly, is a condition of the nature of occult perception of light, heat-frozen cold
Commingling of eggs and germination of DNA animation, trippin’ Jack Frost LSD solar Idea
Hindsight in retrospect, born a Being, monster of air, land and sea, it’s all about thee and Ra.

All back into the Black Sea where nothing floats and nothing gets to the bottom of my heart
Without light, without the salt of the killer ocean, bones and wood and stone break us apart
Just the facts of life are what they are whether you know it or not, forever is right now, here
Keep track of Earth’s bloody seas, dancin’ in darkness, born right here, God’s loathing fear.

r j j stephan, i
c. FREEZEMBER Uno, 2018 AD @ 5:55 PM PST
{ DRAFTED while watchin’ & listenin’ to #UNPHUQINBELIEVABLE #ForbiddenArcheology on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/-lILRzj8Jb4 }


Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, December 1, 2018
If you don’t feed the birds they will die, they will starve lookin’ for worms below the leaf cover
Junkies of pushers can hide underneath the blanket of sweetness, the bitterness lurks in fear
Nothing mellow y’all and there is no way out either, stuck like a rat in a trap, oh mama, oh pa
I will keep talkin’ and walkin’ until the feet and tongue gives in to the perfect, death star here.

Scott free and rappin’ about the fear and trembling you feel every step you take, demonstrate
Confusion of the nuts and balls makin’ the holidays to celebrate heads in the sky, #Blues eye
Band played, blew the horns, tickled the eighty-eights and First Moved Beats, sticks on skins
Caused the growth to expand before the contraction, it happens in confusion, to live and die.

Utter hopeless inside the cranial matter you conceive as the seat of your conscious soul’s chi
What it is to be is this and that, just what you perceive, even if you don’t see, if you can’t hear
You can’t smell or taste or touch any of It, It’s all full of being without You, inequality all day
A funky inequality that misses the beast just becomes extinct, The Way It Is, s’all funky, eh?

Mama had a pity party on a dead star, evolved atomic waste killed these death reeking lights
Like Richard Daley1 dreams comin’ fresh outta deep-state #Compton #Chitown high heights
They all are burnin’ up now due to the sins and efforts of their mothers and fathers, the heads
Programmed as we all are to not notice the program, success is immanent, bands play it on.

Meet the forms of Matter which you know all too well, it’s what you love, mothers themselves
In love with them, infatuated with them, like them one hell of a bunch, mothers of God’s Id
Compact features formed on the two hundred and eight bones of random chaos’ revolutions
Around in elliptical momentum one way only, no dead end in sight, on the turnpike now kid.

Drivin’ game wheels to and fro to bring It from place to place, don’t question a white dove
Tryin’ hard to get over from Spirit to breath, day to day, superman punks, shady skies above
Dreams broken into their mystic emptiness, gone just like the moment before they appeared
Hopes and Faith in the Love of backstabbin’ with Humanity, lucky God, chump, It Is Done.

r j j stephan, i  { insipiration from #Boss & #OJays romancin' }
c. FREEZEMBER 1st, 2018 A.D. @ 0800 hours Samedi in #Paradise romancin’ the #Stones
{ drafted while #InTheGroove listenin’ to @BruceSpringsteen LIVE 2018 CONCERT & to #ILoveMusic from ‘75 by the The O'Jays & OLDEN daze HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/e_1s2UFc_z8 }

Friday, November 30, 2018

#BumpCityBumped @ricoSacto #ricoSacto #NapaWine

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, November 30, 2018
Do not test me and watch me disappear into thin air above your head, beatles’ COSMOS
We all gotta go when we gotta go, even if you want to be an immortal son, bloods’ n’ bros
Watch your friends and relatives drop down the twilight zone you’ve entered, womb Void
It’s a miracle that you and I were conceived much less got to write and read ze Dr. Freud.

Dr. Sigismund Schlomo Freud was quite a man born a 100 years before my 1951 entry
Left a legacy with Dr. Carl-Jung in the middle of a mother or father land, in a cat’s hat
Common man I am, nothing elite about being a poor, human mortality’s divine UV blur
Death is the realistic harbinger of your ruse, in presence of weak and stupid recycled fur.

Vibrate the #Spirits and the #Spiritual to avoid the extinction that’s immanent, thunder bolt
It’s not my fault that I know it and that I wrote it and that you read it! That’s your own fault
Responsibility and obligation for your own actions and internal thoughts, I am the sacrosanct
Fill up with bottled Spirit, a well’s liquid Earth cheese, alcohol concoction in Groucho’s tank.

Laugh well and find the panic within when you’re left all alone without God, Void of mystics
Among the blues’ lament is the fact of life, the beast of burden will be what it will be, no chits
As if you couldn’t make the assumptions and follow the induced deductions , dead, iron rust
There is no soul, no body, there is no body, no soul, black gold, empty vacuum, Spirits’ dust.

Chemical application to the DNA’s processes allows the malfunction of the genome, suicide It
No person inside or outside the mind’s distortion, confusions’ alcoholic buzz’ high priest skit
Pretending ACDC devils and gods care about it, worldly ArcAngels are here, below the dead
Secrets are not in service, what Simon says are false analogies, God is Truth, #Nothing said.

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 30, 2018 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST @ricoSacto #ricoSacto
{ drafted while being programmed by the Armstrong & Getty radio show on Talk 650 KSTE 0600-1000 AM PDT & during COMMERCIAL BREAKS listenin’ to #WARtheBand on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/WJMAzHaPaOU }

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Jonny Lang - Stronger Together (Official Music Video)


#Agog@Google#OnlineGoggles #CHRISTMASafterbirthGoldSilver @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, November 29, 2018
Claus ain’t wearin’ no idiotic, black or red cap’s Espirit of holly, #OurLadyOfAngels’ Savior
Postulation is that the Romans killed the son of God’s spy reindeer, red-nose Rudy the Rack
Buy what you want, don’t need it in a glee fog for God-Santa you worship a bushel’s peck for
When the time in space comes to make the exchange you get nothing but a plug nickel back.

And so it goes that nobody knows the actual history behind this game of life, we be playin’
Games to bide the Time until there’s no choice but to take one last gasp of the air, leavin’
Punchin’ out on the clock that the gods use as the dam we fall over, without wills, his/her
Jingle bells my arse, holidays of distraction, New Year, Saints Valentine and Christopher.

So the sprinkles left behind are enough to get through to the next cycle, more Gold in me
For the rational thought and the use of Reason and Logic are the gifts of my DNA’s scree
What can be Is and what will be will be and the End is as close as it needs to be, lit up exit
Where it’s at and where it’s happening in this thing after being an animal? Well, be agog!

There was a day in Chicago when a school burned down to the ground with the kids inside
Teachers, nuns, priests, personnel’s office and children with the halos they bought & died
Happiness, Good and Evil could not be further apart and one or another must be murdered
Sadness and honor for Ones who precede our blind faith infused hearts, Nothing’s feared!

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 29, 2018 A.D. @ 06:06 AM PST
This piece is dedicated in HONOR of my HERO Grandfather who was a fire fighter in the Chicago-Fire Dept #ChicagoFireDept during this tragedy in 1956 AD, cudos Captain #Albert’Al’#Stephan RIP grampa!
#OurLadyOfAngelsChicago @ricoSacto #ricoSacto 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

#ChicagosGreatestHits @WLS-FM94.7 @ https://www.iheart.com/live/947-wls-5367/?cmp=web_share

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, November 28, 2018
A universe blows it’s top out the bottom of the Void and you panic, as if it matters to God
Nothing at all, an eon before the humanity of it all began it’s scourge, thirsty mighty’s Power
Others came and went, we’re here but we’ll also be gone with the Unknown’s mystery pod
To the mothers and fathers of the DNA, perfect imperfections of magicians and the Other.

A mouse and a microbe carry on the occult Cause and Effect of the spirits and souls of Ra
Inside or outside the pink inner sanctum womb of the genome, a holy seplechur from Ga
Impudence impeding the progress of dry sponges without liquid, this is First Cause’s prey
You, me, everything ever alive that died and lived here and then and now, turn into day.

Short trip on a long drive away from home, not knowing that you will never even bleed
Arisen to the top of the ocean full of scum, evolutionary crop of DNA, ergot-acid creed
Evil escaped, hearts and minds throwup #Folks, babies to dead men, alt-right in strife
Ask rhetorical questions until a final question rolls ahead of all the rest, life with no wife.

Essence and Being that keeps your consciousness here and now without being a has been
Deserve a shout-out and whether in the light or in the darkness, Truth of the unknown X
Is that it’s as simple as you and I may have tried to imply by being the simple minds’ ilk
Cells, bones and blood of the Holy Father and Holy Mother, heaven, Earth, click, click...

r j j stephan, i { Oui, oui, madame, Mmme, monsoir, Msr! Header is a Cromagnon from the Cro-Magnon Beard Co, kiddin’....it’s just the #BoneheadOfGod! }
c. BLOVEMBER 28, 2018 AD @ 11:11 AM PST
{ *it is 27 degrees F. in Chicago, Illinois right now, I’m in 80 degrees F. in Sacramento, California! ...This was drafted while listenin’ to 94.7 WLS-FM online #ChicagosGreatestHits online link @ https://www.iheart.com/live/947-wls-5367/?cmp=web_share }

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

#FauxRoseAWastedGoddess - today's gem from the #LapisLazuli #AsAboveSoBelow @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Smiling back at your beautiful, brute face right at the sun’s down, azure blue sky’s black lights
Emerging from play clay, asteroid cinders, not on a planet’s Earth, newbirth faced an 8th day
Animated, spinnin’ around in elliptical revolution about a burnin’ sphere, imbecilic H2 bytes
Holding out goddess’ empty hands, divinity’s emptiness leads all theists to die when they die.

Orphan or adopted family member, born out of the wedded lock with a skeleton’s key piece
Sooner or later becoming responsible for the daily bread and the safe place to sleep in peace
On your own or with a foe, a separate but equal member, either of one or another’s genders
It’s either kill or be killed my friends, amigas too, my brothers and sisters with the heaters.

Stolen breaths of a trearue chest, escaped from predators but not from any POTUS’ pity party
Dreamers and routine schemers who want to break into security’s prisons and jails, #Hungry
For faux food that nobody has for free except in the USA, soup line people sittin’ on raw hides
From the very few among the ones related to the workers who died payin’ the taxes’ rip tides.

First, depending on your level of intellect, you did not exist long ago, no black or white roles
Is that Socrates, Plato or Aristotle? Wisdom thieves who perceived visions of holy knot holes
Monkey’s things themselves are Constant ones, fake-baby foodstamped, ganglanded hoodies
Skinned as a worshipped burger of ham on a hot spit, BBQ fired, cooked hot-blooded fleas!

Freefalling, being addicted to Ventura Boulevard, Pasadena roads set in an intersection fuss
No more worry or fear for ones you cannot see or control, protection of the body’s iced soul
Matter and energy over Mullholland or Chicago Avenue, freefallin’ out into Nothin’, no mas
Void is Earth, holy Greek’s mighty Zeus, unlisted #867-5309, #faux goddess in a #Rosebowl.

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 27, 2018 MARDI @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to REO Speedwagon #CantFightThisFeelingAnymore link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/zpOULjyy-n8 }

Monday, November 26, 2018

"TRIANGULATE RED, GREY & WHITE" by moi @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, November 26, 2018
English linguistical imperfections aside, this is the best I can offer from the bottoms gold dust
Fighting and dying for unknown causes just because the high and mighty above us are bored
This place called our room, our bed of love and happiness is violated by the marauding horde
Thank the regal ones of us all, The Ones allowed to rule an all too human, massive soul fuss.

Being’s nothingness has something to do with it all but nobody listens to a madman’s blather
Not in any center of this or another planet for that matter, this energy is everywhere? Please.
Mass of atomic matter or a gargantuan dead star’s asteroid dust adrift in the Cosmos’ lather
All nothing but rasterized pixels of Nature’s wind sheer, utter nonsense to the birds and bees.

You’ve got one of these minds, imagine nothing but emptiness and nobody else but you there
Language and culture are absolutely useless in this Netherlander paradise of bone and hair
Colors of the skin around bones matters only to the aliens formed by separate but equal fear
Among the many and the few, independent declarations are vacant echoes, fathers of forbear.

In conclusion, there is no beginning and no end, no alpha and no omega, timing’s everything
Nowhere but Earth to go for us and them, not to the moon with Alice, no spacesuit evolved
Happiness is a piece of pie when you’re hungry, forbidden apple’s tree of knowledge besting
Sentenced to the hole in the world where Eagles get the better of US all, egg to stone, loved.

I ain’t beatin’ a dead horse because they go to the glue factory for the stickiness that adheres
Keepin’ the paper together, so that the words and thoughts don’t fall apart into their cinders
Where they came from in the fire of the star we call sun, exploded miracles caught in ellipse
Around and around ad infinitum we’ll go forever until the supernova resumes the God trips.

All of it in a nutshell isn’t really a nut or nutty at all, it’s an absolute Dead Sea, for real chief
So real that in a moment, you’ll realize the Truth is just too bizarre, just one life and we’re out
Logic and reason from the deductive and inductive conclusions eliminate God’s divine doubt
A first movement, First Cause of Supernovae Gravitational Collapses, God, there’s no relief.

Except at the Ends of battles, burned or buried to avoid the flies, blue, red and black maggots
What you and I are other than immaculate, invisible souls infused at conception by ma & pa
Is what they could do nothing about, it was ever enough to expose love’s living proton-robots
It’s either this Way, down the path of the middle of the road or the final curtain drops, oh Ga!

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 26, 2018 A.D. LUNDI @ 6:13 AM PST
{ drafted in the essence of the Void allowed by my cranial matter and it’s willed application by an unknown series of electronic stimuli impacting my inferior nasal conchae with the jams of Black Hollywood de Carlos Santana on youTube linkS @ https://youtu.be/HDLLXUaqZxg & https://youtu.be/AqZceAQSJvc }

Sunday, November 25, 2018

@JoeBonamassa concert last night for me, TODAY for you on the link at the masterpiece! thank you for playin' !!!

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, November 25, 2018
I can only say that I am going to put you into a dream that you won’t believe is true today
How I am going to do that is for me to know and for you to find out, my mama used to say
My wildest dreams have come true and I am one happy hombre, you want to cause me pain
I want to return the favor and allow the pain to boomerang into your doorway’s foyer, Sin!

I do whatever I want and I trend on the social media of tweets and posts, allowing platitudes
To be my method of transmitting my sensational opinions regarding the nature of the beasts
Ones that you and I don’t regard as the first nor the last cause of the things themselves, dudes
And dudettes who pretend to know the Occult both here and now, near and far of the bloods.

In their own way of being, from the microbial to the ancestral and our descending x’s & y’s
Pricking your ideas with the pins and needles available in the historical record of the family
You and I dysfunction and propel the devolving of the genome, praying helps, it all dies
My way or the highway is the same way as every germ form of life, mama and papa lies.

Not out of the evil of the liars and cheaters you and I know, friends and lovers of the shame
Stick the branches and the roots up to the shoots of the stamin and flowers, xylem, phloem
Spectres of the books, professors, fathers, sisters, preachers, teachers of cultural roboscum
Put here and now, your choice and mine, ignorance faded closets into which the gods came.

Lose your teeth if you’re lucky when I knock them out of your mouths, all of yous, yeah you
Put the chip in the reader please, no swiping when you’ve linked to the web’s net, #JoeBlue
A show in the middle of a circus, there is no director of the actors on the stage without me
Cancer of the posterior anal canal where the end of the fuel deposits return to their maker.

Swept under the carpet where the angels fear to go, beyond Alpha Centauri, Venus & Mars
Insider trading of the matter and the energy fulfills fake needs to bleed on crimson carpets
For the sake of the humans who are not the food of the animals, eating men or all the pets
Options in small towns and big cities so that the rats of Earth never thirst or ever starve.

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 25, 2018 AD @ 3:33 PM PST
{ drafted comin’ back from #RenoNevada after the Joe Bonamassa concert last night, the band & Joe rocked the blues to the ground of being; link @ https://youtu.be/UIHF7Fyf16g }
