
Saturday, November 30, 2019

#TheIdesOfDecember #EndMonth2019 @Keb'Mo' #BLUES #BLACKS #PURPLES #RoyalsDisasters

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, November 30, 2019
------------- #ToFindAnAnswer -------------
Miracles happen every moment of every day of every millennia when angels empty the trash
Diamonds, pearls, silver, gold, paper or doubloons, pirate debt, FAKE apple-knowledge tree
Where men and women mated to make more of themselves, with or without any permission
To give and take the dice as they get rolled up against the wall, dams walls were closed, son

Blind at the bar askin’ for shots and beers to make the spirits jump inside and out a backdoor
I admit it that’s a fact, I am the One who started the play on the stage, no mercy for any more
Flyin’ inside jets, on sleds and ships of fools, oblivious to the meaning of life, an inevitable hit
To die for this, we come and we go without a whimper, like we were never here at all, aw chit!

You can’t remember me, I was gone before you knew it, like a ship in the night’s heavy traffic
Your mama told me she had a baby while I was long gone, I fled a deadzone of silk, holy freak
Apparently creates and then watches the fun and games begin, survival of the selfish minions
Tiny yellow heads lookin’ at you like it’s your problem but it’s all the olden days’ original sins.

Some dead guy and gal, hundreds of years ago, closer to the sun’s microaggression on Space
Makin’ love to make more things that can’t survive outside of the burning-hot, smokin’ glass
Here’s my luck ahead of me just to follow me home without givin’ up a ghost, itchin’ my itch
Broken shell opens the #PINK, revealing the cosmic pungence like salt in the water, I’m Rich.

Either that’s right or it’s wrong but it can neither be alright or gone to hell in a hand’s basket
Full of the scat or the road apples of the two or four legged variety of mouth-breather in debt
What I desire and what I need are one and the same thing, to be free and alone to let it all be
It’s what it appears to be, First Cause’s Movement of some Divine, dead-ended egg, I’m Free!

In my kitchen, in my bedroom, in my bathroom, my home is this 4 bedroom, doomed runes
Four walls, ceilings and floors surround the details, walkin’, talkin’ bags of hobo wishbones
Related or unrelated to the DNA of my mother’s grandfathers’ genes, pollywogs of a frog eye
Debits and credits in the virtual bank of my iPhone, spent as soon as I got paid, bold face lie!

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, BLOVEMBER 30TH, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST
{ Complete draft with audio of #KebMo#ILikeTheOldMeBetter & HITS on CD link @ https://youtu.be/q_lZ1Ti5LPY }

Friday, November 29, 2019

#RedCorvette... #TheWay @PRINCE #1999 #RasberryBeret & #MICROhits #DoubleTime #DiamondsAndPearls #PurpleRain

pi 3.14 = CORVETTE 2020 SLUICED
Richard Joseph Stephan  ·  Friday, November 29, 2019
--------------- #WorldIsAGiven ----------------
Pi-rates are all there is that really matters in the big scheme destiny of things, mommy ow!
It’s not for me to say but it is for me to think about and write it all down, here and/or now
Just in case I don’t make it past today and if I’m dead tomorrow, in the eyes’ Hole-In-One
I shall remain until the final entry into the black hole’s singularity, I assume, my tiny son.

Prerequisites of your father’s ‘57 Ford, do not go outside of the city, get your girl’s labor pain
I violated those rules on the 5th date, rolled into the back seat at the drive-in #Charlemagne
Everybody is all up in arms because I’m playin’ the rock and roll louder than speakers need
I broke the speakers, wrecked the car when I was a mere seventeen year old without a creed.

Singing and playin’ around with the songs of the beaches on the West Coast, I finally arrived
Yeah! Disneyland and the Movies of Hollywood underfoot, movin’ me up, undertook #Dead
Settled in the North Country, natives and pioneers settled long before my essence blended in
I see Gold glittering from down in the valley, reflected downriver memories, box of sluice kin.

It’s not silver, it’s pure gold or fool’s gold for the one’s who think they know it all, #FakeNews
Nobody knows anything, that’s a fact, merely a series of educated guesses, assuming you’re I
All of It, the whole shebang is what it is all about, your relation of sex to the dreamer screws
Not that this here or that there is the essence of my soul but It Is, that’s all folks, got #Blues?

Divided and multiplied after a subtraction of the original addition, the unknown’s splattered
Both inside and outside of the genes of the cells, there’s an infinite number of tick-tock rocks
Earth spins slowly and wobbles the days and nights out of nowhere, mid Milky Way burned
Actually invisible to the naked eye or the electron microscope, it’s a delirious chimera, RED.

Where there’s an evil villain there’s always a good guy or gal, man or woman who lives to flirt
Whether it’s 1999 or 2020, twenty one years from birth to present, ain’t it a kick in love’s azz
Overdose of the air, the fire and water make you pour out the verve onto the grime of my dirt
Alright to the left or to the right, a gorilla and a man made the babies of history, CorVet class!

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, BLOWVEMBER 29th, 2019 A.D. @ 4:44:44 AM PST

Thursday, November 28, 2019

#GivingThanks #HappyThanksgiving #Thanksgiving @HeavyTraffic @RalphBakshi #NotAsFuriousAsYoMama @GrandFunkRailroad #CloserToHome

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, November 28, 2019
------------- #GranderThanFunk -------------
It was as easy as pie, not the 3.14 but the cherry or the mincemeat, or it was peach cobbler
Kind people all over the place on holidays and afterward but the bums on streets hate Her
Mother Earth is the Cause of their Effect of being down and out, useless traffic of humanity
No function other than to put in nothing and take everything they can get, like you and me!

Difference is we spent our energy and time workin’ for some gold doubloons and happiness
All the homeless did was give up and be lazy and dirty which disqualifies all six of the senses
Stink of the wasted carcasses being carried from block to block, road to avenue of the Stars
Where even the bravest, well-armed soldiers fear to go, down by the old mill stream’s liars.

When the sun goes down, a band of gypsies rises from the graveyard in back of the junkyard
Until the golden dawn of sunrise, those dark things, spirits in the night, play and rap the fjord
Comin’ in and goin’ out of consciousness’ feast of thanks, gratitude for the death of half of US
It’s what happens when you escape the #downtrodden history and future, dig diamonds’ fuss.

Gold isn’t buried deep for any small reason, the Cause of the element is the Big Bang Crunch
Not a miniature thing itself but a maximum dosage of nothing for y’all ‘cept a Hawaiian punch
You know and I know what “Live at the Filmore East NYC 1970” means right? Yeah, Jimi H
I got a lot older, he died and now it’s all bein’ done, here without you, all the Time, I’s a sage!

Philosophical essence and the form of the crime scene shapes that connect the dots, up to par
That is the this and that is all there is, essence preceding the existence of the son’s Black Star
Or it’ll be a white dwarf, it’s impossible to know the MATRIX, beyond logic’s inevitable doubt
So, since I’ve got your name and number, wait for my call, call me anytime 4AM, I’m a #Bot.

r j j stephan, i
{ DRAFTED WHILE LISTENIN’ TO “XXX” rated #HeavyTraffic Ralph Bakshi Animation on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/XWzz6GR3cPQ }

#MillionsOfOne #NoneOfYourZerosEqualTheVoid @PRINCE @JIMIHENDRIX @BuddyGuy


Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, November 28, 2019
sssssssssssss  #FIREinTheHole  sssssssssssss
Nothing mattered before and nothing’s gonna matter down the road, first or second gear jam
Motors of my sisters and mothers, brothers and fathers, all of the DNA formed-shape of man
Chemicals with intelligence going faster than the light-speed limit, per microsecond of Time
Space crunched into a microdot singularity from an immense, gargantuan explosion of Space.

Down in southern California at the beach, when the surf’s comin’ up, I do nothing but surf it
Foam above and below me, bubbles of air to keep me conscious of my status as an air sucker
Out of the blue, mother and father left us here all alone to figure it all out, hooks, lines, sinker
Everything you need to come to the ultimate conclusion that you and I are the product of god.

A big one or a little one, nevertheless, there’s something supernatural about the mouth agape
Lookin’ at your brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers and friends, a corpus delicti motif safe
Love’s got nothing to do with It, this or that, you and I got lucky ‘cause our parents duplicated
For love’s lust, ovas came into wombs, Gamma Rays First Cause, a .413’ll shutdown the dead.

On being on a dragstrip or a track, human’s race as humans do, speedin’ to win, lose or draw
Perfection and damage done to the cool cats, merged into 208 bones of cosmic, fake troubles
Wandering, hiding, looking to eat, drink and avoid sharp teeth and a predator carnivore claw
Broken, bloody hearts comin’ premature, infantile ancient mariners spells coded in LSD pills.

The other night, they played our song and we drove up the ONE, I knew I’d get you back here
Lost you once to the convent of nuns and priests of the holy sepulchre, Hollywood’s cried tear
In the tragedy of life’s random causes and effects, there is a subtle comedy rising from ashes
Why you ask? Believe #BlindedFaith in Nothing being Something other than divinity’s asses.

The little girls I once knew turned out to be the fine women who survived the turmoil of wars
Battles to kill the good, the bad and the ugly remain the only way to settle the selfish box cars
From head to toe, hair, fingers and toes with growing nails of the corpses, fillin’ a dead cabal
Zeus’ Will’s underground, eyes wide-opened, Darkness’ power is right on, holy pax sign y’ All!

r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, Thanksgiving that #TheIndian @Squanto, also known as Tisquantum Tisquantum Lodge 164, saved the #Pilgrims back in the #Day, & LISTENIN’ intently to Jimi Hendrix #OnceIHadAWoman from the CD #BLUES on on YouTube link @ https://youtu.be/3wQAMdDvT6Y}

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

#BeatThisSheet #YouCannotTry #YouWillNotSucceed #EyesCannotWatchThriller #ItsOnlyAMovie #StoppedBreathingThrilled

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, November 27, 2019
--------------  #SmoothCriminal  ---------------
Elevating my consciousness to the alpha tones, place in space where I am, I’m in full charge
Until my last breath, free consciousness within established parameters, just livin’ max-large
Not for any other reason than my father and mother made the easy money, without reprieve
Cost is not important with a bottomless charge account that is settled every mid-Adam’s eve.

Think about it this way, you my friend that I don’t know are a #Tool for good, drink cow milk
Good being anything that supports survival of the fittest, bad being a detriment to Time’s ilk
Poor girls and boys, rich punks and socialites who pretend to be the grandfather of the clock
In charge of the livers of the beasts, all who Live KNOW, Evil is Live spelled backward, Rock!

Don’t listen or pay any attention to the doom layers who teach the children well, how to DIE!
Watching animals and plants be killed and eaten in the midst of pretending LIFE won’t LIE
Yet, here and now, a blindman and a hard of hearing woman, pretend it’s gonna be alright, eh
If you don’t pretend, go insane from the emptiness before your very eyes, hey, what did I say?

Did you know, did you think, could you guess, shall we assume that immortality is a chimera?
Blind faith seems caused by the fear, loathing death, the end-all, the be-all of an intelligentsia
Comin’ to Jesus, Buddha, Krishna or @MONSANTO for extinction, chemicals of a cosmic Ra
Of human bondage and freedom, an accident of survival of the fittest, here, now, alone, Blah!

We all want company to entertain our ennui and provide the antidote to the mortal mindset
Little Johnny and sweet, tiny Mary Jane pull it all off as if it’s a play that’s supposed to be, yet
We’re all hungry when the food runs out, we want to kill some form of life to eat it, then stink
To swallow the real things and devour the verve within, eyes wide open until an eternal blink.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, BLOVEMBER 27TH, 2 0 1 9 A.D. @ 3:33 AM PST
{ cranked out these calls Pulitzer Prizes while jammin’ to Michael Jackson* #BillyJean on youTube with some of MY fav HITS link @ https://youtu.be/Zi_XLOBDo_Y }

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

#OldFashionedRobbery #RootForTheBadGuys #FakeNews #GotNoJunk

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, November 26, 2019
-----------  #NumeroUno -----------
Which expansion? Which aggression? Why are you so concerned about the Cosmic grooves?
You will perish since you are really an invisible Ego, an animated juke job of ignorant flotsam
Call the idiots and the morons to do a number on the bad men, they’re everywhere on jetsam
Alcohol and plant dehydration, fired up inhalation, you’d be jumpin’ on the prey, jukin’ fools.

You are punked right now, friends and foes alike, you’ve swallowed the bait, hook-line sunk
Down to the bottom of the deepest lake on Earth, where light never goes or comes, in or out
It’s a matter of atomic fusion and fission and your eyes wide open to see a burnt son of God
It’s always there and without It, we are all dead, the good, bad and the fugly, got it hotrod?

Here’s a fire in the water, it’s gettin’ hotter every moment of every holy revolution, get high
Light up and live past the trials and tribulations of surviving on Earth, struggling son of Ra
Microscopic and macroscopic focus of the philosophy you’ve accepted to explain, funk found
From the mothers and sisters of us all, we come forth and drop it on down to sacred ground.

I am in the center, right down the middle, neither to the left nor the right, stand up, sit down
Host of the party Is the One, the same One which was here before your conception, you clown
Sent to the comedy and tragedy of the dramatic display of little, crybaby boys’ and girls’ folks
Already gone, a mystery house, smoke cigarettes, watch football on TV, Happy Thanksgiving!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, BLOVEMBER 26TH, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ generated the amassed Logos flombet with the assistance of The Artist Formerly Known As Prince #JAZZ youTube link @ https://youtu.be/cOc2MzvqbN0 }

Monday, November 25, 2019

#BlindFaith & the rest of the story... #CagedElephant & whatnot!

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, November 25, 2019
-------------  #WhoDoYouThinkYouAre -------------
Fear and loathing of the One who got us all here and now, struggling for survival just for pain
A bit of tenderness to give a teeny, tiny reprieve from the scariest dream ever had in the rain
Shocked, humdinger like no other ended before I knew what had happened, my soul got free
But I’m pretty sure I won the sword fight with some skills I’d forgotten, (bow) sensai left me.

It’s all comin’ back to me now, there was a challenge to my life by the reaper who fishes souls
I had it, she wanted it, this lady reaper full of a heightened state of awareness for spunk loads
It wasn’t long down the pike before I figured that I’d been the dreamer, my will’s being done
Then it the game was on, I was armed and dangerous but without ammunition in sight, all I.

The heat is on but it’s freezing cold inside and outside of the core of the Cosmos, why is that?
Atomic ghosts who were here and now are now long gone, trust nobody’s faith in #FakeNews
In the Time of the First Cause of Matter and Energy, nothing was being recorded by any God
We’ve had to create the notion of divinity for the sake of survival, the sanity of minds’ is good.

Perfection of the zero and the billion stars outside of the abstract vacuum of matter, singular
Gettin’ past the taste of waste and the smell of white trash in the county dump, hotshell afar
From Chicago’s dotted matrix, I arose to the nest in the Eagle ghosts’ cave o’er below & above
Wings got weaker as carrion went unhunted, ends began, flew 8 mile high, no wings, I dove!

Seeing the ground of being rushing closer to my eyes and soul, the lights went out, passed in
Dreamin’ I fell out of the bed and was suddenly #WOKE like I ain’t ever been & I ain’t kiddin’
To be WOKE or not to be WOKE, that is the million dollar question, every body knows it, eh
Everything is everything and now, even you know something, a narrow path, it’s home’s Way.

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, BLOVEMBER 25TH, 2019 A.D. @ 4:20 PM PST

THE PROFESSOR Official Trailer (2019) Johnny Depp, Zoey Deutch Movie HD & #FailSafe FROM 1964 55 YEARS AGO... #WeAreStillHere #Whew FULL MOVIE


#CandyManRanOutOfCandy #KeepOnPushin' @MaryJaneGirls @CurtusMayfield

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, November 25, 2019
----------------- READ THIS FOR FREE ---------------
Wake the BLANK up you, mother BLANK and make it snappy pappy, I banged her yesterday
It’s better be the best you’ve ever been once you awaken on your final approach, Ends of Ma
Where life moves once it’s finished with ACTING on the STAGE of terra ferma, made a PLAY
Cherry or apple, maybe gooseberry or the shepherd’s meat pie, surprise protein of grandma.

To the apex of mountains, a protrusion of blown dirt from It’s inside-out, WTF dream’s over
Drum beat to pound Rhythm and animal sinews to pluck and saw, metal and wood to blow It
Air and Water and Fire and the matrix of the stuff, here and now, material world of my mama
Girls know and boys are much to dense to comprehend the thing itself, it’s me you dank fool!

Punks and politicians merge into One to make the HOLE shebang come to cease & desist It
Your mind, your personality, your being is totally dependent on memories, extinction’s CHIT
All there is in the cells of DNA is the code to End The Dream At Will, nothing you can do kids
Jealousy’s Hate cannot be denied once Love and Glory are lost, Time goes by, survive or die!

I have a fix for your tricks, it’s way better than the liquid squirts out the needle or the epipens
For the rest of your life, celebrate that you found out where the power was before al was lost
Banged heads down to your metatarsals, Look Out Below, All Hands On Deck, I overrated It
Your health and your future depend on this one secret, I’ll tell you tomorrow, survive, Be fit!

Formaldehyde full carcasses in the graveyards of dead meat and hollow bones, residue of You
We put out in the Milky Way and we went touched down hard, landed and made groove-tube
Not loved, not hated, in the Milky Way and eating it from the inside a hardcore to outer space
Where wise men fear to go, to whatchamacallit, diddlydoo, thingamabob scat, one God’s Gismo!

r j j stephan, i
c. LUNDI BLOWVEMBER 25TH, 2019 A.D. @ 4:11 AM PST
{ ENJOY! plucked out of thin air while listenin’ to my radio station full of MY #RicosFavs online link @ https://www.iheart.com/favorites/ricos-favorites-radio-693414583/ }

Sunday, November 24, 2019

#PostedPostToasties #HeyBaby @WARTheBand #TheGhetto @DonnyHathaway

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, November 24, 2019
--------------- #HandOffToTheHalfBack ---------------
It adds up to zero when you step back from the fray and divvy up spoils between Us and Them
X marked the spot more than once, the treasure is now back together in one, a demon's’ gun
A box of dealios with a can of worms, squirmin’ to get free of the dirty soil and grime, my son
You and I don’t know anything more than we did the day we were born free, it’s One’s datum.

Hurryin’ and scurryin’ under a wall’s foundation, in the black or red asset’s debit, YoJimmy !
Acc0unting for the First cell created from Nothing and on to the Final End-Run-Around, slim
On the nature of being a beastie boy, bones leftover in campfires deliver the Word of Psychos
Men pretending that One lives after the beasts’ bones give up the ghost, It ends in dark holes.

Either pound it in with a hammer like a nail or twist it down clockwise, never go in or out, kid
It’s not for you to say or think about since you’re a mere cog in the macrophagic, magic of Id
Armor to provide protection as good as a smoked cigarette gets, Kool to Camel, tobacco tripe
Thank the natives who grew the plants of leaves in meadows, waitin’ for a stoked peace pipe.

Ego dead, super-Ego at the wake, leaving the Id to do as It will do, it’s causation of the effects
The ENDS cannot come to fruition without the ORIGINS, in a posh condo penthouse, or alley
The stuff of grace that fills the coffer full of the Good, The Bad and indeed, The Ugly with sex
Giving it and taking it for the sake of the clan, a genetic pool of me and you, a taboo, my hex.

Frequent trips from the bed to the coffin for the many, they leave it all behind, they wake up
Look around, find the Self right here and now where It has always been, always will be done
Your free will to do anything you please is restricted by the Time and Place here in the Space
Ghetto yeah! It’s all broadcast to two ears of The Many to manipulate goods, dabs and uglys.

Children and their parents will not be spared the injustice, they’re warriors in the empty Void
Trippin’ to the beats of rhythm and white knight rhyme of the turkeys in the Republican roast
Hectic moves, wobbles, spins, rotations, revolutions, just what a PhD doctor ordered, I avoid
Now then, gotta grope in a state of #FakeNews affairs, #WTF in full regalia, up in my Ghost!

It’s be a good night once you find out before the dawn that #EverythingIsEverything, alright?
Completed the mission, satisfied my desires and need to bleed for the mob, the herd of Fight
For the survival of the species, the naturally selected attractions fulfill the need to bleed, Slim
If you dive deep and come up in the shallows, that’s the Way of Warriors, #FAT’S milk scum.

r j j stephan, i

c. DIMANCHE, BLOVEMBER 24TH, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST

*THE HEADER, a microphone logo for this piece is of the mighty Agradio Armstrong & Getty link Talk 650 KSTE 0600-1000 AM PST M-F }

#Godsend #FullMonty #EverybodyOnTheFloor @LedZeppelin @GretaVanFleet @FamilyGuy @MCHammer

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, November 24, 2019
- - - - - - - #TotallyVoidOfNothing - - - - - - - 
Form and matter come One and all to the greatest show on Earth, the only show here up high
For what it’s worth, there’s really no reason for life and death, just to be, to eat, to live or die
Parrots and the 24/7 you get to spend in the real or pretend jungles, concrete or a greenland
Skulls and crossbones leftover with Thanksgiving pumpkin, bird, pig, fruit, jello & cool whip.

Moments after fools who operate the puppets who scream to get out of their sick joker quips
Drop dead gorgeous as it should be when you are as happy as a lark or an idiot to the moons
Torture your mama, who writes scripts for #FamilyGuy & #TwilightZone for gold doubloons
If the almighty origin of heaven and earth actually exists, we need to read the Viking’s runes.

It’s an abomination to be on the way down to the bottom of the barrel of monkeys, sixteen 2’s
Hens are all up in arms with their skimpy wings and chicken legs, they calm down the blues
Pussy cats and bald boys and hairy girls move on from adolescence to elder adulthood boom
Making much ado about nothing, as if it matters that you’re here and now, to die for, soon.

Dads drink too much because their addicted to the alcohol not because of the make-up sex
Blood and bones walked and flew on the way to Oz, still there at the wizard’s happy place
Open books, open minds, wide open legs and arms make the world go around and around
Ad infinitum, wobbling and orbiting the burning balls of a star player of the orbital sound.

Picking up the funk where it left you off the last time you said WTF to me, flip a bird and bee
For you and for me, food for thanks and drinks for love and money, you got change for a 20?
No worries, I cannot believe a thing said about a metaphysical spin, everything is everything
There’s an alternative to Marco Polo, it’s Columbus or the sweet swamp, you said badabing!

r j j stephan, i
c. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH, 2019 A.D. @ 01:00 AM
{ drafted while watchin’ Cutaway Compilation Season 4 - Family Guy (Part 5) on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/74S1fQDZYkM }