
Showing posts with label #MayTheFourthBeWithYou. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #MayTheFourthBeWithYou. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2025

OLD NEWS IS GOOD NEWS #OBLIVION }@TomCruz{ #WhosInCharge? #ShakespeareWasFrancisBacon #PoliticalScientology

Get off of your arse 1-22
Herd is in lockstep & goosesteppin’ on the steppingstones of the ancestors’ cool ilk
Ones who left their marks upon shifting sands of Time, now long vanished toast & milk
Blinded by your parents, large sisters & big brothers, no free choice involved, true force
Marked words of the bums and junkies will allow your memory to jog in Space & Time.

On any street, every middle path on every road from senselessness to nonsense & back
There is a wake-up call for you in the back of the room, you’ve slept up against the walls
Penetrate the veil you can’t see or hear through, eyes wide open since an aroma scent
Wafted in and out of your head, between your ears & signaled to your loins, your balls.

I didn’t create things themselves, just commenting on the nature of the thing itself sings
Beast or sons & daughters of the atoms before they recombined into the too human genes
Coming and going you & I have no reason to believe for certain that your mama ain’t real
World-wide from coast to coast of every territory on all seven continents, we a Void’s meal.

Comforting in the comforter undercover, it is an occult secret nobody recalls, it is written
Invisible ink used by the writer(s) wasn’t originally invisible, annihilation rockin’ mortal sin
As if an Earth existed before you were conceived, or that it will disappear when y’all die too
Nobody or hardly anybody, well maybe just a many as there has always been, livin’ in a zoo.

Miracle of the effect which is the disappearance of your soul’s attention to picayune apes
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion is what you’re NOT, That’s Life, it’s what whine is, cool grapes
String theories debunked in the mind but never out in the Twilight Zone, they remain alive
Until the Big Bang reverts to the Big Hush of the final subatomic lick, this is the Deep Dive.

Killing the living is all you can do if you’re alive, if you don’t eat you will die for sure
Animals, plants, viruses & bacteria buried in exoplanet animated dust & I’m on tour
Become a bum’s trash on the corner or in the gangways until the bums flip the bird
Taking no credit for the smoldering cigarette nor deliberate pyromanias of the herd.

Many dead men left their opinion about Reality as it appeared in their Time on Earth
They may have been poisoned, drugged or their recessive DNA match is in afterbirth
No small feat but it’s what’s been done in some cultures & not in others, ½ life lucky
If fortune isn’t in your star horoscope, pay a 208-bone bribe for a skeleton’s task key.

There’s only so much time any of us are allowed by an accident or intent of someone
Meaning when it’s your time to go, it doesn’t matter if you like it or not, it’s done son
Terrified of the lack of consciousness before you die means you’re wasting overtime
At the foot of a high mountain or on the beach of a vast Antarctic span of H2O slime.

Loaded & locked arms of fire and lead, projectile exchange from US to THEM, know it
If you don’t know by now at this late stage of the game, then I say, it’ll be a checkmate
Nothing you’ll be able to do other than move out of checks of knights, rooks & a queen
Fix your gaze on identical targets, demand what is in supply, pay the price to be mean.

Starving immigrants from their squandered homes want what you’ve got, takin’ it all
Give it up voluntarily or it will be taken by force, where’s Zorro when you need him now
Time to extinguish the foul among the genome, motherless, fatherless God’s son, fall
Whistling free will, to be or not, what you do not possess, your lips together, just blow.

Creeping underneath your face, your skull attempts language & body regulation, all et al
Fizz of the chemicals in hydrogen and oxygen, waiting for us all to drink hot Kool-Ade, pal
On your own or interdependent on the nature of the planet’s beasts, top of the food chain
If you don’t follow the string of data, the premises will still lead to a valid conclusion pain.

You just will be one of the ones who will never know, knowledge is impossible in a vacuum
You’re in one, I’m in one, it’s the same one we’re all in, born to be wild, die in a dragon puff
King of heaven when there’s a queen means that the king is the queen’s highness worship
Forget nothing, remember it all birth to the last gasp of gas, incarnate into Nirvana, R.I.P.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mercredi, Janvier XXIInd MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST
{ Drafted without fear of failure or success, while listenin’ to @WARtheBand #CiscoKid & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/8TkpolQKie8

Saturday, August 31, 2024

#FriedGreyMatter #SheetFerBrains #GraduateInfinityFinite #HappyGraduationNiko @AssociateDegreed

You don’t know like I know or maybe you do, I don’t know for sure, it’s academic
Treat is on me, I’ve got more Jack than I can ever spend on myself & my loving ilk
Hence, this idea to give it away before I die because I’m no angel, man you know
No evil genius ever warned me that knowledge was impossible creative backflow.

Out the clouds & below the innards of the planet’s red mud & all too human blood
Rained down the manna to the men and women leftover from the whole world flood
Swimming until you felt the mud and blood losing liquidity, like your stock & Bondo
Hand out to me above fish in the sea, old man that I be, over seventy flies of a crow.

Sift through the hype and once the chafe falls & tumbles out of your grasp, that’s it
Half crazy with the love you had for the ones who left dead or alive, all you got is chit
Use it to buy stuff a la Bevis & Buthead after they laugh their empty heads off, aw hell
All time spent with or without you doesn’t count in eternity, still ringin’ my damn bell.

Beer, wine, spirits of the beauty and beast within my holy soul, altar boy Latino lingo
Forgive me for requesting raspberry ice tea but it’s all I can handle with bull’s chit
Too sweet to be true or false, being as is, sight & sound, smell & taste, feel it blow
Right on through a thing itself, deeper than I’ve gone since I found it was no Exit.

Be nice to me, honeybee, I’ll be your shade tree to hang a honeycomb upon, pleasure
It’s all mine and I hope you’ll go for a ride and a date at a dance and company picnic tour
Of my friends and family, you need to be one of the many, not braggin’ just that I’m sayin’
On this road, a narrow path, one clear light Way since a day I gasped O2, dream stoppin’.

Out of a womb into a grave or gold dust in the wind caught in soul-filled spirit, axe’s licks
Freedom was worth it from 1776 to the day I see it still in front of me, eyes don’t deceive
Trip on Light has been fantastic, above & beyond whatever was, it’ll be turned on forever
Microscopic tattoo, my spirit’s soul, consciousness’ recollection, naked ape kicks.

One force of one human means nothing to anybody but you, yourself and you know who
Hay is for horses, on a prairie or kickin’ in a stall, mix in some water & oats, manure
Run around in counter-clockwise circles for no reason but a bet that you’re a furlong better
Hens get inseminated by the roosters, it’s the way like the other plants & animals, so blue.

If I mastermind the conditional & then force the outcome, mandated by the spell, I am One
No need or want for anything else while on the surface of the planet, zero multiplied love-in
Wings or hands, feet or claws, teeth or poison injection of viral bacteria from a CoVid19 sin
Inside my glass, there’s shots of spirit, rum & coke to water my dehydration, come on son.

Chainsaw opened up cuts for the bloodletting, to eat leftover meat from the last first date
Minds cleared of clutter like the closets in your bath and barbecue, a farce’s pregnant doe
Stag function to become extinct as unicorns & australopithecine trope, mitosis in meiosis
For the sake of the universe, specks of invisibility are your super malfunctions, I annihilate.

Mountains behind & ahead of your present tense, gotta go up to get down, below & above
Searing in the frying pan, eating while it’s sizzling hot, a pig, cow, sheep or holy white dove
Communion with spirits invisibility, still thoughts in the mind of the living left-overs of gods
Reunification with the mud and blood once you’ve been dead & gone, a miracle, hotrods.

Simply less than zero to balance the more than One, wrong or right it’s the way it always is
Before the Big Bang, before anyone went to a church to celebrate the unseen grace of fizz’s
All bubbles bursting with joy of having too much to handle, all orphans know, alone at One
Nothing matters and if it ever mattered at all, it was a method to teach an idiot to have fun.

Bobbing up & down like a bobber 18 inches above the hook & bait, my rod’s sunk in weeds
Bringin’ the tangled mess into the shore for clarity’s clear path, trophy trout released deed
Still on the hook, alive and swimming back in the drink of freshwater, lease on life extended
Karma in return for the assistance on resistance to dissolution of the conditional, undead.

Once upon sometime in the Past, the Future became Present for a New York Minute too
No way to ever bring back the moment it all came down & went up back into the Void blue
Happiness or sadness just a measurement of memory that you’re just an atomic dip chit
There’s an essence of invisible what-not, it’s what gets rewarded or punished for being It.

Fun is what you have to pass the time from future to present to past, it’s inevitability fun
Choice between absolute nothingness inside and outside of the body & a mental ill son
Vigorous diggin’ deep down for the grave’s dirty dust to bury the past in the freezing foam
Pride & the prejudice you put on the fools, keep it for yourself, me, king’s goin’ on home.

I cried when I was a boy, cried when I was a man, ain’t cryin’ a tear when I’m dead & gone
Neither will you, none of you, even ones who don’t read words written for dragon minions
Fighting in all shadows for whatever is leftover to eat & defecate, all there is is original sin
Disobey the boss, knowledge’s @Apple on the tree, innocent wisdom’s divine, clear skin.

Now you know it all, you let it slip your mind a moment but it’s the gift that keeps on giving
No regrets ever about anything, this is all your idea, to be awake & alive for a witch’s spell
Magic is all there ever was, spun a Big Bang far & wide, One’s animated dream in a dream
Chief at the apex, slave cylinder at absolute ground zero where Nothing’s never, ever at.

Busy bodies must encompass the strange and familiar to embrace the powers that be
You & I came from somewhere beyond the darkness of mothers’ wombs, deep blue sea
Way down to the bottom of the faulty cut in the planet’s crust, corresponding Randos
Fly in every direction without wings, not birds, neither angels nor bats, I know it blows.

You and I do what we need to do in order to survive among the fit, it’s a mandate of One
Here today, spin & wobble around the sun, I dreamed you died, and you were dead son
If you had the numbers you’d have the scores, the goals, the extra points of a hat trick
Three at a time, slap shot or a back hand around the rear of the net, shitz so GD slick.

Believe in the impossible, it’s highly improbable to a point of being king of man’s bone
Heart is broken in the center, live in a dream at your own peril, you can burn it all down
Ice Kool-Aid melted into my hot mouth at 98.6 degrees of separation from the i-phone
Hurry up & wait a minute, stand in a line, face to back of the class, last desk, last row.

Common ground is underfoot, you’re the only one that’s going to die when it’s Time
Space is wide-open to humanity for an entry back into the Void, where I come from
Hints to exercise exorcism have been ignored by the masses, observed by accident
On a routine basis, living things will die in less than century’s years, so heaven sent.

Bitten down hard, your last task as the grim reaper is to reap, corpse rigor mortis in
Rear back bone cracked into bits, snapped the spinal cord in two, repaired by the Ai
Full house and straight up four aces, I win the game with or without rules, I’m Simon
3.14 always the same, always what Simon says, we know the rules, it’s pi in the sky.

Hit me with your best shot or any shot of your best sharpshooting terminator of Man
Fear the forefront and backstage of the venue, blood flow backward out the oil can
Funny or not, jokers have no punch line, it’s all in the mind of the beholder’s behead
Evidence of who you are born to become & who you will be when you’re all undead.

By the hair of my chinny-chin-chin as the old saying goes in the fairy tale, three l’il pigs
They may have been little pigs but they were the smartest pigs in the deep woods’ digs
Divinity above your highest heads buried in dead star-stuff leftover from a Bigger Banger
Nuclei sorted in alphabetical, chronological order of all things, subatomic charm lover.

Swinging from limbs in the jungle is an activity of naked apes, it’s a miracle naturally
Why are you alive today and why were you alive since your conception in the womb?
Answers are catastrophic to the rhetorical questions, as they lay down mustang sally
She moved back & forth like a fish in a current upstream & downstream in a white room.

Period of the era is long like the speed of the Earth’s rotation and wobble on the ecliptic
Conspiracy of all bad guys like bacteria & viruses must be exterminated by magic Dick
Inside every angle of every shape of crooked, straight lines tweaking direction gone fun
Above & beyond this atmosphere to the Void between the moon, Venus, Mercury & Sun.

Lost your mind but you didn’t know where it was in the first place, so it’s no liability at all
Trouble is as trouble does in a prank on your mother and father, you weren’t on the ball
Just a passenger on the freight train, on the platform with my mother and father, cloud 9
We’re ready and we’re set, parallel universes merge, intersect circles, Gold’s God, fine.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 8-31-2024 Anno Domini @ 911 PMPST

{ Drafted while jammin’ to @RobinWilliams #WeaponsOfSelfDestruction
on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/at-LN8PXQGE?si=Ge_hZCXMreEmROUO }



Wednesday, June 05, 2024

#MounntainDew or #Dye or #BeStardust #WoodstockBoy

Timing is everything in Space, a long, long time ago before all humans became evil reasons
All due to the least likely to survive, unfit beings saved to reproduce species’ extinction sons
The fix was in before anybody knew it, you’re dreaming of the thing itself, dead ended love
One way to go full speed ahead, nobody goes backward, God’s no reversal of heaven above.

From hot water, H2O pair of oxy-hydro ash of the end of this solar system’s carbon quake
Cause of the first time an atom split is your conscious wokeness of the pain that baby’s fake
Crying crocodile tears in the swamp bog as if there’s a way to return to the beginning dawn
In the final spin of the darkness enveloping blown atomic light, great awakening you pawn.

No king and no queen, no bishop, cardinal or neophyte son of idiots & morons, too human
Above it’s dark, below it’s dark, in a closet it’s dark, after your death of bones, it’s still man
No pins dropping to spoil the roar of empty, dead air, no idyll chit chat with your best boon
Higher than the lowlife on the bottom of a bog, below a swamp’s things themselves’ moon.

It is what it is, I am what I am, you’ll never know how much I really care about surviving
Will to the power for aid in the success comes from some great grandfathered-in original G
Hot or cold out of the faucet, wet water drank and rinsed all in and out of my filthy crying
Wasting tears on wasted nights and days, revolving the rotation & wobble, infinity’s thing.

Before and after the misconception, it’s creative license to apply linguistic uncertainty et al
For you, your ancestral descendants & God there’s nothing more nor less than we ever see
You get it all in the matter material things with material girls and boys in the rockin’ band
Mild and harsh, as above so below, healed the deaf and dumber 20/20 vision of Ayn Rand.

What you do with your life is already your destiny, there’s no free will in the egg conception
Survival in darkness for a year or so means nothing at all when all Truth displays the dawn
Where I come from, there’s deadened Earth, cool wind and hot fire, move like a king pawn
Sixty-four squares on the plane’s 3rd dimension, wavelength of the 3-D, impossibility of sin.

Create the things, you are responsible for everything the things do & say, war kills things
Battle to keep the peace, knock off the disagreement with the enhancement of three rings
One or two rings aren’t sufficient, the third is a necessary condition to keep up the flow
Middle path goes one way with no return or turnabout, I am the only one I am, now blow!

For the sake of the grandfathers and grandmothers who got us here by hook or by crook
Before you could disobey the rules you needed to know the punishment, avoid pain hook
Nobody I ever knew liked the pain, punishment for the punishers, warn the fool monkey
Skullcaps cry ‘cause you spanked ‘em, so just die, after or before Time’s up, skeleton key.

Games without the rules aren’t games but that chaos can’t be avoided, played hard ball
Nothing soft about the round projectiles, need a glove to catch, bat to smash a strike call
Colloquialism just an idiom of my handy locutions of word salad & dressing to sixty nines
Thrown out the club, threw up in the gangway, drank ‘til drunk, I died, now it’s just fine.

I think I died but I still wanted one more drink, wasn’t inebriated any longer#, just Woke
Up or down makes no difference when you’re on the surface of the spin, lookin’ like a dope
Energy fully engaged, blown to smithereens, what you see is what you get, now don’t choke
Swallow the wad, it’s gonna go through the stellar system, I’m the hangman with the rope!

 r j j stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, June Vth, MMXXXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Kicked out the jam while listenin’ to @Everlast #GrammasHand
on youTube link https://youtu.be/4f-PVsqtzVU }
