In a winter wonderland in the middle of nowhere known to man or woman, hot fire starts
Smoke is there too, always together one by one and two by two, forever identical pharaohs
I ate all of the goblins and their candy last night and I’ve burned off all of the sugar sweet
Without the freezing cold anywhere in or out of sight, it’s all a matter of movin’ my feet.
Dreamed while wide awake, gifted from posterity or my mother and father, suckled hind teat
Giving in to the benefits of inheritance and grand larceny, a transitory experience is all of it
Cork’s out of the wine bottle, cap’s off of the whiskey, poptop’s blown off the beer cans, sons
Corporate and private, pretending it’s not transitory, forcing blind faith upon the wise ones.
My life and love have gone dark in the pitch black of night, Neptune’s purple and Mars’ red
Whether you lived and died already, still alive or not yet to have become the DNA zygoted
It really doesn’t matter at all if you recollect the memory that the divine spark carries me
From pilgrim thanks and on back to the birth of the crucified One and Krishna and Buddha.
Seams and creases right up the middle from the origin’s destination and problematic position
Argument for a rational approach to celebrating mythological lore for the love of goddess’ son
In the dawn of the origin where the train started on the RR tracks from o’er there to o’er here
Shook my bones and my soul froze solid, time’s drunken saint, Santa’s addicted to my beer.
Fun for Red Mars’ girls who don’t become the nuns and boys’ deep purple extinction code
Winning awards for monsters in love, coming began going, broken records’ forming mode
Siddhartha and Socrates reason and rhyme ‘bout a millimeter thin, now weep, ACDC guitar
I’m all One, without deception or remorse, feelin’ the burn undersea, Uriah Heap to Qatar.
r j j stephan, i
{ drafted while jammin’ with The Black Crowes #HardToHandle & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/2CE6bgj-hx4?list=PLdoJjJ9cLqRxFdjG_C9KCwebgLcOzut9C & @JoeSatriani & @G3 youTube link @ https://youtu.be/zDfy67my2So }