
Saturday, May 20, 2023

#HereThereEverywhereButNotAnywhereAtAll #TakeMyWORDupForIt #WORD @KORN

X marks the spot of soldiers fighting & dying for a 1st cause of everything ghostly
As if it’s all the rage to be there without being there, in certain, uncertain circles
They surround-sound the gossip as if The Truth is out there, out of earshot’s sin
On the corner, on the block, out of gas and I’m nearly out of time, I’m circling

Force of the One or the Many, either way it gets you because of your fierce sons
It appears that you’re always ready to go a few rounds, for the record, for funds
Beguiled by the way her hips moved, to & fro, a touch of Adam’s inherited gold
Shining and tradable for all things that float boats on seas, 94 billion years old.

One way street or another dead end into the house nobody lived in, except Zen
All mindless up to 20 years old, some twins & sets of quintuplets, mercy, mama
She did the pretend to or not to get off on the act of contrition for Garden Eden
In perfect synchronicity with rhythm and rhyme of kisses in the dark, old papa.

Keeping your eyes on the prize, even if you’re stoned-blind, this here is what it is
Being the best human being you’re able to be, y’all been trained so, y’all freeze
All about the things you do down here on planet Earth, flyin’ with birds & bees
Perfectly in the center of the iris of the eye’s storm, Nothing like my desire’s fizz.

You’re in a dream that came true after you fell asleep in a cloud of opium above
Below Original or mortally venial type of disobedience to Commands & All Rules
Like I’ve always said in the past, before the day I died in hot arms of my true love
Grooved in a circular jerk, hummin’ like a bird ready to dine on the nectar brews.

In peril, still hummin’ like a .409 in a ’57 Chevy, cherry red metalflake radioactive
Chills run through the mother of all my drives on the highways and byways alive
She said, she said she feels like good, in a groove, but you can’t kill a nervous hit
Dreamin’ that you’re stuck inside a sleeping dream state could make you give a…

Apes, insects, growth of the photosynthetic cells of the seeded, cosmic slop It
Neither she nor he, this It may be all there is in reality, past, presence & future
Around and around it goes, like sand through an hour glass, as they say, #2 chit
Urban dank or Blue Dream in a jar, it’s not only all good but also a UFO’s cure.

All things pass from a planet make you fly above your cold-blooded bag of bones
Drifting high or low I move just like you & anyone else who has ever lived Today
Here before or after a Big Bang or the Baby Whimper, I stand up, payback loans
Moved from the start’s get-go, all around the board’s path, it was all One-Way.

Hell burn, watch your step, refusing to have a chess rematch, no chess for you
You didn’t get the message of the drag you are, brainless fool of the deep blue
See what you saw, saw what you seen, t’was nothing all in your own mind’s eye
Third or the blind, stigmatized two above your nose will go blind and then die.

Nothing goin’ on, it’s you creating something from nothing, it’s getting so weary
Tired of the same old, same old thing over and over, you better watch your step
It could be your last one & you’ve no other alternative leap of faith, no fear, si?
Author of scientific behavior to do everything, holy soul is all that I am, the Me.


c. Samedhi, May XXth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @1111 AMPST

{ Segmented the paraphrases while listenin’ to @Bruce_Springsteen #DevilsAndDust link @ https://youtu.be/bOZzJ3uC_1Q & @Sublime #GH link @ https://youtu.be/a9JUX4CElxA }

Thursday, May 18, 2023

#GrippedNothingWithoutKnowing #SlideIntoHomeSpikesHigh

It’s really about me, all about me, everything that I am, all the winning’s too high
Here and now, there and then we all find ourselves, sooner or later, in a foul mix
Totally outrageous inside and outside of the things themselves, it’s everything too
From fake pictures on the wall to the oven’s baking Witches’ bread, it’s got my six.

House of the homeless homeys who roam Earth without a cause, just babbling
Like a rum-soaked donut hole, eaten three or four at a time, it’s just me blinking
After 7 shots & a beer, there was no way to enter a field of dreams, think dangle
Creeping ever so close to the end of the line that turns a corner on a right angle.

On the fine point of ending the argument, with the freaks who allow a tete a tete
Deduce the only conclusion most probably the likely only final end, to win the bet
The wager was all or nothing, the soul or the mind & there’s no body count at all
It’s a vehicle to represent the function of the divine, cosmic slop in every baseball.

Mountains and valleys to drive through to see the wind blow all men down to hell
Below the stars, above the null and void apes and bananas came down, they fell
Just like the first man and first woman, the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, so
Look, listen, feel around, it’s the smell & taste that gets you, lips together & blow!

Q’s devils and cosmic dust fell down from the Void into the orbit of the moonshine
It tripped on the light fantastic and ended the nights’ mares, made everything GA
It’s all good because Nothing is bad & that’s all that is Evil, Nothing man, zip, nada
Danger at the edge without any hole to fall into, I heard it through the grapevine.

r j j stephan, i

c. Jeudi, 5-18-2022 Anno Domini @ 1111 PMPST
{ Drafted in total silence except for the buzzing in my ears, then listenin’ to some @Springsteen link @ https://youtu.be/bOZzJ3uC_1Q }


Monday, May 15, 2023

I DONT CARE EITHER! Lunatic Luna Loon! #GodGaveYouDiddlySquat #Fbombers


Huge number of idiots hatched via the devil boys’ rough & all too human green
As if anything at all matters at all to anyone, dead or alive, altar boys don’t count
It’s knowledge & wisdom not to be born redundant ad infinitum Time unseen
In stealth without the need to bleed or breathe in or out, everything’s an eagle.

No graduation from the school of hard knocks, you keep funkin’ out, lie forever
Since you were six years old until sixty years young, it’s always on your mind, her
She & her girlfriends, her lady friends are all into the boys of funk, they funk out
Kidding aside, I’m not kidding & I’m not givin’ you the jelly bean shirt off my back.

A spoken tongue is impossible to understand if you’ve not been immersed at birth
Nothing personal, it’s the nature of the human beast, there’s exceptions on Earth
It ain’t for me to write or say for anyone to read or hear Words that mean a ton
Nothing’s the subject, predicate, object, adverbs of verbs, quiet on the set, Action.

Knife or sword, at my disposal for self-defense, initiate no offense without a cause
Regarding your mind and body, it’s a textbook quick read that’ll make God pause
In the clouds above or below the south pole’s are below the orbital planet plane
Goats, kids, tests, exams, finals the higher education from coast to coast cocaine.

Transform your mind from ignorance to an enlightened, waking dream state of Oz
Zoological essence of extinction is the skulls and crossbones of historical apes’ fez
Broken imagination into smithereens without reason, it’s a logical, fallacious farce
Out of my mind figuring out the calculus, the analytical geometry, the Physics face.
How to do nothing without getting in trouble, show the value of being unmoved
You know the divine is silent on this saint situation, angels anointed the #Woke
Easy to persuade the idiots and the morons that they’ll be rewarded as the folk
Inheritors of things accumulated by the ones that died, nothing et al is proved.

Spread your fully extended wings & jump up off of the cliff, catch the wind drift
You & Space become the same thing, sliding on the wave’s wake into a downshift
Into the salty sea, my board got stuck at the bottom’s Crush, out of air, I’m all gone
Binging on jokers laughter to displace the pain and suffering of mind, body alone.

Aces’ wholes & holes in One, not only holy but also certain it’ll be a rock bottom
A planet is what we’ve been advised we live upon by a specter turned into bum
Looky here now sister & brother from other mothers, let’s have a tete a tete now
Later will be boom-late at ground zero, missile fired up to launch, let us all blow!

r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, May XVth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to @Eminem #CrackABottle on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/_wN3wl473M0 )



Sunday, May 14, 2023

#EventHorizon #VoidMatter #WhatsTheMatter #TerminateKillerAntiMatter #PhilosopherFreakinOut #CosmosYouDontKnow #OnceBitten #EyeByteNothingness

The Nature of Beauty
The Philosophers by Master of the Judgment of Solomon
"Everything about you seems like it's true but it ain't true. Something's gotta hold on me but I don't know what the hell it is. Oh my God it's happening again I can't get out of the dream help me please somebody! That works pretty good! Now you can let go wake up be quiet get on with your day. Yeah if it walks like love talks like love it must be love!" - me { NEVER, EVER In @BucksCounty }


When I walked you home to your mother’s house, your father was waiting, said, don’t return
I thought he meant that day, he meant forever, he told me the next day, he repeated the burn
So, a third time, it was a bare-knuckle jam, he was an easy mark for a fourteen-year-old thug
I was but I ain’t no more, retired my thug-card at an old-fogey home, in my house, my mug.

Drunk like somebody slipped me a Mickey, not mouse, a double dose, Everclear mama milk
Princes & paupers get their ancestors up out of graves for the favor they let us all spank
Bar-ware strapped to the backs of girls & boys miscued & never chalked up for an 8-ball bank
Not exactly forever if a Big Bang leads to Gravitational Collapse, tell mama before tokin’ dank.

Never knew the knowledge because I was wise to conventional wisdom, a self-cancellation X
Compounded or simple interest in the cash, the gold, lead pencils and a Toronto Sore US Rex
Love took all of the hurt away from the past hate & disrespect for my presence, I’m on a roll
Dream inside a dream that I can’t awaken from, it’s OK, I got this, out of ground's control.

Ennui means you’re interested in Nothing, stay there, stick with it, you’ll finally get knack of it
It is just a heartbeat away from stopping the world, right where you see it the last time, oh s#it
Means you’ve made a strategic error and followed the path to doom, Lies couldn’t be avoided
They never knew, they read what dead men wrote, leaped to a conclusion on false, blind faith.

Gods unknown, nowhere in sight with a form or the substance other than the Matter & Forms
All or a big, fat nothing burger in a matrix game of First Caused effects & then it's just worms
Not for a small reason but it’s a snake’s world, worms keep Dirt movin’ in holy tweets of a bird
Feel what I felt, Earthquake! You feel that? No, but I believe you, fall into a Black Hole, WORD!

Contemplate a simple mind, it’s right there in back of your own eyes, you know I’m right, son
No information on baby girls, sisters, daughters, aunts, cousins, grandmothers but I’m done
Put a hurtin’ on us all by leaving us all out to dry on the seven seas' sweet water dehydrates  
Purple Rain dropped on Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto.

Cork in the bottle, it washed up onto the beach after the deluge on the way to the arid desert
Fathers & all gods’ godmothers didn’t know how more babies were coming, XX DNA’s XY
Nobody knows now in the 21st century unless a con-job awakens fools in a black light High
Idiots in charge, gods died of forgetfulness, now we know squat, except we're all gonna die!

r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, May 13th, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 11:11 PMPST
{ Squirted this Squeeze from the Dry Turnip while listenin’ to “100 Best Blues Jams of All Time” link @ https://youtu.be/gFqi5B7OQRA }

 F I N I S 
