Strikes and balls are concepts of the pitching count leading to hits, unchecked errors Hurling knuckleheads to the catcher, nobody knew where it was comin’ in back doors
Hair cut in a hurry left bare skin to contend with the frost & ice of one sun-less night
Punchin’ ourselves in our own faces’ noses, a division of revision, jailhouse cell fight.
Murder she wrote & he performed the operation, accidentally on purpose, now it’s on
One off, I walked, doubled, tripled & homered in the bottom of the ninth, three at bats
All I needed to get the MVP, always the pivotal link in the chain, naturally I gitter done
Wobble around and yank it out of its mooring without notice, dying dead will be fun.
Blind because you have no hindsight or insight, you’re just plain out of sight, a put-on
Inherited from either a random atom or Adam & Eve, you get nowhere on the trail, son
Yet, if you don’t try you’ll always wonder if you were on point or off on a tangent’s lure
Bigger small fish in oceans, rivers, streams, ponds & muddy lagoons, living mud, for sure.
Period piece of coagulation of the sanguine blues, turned red for the retooling womb tomb
Some make it out alive & some go out screaming bloody murder to the reincarnation goons
Keeping track of the miniscule & macroscopic is the job of the expert cyborg CP3O droid fuss
You & I are expendable as we’ve always been to the supernatural creator above & below US.
Kung-Fu on you & yours for the freedom of speech & freedom to possess fire in nuclear arms
Commentary can’t be squelched by the minions nor the overlords of the rules & school marms
Teaching the teaching is not falling for the duplicitous funk in textbooks of Mammon & Bubba
As if they know more than the innocent infant born of love or lust, a pain in the ass of @aIntel.
United states of amnesia is convenient, I remember the jets being mobilized for carpet bombs
Fear and loathing of the tiny #ChickenLittles crying about the sky falling when it’s impossible
What is happening is the Earth will atrophy as an electron around an atom is annihilated by us
Neither of US, nobody alive believes that a chain reaction is Origin of extinction, all a final fuss.
Broken in a zillion pieces, H2O split into Hydrogen & Oxygen gas, keep ‘em separated forever
Pricking us with the points of sharp blades, no escrimaderos follow rules of the mammon fever
Call it pure golden rule, the ten commands, karma retro scat, no pun intended, scum bag hits
No look passes, peaking with the peripheral peaks and all final, winning threes, frozen shitz.
Hell is below the high water, but the water will evaporate into deep space, in New York minutes
Solid theory begins with the premise’s first assumption, the mood is satisfying the empty brutes
Good, bad or indifferent, believing that this Life is not forever is a first step to freeing the mind
But the jerks can’t take over the field of dreams and nightmares morphing into daymare shine.
You will & you will not will things to happen by focusing on the thing and willing it to be or not
There’s a notion to begin and end this life as we know it, it’s beyond war & beyond peace, robot
Pete and repeat armored up their arses, talkin’ packin’ & concealed, no joke, don’t even try it
Corks screw you into oblivion just like the immaculate conception you bargained for, the #Shyt.
Now & then, that’s Life in Time and Space, goes presence in the present, terminate the snitch
Highway robbery by the infamous #StoogeGangsters, they’re strapped Glocks awaitin’ da bros
After the poppin’ ceases & the smoke rises up to gunpowder clouds above & below neutrinos
Disrespect VPOTUS imagery in private, a “day after in Gaza,” it sucks, justice is a ham sandwich.
Briefly recollect your ultimate understanding of reasons why Life exists on Earth, as We know it
Accidental collision of blown stardust from the universal Big Bang before the Singularity screws
Collapsed matter into a Black Hole of annihilation that you saw in an electron telescope’s shyt
Pile of rubble, you live & die by the sword, without a good pie in the sky, out lemon-lime blues.
You have your fear within your conscious mind’s presence, mindful of fear it causes the demise
Of spirit itself, cosmic dust conglomerated into a divine puff of power smoke, Mother Mary eyes
Surprisingly the exact same thing that is caused by the Big Bang is the cause of all our zygotes
From that breach of the epidermal layer, the RNA swirls into the world as we know it, she floats.
Babbling as usual as if it matters that you’ve got an opinion to opine upon, higher improbability
Eating matter that used to be alive, reformed in a unique presentation, hot or cold as apropos
You hear the words but misinterpret the gist of arguments’ deduced conclusions, Truth’s debris
You thought you knew but it was an illusion, nobody knows anything, so knowledge cannot be.
Last snort of oxygen knowing there won’t be another whiff, not even a weak smoke signal sign
If there was ever this right here & that right there, if & only if it’s a close encounter of a 3rd kind
Then it’s one big gig of a bookie to use Bank to parlay the spread, it’s a put on outside & inside
Insidious, yet, arbitrary without an agenda since it’s not Human but better than “All Too Human.’
Swearing at your hogs in the slop until the goats get ready to graze, eating weed roots like Man
Eliminating imaginary divine freedom to move your mind from one flesh box to plywood coffin
You don’t know like I know, Ma gave birth to y’all illegitimate orphans, still-born an idiot at least
Dubious as all get out, confusion to assist your quest for understanding the nature of the beast.
Common RNA seed grown in polluted grounds, government dumps, naturally, poisonous jet fuel
Leaking into the ground water between the center-most core of the stardust clump in hell’s orbit
Bathe, shower & most importantly y’all gone wild with washing the hands & feet that animate It
Everything, the Self & It’s blood, y’all know is more important than RNA poets in Mad magazine.
Am I right or are you wrong for pointing out that contradictions are neither True nor False, yet
They are important, they are impossible just like Hot cannot be Cold, Man cannot be God gold
Do not interrupt the flow of invisible metal in circumnavigation about your empty, bleak head
As the conception deception takes hold, grow, multiply & deteriorate in line of Yin & Yang duet.
I have your monkey on my back again, I am the organ grinder, corner musician labor of charity
Pleasing your ears’ hearing for a bit of your gold you’ve gleaned from blood, sweat & your tears
Complex simplicity of the Dewey Decimal System, measuring your all too human mighty powers
To imprison the evil doers who escape their mothers’ wombs to attempt species’ extinction pity.
Don’t do this or that, readin’ signals comin’ from red, amber & green lights on four corners I see
Of every block, every mouse & man in cartoon-like animation in front of Minds of Time’s galaxy
Here we are now, we the people of united states of amnesia salute the holy killers who eat pigs
Slop them in mud, let them eat scraps of leftover dead meat & vegetation, trucked in their rigs.
Fine lines around the shape of a thing itself, the contour of the form in the mind’s eye, chimera
Dream about the imagery presented into the middle of the cesspool of a fuel dump, love flora
Flowers and their scent that attract the birds and the bees, to swallow the sweet love of the sun
Star shines, the light photosynthesis reaps the swords of the men & women who kill the fun.
Morals and rules to command the beasts who roam the open range, hot mess just setting it up
Concerts from eight to midnight paying off the daily practice of pickin’ & grinnin’ about the stuff
Whatever your people left in your bag of tricks, mocking the good, the bad & especially the ugly
Culture of the anthropomorph is your mama’s hugging arms, feeding your penchant for frenzy.
Pole to pole, circumference around the uncovered rocks and mud, planetary accident of ape sin
Dropped your knees onto the ground, find the dogs are eatin’ the other dogs, spittin’ out bones
All that’s left someday down the road will be the graveyard of where life used to be, a back door
I ain’t havin’ the pain and suffering and worry of the idiots and fools comin’ like a petty whore.
Nothing wrong with a good ol’ whore comin’ out the woodwork when you need one, a put-on
For the minions and their followers, not me, not you, I don’t know who, it’s like a empty John
Where you go number one & number two, with or without a saxophone solo from the cloud 9
Between 8 & 10, where it’s happening with or without the chill pills, pre-hangover raw egg, fine.
Dig, what I mean by what I say, irrelevant though it may be, yelling louder than the mic’d up Sin
Margin between the unknown & what you think you know is negligible, it’s fire on the mountain
Burning the day into the night’s time, showing revolution and orbital integration into the ellipse
But the liquid makes us wobble, always on track to repeat the rock and roll, beats epileptic fits.
Harmony in the bottom of the cinders’ collection of notes from A to G, sharp, flat, I don’t care
All the same to me, in my grave’s freedom, it’s serous to be in the ass’s hole, piece of scat hair
Philosophy of the monks of Zen & the Aristotelian-Platonic ideas post Socratic, I Kant, Van Gogh
Throttle on the handlebar or the floor, just flick the switch in the power box, an imaginary blow.
Played your blind faith until it ran out with you seeing yourself as the problem & solution, I Am
Nothing more than this here or that there, my daddy told me Nothing I’m givin’ to you for free
No finale or encore in the repertoire for the minions and the maroons who can’t hang flim flam
One day you’re here, next day you’re all gone, you know it, I know it, it’s my fault, Ape, Godam!
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, Ten-19-MMXXIV Anno Domini
{ If you’ve read this peace d’resistance
then you’ve succeeded at Nothing in general and Nothing in particular, it’s the
Form of The Gluons who deal with #Blues in #TuckerTime, @MarshallTucker #Studio317
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