Some news for you that you will find important enough to make a head blow Time & Space
From skim milk to holy water & onto chocolate scat in vanilla and butterscotch, in your face
Through your lips and teeth & on down to the gullet that won’t allow the entry, I’m long gone
The toll will be paid at the other end of the spectrum, you won’t know it’s comin’, it’s done.
Martyr revealing the pain & suffering of dying without fighting for survival, as a lamb chops
So does humankind, as above, so below, there’s nothing more nor less to go with the flow
Of the blues you feel and sing as if you believe that Life is a gift from gods or random chaos
Either way, here and now we are down with it all, common denominator below ZZ Topps.
Mirror of the image you sent is reflecting nothing, as if you’re a dead vampire, fallen angel
Find the abstract intellectuals to find out the Truth about existence and purpose for do tell
Punch in your own mouth, slap the spit out of it, maybe a tooth or three will fall off the bone
It’s finite not infinite, you have the Truth now, handle it & be aware you’re in a twilight zone.
Drunk until the brain malfunctioned during a survival drill, I would have died, I’m done son
Microscopically a macrocosm of the infinitely tiny, no more than an atom, all alone spasm
Three planes of dimensional links to one another, ninety degrees to 90 angles from zero fun
Clouds blow away, blue ain’t blue, it’s black on black, my illusion of hope & blind orgasm.
Wait until tomorrow when today is considered yesterday, then you’ll see all of It, rise up too
Linked into the rodent & insect culture which was all that was here before Man’s rising shoe
Crashed into Earth & can’t get away again, stuck in the orbit of the ecliptic & it’s permanent
I was already gone before the gods found me guilty of nothing more nor less than royal blue.
Harvey had a habit of hittin’ the bottle often but wasn’t aware that “Vodka” was in the mix
Still the will & the thought were positive until the 32 bytes of orange & cherry God so high
That coming down means getting higher than the stratosphere near empty Space, as I fly
So down here, look out below since it will come down 32 feet per second/second, it’s a fix.
In no space in any corner, on any floor below any ceiling, is there anything more than zero
Forms, shapes, essences of entities in the shallows, where we cannot navigate the hero
Into and out of trouble, it just appears, and I immerse until the resolution has completed
Until hot form is dropped into the fire and ice that turn to ash, Man & Woman are all dead.
You drunk yet? One more gulp & I eat the orange slice & cherry for the coup d’ gras of it all
Higher and higher by the moment, you pledge allegiance to no flag, no stripes or stars fall
Out of the revolutionary wars, here we are, here we go, I resign my position as speaker dog
No pet of anyone, son of Sam, Samson with the Platonic erudition of Socratic lift of the fog.
To think about it, you confirm the essence has been unleashed inside of the bubble of life
Children brains are damaged by their elders, on purpose but not intentionally with malice
It’s a useful tool operating the movement of the sun, moon & stars, Earth is flat as interface
Of the things that can’t be known, it’s because they have no matter, immaterial no-things.
Know that what you hope is true may not be, what you have faith in may not be worthy of it
All that you love may not be reciprocated to make the soul whole, shake it off in the holy pit
Apemen appear as hairy Neanderthals & Australopithecus, to populate our telltale heart
Beats and skips some regular rhythm, never deletes the rhyme, it will be the Truth’s dart.
Thrown at the bullseye, it’s nailed in the center, no question, winner, winner chicken dinner
Preference for contradictions and invalid arguments with questionable premises to argue
That your mother & father were necessary conditions for your existence, it is a fact of life
Sufficient condition is breathing in & out, seeing nothing, hearing & smelling nothing et al.
Power of light and thunder is committed to eternity without interruption, you have no say
Regardless of your opinion, by nature all opinions are wrong, they are not the whole Truth
Ask and answer in private or in sessions, get the value of wisdom, hip knowledge of Dr. Dre
Eminem warning of the OG #TicTac tactics #STFU here & there, #MF accounting of The Play.
I’ve got more than one thing to say but I’ll let it go with that, I am what I am & can’t change
It’s the way it’s gonna be until the day I die, I am the thing your mother warned you about
Your dad won’t ever catch me, so if you wanna go to Nirvana or Hades, keep it up, my man
You’ll go when I give the word, chit happens right then, ain’t no choice being all too human.
Fry or bake, straight or mixed, all eating & all drinking, consume the whole rocky, big stone
Hurry up & wait for me up there but if you got down there, go without me, I won’t be alone
Punishment and rewards just like the existence from birth to death, it forms the character
Main man or foibled stooge, either way, you come, you go, you say adieu to him & all of her.
I think I’m locked into a recurring reality inherited from my future ancestors, time reversal
Why though? Just for fun or to learn an essential lesson about an unknown scenario jail
Just fear or be feared, the only two choices during the random, natural selection of raw ilk
It survives & becomes extinct because it’s the nature of the beast, Nuclear fallout’s in milk.
On another’s hands, the other hand don’t take my word for it, Word Up was made flesh
From a Logo to skin & bone, illegitimate or not, facts of life dictate the rainbow’s tin trash
Of the rainbow from ultraviolet blue to infrared crimson, a sunset to sunrise eclipsed a fit
As if it ever means “A Thing” to be in the random shadow of a natural back spin of holy chit.
Modify or cut the subjects’ predicates and verbs with adverbs and adjectives of THEE, MAN
All more than the too simple-minded temple dweller can handle, oh so very, very human
Completely out of the hot backhands of any cosmic divine being, it’s all about me & you too
Sew up your bloody wounds & pucker up buttercup, the Dr. Katz lowdown Blues ain’t blue.
r j j stephan, i
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, 4-12-2024 A.D. @ 1159 PMPST
{ Good enough for #TootToot }
{ Liquid flows H2O downhill, freezes far away “Hot ash It!” Drafted to the sound you here right here, link @ https://youtube.com/shorts/LyKAJj4GSZI?si=yrEoc6ZJYVeIUELh }