
Showing posts with label #ricoSacto @ricoSacto #LardArse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ricoSacto @ricoSacto #LardArse. Show all posts

Friday, March 07, 2025

#KissThis @AaronTippet #JudgeKnotLestYeBeAKnot #PuckerUpAndCloseYourEyez #EyeFiguredYouOut @Nickelback @Santana #TheSensitiveKind

Everyone you know, all the people you are familiar with, both the living & dead now & then
Some girls reproduce the species and the others become the ones who end on a death bed
Of evolved human DNA which came literally out of nowhere, to produce a Timeline for RNA
In random recombination due to motion of the deep, blue seas & dried up sand here today.

Hawks and buzzards down to invisible microbial life in subatomic form between your two ears
It’s all out and all in when you come right down to it, sweet and unexpected unknowable fear
Unknown comes and goes quickly, before you know it, leaving residual sands’ beaches & beer
Holy ghosts coming right out of nowhere, north to south poles, all around the alligator tears.

You live and you die, you don’t deserve it but nobody else deserves it either, good luck is all
Nothing more nor less than being in the right place at the right time, just to go Spring to Fall
Over & over again, ad infinitum with fortune on a journey high, soft narrow path to Nirvana
How low is the highest place you can breathe in and out to stay alive & healthy until manana.

Dogs and butterflies notwithstanding, harm comes to those who lose a grip, being in freefall
As the day you & I were all born, the day before was the same, day after I die, also, identical
Life savers rotted your teeth and ruined your gums, chewed, bit, ground-up matter from hell
Drunk on what beans’ brew allowed, power of the photosynthetic, an anthropomorphic cell.

Hope, Faith & loving Charity for everything & every moment gifted from above, as it is below
Payoff from the ones you’re beholding to, bought your mansion & your speedster so mellow
For once in your life, stop in the name of love, begin shakin’ hands with gods of Gold in back
Bringing it home from first base, triple over the centerfielder’s head, off the wall warn track.

Hot as melted ice boiling away into the steam that causes the rain in a plethora of cloud nines
Middle finger is cool if you know what it means, one on each hand simultaneously, hand signs
Pigs with no lipstick is all we have and they’re all in the poke for the duration of makin’ bacon
In a ball of confusion, too hot to see, to hear, to taste, to feel but easy to convolute into skin.

Bones covered up with the organic functioning from skull to metatarsals, soul a construct of 1
Fear of becoming dead & gone, either by old age or infirmity’s accidental, homicidal clown fun
Higher than the center of the core, moving from being at rest to the speed of light in a photon
How dare you sir? If I might be honest a moment, I challenge you to a duel, deal will be done.

Hill to climb whether you like it or not, you’ve been deposited at a bottom in quest of the tops
Listen to the music, from minds to hearts that rock and roll in a wave of classical country flops
Our cash, old gold, our debits will all become the smoke they were before the origin of Time
Space allows no witness to the Singularity, epistemological mire & muck, go phuq the rhyme.


r j j  stephan, i

c. Vendredi, 3-7 MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Rockin’ words out during a loop of @Nickelback #ShakinHands on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/y-j8g2v0IFg }




A person wearing a hat and sunglasses

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

#ALLSuperBowl2025Commercials you are so lucky! #CommercialGenii

R.I.P. mama mia 
Salvatrese maria Alfano Stephan
peace & I love you baby!  XOXO
I’ve got news for the old folks, the young folks and the #WokeFolks in the bleeding
Broken laws come first after ten commands, you can’t be a good human, no felons
Your OP parents were either never there or there & shouldn’t ‘ve been there, DING
Ethical decisions based on traditional morality of right & wrong, good & evil sons.

No daughters are allowed to be evil, they are all the product of semen of the men
Just a solitary egg wondering about nothing suddenly hijacked by RNA without Zen
Harmony when atoms collapse into black holes beneath the Milky Way’s day tripper
Hidden within star systems’ planetary orbitals, none with life as we know it, a zipper.

Stop my watch, your time is up & it’s all goin’ down to the bottom of the holy dumbbell
Bums & stoned junkies hired to judge, umpire & referee the ball game, avoid inevitable
Until death will strife then part your 208 bones, blood & consciousness to die for any day
Idiots & morons runnin’ to head the show but the jig is up & naked kings are all but gay.

Brow-beating your master’s mama until you’re released and freed from being indentured
That’s the only way to succeed at annihilating your slave mentality, inherit from a cool fool
In or out of your home, above & below the ground we share with all plants & animal herds
Everywhere, anyplace, anytime including eternity out of Time, pretend that it is all One too.

Let me assure myself before I reduce my ego to the essence of being’s reduction, poor ol’ Id
Professional and amateur have equal but separate visions, one to enrich & the other to enjoy
For nobody can anybody die for, whether you have a notion to do it or not, it’s impossible too
Just sayin’ it’s a long road to the top & quick jump off of a bridge or a cliff when killin’ the kid.

Nobody cares if it’s Albert, Anthony, Zeke or Zachary, from A to Z, you’re flushed to the guts
Conception & then abortion, it’s the human’s extinction mechanism for Mother Nature’s cuts
Safer & at risk like your daddy & mama were, it’s inheritance to swill like Tennessee whiskey
Portholes open without glass barriers, the ship goes down, poop deck from fore to aft, at sea.

Silly brothers fighting like cousins and their choices of mate, it will never, ever begin again
You know deep down that the Truth is, you were fortunate to be conceived at all, pray Zen
No free choices other than to follow the cause & effect system of the down & out, hurry up
You may run out of time or be already gone, fly like an Eagle, win an NFL championship cup!

Queer is different from the Norm, which is what evolutionary variation of genes is all about
You get picked up hitch-hiking, believing that human beings are all good, none of them evil
Eyes wide open when you are forced to terminate the threat of being incarcerated by a lout
As above the ground is wide open, so below the ground, all the same, above & below gravel.

Crickets rubbin’ legs for the attraction to reproduce its own kind, no reason for that bull scat
It’s the nature of the beast, evolution for the most fit who reproduce a lot, the predators eat
Holy ghosts remain when things themselves eek out their mortality, decrepit ashes in an urn
All sights out of sight, all sounds hard of hearing, tasteless because they're odorless, feel a burn.

You won’t feel a thing after the pain dissipates, nobody feels anything after it’s all gone to hell
Believe the dead folks when they return to the psychics who explore the black hole in a bell
Loose as my old lady Lucy or up tighter than a drum, up here on top, ain’t no big thing, so high
Bluff it for me and difficult for y’all, a lucky draw from a holy deck of 52, got a full house, I lie!

Plaid & polka dotted shirts and skirts, long sweaters of wool and synthetic silk, all in my head
When you are forced to skip a rope & you’re the best of the rest, single or double-Dutch uphill
Inside of a river I stepped into, I immediately reflected, wouldn’t step into the flow twice devil
Backward spelling of the diablo is ‘lived,’ there’s no doubt, devil is lived with corpses all dead.

Squirt the fluid out the container, envelop the origin in the code of an original garden snaking
I’ll get up your leg, gone up every mother’s leg near my pheromones that waft in the dead air
You know what I know, it’s nobody’s secret that we’re alive & we’re all gonna die, sooner here
Immortality in a conceptual, bizarre world as we know it, ash remains can’t drink ale or beer.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, 1-XXIXth - MMXXV Anno Domini @ 808 AMPST
{ Killed the Lead, Buried the Lead, Drafted this Ditty while jammin’ to the @Eagles #LongRoadOutOfEden on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/5nhM1BJOHu8 & the #Creators Anunnaki, Gods, Ancient Aliens

Saturday, January 04, 2025

#ShortPeopleGotNobodyToLove #IShatYouNaught so, I Got down! Tagged Along For God's country! @ricoSacto #ricoSacto


I walked a few miles from the hospital where my mother dropped her load, my placenta’s shoes
This old cat can’t be eaten by any junkyard dog lookin’ for a morsel to masticate/defecate blues
Symptoms of your silly, fake mode of being surprised when you’re really never astounded at all
Some of us sing a tune, “Everything is Everything,” others mumble underground then downfall.

Will you be like them, the dead humans who now are buried or annihilated into Earth’s dirty dirt
End Times, One in the entire outer space of Space’s Outerspace, mistranslated gobble-gook alert
Got the scratched slate with the ten commands, thou shall not do this & that ad infinitum ends
A last gasp of gas just like the first one, the In & Out before the 21st century, et al, it all depends.

Imperfect on the way to dissolution & disappearance of what makes us all too human, holy scat
Scratched into eternity on the invisible soulless tattletale on private & public service to be shat
Into the outhouse, outside of the quarters inhabited by the bugs that ignore the stench of et al
Condition is unconditional for the system as created, senses annihilated in a mystic, cosmic ball.

Monks & monkeys as naked apes of the head-case variety, darkness is highlighted, in a dark Way
Show & tell nothing more nor less than what It is, essence understood only once then, do tell?
When I’m gone, you’ll never observe my hide or hair ever again, it’s the way it all is, all defunct
As if you’ve never come & gone at all, no record spun in the Spin, it’s a miracle of daddy’s spunk.

DNA entrenched in your mama, grew you from a speck to 208 bones of contention, sparked fire
Body’s brain shuts down making a living at freezing 32 degrees above zero, Fahrenheit’s Celsius
Conception inside an immaculate womb without an xy chromosome injection, impossible God
Will to Power inherited by way of death & destruction is the nature of the beast’s Bang, hotrod!

Here and now then, cause of me is the coitus of ecstasy for the momentary pleasure to absorb
In the Void of the womb, sudden impact completes The Fall of Adam, Eve & Bal brain-dead Orb
Cause of the First Cause is Nothing, that’s everything we all need to know, wide-open to mama
Pleasure and pain have the floor & the empty sky, I’m awake yet not #Woke, I’m dreamin’ papa!

You’ve finished doing cheap, dirty deeds & you completed your run to a high, finale, it’s over-die
What could never be overkill since it’s the matter of the dead, blown-star on the down-low high
Count on me kidding around with you, being facetious as I do to shake up your calm ennui fits
There’s no place & nowhere left to go, friends & foes looking lost & asleep in a free Chicago sky.

Wait a little while & it will be tomorrow in this & every other land, every time passes, y’all pass
Into the unknown of the pretenders who blindly put all their faith, hope & love in a holy mass
Where a man, ordained himself & all before & after his Life on Earth, to be a man soon to rock
Anywhere above or below here, divine, mental construct to isolate panic within a prison block.

Force us all to be the square pegs attempting to squeeze into a round hole that won’t allow it
Narrow way this tightrope above and below the good & evil, chances are we’ll all fall down chit
Top of the pile to the dregs at the bottom of the wishing well, where dreams blow up smoked
Opportunity to inject the jizz during the riffs of jazz & by golly, I too that chance, I am stoked.

The peak of the decline is long gone, so long, it’s not even a rumor or a recorded factoid of life
Eleven billion plus or minus, that’s the cost of doin’ business, tangled web of uncertainty’s wife
It was certain that the propositional logic will supplant the ignorant morons in charge & at large
Fox is a dog, dog is a wolf, wolf’s a man & what Man is not The Substance of DNA on a barge.

Sought the holy grail for a minute, found it & observed it’s inherent need to be a mystery to me
Can’t chant the words to the song or poem, no recital is pending, just a Will to power the Way
Forward or backward, sideways or up and down, I’m good that I’m bad, it’s alright with me too
Draw your string theory all over the matrix, thoughtlessness’ is weaponized, I think, hence I am.

Got no point on any points, just a follower of the leaders who fall down to the common ground
Where nobody stays more than a century, everybody’s gotta come & go for the deal to go down
Of mice & women who created more of us for the divinity or for Nothing at all but a prom gown
Friends of defenders & offenders alike, our parents who raised our #Bitcoin, we are Earthbound.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, 1-4-25 A.D. @ 555 AMPST

{ Dropped this flag while listening to #AintThatPeculiar by @MarvinGaye & the link provided inspired master’s piece link @ https://youtu.be/21PBmwDLqRs?si=n398ieFlCULWoQM4 }



Tuesday, December 31, 2024

#HitMeWithYourTwenty #Blown #Perfunctory

Probable cause of a Big Bang is an unknown yet such a controversial point of contention
You know and I know that it all depends on the Truth and Justice of a ham sandwich sin
Pigs in blankets disguised as sautéed dead animals & plants ala Earth’s stealthy gnomes
Bon fire to stay alive here & now since the age of reason burning until kingdom comes.

Now then, what y’all knew for certain before now was your A’s, B’s & C’s & to be 1 to
The Golden Books of the greatest culture ever known to the planet have been consumed
By me & a number of others who have touched the index finger of God, Ala, Buddha One
One way down a narrow turnpike, twixt twisted RNA extremes, stars & a black hole Sun.

Silent warning sounding the alarm to those who’ve been fortunate to recollect themselves
In charge of all that sheer will power allows in causes of all effects of matter & energy gulfs
Mind assault to rearrange the categories of everything known about substance, on the cuff
Indoctrination into savage nations requires suspension of your animation, sleep in the buff.

Every muscle of the being who is as human as any other since the Big Bang, all of them atrophy
During a final gasp of gas out of the thin air above & below the wild blue yonder, fly high as me
The cost is more than you’ve earned or can ever repay on a loan with faux interest, zero, beat it
Will to power that moves your 208 bones until they exceed 100 revolutions, Scat ain’t The S#it!

Excuse the hallucination appearing as the Reality of everyone on Earth, it’s a chimera & don’t tell
Nothing more than what you are now is what you’ve always been since the mortal sin of an apple
Good & Evil nobody gets behind yet it’s a feature of the nature of the beast, an acid program of it
Chromosomes animated & reactivated a Thing Itself, it is what it is, incarnation ash to ash, dusted.

Beyond all good & evil Nature exhibits, above & below sea level, living in funk, a twilight zone
Twist your conception’s deception & theoretical, heretical yet inherited, all blind faith is in some One
Meaning something like we’re mere animations of Divinity we never know until our body dies, son
That’s all I got, nothing else anyone can prove other than, someday we’ll know It, my Mind’s blown.

Peers have no standing once rigor mortis becomes the lord, no soul or spirit leftover in the abstract
Lights all out of the unanimated creature feature we all succumb to since we’ve no other alternative
To be or not to be at that point is not significant, it’s a moot point of the moron & idiot psyche alive
In charge of every breath we all take, every move we make surveilled & now & then, cop some jive.

We talk as if we know It, we’ll be checked on your ability to repeat what you’ve heard at the gate
In love’s life or divinity’s own, all of the above gets a soul’s chance to appeal, powers that x-rate
Now, this time in the nature of things cannot be repeated, it comes & goes quick as a hot bunny
Remember this, y’all recall this memory, fire burns all evidence of Nothing that smells so funky.

Common ground above & below the blind man’s bluff in the seven-card stud poker card game
I’m cashing in all my chips, I’ll fold my last hand of the full house, aces over jacks, it’s a shame
The way was the only way to go, I went that way on the one way & it’s come to the dead end
Pressure of dead ancestors & their unborn descendants put on my dead head, I will so offend.

Common ground is above & below the place in Space you exhibit learned behavior of the group
No free will choice but to obey the rules of the categorical imperative, know thy self’s but One
All you need to know before you die, you are but One, nobody else is Two or more, all my Sun
Heaven or Hades an abstraction of burning gas that trips the switch for the Void to go Slurp

I have some bad medicine that’s so difficult to swallow that you & I may be the only two to go
When the Earth is swallowed by the Void when Time is up in Space, then we’ll say “Ships Ahoy!”
Not until that last moment of sucked air blows out the air sacks, only then will I exit, stage right
Maybe I won’t, that will be I wake up from the dream I’ve been animating while at rest, I’ll fight!

Found on a middle road’s dead-end, all motion of the ocean couldn’t cease, I’m all fish in the sea
Ridin’ on the waves onto the sand of the shore where pirates and miscreants rule the mean & free
As far above as below the core of Earth, pennies for all thoughts as the duck quacks, masters earn
Been there, done that, came back from it, avoided the Void, it’ll be too late at The Point, no return.

Gosh, oh my lord have mercy on our souls, nothing above or below One, invisible God, a Singularity
Rewards & punishments for disobedience to mortal commands of deadmen and their lack of clarity
First off, nobody wrote a word in the English Language hundreds or thousands of years ago, it is so
Mistranslated from left to right, a social-political skirmish of mud in bowels, such a low, low blow.

Briefly, flash fish in the pan comes & goes, lickity split as if it was never there at all, ad infinitum
Feel a malfunction is the way it’s going to end in a grave, stops pullin’ my rosary chain, FE, fears
Old School educated my mind, power to see through imaginary human fictions, divine sum's errors
Play from Act to Act, Finale & Epilogue come without effort, what happened, species’ extinction.

Lips are moving but I can’t even hear what I’m saying, judging myself by myself, I fear & loathe It
What it is has nothing to do with me other than it’s all I am too but since I can’t believe it, I forget it
Easier that way when you’re among those folks who are clueless & faulted for responsibility, git me?
News is old,  young or ancient relic of the dozens that got run on in Brooklyn Dawn's down for free.
r j j stephan, i
c. Freezember XXXIst MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 hours AMPST

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Happiness Is A Lost Audience - @NBCratings @Gary_MooreBlues #MutuallyAssuredDestruction #MAD

Complexity of the simple mind inside of my skull is the “X” in unknown code fame
It’s all up to me & you whether or not we die in peace or at war, it’s all in your hands
Sun lays down and we’re all on our way out to the club, dancin’ & drinkin’ it all gone
Barefoot, barebacked jumpin’ in the swamp with the imposters & low life corn pone.

There’s a misty cloud of love over my head, it’s the first & last thing I’ll create, a time to see
It’s not my choice, that cannot be if I have no free will, there’s no liberty from your beauty
Yes, I’m talkin’ about you & the image you see in mirrors, every dang morning day ‘til it ends
I don’t deserve you but I am snaggin’ the whole shebang, all mine, I don’t share with friends.

I fell in love & you didn’t, nobody cared but your daddy, that’s fine, it’s all in past havin’ fun
The melody of the song coincides with the rhythm & beat of the brass & bongos, all my story
Manufactured in a factory behind the railroad tracks, in and out of the billion bucks of Elon
Trumped in the finite game of dice and cards, like throwin’ darts at a board, you all get lucky.

My hot fingers, all eight of them & the two thumbs too, movin’ #asdfghjklmnop as if I know
That keys on the board mean what’s deep inside my head’s holy soul, invisible whisp of blow
Hair is standin’ on the back of my neck when you enter the room lookin’ for my face to see
Everything you love in this world & I never lie, believe me, blind faith is all it takes, you silly?

I know and you know nothing lasts forever, but I’ve got some news for you, I’m the supernova
In your eyes, inside your face down directly into your heart, soul & mind of a Quesadilla Spa
My daughters never came to my party, they’d have loved to be here, didn’t get it, by the way
No rings just strong whiskey in the glasses, line up so I can’t see the Truth of the blues today.

I’ll get through the hard wall, I made it myself with the plaster and concrete, it will break now
Goodman, son of bitch ain’t a bad way to say the Truth, it’s all about me & trials & error blows
Centered in a golden maelstrom whirling around its empty center to a rainy-day welcome mat
Today is someday and you’ve got no choice in the matter nor the energy you’ve got to look at.

Lucky to start over in a reincarnated way but it’s not for everyone, to some the shock kills ‘em
It doesn’t matter since we’re all free to do & say anything we like, there’s repercussions to sin
Meaning the disobedience to Laws of Natural Selection, you either survive or you’ll go fetch
I ain’t used to heart attacks every time I see your face & body, your soul’s holy etch-a-sketch.

Of course, bums and junkies will kill the mood, outside or inside the window of your tiny soul
It may be ultraviolet, or it may be infrared deep through a mind’s eye, you have the One, so
You got to do what you got to do, you’re on a roll, you’ve chased the target, now you got it all
Don’t go down on a knee, on turf or red dirt, the jagged rocks hurt but they can’t be the ball.

Bugs in the program or just flyin’ around & hangin’ stuck on the wall, I ain’t gonna last forever
Bullshot the pain out of my genome, it was stuck inside my skull for fifty years, chain of never
A Never-Neverland of the post animation of 208 bones, comin’ out eggs & leavin’ in a tin can
You get words etched in stone above ground, all that’s left, the feet ran too far for a rich man.

So, it’s a car, it’s the gold in the franchises’ investors who either earned or grifted it someway
Bring it on the day you die to barter with the invisible power involved in the elliptic orbitals
Garbage ain’t wasted, it’s the fuel for the journey to get from here to over there, it’s far above
Yet, it’s always with you and with me, hence the rub, if you can’t be with the one you love …

Hate to say that Love is the answer but here I go again, Love is the answer, ask the gods or Eve
Origin of this world is either supernatural or natural selection after Adam & Eve’s white dove
Meaning that the saga of a being not from this Earth, made all beings alive from scratch above
For me, the opposite of supreme, the antithesis of supremacy is none other than, Ma & Steve.

I fell in love with bones, all 208 of them, fractured 1 time or 2, from 12 to 12, onto Timbuktu
Now & then, its lost and found right here & we’re tossing it to the wolves, they’re hungry too
Know the feeling, want to eat something to stop the hunger pangs, bloody meat on a BBQ spit
Or a burger on a bun, even a hot dog inside of a flour roll, in every case, it’s survival of the fit.

Blow all your gaskets, headers & pistons freeze into the pig-iron engine of Plato’s top points
Amend the theorems and corollaries of the algebra, measure the angles of the hot juke joints
Brilliance of a glow comin’ out of your corpus callusom, out of our open wounds, genius egos
Leftovers from the tons of scrapple and grosses of scrambled eggs, all gone underground lows.

Braking too soon will take you into a skid on black ice, it’s free floating at the MPH you gassed
Into the tamed blue yonder that used to be wild as wild ponies home out on the range of seed
Let me say this out loud, I’m a crook prowling an open wound, fools, miscreants’ evil for free
I went trotting on the path that disappeared as soon as my feet touched ground ahead of me.

I got a hammer & I used to swing it every morning poundin’ 8 & 10 penny steel nails in pine
And oak, cedar & redwood to build the high apex above the highest floor, debunk & define
Now the sickle is the tool to reap what I sewed into the red & black dirty star dust, you fly
As above, so below, it flies on the wall, it’s ready to die, swatter swung, smashed, but why?

Just because, there’s no reason, you don’t eat everything you kill, I eat everything I kill, fool
Wasted time in outer Space, fulfills the function of wasting Time, killing Time, being too cool
For nursery school or graduate PhD, it’s all the same, you live, lucky or not then you pay dues
Heroes here & now, line up single file in back of mothers & fathers, mortals via divinity Blues.

You roll with punches until you get knocked out by a #haymaker you didn’t see comin’ down
Spaces of beings out of time await the purgatory called united states of amnesia, mind blown
Fake News isn’t the Truth, it’s a misrepresentation of the actual reality, hear the lion’s roaring
It’s louder than the female lion in heat, you’ll know the cat call, you’ll call the cat, blade sling.

Don’t remind me, I’ll remind myself, I am the capitol punishment for the purveyors of live evil
Spirits and conscious souls without bodies they’ve left behind in dust or a phantom’s blue pill
Last huff, last puff, swallow & gulp your Adam’s apple if you’ve got one stuck in your redneck
Forum open, factors analyzed in the formulation, code red, code blue, no secret I never Shrek.

Crazy monsters wounded, recycled into the matrix, dead & gone, evaporated H2O sun dancing
Terminate your life, terminate the Life on Earth, it’s a supernova or a thermonuclear, ion song
Fire and Water, muddy melt of the star ash, just a dirty, rotten bastard’s leftover tripe, innards
Fishing, hunting, mating, that’s about it, it’s a long, long road & I’m just one of the holy bards.

I’m what I appear to be to you, what I am to me, you don’t have a need to know, immortal sin
Just a guy, older than seven decades, wading in the sunshine, dirty water and the Sun’s dance
Inside of the needle’s 3rd eye, it’s as tiny as nothing at all, seeing naked eyes blinded, has-been
Fully shaded eyes with spectacles, allow the surprise at the peak of climax, you’re The Origin.

Pizza is in the kiln, the wait’s nearly over, keep your pants on, comin’ more sooner than later
Exploding nuclei from the zygotic infiltration of 1 gamete, unmoved mover, snow-blind dater
North to South hemisphere of this 3rd rock from the hot asteroid we call ol’ Sol, Sun of Man
Ready, set, goin’ to #A-GOGO by your mother’s womb, it bled out the third red eye dreamin’.

News for you, same old story for the gangs I’m searching for, their tattoos are gonna all die
Country or city, comin’ for every, single one without the lawyers’ cases, it’s termination fly
Bold and blown up in an implosion of mud, blood & beer, WW3 ended in nobody’s misery
Imagine a zero, empty of matter, being not being anymore, it’s the PERIOD, end of the story.

r j j stephan, I

c.  Mardi, BLOVEMBER XXth  MMXXIV Anno Domini 1200 hours PST

{ Systematic Mutually Assured Destruction #HITS on youTube link @ https://www.jstor.org/stable/40204064 }



Monday, November 11, 2024

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT !" -- @DonaldJTrump #ItsJustImpossible @PerryComo

GODS’ CIELO A LA a fly on the wall in HADES
Freaks came all out in the day and went to sleep at night, with a bogymen
Function of the Calculus & pie in a red sky, as cracked up to be, a clear skin
Looking down upon a dirty, filthy Earth from 8 miles high, every Man is gone
Literally no one form can be seen once you’re high enough, downhills’ fun.

Your mother-in-law died at childbirth, hence your lover’s aborted, gone forever
No finding miserable, dead mothers in the Earth, buried or cold, scattered ash
Mental cases of psychological failure to adapt to the common ground of powers
Bring home run-aways to folks who vainly attempted to apply discipline flowers.

Proof of the backlash that smarty-pants can’t carry the day of the fools in paradise
Extinction is the only option, of the notions that #Woke is less than a choke, all lies
But and just because you are above the fray, this has no effect on your affection sins
Love the knowledge of good & the evil, love the intercourse’s creation orgasm jinn.

Three wishes should take care of every want and need in the genome of Cro-Magnon
It has no preference, it’s not human, as we are all too human, humanity of frolic & fun
In the Ends of the Void or Origins of the Singularity Black Hole, God will skip the class
You may not have known where the door is inside your mind’s eye, sweet piece of ass!

Hurting yourself and hurting any other living thing on Earth is a karma offensive soiree
Find your honey spot where you’d least expect it, always in your blind spot, I can’t see
Last resort of the viral bacterial infections of the form of beings that appear so paused
Baby zygotes morphed into rigor mortis corpses that turn into the scat they’ve caused!

Purple blues, shredded the axes and beat the tom-toms until Cinderella turned royal
Prince in the purple, same old human skin & bones, half-life a century to give or take it
Mother’s womb to grandfather’s tomb, weeping tears, gnashing teeth, God’s blue ball
Mush mash morphed into hash, fired up, smoked bowl hookah, it’s vanished, I’m all…

Time tells the whole story but the future must first turn present to become the Past
Uncommon as a mutant, recombinant recessive gene has entered the food chain
For better or worse there comes a time when the Far Side is more funny than grits
It’s all hee-haw & major guffawing at the punch line’s twisted absurdity, nice teats.

Dream of flows from tragedy or comedy IRL & there’s no use for another tune to sing
Come here today and leave here tomorrow, it happens both here & there, I say shoot
What do you say? What do you think or maybe you don’t think at all, therefore caput
Funk of the cosmos is what the atoms’ essence codes, the God, the gods or Nothing.

I sipped my glass of wine slowly, it was my last drink before my final night in paradise
Ancestors came & went & I am following the suit, trump me if you’ve trump, got aces
Pairs up two by two until only mavericks are leftover, find all the lost package traces
Supply the proof of the final disposition of the cosmos, it’s blind faith in rollin’ dice.

Compare your soul to the emptiness you recall before your conception in mothers
If you cannot remember, read all about it in the library full of bound, paper fathers
Minny & mighty mice having a nervous breakdown due to a cheese shortage, sisters
Gimme back my bullets, gunpowder is a Chinese concoction, we’re all One brothers.

Picked cherries, spit out all pits, Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake due to warrior hits
On the other hand, I will not be taken naked, in shackles over my dead body, bull S#its
Gods built the dams through the all too human hands that found H2O is Life itself, US
From the empty vacuum of Origin, an almighty First Cause disappeared, left on a bus.

I secured the border of Home, the barrier fence surrounds my compound, alarms set
The pain and suffering has infiltrated every face on every head on Earth, elder to infant
Concentrate, what’s your next step, don’t move until you have a plan, don’t waste debt
Use Time efficiently, for survival or extinction of the species, kill the creep that crept.

Who has the power to control Time & Space, nobody you know, no one alive anywhere
Prick your ears up and put the pricks in their places, they know that they’re all in there
Before anyone drops a dime on you, comprehend the causes and find no first one at all
Hades’ hell-no but Cielo god-yes, punks are divine gold from a creator of Spring & Fall.

Apes are loose, runnin’ shows on every continent via pretenders all too human spin
Better that everyone doesn’t know the truth, in fact it’s better that nobody knows sin
United your states of illusion into a big ball of confusion to make a point crystal clear
Electric shocked the brain, LSD tripped your mind & your ass followed, killed my fear.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, BLOVEMBER Xth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Drafted by being silent like a #BigBang, drafted this piece while jammin’ to ACDC WereAllGonnaDie on youTube link @https://youtu.be/f6cJZJnri3o?si=xJsuu9h_oyGUHn3h }

Thursday, October 24, 2024

EVERYBODY'S GONE SURFIN' U.S.A. #JacuzziJack @WashingtonHuskies @TheBeachBoys



As cool as the spit in your mouth when you’re lost in the dessert without a canteen of H2O
Sudden impact of the darkness’ starlit sky with the dessert calls of night creatures of blow
We can’t see the Truth since there seems to be none available without the fool proof cons
Pulling in the gullible to the nest of snakes, a lair of lions, either way, y’all gonna still die bro!

Divided and conquered before you knew it, let your guard down from the tight gripped trip
Solo in and out of the mix, compound is the nest’s creature in & out of the ovum’s wet slip
Lower below the uttermost echelon of the pit, it’s the one you see when you look out below
Hot or cold, in five to ten minutes, the corpus will become dillecti and you’ll pucker for blow.

Home or far away on the opposite side of the base of origin, still under One star’s galactics
Mercy in the cage when the crack stays open long enough to leak out the open gash for kicks
Liberty to lie as if the Truth mutates into it’s own contradictory, propositional logic, all mothers
Knew they’d find the trouble with making love, conception of the viral punks made by fathers.

Fear you’ll die, you’re right on the money, hence get busy & do what you got to do, no time out
It’s the game that is On, it ain’t Off until I say so, you’ll hear my last gasp, it’ll be your last doubt
That I was always the One that kept the motion in locomotion, the loco was all in my own mind
Cool or slippery when wet, hot potato, the species spits in slits, fires up mitosis of the third kind

Billing the mothers and fathers for being too lonely not to commingle DNA, can’t be all alone
Love & Hate alternate, a kiss first & then a final divorce decree, separation of a daughter’s son
Colors white to black, auditory vision in 3D for the initiation of the extinction, all too humane
Like it or not, no choices for the minions, be The Ball, dribble, shoot, score & drive me insane.

Dams of the gods, kept the gas combo of liquid close to the vest, to fish & wash the funk out me
You got some too but you can’t admit the Truth to anyone, the Word can’t get out, the gods see
Happy girls & disgruntled sons of the happy girls get together for holidays that ain’t gone south
Fried, cooked, seared, baked, heated, burnt out mind that eats all words put into the big mouth.

Guessed correctly because there was no choice, freedom or servitude are a flip of the switch
All we have can be eliminated in a heartbeat, then it’s all over, hot karma exchange for justice
No more time left for the unborn nor the dead & gone, timelessness got nothin’ on me, bitch
Stay long time, a quickie won’t do, marry your daughters to the androids who won’t take a pizz.

Fools congregated for the preachers to mend from their lives of random chaos, pretenders all
No chance for a second chance and there is all there is to it, jumpin’ for my love & yours, call
Me when I hear your voice makin’ a move on me, One star in One constellation’s psycho funk
Jump even higher than your feet could ever fly high for you, like magic you can smash a dunk.

Ready and waiting behind the curtain like the wizard that never was Oz or a wicked west witch
All the right moves in synchronicity with the essence that preceded all of the existence, beotch
Filters clear, only catchin’ the truth & a slow groove, all the lies about the nature of Love’s kicks
Slow hand at the end of two arms that realize the place in Space that evokes the stars in chicks.

Global thermonuclear exchanges & fast moves to be the king of ballistic missilery, megatonnage
You have never had anything like the thing itself but you need it to graduate into Troclom Tricks
Where in the blazes that may be is what this here & that there are all about, no more nor less
Something that never existed before the conception, dream within the dream’s infinite clicks.

Alright now then there’s a lot of karma comin’ down on my soul now at 72, I put it off for a few
Now, the chickens have come home to roost, rebels and the Yankees all know it’s all about gold
Contracts to force the deal to be square, nobody gets away with murder, all about cosmic stews
Gas within a dirigible is in a constant loop of hydrocarbons malfunctioning as if God’s got Blues.

Tricky as what no other effect has ever followed, daughter, sister & mother all wanted screws
So, I fled into the flight of the Air Force that inducted my 12 years of unmarketable scout skills
It’s a drag to have wasted that time doin’ this & that thinkin’ patches and badges of old fools
Leaders who malfunctioned & then tried to pass it on down to the minions in the mass’ Pool.

Rock in the world, all that’s left of the supernova, 7 notes of treble and bass puttin’ on the Ritz
Recall the gravitational Void will appear but nobody will know, existence will be broken into bits
What they are precedes the essence of what we are, still runnin’ around the clock, 24/7 bad sin
Know it’s gonna end, even though I love forever to be, repairing the malfunction, fix extinction.

Everybody knows, you know & I know that it’s all about the California girls Sacto to Corona town
Sitting on your fence waiting for you to mock my indecision to get down on one side or another
There’s no help on the way, there really isn’t any justice here or in the after-life, you’ll judge it
Not for me to say, que sera, whatever will be will be, future’s ours to see, it’s divinity’s gambit.

It’s a really dusty road to be on with no broom or a blower, you’ll see nothing clearly, Everclear
Inebriated ought to be aware, to survive as the most fit do, you must exude fierce power, fear
Nobody that confronts your face or back is allowed to violate a tiny mind’s eye of work today.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, ROCKTOBER XXIVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @1705 PMPST

{ Crafted while jammin’ to @TheBeachBoys #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/uU0BOyQRjWM }
