Of evolved human DNA which came literally out of nowhere, to produce a Timeline for RNA
In random recombination due to motion of the deep, blue seas & dried up sand here today.
Hawks and buzzards down to invisible microbial life in subatomic form between your two ears
It’s all out and all in when you come right down to it, sweet and unexpected unknowable fear
Unknown comes and goes quickly, before you know it, leaving residual sands’ beaches & beer
Holy ghosts coming right out of nowhere, north to south poles, all around the alligator tears.
You live and you die, you don’t deserve it but nobody else deserves it either, good luck is all
Nothing more nor less than being in the right place at the right time, just to go Spring to Fall
Over & over again, ad infinitum with fortune on a journey high, soft narrow path to Nirvana
How low is the highest place you can breathe in and out to stay alive & healthy until manana.
Dogs and butterflies notwithstanding, harm comes to those who lose a grip, being in freefall
As the day you & I were all born, the day before was the same, day after I die, also, identical
Life savers rotted your teeth and ruined your gums, chewed, bit, ground-up matter from hell
Drunk on what beans’ brew allowed, power of the photosynthetic, an anthropomorphic cell.
Hope, Faith & loving Charity for everything & every moment gifted from above, as it is below
Payoff from the ones you’re beholding to, bought your mansion & your speedster so mellow
For once in your life, stop in the name of love, begin shakin’ hands with gods of Gold in back
Bringing it home from first base, triple over the centerfielder’s head, off the wall warn track.
Hot as melted ice boiling away into the steam that causes the rain in a plethora of cloud nines
Middle finger is cool if you know what it means, one on each hand simultaneously, hand signs
Pigs with no lipstick is all we have and they’re all in the poke for the duration of makin’ bacon
In a ball of confusion, too hot to see, to hear, to taste, to feel but easy to convolute into skin.
Bones covered up with the organic functioning from skull to metatarsals, soul a construct of 1
Fear of becoming dead & gone, either by old age or infirmity’s accidental, homicidal clown fun
Higher than the center of the core, moving from being at rest to the speed of light in a photon
How dare you sir? If I might be honest a moment, I challenge you to a duel, deal will be done.
Hill to climb whether you like it or not, you’ve been deposited at a bottom in quest of the tops
Listen to the music, from minds to hearts that rock and roll in a wave of classical country flops
Our cash, old gold, our debits will all become the smoke they were before the origin of Time
Space allows no witness to the Singularity, epistemological mire & muck, go phuq the rhyme.
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, 3-7 MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST{ Rockin’ words out during a loop of @Nickelback #ShakinHands on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/y-j8g2v0IFg }