Philosophical conundrum is on the table, no dessert today just a punch on the chin
Kicking me in the head now, I am woken from being awakened with a kick in the shin
Fine lines drawn from one point to another but after two points, it’s three to infinity
Zeroed in on your mother’s womb, where we all come from, where even you can see.
Glowing orb is not only this but it’s also that, no gods just stars’ dots of light, no Zeus
Sparks of the starlight called hot stuff, that’s all there is and there’s Nothing but Bruce
Scat in your guts & you can’t get this out of your blocked colon, concrete scat of blues
Punks murder themselves, greasers’ combed hair follicles into frequencies’ flat waves.
Power flows until The Final Ending, a finale worth waiting for the happy new year’s cheer
Sadness and disappointment come with love and the loss of It, there’s no need to fear
Superman & Underdog know the score, always beats losing, Winning, I’m Winning it all
No casino, dice game or cards’ Rummy for dummies, looking at cards to avoid lyin’ eyes.
Minds blown leave no chaffe and nobody recalls who or where they were, all mute points
From the first to the final dot in the matrix, solid waste in your holy belly rots all your joints
Killing the host won’t help the defendant dependents but the annihilation of missile’s TNT
Dynamite TNT is A1 birdie flu, you will get sick & die, facts of life, species has no way to see.
A foot in front of the other, step by step, inch by inch on the ground, 1 step up, 2 steps back
Don’t take a sure bet since nothing is certain in principle nor in reality, its in Santa’s ol’ sack
Presents under a Christ’s Cross, named Christmas Tree, every house in the Pope’s purview
Coast to coast on every piece of dry land, 7 continents and tops of mountains below Blue.
Bodies from one cell to the other looking for a Saint named Nick, Nicolas, Nickie or Claus
I blew the top off of Secrets of the shepherds are divulged, we’re the chaffe of a divine boss
Knowing a thing or two is impossible but it’s important to discover that you’re one of a few
Dreams I woke up from & regarded as trips of the ladies & germs they populate for the view.
In the pinch, there’s nowhere to go when your back’s up against the wall, just run away now
Don’t delay your returnit will never happen, go forward young woman, aft or off a ship’s bow
God’s blood isn’t red inside of the host, blue-purple deeply infused, iron ore of solar power
Everyone with the starlight within, that’s every life from virus to eagles, I’m in an ivory tower.
Words out of everyone’s pie hole caused the history of this wobbling world, Gods’ dirty job
Bodies fall like The Spirit & got this and that inside of your bowels, it deserves to be banned
Bringing your mother to your father’s funeral was a trip to die for, awesome God’s a hot blob
You know it, we all know but we forgot as if it’s never happened, no strike-out, I get fanned.
Three up & three down, innings of the outings end when the game’s over, I’m winning, loser
Roots underground to suck the Void’s power, can’t get higher than your skull’s top shelf hair
Long or short, nothing can stop the animation except a deep sleep you can’t awaken from
Guilty of being innocent constantly, my protocol is desire is to stay alive on crap of a bum.
High earners and low consumers fill the holy and sacred dirt with hope, faith & free charity
Love you and the things themselves, form & matter both are all there is, in a naked, big city
Money & the gold rocks it represents is a barter tool for the Haves & Have-Nots punt kicker
Be the Ball, shoot or pass it to win the game, you missed too many shots, give it up, loser.
You just woke up? It’s now getting real so wipe the sleep out of your eyelids, suck a pacifier
Sand in your skivvies and bikini bottoms, it’s time to go surfing at Big Sur, wet suit on Lucifer
A black veil on Life, death in finite reverse, I’m playin’ with my slinky & Hasbro chemistry set
Christmas of the 1960’s is not the Christmas of the 2020’s, don’t take my word for it, go Vet!
Homers hit by ringers who pretend to be lame ducks, a four banger works every time, cheer
Three up and three down, three outs on three pitches, three flies & you’re out, down a beer
No driving drunk, alcohol’s useful idiots help nature thin the herd, Merry Xmas’ blown mind
Fixed events from cause to effects, you’re here a minute then you’re gone, kill the stop sign.
So, count backward from a hot million, it’s how long you’ll probably live, maybe not divine
All too humanly humane, the homo erectus & habilis have become the Australopithecines
Longing time from Day One, yet here we are now & then, it’s the hot finale of the playground
All footsteps dead-stopped, golden silence aftereffects of one Divinity’s palette, OM sound.
Supernova it is, don’t ever forget, never, ever forget about the thing itself, where I come from
It’s cornbread & chicken after I get off of the Jersey Turnpike, got 18 wheels rollin’ to heaven
Finger lickin’ chicken birds that can’t fly, never could, eggs zygotes fried & BBQ’d them birds
Let’s get it on, you know where I’m comin’ from, you’ve been there sugar, it’s Love’s Words.
Truth & false statements make the world go around, I’m All full of it, fuels spinning wobbles
Beatin’ around a bush helps but Truth can’t be found that way, Earth ain’t a god, dam water
Dropped the ball, game tilted and it’s nearly all over, no freedom to choose immortal bones
My way is this way, I’m hitchin’ a ride, my GTO broke it’s speed rule, exceed a 100 MPG limit.
Blown mind between my ears, covered with the dead mane of inner growth, black to white
High or low, you need to go to school & learn to be good, bad & ugly, it’s a hot, survival fight
Bones stop, muscles atrophy, death blossoms in your heart & soul on the day after you die
Dragons pretend to be alive as you do, a mythological chimera, sons of Woman survive, Lie!
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, 12-19-2024 Anno Domini @ 444 AMPST
{ Jammed while @MarvinGaye
jammed #LetsGetItOn & #MOTOWN #HITS on YouTube in a loop, link @
& now I’m goin’ to #AGoGo with @SmokeyRobinson
link @