
Showing posts with label #Peso #Dinero #MonaLisa don't cry baby!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Peso #Dinero #MonaLisa don't cry baby!. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2024

Si, ce bon senora, seniorina . . . @JoeAlfano my cousin from another cousin... #HeyNow @CarlosSantana & amigos et amigas! OLE! #TheShadowKnows


You know what you never knew before this moment, a result of arrested attention
Mushroom fungus around your dogs’ legs, swallowing is impossible ala microwave
Too hot to chew or put upon the gums inside your cheeks, it’s a spam flavor of tin
Just like the cavity fillings impacted after the power of the drill deletes the movin’.

Your fault, it’s all your responsibility to not only act but to follow up until the Ends
When you can’t animate your bones any longer, stretched out in death bed bends
Mirage you can’t see, fathom the phantom more than the magic spell’s word salad
Punks drink too much and regurgitate the dead cells of the motherlode, chit’s bad.

Josie knew and she never let on, it’s all about the giraffes and microscopic dopes
Evolved or specially created from Nothing at all, remember the power of popes
Reality or the dreams between It, all One & the same thing, itself a shaped form
Matter matters from byte to byte, subatomic or pregalactic, it’s Nothing after all.

Higher than azure-blue sky before it turns absolutes to black, background matrix
Batteries all dead, no recharge on or off the road to perdition, killin’ all the dicks
Mountain of evidence that you’re finding everywhere you ponder, inner Rambo
Ready to protect the fools who get fooled by their own parents’ blinded credo.

Moms and the pops who generate the enthusiasm for the scuffle, my 3rd stones
Yours as well, whether you see the Truth or not, you’re deceived by the Lights
Sun’s burning the atoms constantly until the End, a singularity in swirling tones
Apes don’t cut them loose; they will annihilate the spiritual spit in a knife fight.

You still got the muscle, and I got the reigns holding terror at bay, what’d I say
Bloody spirit, I got news for you & yours, amnesia is the way to recollect it all
Forget about everything but your hunger and need for rested sleep, dream on
You tried, you failed, the dream’s made of tin foil, it’s gonna be crumbling, son.

Mighty spades & long knives full of the scat they consumed via teat of a mama
As natives got restless, there were mutual blows, extinction came, saved the day
Mud and water conglomerate, spark the fire in your & my loins, above and below
Sun isn’t setting, the Earth is flippin’ spinnin’ upon an axis’ revolution, God in tow.

Responsible for the competition of the fit and unfit, drank with drunks, shot drink
Jigger full to the line, there’s no way to measure the fact that One day is your stink
As you become fouler than a baseball, language emerged from your cotton mouth
Tequila from lips to exit hole extraction, it’s all about the worm, up north to south.

Back in 1967, I got the age of 16 wrong, thought it was almost over & I’m 72 too
Full of the stitches from the gashes & slashes I got being the sole survivor of Blues
Talking jive, singing a song of reverential attraction for opposites of genders who
Gain weight until the cadaver disappears into the twilight zone’s blue suede shoes.

Minor miracle, major disaster averted thanks to an accident, unanimously a One
Being the thing itself isn’t as easy as being the form that it appears to be, hard Zen
Hopping around the charisma gleaned from the shadow I swallowed in one gulp
Tragedy and the comedy of the joke, I’m laughin’ & you’re cryin’ for all hired help.

Caring that you can’t comprehend the essence of Nature and things created by It
Action and the gods that do their things, Mercury to Pluto like an atomic picket
Can’t see further than subatomic or pregalactic principles, I guessed all the rest
Burnt into ash, full of formaldehyde to replace the life blood, preserving at One.

Monkeys around the trees and the skyscrapers awaiting the judgement daze sin
Traced the forms, dot by dot in numerical order, one to a million wars, I’m all in
Laughin’ out of control, out of breath & Time, flipped the triangle of the dangle
Pockets full, flippin’ the cake, cookin’ sins ingredients into a hot soufflés’ Hell.

Park your wheels at the curb, smack yourself in your own face, your welcome
What you always wanted and needed was just that, a Way to be a Woke one
Stud ruler kills, consumes more than 12 inches of jolly Roger, I’m out, it’s done
All conceived in perfection’s grace, put a smile on my face, fool’s gold, my son.

Hello, high or low five, either way you will rise to the top like a creamy outcrop
Uphill and the easy downhill to your bottom’s up, slippery slopes will never stop
Because it’s just the way it is & always has been, that’s the reason it smokes a bit
Running a bit hot, ready to burn up into invisible ash that vanishes in smokin’ chit.

Borders are closed, send the immigrants back overseas to all home sweet homes
Charge the destination countries for the trip, subtract it from their US foreign aid
Copy of the xerox is the exact replica, as if it reflects the thing itself on the flip side
All of our faces whether two or One, we all must face the honest Truth genomes.

Deduce the ending, there’s rigor mortis and a resurrection of the invisible animate
As it’s posted, scratched on a cave’s dark wall with pointed rocks that rolled in fate
Disagreement will doom a fool’s errand, nothing personal so you don’t feel guilty
First Cause of this whole shebang is obligated to collapse in an infinite singularity.

What type of gold or silver medallion do you need to qualify for speaking up
Nothing needed for that, this is a free country which forces free speech in vitro
Of course, you can’t yell FIRE in a crowded auditorium, smoke & mirrors’ water
From the haters with love, they have faith in the hope you’re a mere mortal, sir.

Finding good in the ugly and bad is difficult yet not impossible, I am all of it y’all
Not my choice to be living in a free country restricted to say or write about Truth
That the majority rules the minority, and the minority is a slice of the 1% of balls
Their fathers & mothers didn’t have a pair, therefore they’ve inherited only hair.

Check my attitude and the nature of the beast I’m runnin’ within, so near empty
Say my name once or a thousand times, it doesn’t matter to the deaf ears, I see
Ignorance of the Light in the Darkness is an excuse for the annihilation of species
Not just a woman, man, boy or a girl, this is a clean sweep of beings over seventy.

Elder abuse of the younger, virile among the pantheon of those strong survivors
To keep the power, control the figure head leader, loose cannons sink ship tours
Knowledge is power, ignorance’s lack, no wisdom or logic to solve conundrums
But there’s light at the end of the tunnel, it’s just a dot-like singularity, Time Out!
r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, 7-22-2024 Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Wiped my sleep out of my eyes & drafted this at 4 in the morning until 7, while listening to @Armstrong_GettyShow on @kste650 AM, & listenin’ to #TheBoysOfSummer by @Don_Henley link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RUIeX6UCT8 }

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Too Cool For School, As It Was #SmootherThanSilk

No whining when you have good bread to eat with your vino for suppertime, all ye faithful
Big grandmas & absentee fathers ruling the paper or plastic roosts given to the vengeful
High lights shining above and dimming down under, below the center of the apple’s core
Nobody alive with eyes and ears gets to see or hear the Truth but you can read all about it.

Massive tumors have been found in the Earth’s oceans, mixing cancer with H2O from gods
They left something created out of nothing, let’s be honest, let’s be real here, crypts’ bloods
Nobody ever gets out of this world you see here and now ALIVE, nobody with skin and bones
No dead human with linguistic skills in any tongue of language came back to spill the beans.

There’s one condition that you’ll ever find out the purpose of Life on Earth, you will find it too
Stop the heartbeat for a tick, commitment to stabbing pains in the derriere is tock 23 skidoo
Beware of the dog is what the sign said, big as life right there on the gate of ‘do not enter’ flip
Loud barking scared you from walking up the front steps to the door, loud and clear to skip.

Idiot between the ears above your neck, you do know I’m referring to the one reading it now
Reading it which is this and that encyclopedic of golden books, a compendium of who to blow
Here’s your soul, here’s your body, you’re lucky beyond cosmic origins, a star of Adam’s dent
Nothing more nor less than your parents are responsible for your life choices, you’re innocent.

Of the brains called the place where the minds reside, consider dissecting a cadaver in a lab
As you would expect, just like a worm, a house rat, a gym rat or any other swamp denizen flab
My god, your mom and dad, if you found them alive after being an oblivious toddler, they lied
You remember they promised to love you forever, they never said they’d leave but they died.

Surprise at the mortuary and the nicest people to take your treasure & bury it in gold caskets
Precious charity and the faith that you hoped would carry you to cross to the other side of It
But well, you know, if I told you the Truth, I’d have to terminate your existences of happiness
Totally oblivion is never a welcome contribution to the happiness of 208 bones, yet, I digress.

Nostalgia will be forgotten & will be recollected when your Life flashes before your very eyes
In 182 blinks every single day, you know what I know, since the origin of Time, mankind pies
The Jig is Up, nothing is going on undercover, it’s all above board, only you know like I know
Fun facts are actually just entertainment for those who are aware that Life’s but a wet dream.

Sea of unknown diversity, speaking in Tongues or just loving the tower of Babel, clearly heaven
On Earth, this is how it’s got to be, Catholics, non-Catholics, the Pope, monks & priests of Zen
Quiet is Way, no Way is the Way to go, C.O.W. clips of the week, stipulate extinction, on ‘Man’
As this all turns out above the surface’s ground of being, it’s life or death, in the lioness’ den.

You’ll come around because you’ve got no free choice to break away into Outerspace’s deep
Vitamins and minerals will be your full ape shape, bone marrow being the crème of the heap
Of hating love due to bad news from world about love stinking to high heaven, fire up a blunt
Not for a small reason, a big reason is to keep people who hate smoke, far, far away from fun.

Monkeys aping in the trees until the plateaus and plains cleared of the running dozens’ herds
On the porch, on the corner, on the block like Jenny, moves were made on all four corners’ glue
Passing out and passing away were close to the same phrase, word up or word down, it’s woke
Reality claiming fantasy as concrete as your mother and father in the coffin or casket basket.

Cream of the crop, all I have & all I need, what the others in the dust storm crave in perpetuity
End of the edge of town, it turns pitch black, between the city and a country of foolish breeds
Like the DNA of dogs, cats and bipeds who rule the world, everything is going away, as I bleed
A holy hole in my skin, punctured and wounded my system, repaired, scarred for one third eye.

Circle around the squares who allow blather to replace the silent secrets only the gods know
That is assuming this is not just a random collision of rocks with no personality, as a no-show
So, therefore, in the end, finally, hence I roll on a slippery ice cube’s slippery slope, smear pap
But it’s a repetition of the same old story, over again ad infinitum, it’s a gravitational collapse.

Conceive of your conscience without guilt, innocence from the gods to waste in the bad taste
Of evil backward livers of life, consequences of wisdom is knowledge of Truth, in due haste
Nevermore the raven, the crow or bird of paradise setting the entry bar to high to roll the Dice
Paradise invisible to third eyes’ evolution, you are happy, you lose it, I am the trap of all mice.

Blood from the sun, the star too hot to get near less than 90 million miles, give or take it all
Third stone from the sun, the Son of God, it’s obvious that this is a parody of the Eden Fall
From grace, holy obedience to the Law to be ignorant of the trees full of apples and iHearts
Come along applied, anyone invited, especially mean tweeters of @Twitter, bullseyes’ darts.

Now then, I remember you & what’s going on here, never forget about it, we’re flees on walls
Heard everything everybody has ever said, encapsulating it into a finale end, philosophy calls
Stop, halt all judgements, flow like water down a river full of rocks, boulders of Pebble Beach
Onto the seven seas from the apex of the volcanoes’ snow caps, H2O, I am no son of a fiche.

Freaking out and assimilating to the petri dish of agar, freedom of choice is nobody’s option
Kinship & friendship be damned, sell your soul since it’s an imaginary tool of clear, thin skin
Hurricanes live here, it’s a panhandle, it’s the last stand at the Alamo of Davy Crockett’s kin
Cousins, brother-sisters from other mothers, Walk, Run, Collide, animate it Jane, Dick’s in.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, July IXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST

{ Created from the Void while jammin’ to yo’ mama’s apron @ https://youtu.be/K0XCoX8malU?si=m73HmbgFSLnUFjYE }

Thursday, June 20, 2024

#ExcitementContained #HEART & #BabyMonkeyBackwardOnAnOinker #StairwayToCielo #HowFarIsHeaven?

Your parents forced you to behave with a set of moral rules inherited from dead bones
Correct me if I’m wrong but fully consume the force-fed fodder you’re about to receive
Beginning with subjects & objects, we predicate them with young Dick & Jane children
On to Aristotle & Plato’s Socratic dialogue between savants & ignorant masters of sin.

Above and below, the politics and economics rule the roost, keeping order of all things
Once a cell splits in mitotic excitement, it’s nearly out of control in it’s duplication rings
Around the Rosie or around the block like Jenny, it’s all a dance around Stonehenges
Crop circles for all with a summer solstice to boot, rebooting ad infinitum, Simon says.

Before your brain programmed in code, nonsense of the Word-Up, no word went down
Fresh as the air before the seed split in two, it was peace and solitude of the Superego
Nothing before nor after the thought of this and only this, I and only I am the One, it’s so
To me, this world doesn’t exist For Me, if it exists without me, it ain’t my damn concern.

While I’m still breathing with a steady heartbeat, low BP, low Cholesterol & the Eve lady
High or low for the #Woke down the middle of a road, stayin’ alive to avoid a wet dream
Skepticism satisfied by the revolutionary awareness that Life is indeed solipsistic candy
Coddle your dense decisions in a knuckle sandwich, completely chew, don’t swallow it.

You are a cool #Foody and you know your scat doesn’t have the doom odor of mankind
You get the vitamins and minerals from the salivates of the dog-god mouth you all find
Then the wasted mastication is removed in several napkins, a nuisance to wait staffers
Garbage, refused trashed delicacies of human pie-holes, dumped ocean, Pacific Sur’s.

You’re making the comfort level too high, your footballs bounce and are bound to fail
No Safety, Extra Point, Field Goal or Touchdown for the boys and girls to scissor hail
Who stretches before a mastication of candy that will jack your mind into oblivion hehl
Clubs are a bit tight so I’ll need to stretch out my yodel for the pending roll in the hay.

Why is your face full of make-up, because of hot, bright lights or the wrinkled reality?
Try not to look at the reflection of your form in a mirror or calm pool of liquid, salty sea
Real intelligence found by the Artificial Intelligence’s due diligence and pending doom
Part your hair down the middle until our bald ancestry becomes our empty headroom.

Sense and immersion in deep where it all began, a chaos of pitiful pre-scat growth
History is hysterical I hypothesize with rational yet unprovable assumptions, an oath
That I’ll be prepared as a cub scout in a wolf pack, outside a lion’s den of arrowhead
Snake-bit on a hike, died all alone in a cave near the bank of an American riverbed.

Heights way down under the surface where nothing floats or flies above it but rebels
Like it or not, disobey the laws regulating all too human behavior & you pay the piper
If you are ignorant of the law & break it, you still must pay the piper, it’s your debt fools
If you die during the violation through your own or other firearm or sheath, sing blues.

Vikings to Wisemen who are all leftovers from the battles and wars, lost & won in vain
Couldn’t take it past the rigor mortis and all that you don’t want to know, maggots rain
Staying alive in the middle of threats to end your animation in this dream of a demigod
Do the math, add to One, you’ll find out, Buddha & Christ drive a 1957 Chevy hotrod.

When you sleep, when you can’t remain awake, it’s the same as being dead, you see
Pairs of triplets and quadruplets could repopulate the ancestors’ DNA, miracle that I be
Acid in the solar Big Bang at 93 million miles, here & now we are Earth, y’all too human
Boys, girls, men, women, animals, insects, plants, microbes, out the Singularity of Man.

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, June XXth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Copped a Sneak while writing this piece of dog’s god, forward & backward while jammin’ to #DeletedSenesSTRIPES LINK @ https://youtu.be/BOtsAHB5fAc?si=Vg4zzhq_Bte8FQH1 }


Thursday, June 13, 2024

#SipItQuickly #NoRegardForDisregarding #Hall #Costello & #TheImposters @JoeSatriani #JellyBeanJoeAlfano #Syncopation

Reducing your kin, mama & father into the fodder of dead air, land and sea salt
Highways to imaginary demon hell have been all but destroyed, left a stairway
Neither up nor down, ahead where the neon sign says it all, The Twilight Zone
Hot foam atop the liquid, some quenches y’all & some poisons an apple i-phone.

Mopping up the mess, left over by the aliens who don’t do anything but live as bait
With or without you & me, they’ll do what they do, words of mankind on the wet fly
Light of the burning sun is the only important thing in this world, ice cold alternate
Frozen motion of the ocean, inner spirits killed in their shells, buried is the hot fate.

I live to show the blinded fish in the sea that they’re more than a shot of Jackie D’s
Like at least a flask or a quart and a bag of stank bud that can’t be hidden, please?
Hollowed Earth or solid rock left over from Big Bangs or crazy gods fighting the jizz
It comes out like it or not with friction of movement, it’s over, extinct as evolved kids.

Suits not adorned on birthdays, birth date of the first breath to lucky dogs’ masters
Naked to allow the sight of the gender product of gestation, hope of survival sisters
May or may not be what you & yours are willing to accept as the art of the deal, I am
All or nothing at all is the philosophy gleaned, during of my time, I yield God’s a scam.

Pills dropped & swallowed, metabolized for the sake of the whole, the parts replaced
Transplant of organic matter or just severance & scars underneath the tattoos’ face
Hurry so that you’ll not be surprised by the outcome, face the music, the holy is sacred
To the dead and gone, well now, they tell no tales, no need to pray for the holy dead.

Traffic on the one way street or on the turnpikes and expressways coast to coast et al
Seeing it moves you from space to space on the other side’s chess board, it’s 3D too
More than one plane of existence to experience, dead men tell no tales, just turn blue
From the rigor mortis and the frozen diaphragm inside skin & outside bones of a pal.

Davidson’s Harley had two or three wheels, they laid down on the blacktop like blood
Underneath the leather and lace, broken apart half of the 208 bones, God ain’t so good
If there was a Good God, the evil and rotten, bad things wouldn’t occur, it’d be paradise
On Earth as it used to be in the fable of the paradise garden, nowhere to throw the dice.

Game begins & ends in a disappearing whisp of suspended smoke, wind blows the job
Easier than thought, at first it looks grim like you’re gonna perish, then it’s on the tip top
Of the heap of things alive and dead, physical, mental, psychological pilaf and pine nuts
Kicked out the house to The Street’s club fate, Timing’s everything in Space, god’s sluts.

Masked to cover the naked face of reality, skin-covered skull’s bone, seven open holes
Two ears, two eyes, a pie hole & two nostrils for the immaculate air to reproduce bowls
To contain the liquid and food consumed, before and after the funeral of friendly, pyres
We became who they were, it will become all of them who are to come from squires.

We the people of occult states of consciousness, do ordain the holy savage of caves
All we’ve ever wanted to do was to survive and avoid suffering, for a moment’s raves
That it will all be fine in the future even though it’s so FUBAR now in front of your eyes
That’s the rub, odds are it won’t be fine in the future, you know gravitational capsizes.

As you read and digest the function of the relationships of prey and predator, I know
You know all there is to fly in the muck and mire, above the fray with no paddle or bow
Hail to the ones who left without knowing that was all there was, shoot to thrill the blow
Hidden deep within the leftover atoms of hydrogen and oxygen lies our Oneness, H2O.

Balls bounced on the ground of being, Earth’s denizens up high or down low, in or out
It’s not a free choice, no free will that you’ll be smart & adapt to the evolution of a crow
Caw in one tone or another, breathing in and out of the feathers of tail and two wings
No quoting Nevermore from any other dark ravens, this is how the goddess’ all sing.

Flight higher than the stratosphere in that X-15 just to see if human beings muster
So high that no species of the Earth could ever survive, except we did, him & her
Rich as in wealthy and poor as in destitute and ready to die an atheistic, cynic cad
You gotta go when it’s the right time, so do I & the whole shebang will be just a fad.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, June XIIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Drafted pre & post concert at the Indian Casino & here’s a link to the #ACTS that rocked for me & my baby, link @ https://youtu.be/PpC4E9DLIPQ?si=jpAbqNCw91J1hZSW  & https://youtu.be/svqrttEAs3I?si=PK0E8XFRB8VnURyz @Daryl_Hall & @Elvis_Costello concertos }
