
Showing posts with label #TreeTopFlyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #TreeTopFlyer. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2025

#LIPSTICKonApig @DOGE #WasteNoMore #LaFlaca @Santana #FamilyGuyCompiled @FINIS @Tesla @Musk #Corvette @Chevrolet

c o r v e t t e
All of us in a hurry to get business done so we can go home, kick back, relax & rest on a flip side
Unrealized divine dividends accumulate unto infinity’s gate, grace knows nothing matters, pride
Masked up like the hooligan-hoodlum you’re grandma thought you’d wind up being, a wise guy
Turning Gold, God’s leftovers droning in a black background of salt & pepper in a random high.

It could have been much worse than it is, your life might not have been so blessed without One
You served masses for the One & did just fine with the Latin, hot boy confessions & communion
Athlete of moderate skills in all sports ‘cept Track, skills to run or jump a lick, yet I gave it a shot
In the end daddio, the fact of life is that Philosopher’s stones are close to my loins, I’m a robot.

My bottom, The Seat of Consciousness is nowhere easy to be found, unless you like hard roads
Talkin’ nearly invisible potholes without a shoulder, just a two-lane highway without any Edison
All Time all-star T.D. passes into a future, in search of a miraculous thing itself, unknowing cloud
It looks like it’s either crimson red or royal deep purple, depending on the Time you’re allowed.

You’ve got what it takes once you’ve arrived on the path to find the philosopher’s stone, a rock
Matter reduced to the Void where you’ve come from before yo’ mother’s womb, 24-hour clock
Tick-Tock from China to the Scorpion Nebula, annihilation of the soft & hard roads to Nirvana Ra
Historically it is naturally, a human’s personal struggle to survive, alone without a deadbeat’s Pa.

If the shoe fits your size of feet, wear ‘em with blessings, some humans go barefoot a whole life
Bless you, bless everyone you know, bless everyone you come into contact with, even yo’ wife
Blasting as fire and brimstone might when experiencing atomic fission and fusion of a holy god
Nobody on Earth has ever known nor will ever know what the (expletive) was the point, hotrod!

Spam & lamb, we sacrifice & consume for the invisible smoke that rises from jump, sunny days
Knights and bishops do what they can to put pawns in The Way of desolation’s stale checkmate
Hair on some naked skin, covering the sinews and muscles of the drones, shock the brain fate
Once you’ve been graced to discover the Truth you can’t believe, in Time’s blinded first date.

Don’t tempt me, on the other hand, go ahead and tempt me, I’ll field the hit, I am adept
After the game is over, silence is golden, no braggadocio for the minions, point, game, set
It’s not for me to say, it’s not for me to persuade anyone of anything at all, don’t trust a fool
Not that I am one of them, I’m not one of them, you don’t know, I do, in the corner to drool.

This means War until you run out of life to kill & leave a fear of death to reign over the believers
Blind Faith works for kings and queens who’ve locked up the only philosopher stones in a purse
Sight unseen with the 20/20 vision allowed by the perfect lenses that bend light into gold-lead
High road, finished at the line-up, life with no parole, walls’ squares of a room to see the dead.

Still alive, still want to survive and breath for my infinite heartbeats that feed on the Electrons
Everywhere with the Neutrinos, Neutrons fill up the Void to feed the Singularity vortex of suns
Milky Way conglomeration of Cause and Effect are a shock to the blind faith of the believer clan
Random chaos, feature of the creatures who live & die as angels & an evil spirit’s barcode scan.

You’re alone with your friends at the party you never got invited to, you showed with no invite
Everyone is surprised you’re there since you perished without a trace decades ago, in a fist fight
Smacked with a baseball bat in the back of the head, sucker homer on my skull killed my drone
Hooked up to machines to keep my heart & kidneys in order of their verve, a holy spirit blown.

There’s a final approach to the runway of never-neverland but I’ve aborted the landing forever
Place in Time and Space will remain undivulged to the minions, although they’d die with a fever
Unable to keep the realized wisdom within, free of the disease of mitigated gall, drink on a cross
Crucified for your words said to the ears and understanding of those built for the Nirvana’s boss.

Don’t shoot the messenger again, before & after the zero, all negative & positive subatomic ions
Breathe in and breathe out, the diaphragm takes care of the autopilot, heart beats with all sons
Daughters who turned into mothers of brothers & sisters, a dead labor of love, some gave it all
Smoked ash, embalmed, consumed hunger of animals & bacteria above, so below, we’ll all Fall!

None of the nuns nor the priests and priestesses use the Word, the Sound for taming the geists
Spirits in a night fake disappearance once the light produces a silver lining in the clouds of mice
Twilight of rats and roaches who get their chance when the silence stays for infinity, game’s over
History of ancient & modern civilization leaves nothing but smoke & mirror code, all undercover.

Porch has a swing, a place for Big people to sit ‘til a heavy weight of lard arses collapses the chit
Place in Space on the highway and byway of Chicago Avenue, got on the road in ’69, just phuq it
In the service of my civilization a minute, rewarded with retirement to turn lead into fool’s gold
Hence, there’s a period at the end of the final gasp of gas, regardless of Reality or illusion load.

Now & then, it’s finally over & you have nothing at all to say about it, you’re a cog in the wheel
People are just people, whatever the fornication that means, Nothing at all is close to a steal
Soft for the food, hard for the protection of the thing itself, the thing that thrives as God’s tool
Used every morning & evening before the afternoon, Sight unseen, got it covered, wise o’ fool!

Daddio, are you done yet? Speaking easily or most difficultly means that is your problem, so
Hard road finding this philosopher’s stone when you know it’s red or purple, in Time & Space
No maps, just intuition & the ability to magnetize the county trash dump & recycle junk station
Hot water in the ice cubes of your mind’s synapses’ cells of anonymity where you imagine Sin.

You ain’t responsible for the things that are caused by the effects of the First Cause, innocent
As it was the day you got conceived, trust me, it ain’t your fault either, you’re what heaven sent
How you deal with the rest of your luck of the draw, that’s probably already written, olden fear
One dream for everyone, it’s a matter of war and peace on the planet in the middle of nowhere.

Are you with me or not? I don’t care one way or the other, I’m just your final chance to elevate
Between the top of the stratosphere and the empty volume of nothingness, it’s a blinded date
Your mama is all I can say, the day you were born, blinded by the light, you screamed just as I
Not a single peep on the last blink, seems to be a bait & switch dilemma for this pie in the sky.

Streams and rivers full of the heads of steel, on the trouble hook, scent of oyster, hens jumpin’
Roe for the rest, cannibals of their own hunger for self-indulging survival of the most fit, to rut
Idiots of a fancy culture, dressed all naked apes up like they’ve come to party with the minions
Do not shoot the messenger except with a speedball addiction, it’s a matter of WAR, Time sons!

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, 2-22 MMXXV Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to @WARtheBand #GreatestHITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Wx_OrjGn9lo?si=DYv-WWiTavZ-lYgj }

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

#DonnyHathaway #NeverMyLove #TheAnthology


You never know when you might need to have an ace in the hole, it’s all in the game I know
From birth to death the alpha & omega display all there is in Time’s Space above & below us
Liberty, as it was before your conception, your imaginary presence postmortem, my son
Finishing the lines on the mirror, you’ve bled out your inferior nasal conchae for no reason.

Pierce your skin from head to toe, insert dye into the would for the stains that ever last it
It all fades to the dust allowed by the undertaker, traditional incineration or shell burial
Pretending that the shell left behind was the thing you loved, it was the spirit inside moves
Of wisdom and experiential knowledge of all that happens from pole to pole’s dirty grooves.

Music and silence preferred over the banging noise of the pots & pans without pasta fazul
Singing and blowing into tubes, plucking strings if not rubbing friction in & out or act the fool
Known limitations in mind, skipping the losses & entrenching in the wins, all that I am, high
Schooled beyond the need to know, ignorance annihilated in the end, I know I am the guy!

Leftover banquet’s cuisine is as good as it gets, trophies for all just to participate in the glee
On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the best, this is here & now, as good as it ever gets yo me
Maybe not to you or anyone else but you know, it’s all about being in love with L.A. suburbs
Big homes, small hoods, no projects towering above stone-asphalt, there’s no other words.

Mic up your voice so that everyone may enjoy the content of your thought, bring it on down
As you’ve always known, nobody knows anything about Nothing, let them know all about it
Christening the Christ in the Christian heathens who are kids believing their folks’ bull s#it
Not their fault it’s all they gleaned from the ancestors they descended from, it’s all there is.

Powerless in the finale as it was at the prologue before Act 1, hence curtain drops The End
Now then, unknown is known, no secrets or insoluble conundrums’ nightmare in a dream
Watch as the time pass without stopping, always forward & never in reverse of the stream
Past is all gone, forgotten except for warnings gleaned to avoid pain God’s bloody scream.

Spirit invisible within you & without you, it’s a fact of life you’ve been warned & it’s cool
Regardless of whether you like circumstances or not, it is all what it is, y’all are but a tool
Nobody cares about that either unless you’re imprisoned as an innocent or a genius Man
Breeze through exams & procure advanced degrees & prognosticate, be all too human.

Mind over matter is the illusion to accept to participate in society or you’ll be imprisoned
For life or some nights and days less than the whole shebang, nature will be four seasoned
Good, Evil & Ugly come as close as any creator or savior would want to be, it’s all a put-on
A play for the energy blown out to emptiness by an exploding red giant, immortal shotgun.

Sensational yet demure and at the same time off-putting as the refuse you’ve defecated
Holy gaslight fills the tragedy with comedy, if you can’t laugh, you’re gonna cry a deep river
Like it or not, as far as we know, this life we are lucky to be living is a gift from Gods that be
Nothing to be seen, form nor shape of matter to compare to your Ma & Pa, you are all of It.
r j j stephan, i

c.  Lundi, Janvier 7th MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1919 hours PST

{ Secreted watching @Prometheus @ https://youtu.be/nB-I8i6y6II?si=MKnZDl06twEHou7m & listenin’ to @RandyNewman #ShortPeopleGotNobody link @  https://youtu.be/T3W4ZOlA08g }


Thursday, November 07, 2024

Deduce The Conclusion, I Dare Y'all . . . #ConcertTime AC/DC KidRock CurtisMayfield

Here and now on the ground of Earth in the all too human year 2024 A.D.
Where conceived and born to run like a backstreet, tiny, little sister creed
Appearance of forms of matter, so completes the first act, it’s Intercoursed
Makin’ the panties drop just bein’ in the same neighborhood of it, kid rocked.

Wrecked father’s creation once or twice, occurred when my guard dropped
It wasn’t far from a grasp of my two hands to a higher ground of a .44 popped
Hit the spot every time, danger lurks dawn to dusk & sunset to sunrise swing
If you don’t expire by accident you’ll still fail to be conscious once upon a time.

Stapled my stomach and regurgitated everything I always have an appetite for
My mistake that I thought it would help me control my addiction to sweet & sour
Had the staple removed & now I’ve lost my appetite for everything, I got no taste
I can’t smell either, lucky I can still hear & see the separate reality, spunky waste.

Really have too many rules to observe hence, penalties will be a perfunctory dish
You won’t have to worry about betting 'cause nobody beats the house on the odds
See what you want when you win or lose, bottom line you’ll either owe or hit a score
Drift away & you’ll see what I mean when your uncle throws you into a lake of fish.

With the heavy load of being a chip off of the old block, my mom & dad laid the path
For the Way in the middle between the Good & the Evil, all straight ahead of death
Nothing you can do about it other than be aware & be wary of a thing itself & forms
Psycho-Social disadvantage for the aliens from another planet, as we're the worms.

Deduce the conclusion from the veracity of the premises assumed, it’s not irrational
In fact, the facts of life are the One & the Many who relate to empty space nationals
We called them “aliens” from other planets & they sued all united states of minds
Inside looking outside at the random causes that precede the final ending’s opines.

Beginning at the end & finishing up at the start of the game, it’s like, man, I’m #Sorry
But it’s the name of the game, you can’t make this scat up, it’s garbage afloat, see?
In the meantime, I play on a ground, it’s a playground, work in place, it’s a workplace
Equation has an infinite result if you begin prior to Big Bangs & fusion in yo' face.

Zero function of a void ‘tween atoms of hydrogen & its derivatives, nothing to see
Nothing to hear, smell or taste, not like a real thing if you know what I mean, baby
Gas is not liquid, gas ain't solid, It is all there is & IT gets frozen & hard without blues
Shining hot on dirt left over from one Big Bang, making H2O & Life & Death too.

I made some mistakes before you knew I wasn’t perfect like others, all too human
Got off of my knees whenever I found myself prostrate, grounded, crushed loving
Gave it away to many as I found needed it 'fore they even knew it was missing, King
Needs & random desires for the pleasure of simple-minded, naked apes of Rocking.

Force of a conglomeration of cells moving in Space hit a purple wall, bluish red goo
Appears seemingly out of nowhere but it’s the essence of matrix, like orgasm-screw
It ain’t my invention, didn’t create things rollin’ around here & now, I’m just a Temp
Clothes hangin’ out on the limbs, near the creek around 2 AM, skinny dipped, wooh!

Dreams end whether the dreamer is consciously aware or not, death's inevitable, so
You & everybody else might have forgotten,  l remind you that Life's transitory blow
We go in & out of that egg, we’ve grown into this substance-form, ask for more too
Double Jello Shots o’ 151 rum made me love you more, whisp #OnIt, eyes love you.

Met out for dinner Friday eve & made her panties drop like they were lead, fine dine
Sweet talked 'til the chocolate covered cherry got naked to a 208 bone hurricane
One-Stop-Shop can’t complain since it’s infinite replenishment of cream of the crop
Wine, vodka, gin, whiskey, rye, hops & crops of Mary Gold, just a passenger, no cop.

Gridiron just a hundred yards of points to play a game of odds you score on demand
Passing, running & going coast to coast beyond a flag at a zero-yard line, win a grand
Whistle, buzzer-beater, blank-gun-powder gunshot at a bull’s eye, a 100 yards a lot
Couldn’t miss, sharp-shooter followed perfection, 1 to the head 2 to the heart shot.

Wheezing at a dance, sick as a dog but wanted to show affection for objection skin
Suddenly, impacted by whichever medicine kicked into my big toe to head, I’m in
Contact high, keep breathing in and out, don’t stop to go to sleep, it ain’t sleep at all
Dead before dying after fine dining with Kracker backers, holy scat in a glory hole.

Educated the fools from the historical record of dead fools, more fools ad infinitum
They don’t know that there can be no show on stage, hell’s down there, we get some
Higher than Earth’s stratosphere, astronauts found naught but a quiet empty hole
Black it is, only a star’s shine, the Void is what it is, soul on ice, we people, let’s roll!

r j j stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, BLOVEMBER 7th, MMXXIV Anno Domini at 411 PMPST
{ Crafted in advance of the #Revolution, If there’s a hell below, we’re all gonna go, Don’t Worry now y’all… suck It up… link @ https://youtu.be/x1xmXOP3lhM }


Friday, August 16, 2024

Sodium Chloride of the Dirty Rockin' Piece of Stardirt & MOI


Betting no more than the gold in my pockets, all in for the call, I bet my hand beats yours, fly
Gods try to come down to Earth for a sorte of human females, don’t know why they multiply
Pink inside and burnt brown and black on the epidermal layer, which allows the privilege of it all
Complete with a partial implant in your jaw, check your six, your back is uncovered to bear pall.

Fabulous in every sense you can muster, knowing the opposite usually occupies Space & Time
Not today or tomorrow because history has already occurred in the future of the present, keep up
With the explanation and final conclusion in your arsenal that can’t be seen by the unanointed
It ain’t nothing personal, you ain’t screened & you ain’t clear for enlightenment, feel the crime?

What it feels like to be innocent and still charged with the guilt as if it was your own fault, dude
Chicks, I’m talkin’ ‘bout y’all too, deep inside of the conversational analyzation of concept food
Subjects and predicates shining the starlight on the blackboard, expose nekid Truth’s white sheet
Understand true that, total comprehension is a temporary lapse of reasonable gold, y’all gotta eat.

Brothers & sisters related like cousins above in heaven & down in hades, where angels fear to go
Utter satisfaction with having no desire, no need, nobody to care about to save life from dying so
Knowing that knowledge is impossible helps a bit, we’ll get over those red lights on the curves
Eyes shut tight yet wide open, seeing Nothing clearly, subjective nouns & action Love 30 serves.

Sounds mean something if and only if you agree on the definition of Word, it’s the thing itself
As it appears to the innocent perceiver with eyes wide open for the first time on Time’s life shelf
Smoke is happy, fire it hot to burn every atom into crumbled ash, dropped in gravity’s grave fate
Deep bury down below where archangels fear to go, can’t get up out of the hole, carrying weight.

Holy and red hot, unblessed and cold as dry ice, smokin’ freezing oxygen and hydrogen in & out
Grim reaper drinks down deeply to the center of galactic neutrons, protons & electrons in doubt
River of truth and lies flow to the infinite ocean to merge with the Void nature of your mama teat
In her arms we were, she kept us warm with a smile until the teeth bit the sore skin, kid got beat.

Spanked on a plastic diaper, no reason to understand why, cause effected mothers under the bus
That she loved you and would protect you being the immature mama who just had to be that way
Teenage mama can’t buy time, too much to be distracted by the addictions & play ‘House’ today
Babysitting for single mothers nets cash from the AFDC coffers & welfare kids now rule the US.

Here and now to save existence of animals and plants on all seven continents, dried-up wetland
Beaches or jagged, huge, stone rocky cliffs eroded by constant waves of the tidal pools inland
Hip to be a square or a Rubik Cube more sooner than later, I put the hurt on the innocent amigas
Not only am I to blame for the pain, the suffering but also the happiness they got rid of me arse.

Now & then you see through the veil to the actual nature of the beast within, it’s always the same
Fear and loathing as if it’s not you yourself, you really start trippin’ when the Truth unfolds fame
Books recorded in cyberspace, on compact disc, magnetic tape, 8 track, reel-to-reel, cassette split
Too tired to go on without a hip replacement, you know like I know, you’ll die once they slice it.

Y’all are in the know when you’re in the money, as the old song goes… duh do dah dah, la la la
It’s usually the same one over & over until the young delete the files & cover up the Truth as it is
In & out of consciousness yet awake as if in a dream while unconscious recording my super ego
The game and the score disappear into the ether once the corpse begins decrepit to the evil ends.

All pretentious for the sake of survival, ahead of the pack, you can keep track of ‘em in a mirror
Never need to cohabitate or commiserate with any of the minions or the literati of the stone door
Live for today, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to produce itself ta mind, neither God’s nor this plebe
If & only if you resist the power, then you’ll be rewarded & be completely set, again, to be free.

Larger than a microscopic byte on a hard drive or a bit smaller than a huge byte, even steven
Broods got bred this way either voluntarily or via draft of unwilling to defend strangers of Zen
Recreated after annihilation without knowledge, just the power to be right when y’all on the ball
Nobody is right or wrong all the time except for the alpha and omega male, last call for alcohol.

Complete and impartial for the conclusion uplinked to be the only rational epitome of probability
Knowing Truth’s higher ground value of Gold and Gas flowin’ out of your behind’s high-end te
Keep your handicap down, win championship without your over drafting savings for wet dreams
Fortune cookie with no prediction to be ahead of the moment, graphic blank and empty schemes.

All is not alright, but you must deny the facts of life, your father didn’t tell you, nobody told him
Many centuries of breeders attempting to achieve perfection without an equal anywhere on Earh
Blood runs, gravity pulls, Space expands, Time measures burnt calories in a lean, mean machine
Recollection of any reason to be conceived, live & die in a hundred spins, more or less afterbirth.

Free to be dependent on the water and wine to wash down the body of the holy sheet
Most high and more low than the grapes that grow on the ripe vine, a meet and greet
Between the spirits inside and the ones outside of you that gain entry, imbibe, scream
Next day, getting hammered again is the only way to die, Life’s but a fickle wet dream.

Homer and Marge, well they have nothing on the parents of Bevis & Buthidae, fer shizzle
Blueprints have a plan to build a mountain of stone, brick & fiber glass beads give me a rash
Earth is the unholy name of the dirt, no feet to march or hands to clap, myriad of shyty fizzle
Doctors and lawyers trained for hours and minutes to interview people who donate cold cash.

Helping your body up off of the ground due to gravity’s attraction to your backbone & skull
Average or above, up to & including the genius, evil or better than the mostly good, ruler fool
Wink to show the joke is on the joker, punch line is crooked but if delivered right, it flies cool
Above and below the pattern on the surface, live, die, disappear and be forgotten, eat it all evil.

Dreamin’ a little dream of me tonight baby, it’ll be fine in the morning, I’ll disappear once again
Heart is all mine right? We don’t need to linger there when we’re awake, we’ll dream being Zen
Complete or not, it’s necessary to be sufficient to get to the end of the purpose’s logical reason
Accident your father met your mother, conceived, gestated to be born in blood and fetid water.

Kisses & hugs holding the bones tight, kept the inner sanctum inside invisible Jordan almonds
Found a wad behind the unworthy where they never look for anything valuable, safe diamond
Ineffable sound heard deep within where the sun never shines, a thing itself’s, shapeless double
Monkey see what monkeys do, apemen stuck in perpetual repetition of the 24/7 Earth wobble.

Hurry to wait until someone else takes so much time, you wind up being later than required too
Had to be ready to move from heaven to Earth once the love was made, it’s a dream trip of fools
What I was, I am & always will be, a convenient Truth wrought by the ancient command scrolls
Pink to ultraviolet purple in all wavelengths’ frequencies, dying, fading to black as lights go out!

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, August XVIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST

{ Cracked this emerald while jammin’ to @ChicagoTheBank #DreamALittleDreamOfMe in an infinite loop on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/0rhFYl2H-2g?si=23qDPquqmhR8Ocez }


Wednesday, August 07, 2024

#SuckinHindTeat #BeachBoysBestLIVE25 @Springsteen #TunnelOfLoveLive w/PattiScialfa #FailureToCommunicate

What you don’t know won’t kill you, watch out for what you do know or you’ll see the stars
Not the stars above or below the Earth, I’m referring to the end of your Times in Space, face it
There’s fortune & faith involved in the whole shebang, it’s all punditry since it’s all wizard of Oz
Impossible without an alternative to the complexity of special creation in the center of chaos.

Bring your mothers and sisters to the party, their ova will be extracted for the fishers of the Men
All too human as suspected, superstitious beast with a shaky nature of being, god-fearing human
Nothing more than hairless, naked apes needing fashion to cover up all failures to communicate
Littering bugs all over the streets, litter cans for sloppy, uncultured welfare kids from a blind date.

I ate the food, defecated the high energy back into the shameless environment, home sweet home
All of the dead have left their excrement down an invisible government drain, diversification clone
Acting as if this is all normal, stuck in gravity, happy not to float in shallow or deep space’s holy hole
Capacity for acceptance of equity & inclusion are the inequality of the delusion, unbeaten by a pole.

Chaos runs out of energy to obfuscate & blends back into the seven seas, with Davy Jones’ T-bones
Illusion is not the dead guys underground but the LIVE guys above & below the upper crust iPhones
Programmed until deleted, if & only if there’s a scrub, then the original God of the Void steps upon it
I got a drone flyin’ over Skid Road in every city that allows homeless mankind to suck on a hot teat.

Who in the name of John Wayne do aliens who group into congresses believe they’re dealing with?
Are the Executive, Legislative & Judicial branches all under the thumb of @ChinaTheCommissioner
You love nothing & nobody and you’ll never be disappointed by feeling disappointed by a frequency
Wavelengths’ highly fallacious arguments, illogical conclusions, blind faith belief in low bandwidth.

Retired, excreted gold into the dispensary for the traded return of the labor’s blood, sweat & tears
Smoked in flavors, in and out of the bags of gas transforming organs, until DNA/RNA killed peers
One left without anyone else, nothing else in a sentient mode, kind of like the One before the Many
Exactly like the One before the Many, come to think about it, I think, therefore you are so, so funny.

Human beings are nowhere else in this solar system’s galaxy cluster, Time is nowhere in the cosmos
Yet, the People of these continents have no belief in Wisdom’s perennial Truth, you live & you’ll die
You won’t know why, so you gotta have love for enlightenment of the ignorance inherited from Eve
She bit red apple core fruit, got the sleeping #Woke knowledge but a mere accidental #FaceFeeze.

Bombs away from TNT dynamite via flying carpets & other UFO’s out of remote control, cyborgs
In charge of the good, bad & especially the GD ugly, defective DNA in unfettered reproduction bergs
Full tank of electricity’s battery packs, infinite charge reunited with the immortal, empty Void of zero
Halls empty, full of the scat, burning rubber tires’ poison fumes, up your nose with a rubber hose, yo.

High crimes & misdemeanors can be avoided if you’re a divine son of God, life in prison for the rest
Impeachment just a funny joke, justice is a ham sandwich and capitol punishment remedy’s the beast
If you or I cannot control our adherence to the Golden Rule, our destiny is extinction, rational bones
No holiness in Italy or anywhere on any continent, Asia to America, the devil made me do it, homes!

I arrest your attention at this very moment, a microcosm of the whole shebang stopped in its tracks
Conclude your own propositional logic, deduced, untenable premises & irrational inductive lifehacks
Bones over two hundred in a single form, a shape of what animated gas when left alone in the dark
All there is, you are, what I am, this is it right here, no sounds in sight, tasteless stench, do not park.

Broke your back & closed your mind before your Time was up in Space, Life happens downlow high
Sweet taste turns bitter once the mind’s eye breaks through to the crystal clear presence, I am so fly
Higher than stratosphere’s pulpit where absolutely Nothing has a shape of being a thing, royalty to be
King’s Queen can’t be promoted or demoted since they’re pranks of paupers, get high, let’s have Tea!

#SnoopyDogs moves back & forth to & fro, I work and play with the same power, mission complete
Space inside Earth’s core, from ground to stratosphere, I know nothing intimately, it’s so GD sweet
Roaring and screaming in the middle of nowhere, I see what you mean, I’ve allowed you to be wrong
Packed the saved souls into pews for reaping the fallow wheat to be ground in a dusty chaffe song.

More or less it’s neither here nor there, meaning nothing to anyone other than the nonexistent RNA
Above mean streets you’re no Karl Marx or Lenin or Trotsky, even Obama & Clinton leftover DNA
In the vault of the secret of the men and women at the top of the food chain, appointed or anointed
It’s the morons following the perfect idiot who fools even his triplet sister, his amigos alive and dead.

Speak and comprehend the meaning of language in different tongues, a fluent brain in grey matter
No blood up in there in the cranial cavity, whether you eat it or burn or bury it, Love from Mother
Earth wobbles, spins, revolves, expands from the contraction one moment after the Big Bang doom
Still looking at it in retrospect, for the sake of foresight and afterbirth during the divine resurrection.

Nothing less than a myth can explain the incredible consciousness we share between our holy ears
Out of the thin air’s stratospheric protection, God awful, empty dark space is really the end of years
Whether you get less than one or more than a hundred, it’s the same old song, you see blind sides
All in your mind, a construct of old men and old women who talk without being wobbling sea tides.

Pens writing on paper if & only if you’ve learned that art of incursive or printing ABC’s & grammar
Predication of the subjects and objects you perceive outside of your outer perimeter of skin & bones
Old man yellin’ at kids to get off the lawn but there’s no green lawn, all asphalt & cement-tar spread
Tons of fun, all done, finished at the Start Line, broke a broken record, got #Woke & dropped dead.

Fill up our cups with thin air, pay your taxes & someone that doesn’t pay taxes will spend your cash
Truth and Justice come in handy when they enhance your position, if not you’ll be destroyed as trash
Dumber than dirt, intelligence of the many is limited by the genetic interaction, that’s random luck
Chances are that mother and father of you & everyone else on Earth, dead or alive, Nothing, #uck!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Mercredi, August VIIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST

{ Drafted while my blood circulated head to toe, several hundred times, who are you a minute after you die?  I thought so, you didn’t know you’re not even a ghost, no soul, you’re absolutely nothing at all.  No cells to go to he#ls and none for the reward of the master for the slave to commands, trippin’ the thing itself all over the regurgitation of dead skulls’ spunk, listenin’ to #TheBeachBoysBest on youTube link LOOK OUT BELOW...  } 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Ahistoric Black Hole of the E, the F & the G-string, the Dog backwards @GladysKnight & @VinceGill

,,,,, x2 – y2 = 0 ,,,,,

In the funky heat of the night, I see the reason why there’s no free will here, now or ever
For the love of the gods of Aristotle and Plato, before Noah’s union junkies struck for 2X2
Who the hell trapped the wild cats, rhinos, hippos & giraffes, where in hell rang hell’s bells
Preachin’ to the choir for donations & tips, I’m not beggin, it’s a gift from the empty shells.

Keep this under your hat if you have one, if not you then who? IMHO, it’s your mama, man
You cannot deny that without your mama, you’re nothing, neither here nor there at any time
Completed mission by gasping one last time before rigor mortis sets, high angel that’s singing
Sunsets only in an empty mind of a perceiver, Earth is wobbling, spinning while star-revolving.

Strong to lift the weight & complete an infinite pace of progress to the final expiration of me
Totally full bone & muscle, minimum of fat for the fist fight with the jealousy, old man & a sea
Deeper than you know if it’s ever been deep at all to your shallow comprehension of the joker
Future creature feature is merely celluloid projections on a blank inner-face, unhooked looker.

Can you do what you’re good at, lie with all of your might when someone asks you to confess
That you robbed the mighty Spades & Whiteys who met you at the crossroads of their finales
It was a matter of survival of the most fit to fight for the inner spunk, gifted from parents’ yin
Yang in balance, control with a being known to the deaf, dumb & blind without wisdom’s sin.

Be here, there, way back when in meta-speculation of the nature of rowing a boat in a dream
Wake up but don’t be woke up from being in a daze since the birth out of mother’s loin seam
Era in the Future will recollect this Present as the Past, they won’t give a hoot for you or me
Nothing personal, it’s like a supernova before the thing itself participates in predication’s fee.

Play and listen to the music, Doobie Brothers or any Vanilla Fudge from any LP, in the grooves
Nothing like the actual studio sound on your Bose speaker 901’s, it’s the scratches & skips too
Sometimes a warped & never-flattering needle jumping/skipping grooves back & forth moves
Which thing itself you’ve accepted as your personal inner self, draw the .45’s All Night proofs.

Support the jock straps that hold the family’s jewels up and out of the kicking, hurting way
You’re skating on thin ice in the lukewarm Springtime, ice cold in Iceland so have a nice day
Goin’ north to south pole & around the equator from the stratosphere to the core’s deep 0
Ask questions as a high grade intellectually unchallenged individual would, hit ‘em high & lo.

Harmony you’ve been blessed with, the fastest woman to run away from the out of shapes
Says that it’s no big thing, DNA of my & your parents are the matter of invitro fertilization
At first, there was only One, then another to show asexual before the sexual reproduction
How the things that are different shapes & forms, some consumed others subsumed apes.

Pork rinds swallowed without the liquid get you choked to death, can’t clog the lung’s skin
Preaching to the choir who already has been dead before, a time or two, maybe more for kin
Myopia is the reason but not the excuse, an inherited involuntary response to a knees’ jerk
Complete isolation of Oneness inside of the egg in a womb, violated by a spermatozoon quirk.

Inside information on the bottom line, zero between the negative & the positive, left to right
Bears, lions & wolves all scout for prey to feed the family of thieves, leftovers of a knife fight
Pride, cubs, pups, adolescents eat it if it doesn’t smell bad, if it tastes good, it’s good as gone
Whatever is dead becomes food, sustains or extinguishes every cell in every body’s At one.

Losing the excess weight by the incineration of fat milk of magnesium & horseradish mustard
Gas named after the light coming out of the closest star to Earth’s wind and magic hot water
Excited atoms in the ecosphere, took my breath away from me, forced me to give up a ghost
Animated my feet for the sake of my parents, Puget Sound sacrifice of a northwestern coast.

Flowers grow out of the buried seeds in the stardirt ash of Earth, leftover big bang angel dust
Distress signal performance of S.O.S. from the bridge of the destroyer, Space’s Timing nothing
Answer to the equation’s factoring is built within the rules discovered through trial and erring
Finale, curtain drops with a mic drop to the floor, about face & walk right into a gold earring.

Hiccups ended the silence, too much carbon dioxide invading the hemoglobin, rejected notion
Commands of your living spirit/soul can be observed in the use of rationality and pure reason
We’re all ridin’ dirty on the mount we’ve consigned for the duration of an infinite revolution
If you don’t reincarnate, karma is even with the alpha & omega, for what it’s worth, I’m all in.

Game is never over until the gasping of your shocked monkeys give up the holy ghosts
In the in-crowd but the #Crowdfire is down & out for the count, it gives God the most
Drunk the brew and swill to wash the dead plants and animals, fruits of the rando loons
About face & forward march until I bellow, “Halt One, Two.” then At Ease, all too soon?

If the conditions of the premises to the argument for the exposure of the Truth are false
Then and only then, if I might add, always it’s an illogical, irrational deduction or induction
Respect for the law of the conservancy of Matter and the facts of Life your mother sucks in
Knowledge rather than ignorance, 16 feet down under the high dive, skull & bone broken.

rjj Stephan, I
c.  Lundi, 7-23-2024 Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Crafted while jammin’ to #TheOaklandstroke @TowerOfPower on youtube link @ https://youtu.be/aNd3QE6CIL4?si=X73tXdUxZ9qS_LXE }