Biodegrade this moment, your DNA right here and now, epistemological, anaerobic toxins
Time anomaly and Space continuum on a linear constitution of The Void’s illusion, holysh#t
Biodegrade your radicals, random heres and nows, deposit epistemological, anaerobic sins
Like the electricity, the anxiety attaches to my body’s being, inner soul’s spirit crystallization.
Pockets of the Earth contain the compound that will free radical longhair sounds of Sublime
Coming out of nowhere, inner and outer world of Time and Space, all the Leather and Lace
Drum beating, horns blaring, language in the babbling stage of Unknowing, no time for space
Collect the humanity in One soul on One planet in the solar system’s goal, no success’ rhyme.
Moderate and fully engaged in the immersion of the consciousness into the matter of the Id
It is all you get if you don’t open your ignorance to the light of the gardens of Eden, doom kid
Crisis of your blood flow from the toe to the brain’s cranial opacity, bald or hair, head on high
Upside down or sideways won’t do on the wobbling, twirling thing we live on, liquid star dirt.
Sinking and curving the pitches to the plate and rolls down the alley, curving balls of the One
You are the Darwin of the emptiness, break it all down, the Good and the Evil of a War Being
Lao Tsu giving me the Tao’s bleeding my Tao into the In and Out hamburger joint on a bun
Appearance of the philosophy of life in the middle of nowhere, written on walls, it’s singin’.
Eyes completely closed, seeing through the veils of thin eyelids, staring at the darkness’ light
Punks and wise men and women mixing menu-do until it melts into the Void, let us now fight
About the want to be perfect although the Nature is an imperfectly absorbed atomic DNA ash
Get into my dream, into my car, I’m drivin’ you crazy on a short way back, genius’ whiplash.
“You ruin everything!” she said without skipping a beat, I am the One in charge, die in rubble
All of us or none of us, that is the way it is, look around you, species and individual implodes
Call it the dying, the death of the thing, the DNA is reduced to the waste of the star’s bubble
Crafty species’ genome moving your pollywog in and out of neat, groady, virus of God’s toads.
r j j stephan, i
#NothingsFreeInThisWorld #WhatWorldAreYouLivingIn

c. February 9, 2019 A.D. @ 8:88 AM PST
{ #KillingIt drafted in advance of watchin’ the #HighwayToHeaven starring MichaelLandon on youTube link @ }