
Showing posts with label #HolyGrail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #HolyGrail. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2025





You face the facts, naked as the day you were born, conceived germs in the Void
Big Bang nobody heard or saw & only pretend to know what logic & reason allow
Simple as 1, 2, 3 when you count to 10, begin with zero & shuffle to the negative
Add, subtract, multiply & divide a One into an infinite division of all things at one.

Broken into infinite shards of subatomic charm, extinction & evolution lies of apes
All we have to do is be quiet for a minute, become Outer Space between THC vapes
I shall find the missing part of my scree somewhere over the rainbow, like it or not
Knowledge of subjects, predicates & objects of derision, enhanced mind of a robot.

Fill up your cup, it can’t be empty at any time, if it dries up it won’t return unto normal
Field of dreams and the perception of reality before or after your deep sleep, so formal
Pretty or not, beautiful things may be the form closest to what’s inside of you, so deeply
If and only if you know it all, then you will find that knowledge is all about a deader sea.

Games, rules, start & end before you know it, having fun or not, it will all end in a peep
Lost right where I found it yesterday, a slit in the matrix above the apex, below the deep
Pretty girls moved in front of my eyes, they didn’t see me watchin’, they had a feeling too
All in a Philly mood, a Shy town groove down on Rush Street, carryin’ on the in royal blue.

Simply too complex to be so easy to comprehend the nature of being alive, a super Nova
Miracles happen, I am one, it was a low probability that I’d have the chance to do it again
A long time ago, I lived & died for a spell, made no karma to return in grace, I’m free man
Can’t get better since I’ve commandeered all cause & effects of Milky Way’s beef bologna.

Prick up your ears, now hear this word in a sentence’s paragraph-full page of a recipe hit
Drink to make your brain swim above the surf from the first shot to the smart & final exit
Sharp needle and silver needle function as the only way to face the day, it’s high as Fugue
Black-out as it turns inside out, gave me a chance to regroup the trip to the moon, it’s huge

If and only if you & I agree on the truth of the premises, then we’ll see it all alike
No disagreement between laws regulating freedom & the gain of function psyche
Hot or cold, high or low, in the end it’s like it was before you were aware of, As Is
Hair on the dog fell out after the liquid gulped down my throat, passin’ out, cuz!

Been up & down, day one until today, it’s nothing personal, it’s the luck of the draw
Hit woman, feared just as much as a poisonous viper, just because of the ruthless hits
Upside the head & stealthy kidney punches finished the effect of a concerto movement
In sevenths, diminished, major, minor or indeed, the chords of the centrally intelligent.

Mask to cover-up the nothingness, as it is above, so it is below, astronauts know it all
They kissed the face of God & came back to tell us all about it, dream in a dream’s fall
Back to Earth after being aloft & disconnected for longer than a year without cold beer
Unbearable & nearly too much to handle, such addiction was paradise’s cure for fear.

Bought a big case or a keg, kept me company with or without a human being in tow
Not my job to hold court for the minions that struggled to find freebies in the hood
Ghetto immersion or suburban sprawl brickhouse & swimming pool, all in every row
If & when it all ends in a bang, I won’t point fingers or cast aspersions, pucker & blow.

You’ve heard it all before, I speak & you finish my sentence and thought about spam
Baseless and useless inconvenience of pushing and shoving to get ahead in a dream
You think you’re more than a thing, but you aren’t, just a thing itself, alone & at one
With that said, it ends in South Texas, in a hurricane, chased her there, prenatal Zen.

Comin’ around to the same wavelength, the frequency higher than normal, kill a man
This one not another one, patricide of the matricide gives the impetus to suicide’s fan
Giving up on the struggle with moods out of control, inherited endocrine system’s go
They inhabited all common ground with others who came to groove & then just blow.

Fear for your life because they know y’all are the mothers’ phuqrz, stillborn to run fast
If you don’t evade the onslaught, you’ll be the leftover bones by the campfire, foo-foo
Fight or not, nobody & nothing lasts forever, check the nothing at the door, it’s all true
What you saw is what you got, zygote to cadaver, mutation of cosmic dust, Philly blue.

Infrared to ultraviolet light produces illusions of the spectrum’s illumination pure funk
I’m in a circular jerkin’, sunken vinyl record groove, 33.3, .45, or a .78 RPM in the trunk
I said shotgun in a song, I did the jerk baby, did it then & doin’ it now, nobody’s exempt
Not one dead person who was alive told a tale after life with tempting Truth, “I tempt!”

Still alive and kickin’ in the stall, as old mules do once grown-up beyond the teens’ riots
So sad to find out that there’s nothin’ but bull’s scat to spread in the garden of Eden shots
Jack Daniels’ brown or Carlos’ Tequilla clearly do the job just fine, 4 shots and a cold beer
Look around the old bar, nobody is there but the bartender, he terminated ‘em all in fear.

Prisoner of Peace just out of the penitentiary full of innocence, mortal sinners of God
Innocent, yet proven guilty as charged, imprisoned with Mother’s innocents in the pod
Not only is Life a dream, it’s not even your dream, you’re only one of all vanishing ghosts
Earth is the stage; accidents are the actors facilitating the extinction of the species’ posts.

Funny as Hell, a promise to the Good and the Evil, backward word of Live, all holy ghosty
Bundled up for frozen tundra, to survive the polarization of heat and all Hot Stuff for free
Keeping copacetic impossible once you’ve killed heartbeats & gasping of oxymoronic gas
I’m not as foolish as my image appears to be, I keep a mask on to keep y’all off of my adz.

Pimple upon your seat turns metastatic and you can’t sit down anymore, you’re in a pickle
Why you got stuck there is because you got the easy reaction from the bored and innocent
Pumping blood head to foot, thinking, walking slow down avenues and mean streets of Shy
I left it all alone, my father & his father put out the Chicago Fire in me, gave me a water pie.

What is live? What is dead? Same things move until they die and shrivel into cosmic dust
Dead or alive, as seen from Outerspace, foreign concepts since immortality we can’t trust
It’s blind faith in the moronic sacrifice of divine death on dirt, signal isn’t sweaty balls, dad
You lied to me, said I’d be OK if I open my eyes & believe in being saved by nobody so bad.

Above and below rocks rollin’ along the ecliptic, magnetized by hot scat floating in Space
Missiles and rockets get the jobs done, it’s the trajectory of the extinction of the species
All atoms are mortal units, coming out of nowhere to return to being buried out of sight
Historical leftovers come & go, commanded suggestions to complete a mighty good fight.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, 2-13-MMXXV @ 444 PMPST

{ Saturday Night Live Best #KillMyLandlord #DeepThoughts 50 years link on youTube @

https://youtu.be/C-hpSU_fMYk?si=WN57wI4OP-r3UuTR }




Saturday, February 08, 2025

FORM OUT OF SHAPE, SUBSTANCE UNSUBSTANTIAL #UpInTheAM #SilverLiningCloudyDaze #PhilosopherStonedHereAndNow #DaddioTallyHose #AC/DC Kickin' @JellyRoll @Winnona

Got woke up in the morning with snow on the ground, colder than the usual ‘32’, lock & load
It’s the criminally insane that have no idea that life is short, we’re all gonna die on the road
Short time or long time for the miraculous orgasms of a creator, I dressed what heaven sent
With or without the wisdom or common sense inherent in all atoms, extinction’s immanent.

Nothing you will do about it, it’s not in your wheelhouse to effect the First Cause, a megaton
Hay is just dried up alfalfa and useless chaffe for the trip to evolve into the hotdogger’s bun
I have what it takes to lose it all in one big explosion of heart & brain, mindful of ancestor fun
Up above the Space or below the ultra-divine Face of God, the gods, the nature of Being One.

Important to be present so your past doesn’t meet up with your future, that would be Death
Instant or drawn-out for the drama of it all, you want to be immortal & never die at all, Faith
That it can violate all laws of nature, when you’re dead, you’re eaten or buried six feet deep
Nobody’ll ever admit as they breathe up here on top of the golden ground, It is gonna reap.

Fishing and hunting for the way to survive down here on planet Earth, no handouts for jaws
Find yourself without parents, alone without friends, without enemies, invisible fodder paws
Used to crawl, walk, run, jump & climb the ladders to the top rung of your mama’s hot teats
Only a gamete, not a boy or a man, lookin’ for the silver lining in the obfuscation back seats.

On the river or out at sea, always the notion of mystery and magic control, secret coded IQ
Deep as the core of Earth, center of the middle of the atoms, in the nucleus of the salty sea
Hoods over my head as we walk through the hoods searchin’ for philosopher’s top shelves
Where the Truth about the Nature of Being is kept, unlocked without a key to divine selves.

Hell below where we’ve all been able to go, in some past incarnation punishment schtick
Disobedient of ten commands passed on from the chosen tribes of the King of Godspell
Trying to levy punishment for breaking laws of common men & women, it’s a golden rule
Doing to the others, friends & strangers, like you’d want them to treat you, don’t be a fool.

You are quite perfect as a living lump of atoms that’ll dissolve pigs under sprinkler spigots
Turned to ash & busted bones or rotted into the Earth crust in a wood or metal dead caddie
Only you know the same thing I know, we’re all going to die at the end of life, nobody splits
Out of the body without the soul, there’s nothing you can do about the great lie, bury me.

Pointless in the fist of boxers, the punch line is not so funny when it’s a jab to a glass jaw
Hard or soft rocks are the whole shebang of the planet, the water & sand the magic of jinn
Probability theory is both general & specific when it’s the thing itself about Relativity within
Temperature measured by the proximity to the starshine captured by subatoms of foreskin.

A marvelous moment you lose your inner being, stops breathing & coagulates blue bloods
Head to toe, the rigor mortis hits all but the psyche which was ne’er there in the first place
Work is a battle to approach retirement, being paid for doing nothing, as a reward two-face
Squeeze the bags of liquid and air until they’re vacuumed empty of the male corner hoods.

Hands and feet, eight fingers, two thumbs, ten toes & a funny bone that ain’t ever laughing
Sip your wine, swallow words once you’ve written them, speak and forget about everything
Particular singularities are sucking everything into them, black holes annihilate all mothers
Meaning nothing to anyone in any language, fact of life, a father sired you, mutha branders.

Tears hidden from the light of day, in the darkness at the edge of my bed, they rock & roll
Wetting my pillowcase, soaking into the foam rubber with my nightmares and dry dreams
Playing music that returns to repeat the melody and lyrics more than thirty days in a hole
Catch me if you can but you’ll be biting yourself, enjoy your stupidity, gramma screams!

All kids are gonna die, your mamas are gonna die just like your papas, it’s called extinction
Not only will you pay for your ancestors, but I will also be taxed in brown, black & white skin
Poor older men and older women got too old to analyze the concepts and useful induction
Race to the finish line even if you didn’t begin at the start, win, win and dare I say, just win!

Somewhere above or below the rainbow where the illusion of starlight doesn’t obfuscate it
The one and the only thing itself that everything that is atomic matter is, that’d be the #Chit
In your heart & in your mind, all that is you call your soul, it’s a divine way of double switch
My god of your pantheism disregards disillusion, that’s just justice, eatin’ a ham sammich.

As cool as could ever be, the ice cubes have replaced the broken, all spurned hearts in tow
Needing no companion, any assistance paid to professionals, walk alone, fine until I blow
This town, a state of being Four Winds recycling carbon dioxide & mononucleosis I coughed
Wants and needs fulfilled inside my mother’s womb, exit on the stage to the right of the left.

Your mama was so cool, she made the snow caps melt into rivers of rocky road ice cream
It’s a metaphor but the point is, if you had to pick a friend out of a lineup, she’d hit the team
Anyway you look at it, 360 degrees above & below the cosmic egg full of the scum of stars
To evolve into self-consciousness & observe ethical behavior will insure survival of boxcars.

Bring it back around to the start’s finish line, go to jail for nobody but yourself, it’s your rules
Observe millionaire hillbillies & the upper crust meeting in the ivory tower, white room fools
It ain’t my fault so don’t blame me for the way it turned out to be, it’s the luck of the draw
Rollin’ dice or playin’ Texas Hold ‘Em, winning is everything, beat the deal’s & house flaw.

All or nothing to lose for nobody anywhere on Earth, this is a gift we’ve run into accidentally
On purpose of observation to focus on the subject & object in predication, unconsciously
As above it is below just like it’s been since my day 1, a diaper phase eating Ex-Lax factoid
Down the rabbit hole now, no matter how infinitely deep, I think I am, disconnect schizoid.

Copycats teach their skills to the stupid, ignorant morons who fall into holes of inner space
Wanting to stop free falling and end the drop in a smashed skull & bones in a puddle of mud
Like you’ve never known since your own conception by 2 germs looking to climax in grace
You can’t and nobody will get the picture until our last gasps, last punch in the busted face.

Hidden in a ceremony are the secrets that only the in-crowd keep close, abreast of the gist
Reorganization of chaos to force it into perfect order in perfect union with the divine mist
Word of silence and proof of a loudmouth is the epitaph on the granite rock of God’s cross
By the end of the story, you’re not done even though you’ll be annihilated by the holy boss.

Hey man, don’t shoot the messenger, the nature of the beast is that the beast is the gods
Above and below the burnt out cider of the sun, a planet in revolution about the hotrods
Driven on the main drag from the apex to the bottom of the barrel of monkeys’ fur coats
Hotter than a pistol just emptied the barrel into the monkeys, apes gone to wild in boats.

Some girls know & some have no idea, it’s the species hope to survive the extinction apes
Embedded in the genes’ random animals, it’s the code to wipe out the zygotes’ with vapes
Sooner or later on the scale of infinity, when it’s over it’s over, implode in a sub nucleic iPod
Blame the moon, blame the sun, there’s Space too but Nothing else but Void, praise God!

Now and then, scat comes down from out of nowhere, clouded skies of black space
Nothing is not something, that’s all there is though, what you see is what you got too
Hat is off inside the building but outside, I only tip it to the ladies, they don’t know it so
Just a minute, I’m never late but this time, I’m sorry what you saw’s what you got, face.

Hills climbed, oceans crossed, wound up getting’ down in upper ends, the block’s corner
Schemes of the pyramids and the underground bunkers of the rats & roaches, my brother
Ears wide open for morons who’ve misconstrued Truth with bull’s scat, 84 million my love
Pills swallowed, H2O drunk in SOLO cups, can’t mix the Black Jack, skies the limit above.

Awake or asleep, I know nothing & it’s just like the day I was born now, existential crisis
Living or dying is all we’re gonna get to do, be happy it’s the shortest period in What It Is
Home or away from the base, it’s always the same, leave & go back when it’s time to see
Space so vast, your mind ain’t inside your skull, your mind’s tapping outside to divinity.

Back of the full house and the front of the store, the remains of the ancestors stay alive
In echoes in the mind of the kin who were begotten by the One, the 1st one before the hive
Known or unknown, facts of life are what they are, facts that can’t change no matter what
It is this way of life that releases the stored power, a supernova in the mind, we are a dot.

r j j stephan i
c. Vendredi, February 7th MMXXV Anno Domini
{ Kicked this down the ladder while jammin’ to @WARtheBand concert #CiscoKid & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Wu7ygAqF_Mk?si=CABreW3R6u5Y9bb- )

The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
He drink whiskey, Poncho drink the wine
He drink whiskey, Poncho drink the wine

We met down on the fort of Rio Grande
We met down on the fort of Rio Grande
Eat the salted peanuts out of can
Eat the salted peanuts out the can

The outlaws had us pinned down at the fort
The outlaws had us pinned down at the fort
Cisco came in blastin', drinkin' port (Cisco-)
Cisco came in blastin', drinkin' port

My, my, my
They rode the sunset, horse was made of steel
They rode the sunset, horse was made of steel
Chased a gringo last night through a field
Chased a gringo last night through a field

The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid, he was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine

My, my, my
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid, he was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
The Cisco Kid was a friend of mine

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Morris Dickerson / Harold Brown / Charles Miller / Lee Levitin / Thomas Allen / Lonnie Jordan / Howard Scott
The Cisco Kid lyrics © Far Out Music Inc.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

#DigOneHeartbeatAtATime #Oneness

Gods forbid you come to a gunfight with a sharp knife, you’d be sure to die quick six
No turning around or back once you’re committed to terminating the threat, 2 sticks
We called holy names which cannot be uttered by mortals, nobody knows it all, One
Yet there’s a place in the aquarium, in the zoo or the whole ecosystem for my Son.

Buried or above and beyond the thing itself, there is a shape or form of the atoms
Imagine you’re a pebble on a beach full of pebbles, there were no Eve’s or Adams
The blank spot in the human memory was all too humane, we cannot be accidents
Insanity of the mind evolved from a hunting & gathering culture, the sixth scents.

Enculturation of the tribe by nobody but a random collection of idiotic baboon ilk
Crime and the punishment resulting from the act, all the same when it’s all over
Guilty by reason of insanity or just because you’re a mean & nasty, immoral lover
Hugs and kisses to you even if you can’t receive them without a shake & shudder.

I saw you cringe as if you were being approached by disaster, yet that was me fool
You weren’t fooled before the fools got into your head’s mind, old ladies of the pool
Hey man, it’s incredible & totally easy to believe at one and the same time, amazing
Like winning your father’s favor & inheriting gold & silver mines full of #DOGE ding.

Quirky yet fully immersed in winning of the game, with or without known damn fools
I know the way, you know a wrong way and we’ll meet at the end in the storm’s pools
Love and the lack of it is the Force behind your Life’s progression, kings & l’il queens
All for the One & Only Truth, no priests or monks know it, only God knows It dreams.

Swallow your pride, internalize your disbelief in the facts of life, you’ve made your bed
Sleep with an eye open or expect the worse, getting lost within a dream’s dreamscape
Can’t awaken if you’ve lost your memory, can’t come back to the origin at End’s finale
What it is, who it is & why it is how everything cannot be underestimated, we’re dead.

I have no proof other than wakes & funerals I’ve attended before my own, it’s creepy
Kissin’ the Italian corpses left by my loving kinfolk, gave them a granite rock & grave
Just to be there in case a stranger passes by & reads the curiosity of a solo existence
Pied piper playin’ your song, my tune ain’t in the reservoir, I’ll be freestyle jazz’ tense.

You know like only you and I know the Truth about the nature of Being, it’s deep secret
Hidden from all the mass’ humming engine with a hole & dip stick, keepin’ out of debt
Gone way too fast counterclockwise about the track, crashed & burned body’s bones
What was necessary & sufficient for my bongo drums to keep a beat, angels’ moans.

Brief speech you didn’t even know was coming, all for One & One for all, the ghetto
Place to live for the welfare of the motherless children, can’t keep the legs to blow
Human need & desire for the extinction of species is within the RNA, love stinks too
As above, so below, the stars blow with their planets, our sun goes, you’re gone boo!

r j j stephan, i

c.  Mardi, Janvier XXVIIIth  MMXXV Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST

{ Slipped out of the Vault With No Door, while listenin’ to #TheGhetto (again) by @DonnyHathaway on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/5uLM6DdTpmQ }




Friday, January 31, 2025

Already Done & Gone Without Prejudice Plastic #ElectricTongue #TheRollingStones #LetThemEatCAKE #WARtheBAND #TowerOfPower "Let them eat #CAKE!" -- @TheMarieAntoinette #GreenlandTAKEOVERdenmarkCheckMate #CHOPPERSrule



Nobody on planet Earth born to females of species or mitotically divided ala asexuality
Not even One gets out of the system of ups & downs alive, no spirit & no immortality
Ethics and Rationality for the ivory towers to reiterate to the young & restless PhDs
As above clouds into deep space, so below six feet for an encore of a planetary seize.

Monsters on the way to scare the daylights out of the nightmares a doctor analyzed
Shrunken child’s age of reason at seven to eleven, unbecoming of an angel idolized
Yet here we are, faced with unknown futures perpetually in motion for you & for me
Therefore, once assuming, the propositional logic reaches a deduction without glee.

Mortification for every one of us at the end when the mortician drains you to the bone
Talk about love no more or gettin’ nervous about goin’ under short skirts & long sweaters
Something like a mystery you find about in your teens & carry to the octogenarian hearse
I dreamed about you every night, your dream came true in my dream, for better or worse.

High or low, above and below again, over so many times that the reincarnates go mad
Unable to handle the facts of life that nobody lives when the body dies, man & woman
To know the Truth and live your full life knowing the Truth is the best deal to trade for Zen
Payment is nothing but following the commands, the laws, the calculus of good & bad.

Even with the grace and healing of the ignorance inherited from naked apes in dark caves
Humanity came to be accidentally, you know it but you can’t believe you’re not God’s favs
Hence, if the Truth is that civilized humanity was a failsafe for a consumption of cannibals
Let’s keep track of the trajectory of flying blips up in the sky, in case there’s air traffic pals!

Too late for the fools on the hill, they got there because it’s their last stand, just like Custer
No way to get away when you’re surrounded by the entire nation, on your tombstone buster
Kill was murder although consuming the flesh & bone, even entrails of the gods’ loaf & fish
A sort of recycling of atomic matter into wasted leftovers when the power is 1st of a 3rd wish.

Past and Future come together in a unified theory of general relativity, a numb skull breach
Fissure invisible yet with a slow leak, every secret ever manufactured by the ignorant beach
All have been long gone & forgotten, magicians’ spells wiped the slate clear of word-up, son
Hard rocks become the liquid lava that can’t be contained by elliptical orbits or revolution.

Drops from the planets that were imagined by the masters & their students, opiated Truth
Maybe right or wrong but for certain, if there’s an origin then there’s a finale, end is curtains
Nobody can think or feel a thing without the original Two, all evolved from the Origin of One
Spontaneous as a loud, Big Bang, due to gravitational collapse, theoretical sound is Ma, Son!

Born out of a Void, the Singularity’s thrust into immortality’s covertness to keep idiots afar
Pinch yourself, to make certain that you’re wide awake at peak level of attention’s original sin
Sneaky snakes come after April, before June, it’s a Truth nobody can deny, I guess that’s certain
Comedy of your tragedy is not so funny when you’re not in on the joke, it’s all a blip on radar.

Hurry, there’s no time to waste for you, you’re inside of one of the sweetest pickles, now & ever
Lucky to be above the ground, unlimited by the organs & limbs in atrophy, nothing to die for, sir
Then again, it’s the reason why we die, it’s because we’re alive in the first place, Thank the gods
Talking worship and prayers to the invisible ancient ones who don’t show up on stage, hotrods.

Feeling a little bit foolish fallin’ for the one who couldn’t bear to be near me, the One hated me
I knew it really had to be the opposite of the appearance, I only did what a lover would do, I see
Everything both above and below us hurts pretty bad once it’s gone & coming back never at all
Knowledge & Wisdom are afoot, just a legend pretending to be too legit to quit or ala downfall.

When I say what I will have said once it’s all said & done, that’s the time in Space, it is done
Denial that the empty space is something more than nothing at all, well that’s mental illness
Blind mice and blind faith that humanity swallows and swills at the whiskey bar, shots for us
It’s what you gotta have lots and lots of, heart, real heart that beats eternally without a fuss.

It’s hip to be a square like the song sing, SO here we go, renegades who fooled around quit it
Settled down for the duration of the melody & the score, equal at zero for all, cool to have a fit
Every color to color blinded, in black & white, infrared to ultraviolet light in the pitch black dark
Before humans wrote it down, word of lips & mouth flapped the gums, left the signals to spark.

In general, everything including you & I are specifically relative to the equilateral triangle form
Geometric progression from zero both above & below the merry-go-round, no higher than low
On the spectrum of infrared to ultraviolet light, the effulgence of the star we call, The Sun, son
Daughters all realize the obvious what sisters & wives, aunts, mothers, grandmothers of fun.

Nobody will believe the irrepeatable yet there’s the good old college try by the dropouts of ‘U’
The issue is the grads didn’t study, crammed & used the cribs to generate the A’s, the B’s & C’s
Incomplete factoid of One, Two, Three, that’s how easy it’s gonna be when your spirit’s freeze
How now, brown cow?  Sally sells seashells by a Jersey sea shore, near Boardwalk’s aqua blue.

I’m within the head, between the cranium’s ears, firing neurons in retrospect of War & Sleezy
Nothing but the Black Hole’s Singularity has the power to reduce it all to less than Nothing too
Hardy rhymes without rhythm, it’s the whiskey glasses & the beer steins I’ve tipped back easy
You’re an idiot, you’re a moron, it’s not your fault, inherited your recombinant DNA, a high IQ.

Your existence beyond your flesh & bone is suspicious even if you’ve been embedded in faith
Although it’s blind, at least it’s SOMETHING to believe in once you sucked a final gasp’s breath
North to South Pole, all around the equator used to be enveloped by H2O, evaporated in Space
In several millennia, all H2O will face annihilation as Earth devolves its ecliptic about starshine.

Mister potato head face, imagine Earth without H2O, you can do it or request artificial Intel too
Compare the reality with your blind hope for immortality without a physical body, head to toe
Whip it up into a frenzy because you can, like a conductor of a symphonic orchestra’s cacophony
No reason to doubt the indubitable other than to mock the wasted time, be me, I’m so phony.

Hearts & minds become the fodder for the growth of the seed’s DNA, unknown creator’s drag
Less than the zero on the number line, in the negative abstraction of conceptual analysis’ fag
Who knew anything about anything on day One, nobody knew anything, a philosophy of Mind
Cut off the head at the neck in a sharp guillotine, male & female become androgyny’s Stop Sign.

Simple man as yo’ foster parents allowed you to be, trained in Zen & Roman Catholicism schism
Opportunity is knockin’ but not at my door, it’s next door or down the street, it’s her or it’s him
In every case, repeating a payoff ad infinitum yields the Way of Zen, middle path, holy Nirvana
Include you in the whole subset of Life, organic & inorganic, ash to dust, cry to your ol’ mama!

Nevertheless, heretofore at the get-go or near the final, bitter end of the world, it’s all of us
Nobody at all can predict the future, many can’t remember the past, most cannot be present
Prom night to the night of your wake in a casket, could be eighty or a hundred years on a bus
Moving from origin to destination, you’re going to stop on a dime when it’s time, lady & gent.

Prime target is the bull’s eye center, soft as boiling water or hard as frigid ice, kill & eat lives
Barbecued, broiled, boiled, fried, seared, burnt to ash or raw after death, sacred blood highs
If there’s nothing to eat, hunger leads to starvation & the final motive of being alive in hives
Performance hotrod inherited from the most fit to have survived north to south poles’ rises.

Enforce the law or become isolated in desolation without protection from predator elements
Swift justice for the good, the bad & the ugly regardless of their parentage, for rich or poorer
Immaculate conception of the generals and admirals who animate the scum of the Earth’s din
Pens writing what the pencils points used to make, tabulations ala computations of mortal sin.

Surface to air missiles launched from the underground erections behaving as a moron, idiot!
Orders and compliance are necessary conditions for the extinction of species to be The Robot
No harm by androids if you appear to be a veal calf, grazing without any idea that God is dead
Bizarre they could exist without a Faith in One Creator, anyway, all hookers sleep tight in bed.

Bases are full in the bottom of the ninth, the game is tied 0-0 & the cleanup will end the game
Over when it’s over, it ain’t & everybody knows it ain’t over ‘til it’s over, Yogi Berra truism fame
Hens laid nest eggs, brought up on Chi-Town side-streets until the roosters hatched hens’ yolks
Extinction of specific codes of plants & animals, necessary & sufficient to annihilate all the folks.
r j j  stephan, i

c.  Vendredi, Janvier XXXIst MMXXV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST

{ Y'all come from below or above the place in Space where the prisoners get incarcerated in a pig pen just like the animals you breed, slaughter & masticate the meals that die for our benefit so we don’t turn into the cadaver before our Time; drafted this neuro-toxin while asleep in a #Woke dream & listenin’ to @SicilianTricks https://youtu.be/1etPoP4GDs8?si=A5ONld2YELBCzKGd }
 F I N I S


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

#ALLSuperBowl2025Commercials you are so lucky! #CommercialGenii

R.I.P. mama mia 
Salvatrese maria Alfano Stephan
peace & I love you baby!  XOXO
I’ve got news for the old folks, the young folks and the #WokeFolks in the bleeding
Broken laws come first after ten commands, you can’t be a good human, no felons
Your OP parents were either never there or there & shouldn’t ‘ve been there, DING
Ethical decisions based on traditional morality of right & wrong, good & evil sons.

No daughters are allowed to be evil, they are all the product of semen of the men
Just a solitary egg wondering about nothing suddenly hijacked by RNA without Zen
Harmony when atoms collapse into black holes beneath the Milky Way’s day tripper
Hidden within star systems’ planetary orbitals, none with life as we know it, a zipper.

Stop my watch, your time is up & it’s all goin’ down to the bottom of the holy dumbbell
Bums & stoned junkies hired to judge, umpire & referee the ball game, avoid inevitable
Until death will strife then part your 208 bones, blood & consciousness to die for any day
Idiots & morons runnin’ to head the show but the jig is up & naked kings are all but gay.

Brow-beating your master’s mama until you’re released and freed from being indentured
That’s the only way to succeed at annihilating your slave mentality, inherit from a cool fool
In or out of your home, above & below the ground we share with all plants & animal herds
Everywhere, anyplace, anytime including eternity out of Time, pretend that it is all One too.

Let me assure myself before I reduce my ego to the essence of being’s reduction, poor ol’ Id
Professional and amateur have equal but separate visions, one to enrich & the other to enjoy
For nobody can anybody die for, whether you have a notion to do it or not, it’s impossible too
Just sayin’ it’s a long road to the top & quick jump off of a bridge or a cliff when killin’ the kid.

Nobody cares if it’s Albert, Anthony, Zeke or Zachary, from A to Z, you’re flushed to the guts
Conception & then abortion, it’s the human’s extinction mechanism for Mother Nature’s cuts
Safer & at risk like your daddy & mama were, it’s inheritance to swill like Tennessee whiskey
Portholes open without glass barriers, the ship goes down, poop deck from fore to aft, at sea.

Silly brothers fighting like cousins and their choices of mate, it will never, ever begin again
You know deep down that the Truth is, you were fortunate to be conceived at all, pray Zen
No free choices other than to follow the cause & effect system of the down & out, hurry up
You may run out of time or be already gone, fly like an Eagle, win an NFL championship cup!

Queer is different from the Norm, which is what evolutionary variation of genes is all about
You get picked up hitch-hiking, believing that human beings are all good, none of them evil
Eyes wide open when you are forced to terminate the threat of being incarcerated by a lout
As above the ground is wide open, so below the ground, all the same, above & below gravel.

Crickets rubbin’ legs for the attraction to reproduce its own kind, no reason for that bull scat
It’s the nature of the beast, evolution for the most fit who reproduce a lot, the predators eat
Holy ghosts remain when things themselves eek out their mortality, decrepit ashes in an urn
All sights out of sight, all sounds hard of hearing, tasteless because they're odorless, feel a burn.

You won’t feel a thing after the pain dissipates, nobody feels anything after it’s all gone to hell
Believe the dead folks when they return to the psychics who explore the black hole in a bell
Loose as my old lady Lucy or up tighter than a drum, up here on top, ain’t no big thing, so high
Bluff it for me and difficult for y’all, a lucky draw from a holy deck of 52, got a full house, I lie!

Plaid & polka dotted shirts and skirts, long sweaters of wool and synthetic silk, all in my head
When you are forced to skip a rope & you’re the best of the rest, single or double-Dutch uphill
Inside of a river I stepped into, I immediately reflected, wouldn’t step into the flow twice devil
Backward spelling of the diablo is ‘lived,’ there’s no doubt, devil is lived with corpses all dead.

Squirt the fluid out the container, envelop the origin in the code of an original garden snaking
I’ll get up your leg, gone up every mother’s leg near my pheromones that waft in the dead air
You know what I know, it’s nobody’s secret that we’re alive & we’re all gonna die, sooner here
Immortality in a conceptual, bizarre world as we know it, ash remains can’t drink ale or beer.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, 1-XXIXth - MMXXV Anno Domini @ 808 AMPST
{ Killed the Lead, Buried the Lead, Drafted this Ditty while jammin’ to the @Eagles #LongRoadOutOfEden on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/5nhM1BJOHu8 & the #Creators Anunnaki, Gods, Ancient Aliens