
Showing posts with label #SheensKorner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #SheensKorner. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Of course, you do realize, THIS MEANS WAR ! #SublimeGhetto #MyMaria

The old girls turned into elder females of the species, no zoo for them, all too humans
Singing in the rain or suntanning under a red-hot ball of burning hydrogen alit lumens
Count backward from a hundred and before you’re down to ninety, you’ll lose control
If and only if you have no power to control the spin of men & the wobbling Earth’s soul.

See and hear, smell and taste and now you can feel me, it’s the Midas Touch, it’s golden
Rocks just chips off of the leftover vein of baked lava, I can dig it in the change of London
What you know is the redcoats wanted to get George Washington & the rebels to secede
How and when are the questions which beg to be responded to, then y’all quote a creed.

The king of England didn’t know that this was the promised land, 13 colonies air of millions
Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Monroe & “The Others” who know who they were, 1st dates
Crazy the word denotes the actions of a savage or a joker who plays tricks on birds & mates
Uptown or downtown in the ghetto between two rivers, no gold ore yields jackpot’s billions.

Realty and fantasy at one and the same time, appeal to the open mind with a liberated ID
Deep within or right out in the open, it’s all the exact same experience and reaction to It
What it is, the substance conglomerate of gluons and the morphed forms known as peeps
Me and you and everyone else alive knows, Id’s gonna make the species get what It reaps.

I agree with nobody about anything except Plato & Aristotle in the books of the rank & file
In the neo-classics category, most folks live & die without knowing why, we’re scat in a pile
Tornadoes roll through town and everyone thinks of the wizard of Oz, luck of a dusty draw
It’s all she wrote, folks, game is meat & it’s nobody’s food but mine, elk & deer bloody, raw.

Philosopher’s stone lost & found inside of the padlocked treasure chest, down underwater
Pirates and royal men and women who feigned importance as most fit to survive the banter
Of vermin and all too human far right & left ways to get to the middle path of less resistance
Out of all bullseyes, a murder of crows caw at stoned faces, Jolly Roger’s skull dug prance.

This here and that there are right in front of everyone’s holy face, Presence’s fate to be
Everywhere that’s Past & Future are the places where the Hamlets will nevermore see
Simple & all too human apes bring home bacon, but the pigs & hogs returned-pork bad
Long guns & pistols a caliber .22 to .270, 30:06, .38, .44, .45 or .500 Bushwhacker dad!

Before you die, you’ll payback the whole shebang or be denied entry into a holy Valhalla
Vikings & queens of the warriors’ mothers who pretended that childbirth was a love thing
Result of coitus and conception to generate the origin of the Void’s collapse into One dot
Midway monsters crooning a Word to the deaf ones who turned out to be the dumb spot.

Punks & phony geniuses complete the whole shebang, fractions of One divided by a Zero
I run the riff and the beats bangin’ on the drums, the mics have speed to ears of anti-hero
Prism isn’t doin’ its active shooter gig of the sun’s fired-up atoms, so dark, invisible wisp
Long or short lived, matter doesn’t really matter except for particles without a mass’ lisp.

By the bye-bye, I lean over to divulge the silent secret that only the One knows, not to be
Shook up the pills in the vile to get some satisfaction from the ground of being mama dirt
She gave it all, I got it all & I’ll never give up the ghost, it’s not in the stars or the card keys
Holy door, above or below the latch-handle knob, for my skull’s downhill skeleton’s skis.

Think not about thoughts without merit, be the cause of the winning & be the trophy case
Awarded for the excellence of winning all the time, every game you play with leather & lace
Bobbing for apples is for a bigger mouth than anyone’s blessed with, except a dragon myth
Fear the hate of the lovers of mythological smoke & mirrors, they’re all donna die forthwith.

Pseudo-Faith, hot chimera nobody sees coming, y’all do die ala fast car or in a casket bed
Everyday & every time you think about your existence & your mortality, Fear of the Undead
Blown gaskets leaving the power to dissipate before the music’s melody seared tickled feet
Woke up awakened in blazing infrared-ultraviolet light, frequency to die for in BBQ’d meat.

Once I got bit, there was no turning back from the rabid want & need for the purple liquidity
Inside the veins & arterial network, the drum beats the forwards & guards of a Windy City
What I’ve got you used to have, you lost it all when you lost focus on the dream’s final Ends
Percussion causes my concussion, copped out, flipped out, I’m all one Divinity, my friends.

It’s Time in this space of Outerspace to interface with divided, separated atoms of the Eve
Twilight zones breached & now the system can return to a black hole’s Singularity reprieve
Collapsing is the only way another way knows, expanding 'til Nothing’s left except All I AM
As above this headstone & hard water, so below holy infinite commands, all too human.

That said, it’s all been said & done before today’s sunrise, ditto after the sunset’s final blow
Subdivision inner visions in our minds programmed by K-12 & post-secondary gyp downlow
Hardly soft yet intricate enough to fit in a point without mass or volume, pencil-neck’s bone
Here we go, no choice but to get to points of no return, you were there & then, already gone.

You don’t know like I know but you will, it’s inevitable even if you wait until the last gasp
Winning isn’t everything, winning is the only thing, a small or big man blowing wind’s asp
Snake of the historical garden slithers past me, aware that my foot will stop its tail wind
Cut off from the multiplying division, adding to the subtraction until the Void signals Sin.

Violating the regulations, sympathetic empathy power annihilates what’s left things, et al
In Mississippi or Peking the void’s air is neutrality in essence, all gone to a Supernova ball
Fear of your death & your families’ leftover corpses to be burned or buried above & below
Bitten from head to toe, fired up Food, cooked what the Man’s gotta eat, it’s a chit show.

Been gone for a longer time than the star’s big bang shebang, out of time in timelessness
Slip through holy fingers, so far out of hand that the Thing Itself allows trips under duress
Forgive me not, forget me not, she loves me not due to my permutation of the sixth sense
I’m in a place to show & win it all, 1st breath pull to last gasp, I’ll gt the phuq off the fence.

Joy and full immersion in the matter’s form I’ve taken from the matrix’ nucleus, a star trek
From galaxy to universal, cosmic mass there’s the energy of speeding light as I hit the deck
Mankind queens & kings create the way to live & die, funerals for all, dead Jacks in boxes
Really reflecting now, I forgot this was a temporary stop on hot trip, come alive to be dead.

Epitaph on granite, Lived & Died So Enjoy The Ride, That’s All Folkes, a rabid rabbit foot
Luck came with or without it, just a crutch to feel that you’re on the right track, point’s moot
Last drag of smoke & mirrors for y’all, age of reason to last rights of faithful denizens’ meat
Cherry pies cut eight ways for seven pieces leftover, one whole piece, one bite of the heat.

Mystic mirror reflects ultraviolet to infrared, crisscrosses the femurs below a hard cranium
White out of a higher black flag, nothing to die for but that’s all there is, no reason or rhyme
Fly higher than you can, astronauts & cosmonauts found Nothing, don’t ask, don’t tell it all
Nothing’s function to thank God for, all flummoxed, signed, sealed & delivered a Holy Fall.

It’s a long road on a short pier to the End’s shore, trip is that no search ever ends at home
Headaches &and freezing cold hands left over before the night ends, dawn comes to come
Creating gold from dead-lead, super big bangs’ pencil-necked remnants of Jelly Rolls blood
Certainty itself & total oblivion’s nature, One principle emerges ala infinity’s darkest mood.

Only you and I know nothing better than a thing itself, original sin damned the One’s fights
Created fools or not, mortal or not, matter & energy in Big Bang dances sub-atomic bytes
Concrete or smoke & mirrors show & tell all that a mindful being needs to be happy, twice
Reason’s mystery to solve the conundrum, I can’t die if God was never alive, I’m rollin’ dice.
r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, XXII-XXIX-MMXXIV AD at 911 AMPST
{ Plucked out of my blue jeans this AM while jammin’ to @VanMorrison #PhilosophersStone link @ https://youtu.be/hrsq1werkfs?si=FUveEjTF7NkXLsaT }


Friday, December 06, 2024

#GANGSTAzPARADISE #ChickAboom @CaitlinClark #FemaleAtheleteOfTheYear #JohnWick5 & #3 TOO! #OptimusPrime #TheBangSessions @Van_Morrison @Keanu_Reeves #NeverForgetDECEMBER71941




Revolting the revolution in revolving reruns, controversy empty without me & you fool
Dreams ended with the #Woke and #Awakened struggling for survival in the gene pool
All the DNA in the world will not cause anything mortal to become immortal, cosmic soul
Chopped liver is better than hard liquor & weed you got in your stache, drag a deep hole.

Y’all got into the gaol but you’re the sheriff & you got the badge of courage, you are Dope
Not the bad thing of addiction but the one everybody wants & needs, like a whistle of hope
Complicated like your mother and father meeting in the darkness, original sin of the climax
Beginning of the finale on the way to a curtain call encore, it’s what it’s all about, the sex.

Clearly the beginning of the end when total extinction is the far away goal of mankind’s ilk
Back against the wall again & you’ll never guess the reason, so I’ll let you know, beer is milk
Get higher than kites that go no further than a stratosphere, astronomical cosmos all in knots
Catastrophic ending to the spontaneous interruption of Time and Space, imagine, we robots.

Wealth in the breath you’re gifted just because you survived the attempted murders of Me
By the by, it’ll all be water under the bridge but right now, I’m in revenge mode, sailin’ the sea
No boat or ship, no canoe or raft, Love shut down my needs, desire all of it, monster bull ‘S’
Rebels, under-the-skin fools livin’ underneath dirty rocks pounding in Jesus’ God nonsense.

That don’t confront me much, stabilize the confrontation in an invisible catastrophe, Big Bang
As above it is so below, differential dimensions 360 degrees around the Singularity of Yin Yang
See and hear, smell and taste what can’t be felt in the hands’ skin, left over in skull and bones
Retrieval of The Silence is the goal of the noise, metal to metal grinding, Matter left all alone.

This is all you get, the unknown remains and the known perishes like dust in the west winds
Marvelous to be & not to be, the life of the things themselves, atoms to dolphin dorsal fins
Aftereffects of the afterthought before the mind appeared out of nowhere special, in my head
Outside my face, it makes no difference other than to pass the Time in Space, dreamin’ in bed.

Runs up your nylons are never gonna win that race, barefoot & pregnant keeps fidelity rising
No time for regrets and guilty consciences resulting form roaming the field, just like playing
Games with rules you either know or you don’t, in every case, every reaction will fade away
As if it never had the chance to become a zygote, fertilized egg in the nest/womb of the day.

In every language on Earth from #PigLatin to complicated #Rap-a-licious signals with pistols
Check out old TV in old B & W, talkin’ Cisco Kid, Wyatt Earp, Marshall Dillon or Mather's
Quitting the ovulating teens from reproducing the species before the baby-daddies got gigs
Grampus & Grandmas got you as the center of an attention, want the DNA to survive trolls.

Interest given on the millions you’ve never earned but it’s your accumulation of God gold
Wealthy yet just began kiss the wiped derrieres of the ones who count your debits’ cache
Banked & shadow dancin’ like true loan sharks, catchin’ you on flip sides of ol’ successes
Law and three-piece suits are what they are, stealing the faux appearance, order of things.

Up in the sea or down in the upper atmosphere’s sky, disguised the black as illusory blue
Reminding nobody that this life, this existence of each of us living today und yesterday too
Are the remnants of the Big Bang, in trailer parks or out on the prairie in a Tee, it’s all good
As long as the spirit arrives into the skull & bones, a monster is created to get cookin’ food.

I heard her singin’ in the shower, in my mind, she’s not here and now any longer, I was hers
Where in this world could a place be better than right here by my handsome face, I’m fierce
Needs and desires fulfillment my adaptation to the survival of my 208 bones, top of the stack
Every day & every night from this to the last spin of Earth, I’ll love the soul stuck to my back.

All chills gone in a New York Minute, up to uplinked emotional spurts of adrenaline’s gluons
Better than butter which of course is whipped cattle milk for the calves who never get it, sons
Full-on victory for well-fed human herds on 7 continents, rich & poor will die in a Grand Slam
Promised by a phantom to save them from corpus dillecti when Nothing can, that’s It, Bam!

Shoot all of the messengers, burn all of the books, hide the Truth in Occult vaults of #AlienX
It’s not the fault of the ignorant that they’re deceived to believe lies & deny truths about sex
Facts of Life are all One and the same, Many have come from the One, subatomic, Singular die
Fins are up, since you’ve got no choice, you’ve been swept out to sea by the tide, isle #Yuletide.

I kid you not, it’s been said that one way or the other, in the end, everybody gives it up high
Here and now, one door opens & another door closes on the points of no return to this sky
Underground burial or immersion in the salted, dead seas’ & oceans’ leftover H2O battleaxe
Divine worthiness of your egocentric Id is your ticket to paradise, we think, we’re la bombax.

Idolizing the memory of the spirits of all, passed away skulls and bones left over and out of it
Bog of swamp muck surrounding your mansion’s mote, keep your chin up, breathe out of Chit
Nobody can hold it in very long, what goes in must come out or ill-disease results in predation
Oxygen and hydrogen-two, essential with rare elements of silver, gold and calcium deposition.

Oh, y’all thought you’d be rewarded after bodily expiration, sad but true, it’ll all be over, caput
Dreams and hauntings of the critical thinking mind you inherited by accident becomes a foot
From the edge of the universe’s dark void looking inside out, like a brown tide of Savoy, alas!
Egregious form of the shape of things, complexly simple conglomeration of free radical blasts.

There is a will to power of everything, it’s probably a #Clusterphuq of data in a tangled web
Display an asterisk for the follow up reference to a morsel, a smidgen or byte of Dataset celeb
Coming from underneath the muck and mire, ad infinitum, Free Will defunct, without power
Punked by the minions, just a phallic head and mutant voice-over, yet wise as a lawn mower.

Seriously or flippantly, I declare that I have no knowledge of anything more than Plato or Kant
In every case, to know is to assume conclusions based on assumptions, all impossible to know
Foreign to Earth from the moon to the stars in this & all other galaxies, the Cosmos’ epistemics
Models formed as red blueprints, I am holding the adversary off alone, bare handed & free.

Of a drink called Squirt, it puts a grin on your chin, standing alone without the crutches’ fly
Get some Devil Dogs to #Loose when WAR is waged, things themselves to the beats of battle
War on US enemy shores, if another one stands, I’ll send your life, come to a nightmare, son
Got brimstone for the lucky to be dead & gone, none will walk, none will have teeth, all gone.

One marine, with a need to bleed when the light goes green, one of a kind, deadmen survive
No standing alone, last to go, hardcore to the enemy, soft to my kin, baby boys’ & girls’ hive
Hell has no feeling I won’t overcome, bring the Devil himself, gonna force the #Turnaround
In a hot fire, OORAH Marines, #GetSome & say good night to Jesse & Sophia, heroes of One.

Halls of Montezuma to shores of Tripoli, the battles come and go, equipped to end the scuffle
Oorah, Git Some, Dogs to loose, War is waged, fill a need to bleed, so God smiled on the Corps
Rivers of blood runnin’ under your feet in the swamps, jungles and meadows of Oz’s wizards
Now, communicate, now hear this, deny your Ends to your peril, ready? Marines are brutal.

Gone further than the Yin and Yang were willing to go, beyond the force of the Void Devil
Hell being the Hades scheduled for the Evil who embody the Live Fear on the windowsill
March on this, chew on K-rations, drink pilled-pee & say night to Jessie, where chit blazed
Strong survive & for certain the bombed die, natural for dogs to loose, War jungle waged!

Here now, there’s a few gasps of breath left, nobody knows which one’s the last, kill more
Death does that to every living thing, subatomic or macroscopic solar systems, Marine Corp
1st Marines take on every communist who knows nothing of Marx or Einstein, singin’ a song
Warriors all over Space dispersed from 1st detachments, wings with skills on simmer, Score!

On a scale which has a zero in the middle of positive & negative integers out of order lineup
The stipulations have not only recommendations but also more importantly, a #Swifty D-cup
Million to one, a billion to one and it’s not my intent to repeat up to the Supreme Court dock
If the stream’s strong then the Force has the power to cause change, effective as a cock block.

Once happiness has cause pleasure and satiation, then and only then will the Life be copacetic
Nothing but the best things happen to the good & the ugly, the bad move subatomic evil slick
All things are a molecule in one form or another, from barnacles to triplets of human mothers
Electrons, neutrons & protons annihilate all 999 forms of life, slap me 5 Outerspace brothers.

Straight A’s didn’t get you into Yale or Stanford but it was your ticket to elite military groups
U.S. Intelligence as the foundation for keeping this Liberty we cherish & fight back the coups
Of all the dead heroes who gave their lives so that you & yours feel safe to party-on, I salute
Shook my phone for a response, just rates dropped so my yield increased beyond a law’s suit.

Pull and push the handle so that it’s open or closed at will, high-heeled boys with low sparks
No means yes & vice versa in the bizarre world without mothers & fathers, big dogs run parks
Trees, bushes, grass & ponds in pristine condition on the outskirts of the metropolitan locality
Crime defined as breaking ten commandment, punish as a necessary condition of humanity.

Disobedience to One Law or many laws with zero tolerance will lead to the contradiction con
Playing a game with the results a payoff in gold or tender, maybe a trade-off property owned
Big time or tiny space you can’t make increase it’s modus operandi if it’s not in the code, son
Predilection for more Time when you’ve run ut is a moot point, no more cash to be loaned.

On to conclusions, all deduced or become induced from the veracity of false assumptions
Consequential justice for the ignorance of the crimes and punishments of odd prosecutions
Mitigation of words, proof without any doubt that the Truth is deduced so very reasonable
Far away, much further than the farthest place in Space, out of this world, you ring my Bell.

All hands on deck, we have boots on the ground adversely affecting the extinction of life
Not only just the answer to the meaning of existence but all tight spots ready for battle
Defense & offense merge for the perfect nonsense & defense of the command’s ordinance
For the last time, wake up before it’s too late, your father’s orders, come on, Let’s Dance!

r j j stephan, I

c.  Vendredi, Freezember VIth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST

{ Opened this can of worms while jammin’ to @BadCompany #ShootingStar & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/EaZZRrWxAN8?si=0StR03TBrpwM2Y84 }



Sunday, December 01, 2024

#TRUMPED #ClutchYourPearls @JohnWickChapter5 @KeanuReeves

Rock, paper, scissors, win kin
There is only one way you can get down a One-Way street safely, one direction for atoms
In peacetime or in battles of war for the Gold in one form or another, traders of the bums
Slaves used to fetch and corral the things themselves in banks and rivers of rockin’ flow
Played and beat the songs until the people paid them to stop, applause to end the glow.

Before you conceived yourself, you were nowhere in sight, now you’re here to get begone
No reason for this or that, forget the whole story leftover by the scratches on the cave wall
Angry with you for havin’ a party when everybody else suffers from the ignorant & decrepit
Fun and work when you’re wide awake, dreamin’ in somnambulistic ecstasy, a SOB’s son.

Came outta nowhere, momentary lapse of reason with a plan, no known finale, gods’ cough
Picked out of the minions vying for the attention of the ones who wanna tear icons apart too
Fixed the causes that have the fixed effects, there’s no surprises without the First Cause, so
It’s either in all of us or none of us, lucky to have been torn apart by the rhythm and beat off.

Can’t even put my finger on your form, your shape, your spirit, the flesh and bone you occupy
To be or not to be only two options for you & for me, the dead don’t care, preconceived either
We do, all of us who us Love and Hate to roll our vehicles back and forth, out Hell’s kitchen
To the bottom of the sea off of the Baja peninsula up to Alaska’s Bering Sea, it’s Adam’s sin.

This is what he begot us descendants, what a guy, great-great grandpa delivered 24-hour blues
From Joe to Zach and in reverse to Eve’s Adam, disobeyed rule of law with unpaid union dues
Now square and even Steven, a moment to feel the flow of the sounds, beat & tweak on amps
Full of beats that crack into yo’ bones, broken no more even if you’re deaf, dumb, ol’ gramps.

Shift gears from fifteenth down to second, around horseshoe bend back to the straightaway
What I’ve got isn’t normal, an anomaly in my pocket, deep above my right hole in the segway
Needs and wants to feel like they’ll last forever but they’ll be dead and gone soon enough, son
Ain’t my intent to spoil your hot licks but if it does, they weren’t as hot as you, it is all done.

Songs silence in the night, unheard of in the daylight yet still, deep in the DNA’s display wigs
Long or short-haired males and females, XX’s & XY’s appearing to not know they’re the ones
All left-over evolutionary remnants of 1 original Thing Itself, what came before the Big Bang
A priori until the a posteriori reveals the beautiful, grotesque and divine Void, so Stones sang.

Luck of the draw is all you’ll ever get, it’s all there is, intent-power if you’re a magician-man
Full of the ways to force things to occur without them appearing conscious of the shift of sand
Underneath their feet, their boots, their sandals, it’s all about the dream & waking up so soon
Watch todays turn to nights, sleep, wake-up over and over again until you can’t bear any fan.

Of the gods, of the women and men, we ride up high just like the stars headed to infinite shat
On being in a proverbial in-crowd means nothing the day you die; they leave you with a byte
Been there where you’re at in the pee, King as you get checkmated by the queen & her knight
Full of the scat you’ve consumed, it’s your free choice to transform matter into Earth’s scat.

Bring you’re A-game to the show, you’ve got to perform as if it’s your last, ready for the finale
Hairless, dancing bears entertaining the pronouns until they co-expire in the tornado or gale
Pretend you’re deaf and dumb, listen to no wisdom or knowledge from an ancestral command
Break it on down now, what I mean for the unfamiliar is, Truth is Nothing’s buried in sand.

Dusted north to south of the morons and idiots who populated 7 continents east to the west
How many times will you wake up & then go to sleep without pajamas or a night cap express
Chins up & your hands down, walk, crawl and then you completely desist livers of the hearts
Miraculous searching for love in all the wrong places, I’m here, now and then, smell pharts.

All senses downloaded into the vacuum, into the Void where Nothing exists, subatomic ilk
Pair of nuts you’ve got just because you think you’re so pretty, man you’re ½ a mama woman
You knew you forgot, you’re afraid to say you’re ½ the other gender, Truth you POS druids
Without mama’s iron womb, you’re caput, an effulgent flow of Koo-ado drinks of goatmilk.

Alpha males shifting gears, downshifting the pregnancy into under-overdrive, extinction vibe
We came for no reason, we’ll leave for no reason, angels & devils a phantasm of spooks’ jive
Giga bitten on the jugular veins in our thin-skin neck bones, all except one in a hotrod car
Think therefore you are, think you are, you think you are, everybody thinks you are, you are.

Fronted the frontman, took the lead vocals away to the stadium’s echo, absorbed C on drums
Brought the First Cause to Earth again, in the middle of the Winter season, when God’s born
Middle of winter solstice, it’s a wonderful life because we’re alive, alternative is a blown horn
A thin line drawn, a point to point for a line, two lines make angles, three lines triangle bums.

4th dimensional nothing about us all, under duress , we’re 32 chromosome replicas of the fuss
Sorry to say you’re either a mutant or child of 1 Universal Intelligence of one unmoved mover
Flip your coins, it’s only heads or tails that are possible, 50/50 probability of being the 1 lover
A time will tell, duration of the spin, Earth wobbles the sea in infinite millennia of cosmic dust.

Complete, utter satisfaction every day that ends with a peaceful sleep in a warm bed with love
She or he that’s always there by your side, one side or another, once woke, an awakened dove
By the way, by our side, every one of them infinite strokes of imaginary erasures of the Matrix
Justice is a ham sandwich, professors of philosophy swore & laughed, a Platonic deep fade fix.

A sledgehammer time every day in a land of free slavery beholding gold calf excrement sects
Worship your fear of death with prayers for forgiveness for being born to Woman-Man of sex
Orgasmic looks and feelings come and go, fade into the Void after Last Rights are done said
Monkey faces, what the whole shebang allows to be, temporary spin of old news before bed.

Here and now, watch perfection delete the defective contribution of trash and sewage rats
Higher or lower than your mothers got during insemination, all love above and below the fats
Here or there, every single thing gets annihilated and there’s no exception to gold, dirty water
Demented infants with no chance to become flawless in ethics’ morals, an ugly, good batter.

Heroic heroines’ uncommon valor and self-sacrifice they show in this holy hole Void of a soul
I fill your sphere of empty ions until you lose all of the holy Singularity in a closed mind, a fool
Bullies come to me to learn how to STFU & get with the in-crowd, they’ll lead to extinction sin
Species gone, all gone, no recollection of the history, matter never mattered, God was all In!
r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, 12-ONE-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Fixed this word-salad while jammin’ to #Satch @Joe_Satriani LIVE #MadeOfTears @ https://youtu.be/M4lsB-B1O7U?si=J7sj32KTmB7SBF4Q }

Friday, November 01, 2024

#AllSaintsDay #MOTOWN TOP 100 #TheNewRadicals


Fighting in the middle of a jungle then going into a concrete heaven above dirt
No maps for the quest to locate a lost memory of what you can’t seem to blurt
Being alarmed by the information in the telegram isn’t the intention, it is done
Born to be innocent and guilty as charged eventually, ad infinitum karma one.

Even at the end gets you opening into the Void, odds are you bought into debt
Jumped out of a window after you shot yourself in the head, double jeopardy
For some but not all, causes & effects are always in control, magic trick buzz
Marshland to the deserts coast to coast, pole to pole, 7 continents of 1st Loves.

They just don’t write ‘em like this anymore, a knack for the scent in the room
Sweet perfume and beauty combine for the promise of the divine sweep broom
What I got in the oasis, nobody gets it if you tell them with words, it’s unseen
Not for your eyes only, my insight of the thing itself within is what all I mean.

Nobody but what we’ve got that animates our bones can help us, force is ours
Hands or feet, twenty phalanges & metatarsals in disarray due to the gravity
Lying down with the sheeple is as if you want to become an agar dish of virus
Get up & get down, get up off of your feet, dance and sing for the tax money.

Blame your parents or the folks you call your gang, your peeps or whatever
Searing heat cooks the tough until the chit melts in your mouth, filet mignon
Flips and backward somersaults off of the high dive won’t ending get done
You can do it your way or my way, either way, it’s done in time to have fun.

Airwaves in frequency & wavelength from a bass & a treble of double trouble
Cake in pieces of eight, halved, quartered & halved again, I at all eight 1 by 1
I beat myself up, it was a beat down, knocked up punk I turned out to be, son
Not a problem for me, just for every single other being on Earth, all rockin’.

I know you didn’t ask me but I’m gonna tell you a secret about sex you need
If you are an accidental conception between two strangers, no love to bleed
Let me help the awareness along, it doesn’t matter to Soul, to be is all spurned
Afterlife’s swill-like promises for gods fearful of darkness, buried or burned.

Preparation for the drapes to fall before the curtains come down, I’m rockin’
If you wouldn’t mind, please copy happiness for Mind’s single being sinkin’
Just a form and a shape of the matter left over from the Big Bang’s hot dust
Sun is the star without which we’re less than history, rockin’ boats that rust.

Sinkin’ down with the pretty and the sadly not-so-much, not their fault RNA
There’s mutation and recombination that ought to be extinct yet it’s all DNA
Before homo sapiens deduced labels for the things themselves, after the facts
Became history of ancient lassies, all that Mankind will leave descendant lads.

Commandments scratched lines & curves on rocky stone, as if that has gravity
Persuasion of the elders who blow horns & beat drums in the blues of the city
It’s alright that it happens that way since there’s no choice, yo’ playin’ possum
I ain’t worried about your worries, you must be in a hurry to die, go git some.

I’m gonna keep runnin’ ‘til my legs don’t work, ankles, knees, hips ain’t gone
Walk, trot or run a bit without getting’ hit-tackled by a 200-pound trainwreck
Hear that rhythm flow out of the back of the frontman, keeps you runnin’ on
Sun’s ‘G’ flame photosynthesized seed anima from an immaculate conception.

Dead right and grateful that I am, my intention was conceptual interception
Seriously an equation that had a solution, ‘x’ unknown to you & any wise-ass
You see them all the time, a Mr. Know-It-All that knows more than you & I
Logic & Reason led me to the same place at the same time, now, it’s a true lie.

Adonis or the last man ever born to woman, all of the bodies in between, dead
Holding on every moment I get the chance to, I think I’ll take what God bled
How many minutes? How many decades less or more than a hundred of ‘em
I’d go for immortality without disease, mental, physical or psychological, slim!

Bring all your weapons to the battle, the dream ain’t ever gonna last, eh chuck
Boredom is called ennui by some, others call it Mind’s time-out for don’t GAF
You either know what I mean or you don’t, if you don’t just follow me, Homer
And so on & so forth as the odyssey continues, I rest the ode to Plato’s power.

Fool of sentiments of happiness, reality of conscious imagination materialized
Better than nothing, anything is better than nothing, Void is blood, a king size
Funk defined in the trouble of the treble and the face of the bass, fool’s errand
I believed, blind faith remains for a last gasp of gas, Singularity’s wall of flies.

Park your elephant and donkey at the door, they aren’t allowed in the furnace
Too hot for the beasts of burden, only the brave and innocent git it, about face
Reasons runnin’ out of valid conclusions for the veracity of a happiness warp
All too human & not really divine, grown form out of one, microscopic twerp.

Your hips spread but it ain’t your fault, the creator’s faux pas, could be worse
Completely and securely shut tight as a drum, no entry allowed on the horse
An encore remains in the backstage smoke, like a dream takes over attention
Before we wake up, never to be #Woke, alright, alright, alright my grandson.

Anthem for the funeral parade, already gone & slidin’ away from the current
Raised to be exactly the way you see, it’s what you get, this time, every time
Come se, come sa and whether you like it or not, your luck is heaven sent
Above and below this ground, Day of All Souls, grow, gig, retire & all get bent.
r j j stephan, i

c. Vendredi, BLOVEMBER 1st MMXXIV Anno Domini 333 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to 50th Anniversary @DoobieBrothers concert at @RCMH 10-26-2022 link @ https://youtu.be/BM8pZqgb3z8?si=-rMNH1uDhuZM8NTC }

Sunday, October 27, 2024

#WickedMothers #BegottenNunsSistersDaughtersMothers #ParFour #CourseMaui #DavesNotHereEither

IX – uno – UNO

Seems as if you’ve gone off of the deep end, you know It, depth of point of no return
When the mid-space you’ve carved out of Time you don’t own has collapsed to graft
Getting chit all free from Tierra del Fuego to CUNY campus hub, grifters' magneto
Knowing nothing about your mind or soul, just 208 bones humans inherit to go.

By the time I got to the stones, I began workin’ the angle to cheat the stupid MFs
Creeps you have to be near, disturbing your feng shitake noire, you’re the Fathers
Mothers could not scam fathers more easily, all sisters, daughters & wicked aunts
There’s a scam goin’ on in the racket, pretending to be One when you’re all none.

It’s survival of the Dostoevsky moron who plays the idiot, neat package gods’ fate
Who will prick up the other men’s sisters & wives, every angle of a female bum
They have their teeth and smile, all there is in the mob is the boss & the racket scum
Clip a buck here & a buck there, gain the trust, work the angle, it’s your auntie great.

Here’s your dilemma of whether you should stay or go, you have no choice, MOVE IN
What’s the angle, you want the right one, the obtuse or less than 90 to 1 degree of sin
Meaning your foolish trip from conception & birth led to my path, your fork in the road
TNT ain’t dynamite as you suspected but it will blow your bubble into the origin’s load.

We ain’t from Earth but our creators came to tell all of the grifters the code to the system
Buying the morons and idiots scam, you will turn on your friend & ghost the rest of them
Give me your wallet & #’s so I can trust you, am I mistaken or accurately calculating sums
It’s all the same in the end, the final curtain will fall for certain, no negotiation, possums.

Asleep while wide awake only means your attention has been arrested by propositions
At once logical & theoretical, no proof beyond a doubt that anything is true, #Vince man
Appreciate your position on a lifeline from zero to infinity, nobody gets outta here alive
Hope for genetic perfection, immunity to foreign viral agents and somebody to love.

Keep this too close to the vest, you know what I know & you know it all, y’all know you do
So, without further ado, let’s leave for Kokomo, way down there in Montserrat’s mystique
Catching a glimpse or two of the places in Space where it all goes down, as high as a gad fly
You all need to meet me for coffee, tea and the rest of the things you don’t care for, I’ll buy!

Leave baggage, empty on the beach, preconceived Key Largo, Aruba, Montego, Kokomo, all done
Neither yesterday nor the day before, frequency-waves & a rip tide went below gravity’s sand dunes
Before you’re ash & dust dissolves into a matrix, I want you to know it’s where I wanted you to go
Long time, short time, anytime you think about it, know you got two lips to kiss, in downlow blow.

You know epistemologically, credit devolved into deficit & you’re dead weight for nuclear waste
They cannot perfect chemistry or provide a catalyst for extinction of the species’ DNA post haste
Before the End allows natural selection to resume its ascent into the top of the food chain, has-beens
Heck & high water more love than you can hate without a dish rag or rally towel, you morons fix it.

Luck has nothing to do with being in the right place at the right time, unknown nothing relativities
To alpha & omega, your language has done you an injustice with subjective predicate spelling bees
Barroom brawls all ended as they began, broke glass cuts, outlaws won fights some fought & died
Winning was everything after all, you don’t mind running your mouth further than your legs fly, eh?

Contact high on fools below my face, five to six feet above underground, rocks rollin’ away, Hole
Left there in the bottom of the mountain of gold hill, where gods stashed pages I read, stay calm son
 If I was either on edge or at least appeared to be intensely psyched up where a man survives alone 
Like blasting off to another planet, you’ve no choice but to thrust away from the ground’s holy zero.

I won’t leave too soon & never be late, allow me to choose Liberty rather than being all too human
Retired from the good luck of poison pens which wrote words that washed away the old Peter Pan
It’s too fine, in the end, it all goes the way it should, until a Black Hole resumes the DNA transition
Into the void place where y’all want to go, down in cool Kokomo now, be a subatomic soul, son!
r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, ROCKTOBER XXVIIth, MMXXIV Anno Domini @222 PMPST

{ Fried some cells in the cerebral cortex, reason for rhyme, @ThePointerSisters #FIRE in a loop, youTube link @  https://youtu.be/ZBtAiwNcsiA }
