
Showing posts with label #SheensKorner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #SheensKorner. Show all posts

Sunday, December 01, 2024

#TRUMPED #ClutchYourPearls @JohnWickChapter5 @KeanuReeves

Rock, paper, scissors, win kin
There is only one way you can get down a One-Way street safely, one direction for atoms
In peacetime or in battles of war for the Gold in one form or another, traders of the bums
Slaves used to fetch and corral the things themselves in banks and rivers of rockin’ flow
Played and beat the songs until the people paid them to stop, applause to end the glow.

Before you conceived yourself, you were nowhere in sight, now you’re here to get begone
No reason for this or that, forget the whole story leftover by the scratches on the cave wall
Angry with you for havin’ a party when everybody else suffers from the ignorant & decrepit
Fun and work when you’re wide awake, dreamin’ in somnambulistic ecstasy, a SOB’s son.

Came outta nowhere, momentary lapse of reason with a plan, no known finale, gods’ cough
Picked out of the minions vying for the attention of the ones who wanna tear icons apart too
Fixed the causes that have the fixed effects, there’s no surprises without the First Cause, so
It’s either in all of us or none of us, lucky to have been torn apart by the rhythm and beat off.

Can’t even put my finger on your form, your shape, your spirit, the flesh and bone you occupy
To be or not to be only two options for you & for me, the dead don’t care, preconceived either
We do, all of us who us Love and Hate to roll our vehicles back and forth, out Hell’s kitchen
To the bottom of the sea off of the Baja peninsula up to Alaska’s Bering Sea, it’s Adam’s sin.

This is what he begot us descendants, what a guy, great-great grandpa delivered 24-hour blues
From Joe to Zach and in reverse to Eve’s Adam, disobeyed rule of law with unpaid union dues
Now square and even Steven, a moment to feel the flow of the sounds, beat & tweak on amps
Full of beats that crack into yo’ bones, broken no more even if you’re deaf, dumb, ol’ gramps.

Shift gears from fifteenth down to second, around horseshoe bend back to the straightaway
What I’ve got isn’t normal, an anomaly in my pocket, deep above my right hole in the segway
Needs and wants to feel like they’ll last forever but they’ll be dead and gone soon enough, son
Ain’t my intent to spoil your hot licks but if it does, they weren’t as hot as you, it is all done.

Songs silence in the night, unheard of in the daylight yet still, deep in the DNA’s display wigs
Long or short-haired males and females, XX’s & XY’s appearing to not know they’re the ones
All left-over evolutionary remnants of 1 original Thing Itself, what came before the Big Bang
A priori until the a posteriori reveals the beautiful, grotesque and divine Void, so Stones sang.

Luck of the draw is all you’ll ever get, it’s all there is, intent-power if you’re a magician-man
Full of the ways to force things to occur without them appearing conscious of the shift of sand
Underneath their feet, their boots, their sandals, it’s all about the dream & waking up so soon
Watch todays turn to nights, sleep, wake-up over and over again until you can’t bear any fan.

Of the gods, of the women and men, we ride up high just like the stars headed to infinite shat
On being in a proverbial in-crowd means nothing the day you die; they leave you with a byte
Been there where you’re at in the pee, King as you get checkmated by the queen & her knight
Full of the scat you’ve consumed, it’s your free choice to transform matter into Earth’s scat.

Bring you’re A-game to the show, you’ve got to perform as if it’s your last, ready for the finale
Hairless, dancing bears entertaining the pronouns until they co-expire in the tornado or gale
Pretend you’re deaf and dumb, listen to no wisdom or knowledge from an ancestral command
Break it on down now, what I mean for the unfamiliar is, Truth is Nothing’s buried in sand.

Dusted north to south of the morons and idiots who populated 7 continents east to the west
How many times will you wake up & then go to sleep without pajamas or a night cap express
Chins up & your hands down, walk, crawl and then you completely desist livers of the hearts
Miraculous searching for love in all the wrong places, I’m here, now and then, smell pharts.

All senses downloaded into the vacuum, into the Void where Nothing exists, subatomic ilk
Pair of nuts you’ve got just because you think you’re so pretty, man you’re ½ a mama woman
You knew you forgot, you’re afraid to say you’re ½ the other gender, Truth you POS druids
Without mama’s iron womb, you’re caput, an effulgent flow of Koo-ado drinks of goatmilk.

Alpha males shifting gears, downshifting the pregnancy into under-overdrive, extinction vibe
We came for no reason, we’ll leave for no reason, angels & devils a phantasm of spooks’ jive
Giga bitten on the jugular veins in our thin-skin neck bones, all except one in a hotrod car
Think therefore you are, think you are, you think you are, everybody thinks you are, you are.

Fronted the frontman, took the lead vocals away to the stadium’s echo, absorbed C on drums
Brought the First Cause to Earth again, in the middle of the Winter season, when God’s born
Middle of winter solstice, it’s a wonderful life because we’re alive, alternative is a blown horn
A thin line drawn, a point to point for a line, two lines make angles, three lines triangle bums.

4th dimensional nothing about us all, under duress , we’re 32 chromosome replicas of the fuss
Sorry to say you’re either a mutant or child of 1 Universal Intelligence of one unmoved mover
Flip your coins, it’s only heads or tails that are possible, 50/50 probability of being the 1 lover
A time will tell, duration of the spin, Earth wobbles the sea in infinite millennia of cosmic dust.

Complete, utter satisfaction every day that ends with a peaceful sleep in a warm bed with love
She or he that’s always there by your side, one side or another, once woke, an awakened dove
By the way, by our side, every one of them infinite strokes of imaginary erasures of the Matrix
Justice is a ham sandwich, professors of philosophy swore & laughed, a Platonic deep fade fix.

A sledgehammer time every day in a land of free slavery beholding gold calf excrement sects
Worship your fear of death with prayers for forgiveness for being born to Woman-Man of sex
Orgasmic looks and feelings come and go, fade into the Void after Last Rights are done said
Monkey faces, what the whole shebang allows to be, temporary spin of old news before bed.

Here and now, watch perfection delete the defective contribution of trash and sewage rats
Higher or lower than your mothers got during insemination, all love above and below the fats
Here or there, every single thing gets annihilated and there’s no exception to gold, dirty water
Demented infants with no chance to become flawless in ethics’ morals, an ugly, good batter.

Heroic heroines’ uncommon valor and self-sacrifice they show in this holy hole Void of a soul
I fill your sphere of empty ions until you lose all of the holy Singularity in a closed mind, a fool
Bullies come to me to learn how to STFU & get with the in-crowd, they’ll lead to extinction sin
Species gone, all gone, no recollection of the history, matter never mattered, God was all In!
r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, 12-ONE-MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Fixed this word-salad while jammin’ to #Satch @Joe_Satriani LIVE #MadeOfTears @ https://youtu.be/M4lsB-B1O7U?si=J7sj32KTmB7SBF4Q }

Friday, November 01, 2024

#AllSaintsDay #MOTOWN TOP 100 #TheNewRadicals


Fighting in the middle of a jungle then going into a concrete heaven above dirt
No maps for the quest to locate a lost memory of what you can’t seem to blurt
Being alarmed by the information in the telegram isn’t the intention, it is done
Born to be innocent and guilty as charged eventually, ad infinitum karma one.

Even at the end gets you opening into the Void, odds are you bought into debt
Jumped out of a window after you shot yourself in the head, double jeopardy
For some but not all, causes & effects are always in control, magic trick buzz
Marshland to the deserts coast to coast, pole to pole, 7 continents of 1st Loves.

They just don’t write ‘em like this anymore, a knack for the scent in the room
Sweet perfume and beauty combine for the promise of the divine sweep broom
What I got in the oasis, nobody gets it if you tell them with words, it’s unseen
Not for your eyes only, my insight of the thing itself within is what all I mean.

Nobody but what we’ve got that animates our bones can help us, force is ours
Hands or feet, twenty phalanges & metatarsals in disarray due to the gravity
Lying down with the sheeple is as if you want to become an agar dish of virus
Get up & get down, get up off of your feet, dance and sing for the tax money.

Blame your parents or the folks you call your gang, your peeps or whatever
Searing heat cooks the tough until the chit melts in your mouth, filet mignon
Flips and backward somersaults off of the high dive won’t ending get done
You can do it your way or my way, either way, it’s done in time to have fun.

Airwaves in frequency & wavelength from a bass & a treble of double trouble
Cake in pieces of eight, halved, quartered & halved again, I at all eight 1 by 1
I beat myself up, it was a beat down, knocked up punk I turned out to be, son
Not a problem for me, just for every single other being on Earth, all rockin’.

I know you didn’t ask me but I’m gonna tell you a secret about sex you need
If you are an accidental conception between two strangers, no love to bleed
Let me help the awareness along, it doesn’t matter to Soul, to be is all spurned
Afterlife’s swill-like promises for gods fearful of darkness, buried or burned.

Preparation for the drapes to fall before the curtains come down, I’m rockin’
If you wouldn’t mind, please copy happiness for Mind’s single being sinkin’
Just a form and a shape of the matter left over from the Big Bang’s hot dust
Sun is the star without which we’re less than history, rockin’ boats that rust.

Sinkin’ down with the pretty and the sadly not-so-much, not their fault RNA
There’s mutation and recombination that ought to be extinct yet it’s all DNA
Before homo sapiens deduced labels for the things themselves, after the facts
Became history of ancient lassies, all that Mankind will leave descendant lads.

Commandments scratched lines & curves on rocky stone, as if that has gravity
Persuasion of the elders who blow horns & beat drums in the blues of the city
It’s alright that it happens that way since there’s no choice, yo’ playin’ possum
I ain’t worried about your worries, you must be in a hurry to die, go git some.

I’m gonna keep runnin’ ‘til my legs don’t work, ankles, knees, hips ain’t gone
Walk, trot or run a bit without getting’ hit-tackled by a 200-pound trainwreck
Hear that rhythm flow out of the back of the frontman, keeps you runnin’ on
Sun’s ‘G’ flame photosynthesized seed anima from an immaculate conception.

Dead right and grateful that I am, my intention was conceptual interception
Seriously an equation that had a solution, ‘x’ unknown to you & any wise-ass
You see them all the time, a Mr. Know-It-All that knows more than you & I
Logic & Reason led me to the same place at the same time, now, it’s a true lie.

Adonis or the last man ever born to woman, all of the bodies in between, dead
Holding on every moment I get the chance to, I think I’ll take what God bled
How many minutes? How many decades less or more than a hundred of ‘em
I’d go for immortality without disease, mental, physical or psychological, slim!

Bring all your weapons to the battle, the dream ain’t ever gonna last, eh chuck
Boredom is called ennui by some, others call it Mind’s time-out for don’t GAF
You either know what I mean or you don’t, if you don’t just follow me, Homer
And so on & so forth as the odyssey continues, I rest the ode to Plato’s power.

Fool of sentiments of happiness, reality of conscious imagination materialized
Better than nothing, anything is better than nothing, Void is blood, a king size
Funk defined in the trouble of the treble and the face of the bass, fool’s errand
I believed, blind faith remains for a last gasp of gas, Singularity’s wall of flies.

Park your elephant and donkey at the door, they aren’t allowed in the furnace
Too hot for the beasts of burden, only the brave and innocent git it, about face
Reasons runnin’ out of valid conclusions for the veracity of a happiness warp
All too human & not really divine, grown form out of one, microscopic twerp.

Your hips spread but it ain’t your fault, the creator’s faux pas, could be worse
Completely and securely shut tight as a drum, no entry allowed on the horse
An encore remains in the backstage smoke, like a dream takes over attention
Before we wake up, never to be #Woke, alright, alright, alright my grandson.

Anthem for the funeral parade, already gone & slidin’ away from the current
Raised to be exactly the way you see, it’s what you get, this time, every time
Come se, come sa and whether you like it or not, your luck is heaven sent
Above and below this ground, Day of All Souls, grow, gig, retire & all get bent.
r j j stephan, i

c. Vendredi, BLOVEMBER 1st MMXXIV Anno Domini 333 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to 50th Anniversary @DoobieBrothers concert at @RCMH 10-26-2022 link @ https://youtu.be/BM8pZqgb3z8?si=-rMNH1uDhuZM8NTC }

Sunday, October 27, 2024

#WickedMothers #BegottenNunsSistersDaughtersMothers #ParFour #CourseMaui #DavesNotHereEither

IX – uno – UNO

Seems as if you’ve gone off of the deep end, you know It, depth of point of no return
When the mid-space you’ve carved out of Time you don’t own has collapsed to graft
Getting chit all free from Tierra del Fuego to CUNY campus hub, grifters' magneto
Knowing nothing about your mind or soul, just 208 bones humans inherit to go.

By the time I got to the stones, I began workin’ the angle to cheat the stupid MFs
Creeps you have to be near, disturbing your feng shitake noire, you’re the Fathers
Mothers could not scam fathers more easily, all sisters, daughters & wicked aunts
There’s a scam goin’ on in the racket, pretending to be One when you’re all none.

It’s survival of the Dostoevsky moron who plays the idiot, neat package gods’ fate
Who will prick up the other men’s sisters & wives, every angle of a female bum
They have their teeth and smile, all there is in the mob is the boss & the racket scum
Clip a buck here & a buck there, gain the trust, work the angle, it’s your auntie great.

Here’s your dilemma of whether you should stay or go, you have no choice, MOVE IN
What’s the angle, you want the right one, the obtuse or less than 90 to 1 degree of sin
Meaning your foolish trip from conception & birth led to my path, your fork in the road
TNT ain’t dynamite as you suspected but it will blow your bubble into the origin’s load.

We ain’t from Earth but our creators came to tell all of the grifters the code to the system
Buying the morons and idiots scam, you will turn on your friend & ghost the rest of them
Give me your wallet & #’s so I can trust you, am I mistaken or accurately calculating sums
It’s all the same in the end, the final curtain will fall for certain, no negotiation, possums.

Asleep while wide awake only means your attention has been arrested by propositions
At once logical & theoretical, no proof beyond a doubt that anything is true, #Vince man
Appreciate your position on a lifeline from zero to infinity, nobody gets outta here alive
Hope for genetic perfection, immunity to foreign viral agents and somebody to love.

Keep this too close to the vest, you know what I know & you know it all, y’all know you do
So, without further ado, let’s leave for Kokomo, way down there in Montserrat’s mystique
Catching a glimpse or two of the places in Space where it all goes down, as high as a gad fly
You all need to meet me for coffee, tea and the rest of the things you don’t care for, I’ll buy!

Leave baggage, empty on the beach, preconceived Key Largo, Aruba, Montego, Kokomo, all done
Neither yesterday nor the day before, frequency-waves & a rip tide went below gravity’s sand dunes
Before you’re ash & dust dissolves into a matrix, I want you to know it’s where I wanted you to go
Long time, short time, anytime you think about it, know you got two lips to kiss, in downlow blow.

You know epistemologically, credit devolved into deficit & you’re dead weight for nuclear waste
They cannot perfect chemistry or provide a catalyst for extinction of the species’ DNA post haste
Before the End allows natural selection to resume its ascent into the top of the food chain, has-beens
Heck & high water more love than you can hate without a dish rag or rally towel, you morons fix it.

Luck has nothing to do with being in the right place at the right time, unknown nothing relativities
To alpha & omega, your language has done you an injustice with subjective predicate spelling bees
Barroom brawls all ended as they began, broke glass cuts, outlaws won fights some fought & died
Winning was everything after all, you don’t mind running your mouth further than your legs fly, eh?

Contact high on fools below my face, five to six feet above underground, rocks rollin’ away, Hole
Left there in the bottom of the mountain of gold hill, where gods stashed pages I read, stay calm son
 If I was either on edge or at least appeared to be intensely psyched up where a man survives alone 
Like blasting off to another planet, you’ve no choice but to thrust away from the ground’s holy zero.

I won’t leave too soon & never be late, allow me to choose Liberty rather than being all too human
Retired from the good luck of poison pens which wrote words that washed away the old Peter Pan
It’s too fine, in the end, it all goes the way it should, until a Black Hole resumes the DNA transition
Into the void place where y’all want to go, down in cool Kokomo now, be a subatomic soul, son!
r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, ROCKTOBER XXVIIth, MMXXIV Anno Domini @222 PMPST

{ Fried some cells in the cerebral cortex, reason for rhyme, @ThePointerSisters #FIRE in a loop, youTube link @  https://youtu.be/ZBtAiwNcsiA }



Thursday, October 24, 2024

EVERYBODY'S GONE SURFIN' U.S.A. #JacuzziJack @WashingtonHuskies @TheBeachBoys



As cool as the spit in your mouth when you’re lost in the dessert without a canteen of H2O
Sudden impact of the darkness’ starlit sky with the dessert calls of night creatures of blow
We can’t see the Truth since there seems to be none available without the fool proof cons
Pulling in the gullible to the nest of snakes, a lair of lions, either way, y’all gonna still die bro!

Divided and conquered before you knew it, let your guard down from the tight gripped trip
Solo in and out of the mix, compound is the nest’s creature in & out of the ovum’s wet slip
Lower below the uttermost echelon of the pit, it’s the one you see when you look out below
Hot or cold, in five to ten minutes, the corpus will become dillecti and you’ll pucker for blow.

Home or far away on the opposite side of the base of origin, still under One star’s galactics
Mercy in the cage when the crack stays open long enough to leak out the open gash for kicks
Liberty to lie as if the Truth mutates into it’s own contradictory, propositional logic, all mothers
Knew they’d find the trouble with making love, conception of the viral punks made by fathers.

Fear you’ll die, you’re right on the money, hence get busy & do what you got to do, no time out
It’s the game that is On, it ain’t Off until I say so, you’ll hear my last gasp, it’ll be your last doubt
That I was always the One that kept the motion in locomotion, the loco was all in my own mind
Cool or slippery when wet, hot potato, the species spits in slits, fires up mitosis of the third kind

Billing the mothers and fathers for being too lonely not to commingle DNA, can’t be all alone
Love & Hate alternate, a kiss first & then a final divorce decree, separation of a daughter’s son
Colors white to black, auditory vision in 3D for the initiation of the extinction, all too humane
Like it or not, no choices for the minions, be The Ball, dribble, shoot, score & drive me insane.

Dams of the gods, kept the gas combo of liquid close to the vest, to fish & wash the funk out me
You got some too but you can’t admit the Truth to anyone, the Word can’t get out, the gods see
Happy girls & disgruntled sons of the happy girls get together for holidays that ain’t gone south
Fried, cooked, seared, baked, heated, burnt out mind that eats all words put into the big mouth.

Guessed correctly because there was no choice, freedom or servitude are a flip of the switch
All we have can be eliminated in a heartbeat, then it’s all over, hot karma exchange for justice
No more time left for the unborn nor the dead & gone, timelessness got nothin’ on me, bitch
Stay long time, a quickie won’t do, marry your daughters to the androids who won’t take a pizz.

Fools congregated for the preachers to mend from their lives of random chaos, pretenders all
No chance for a second chance and there is all there is to it, jumpin’ for my love & yours, call
Me when I hear your voice makin’ a move on me, One star in One constellation’s psycho funk
Jump even higher than your feet could ever fly high for you, like magic you can smash a dunk.

Ready and waiting behind the curtain like the wizard that never was Oz or a wicked west witch
All the right moves in synchronicity with the essence that preceded all of the existence, beotch
Filters clear, only catchin’ the truth & a slow groove, all the lies about the nature of Love’s kicks
Slow hand at the end of two arms that realize the place in Space that evokes the stars in chicks.

Global thermonuclear exchanges & fast moves to be the king of ballistic missilery, megatonnage
You have never had anything like the thing itself but you need it to graduate into Troclom Tricks
Where in the blazes that may be is what this here & that there are all about, no more nor less
Something that never existed before the conception, dream within the dream’s infinite clicks.

Alright now then there’s a lot of karma comin’ down on my soul now at 72, I put it off for a few
Now, the chickens have come home to roost, rebels and the Yankees all know it’s all about gold
Contracts to force the deal to be square, nobody gets away with murder, all about cosmic stews
Gas within a dirigible is in a constant loop of hydrocarbons malfunctioning as if God’s got Blues.

Tricky as what no other effect has ever followed, daughter, sister & mother all wanted screws
So, I fled into the flight of the Air Force that inducted my 12 years of unmarketable scout skills
It’s a drag to have wasted that time doin’ this & that thinkin’ patches and badges of old fools
Leaders who malfunctioned & then tried to pass it on down to the minions in the mass’ Pool.

Rock in the world, all that’s left of the supernova, 7 notes of treble and bass puttin’ on the Ritz
Recall the gravitational Void will appear but nobody will know, existence will be broken into bits
What they are precedes the essence of what we are, still runnin’ around the clock, 24/7 bad sin
Know it’s gonna end, even though I love forever to be, repairing the malfunction, fix extinction.

Everybody knows, you know & I know that it’s all about the California girls Sacto to Corona town
Sitting on your fence waiting for you to mock my indecision to get down on one side or another
There’s no help on the way, there really isn’t any justice here or in the after-life, you’ll judge it
Not for me to say, que sera, whatever will be will be, future’s ours to see, it’s divinity’s gambit.

It’s a really dusty road to be on with no broom or a blower, you’ll see nothing clearly, Everclear
Inebriated ought to be aware, to survive as the most fit do, you must exude fierce power, fear
Nobody that confronts your face or back is allowed to violate a tiny mind’s eye of work today.

r j j stephan, i

c.  Jeudi, ROCKTOBER XXIVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @1705 PMPST

{ Crafted while jammin’ to @TheBeachBoys #HITS link @ https://youtu.be/uU0BOyQRjWM }
