Revolting the revolution in revolving reruns, controversy empty without me & you fool
Dreams ended with the #Woke and #Awakened struggling for survival in the gene pool
All the DNA in the world will not cause anything mortal to become immortal, cosmic soul
Chopped liver is better than hard liquor & weed you got in your stache, drag a deep hole.
Y’all got into the gaol but you’re the sheriff & you got the badge of courage, you are Dope
Not the bad thing of addiction but the one everybody wants & needs, like a whistle of hope
Complicated like your mother and father meeting in the darkness, original sin of the climax
Beginning of the finale on the way to a curtain call encore, it’s what it’s all about, the sex.
Clearly the beginning of the end when total extinction is the far away goal of mankind’s ilk
Back against the wall again & you’ll never guess the reason, so I’ll let you know, beer is milk
Get higher than kites that go no further than a stratosphere, astronomical cosmos all in knots
Catastrophic ending to the spontaneous interruption of Time and Space, imagine, we robots.
Wealth in the breath you’re gifted just because you survived the attempted murders of Me
By the by, it’ll all be water under the bridge but right now, I’m in revenge mode, sailin’ the sea
No boat or ship, no canoe or raft, Love shut down my needs, desire all of it, monster bull ‘S’
Rebels, under-the-skin fools livin’ underneath dirty rocks pounding in Jesus’ God nonsense.
That don’t confront me much, stabilize the confrontation in an invisible catastrophe, Big Bang
As above it is so below, differential dimensions 360 degrees around the Singularity of Yin Yang
See and hear, smell and taste what can’t be felt in the hands’ skin, left over in skull and bones
Retrieval of The Silence is the goal of the noise, metal to metal grinding, Matter left all alone.
This is all you get, the unknown remains and the known perishes like dust in the west winds
Marvelous to be & not to be, the life of the things themselves, atoms to dolphin dorsal fins
Aftereffects of the afterthought before the mind appeared out of nowhere special, in my head
Outside my face, it makes no difference other than to pass the Time in Space, dreamin’ in bed.
Runs up your nylons are never gonna win that race, barefoot & pregnant keeps fidelity rising
No time for regrets and guilty consciences resulting form roaming the field, just like playing
Games with rules you either know or you don’t, in every case, every reaction will fade away
As if it never had the chance to become a zygote, fertilized egg in the nest/womb of the day.
In every language on Earth from #PigLatin to complicated #Rap-a-licious signals with pistols
Check out old TV in old B & W, talkin’ Cisco Kid, Wyatt Earp, Marshall Dillon or Mather's
Quitting the ovulating teens from reproducing the species before the baby-daddies got gigs
Grampus & Grandmas got you as the center of an attention, want the DNA to survive trolls.
Interest given on the millions you’ve never earned but it’s your accumulation of God gold
Wealthy yet just began kiss the wiped derrieres of the ones who count your debits’ cache
Banked & shadow dancin’ like true loan sharks, catchin’ you on flip sides of ol’ successes
Law and three-piece suits are what they are, stealing the faux appearance, order of things.
Up in the sea or down in the upper atmosphere’s sky, disguised the black as illusory blue
Reminding nobody that this life, this existence of each of us living today und yesterday too
Are the remnants of the Big Bang, in trailer parks or out on the prairie in a Tee, it’s all good
As long as the spirit arrives into the skull & bones, a monster is created to get cookin’ food.
I heard her singin’ in the shower, in my mind, she’s not here and now any longer, I was hers
Where in this world could a place be better than right here by my handsome face, I’m fierce
Needs and desires fulfillment my adaptation to the survival of my 208 bones, top of the stack
Every day & every night from this to the last spin of Earth, I’ll love the soul stuck to my back.
All chills gone in a New York Minute, up to uplinked emotional spurts of adrenaline’s gluons
Better than butter which of course is whipped cattle milk for the calves who never get it, sons
Full-on victory for well-fed human herds on 7 continents, rich & poor will die in a Grand Slam
Promised by a phantom to save them from corpus dillecti when Nothing can, that’s It, Bam!
Shoot all of the messengers, burn all of the books, hide the Truth in Occult vaults of #AlienX
It’s not the fault of the ignorant that they’re deceived to believe lies & deny truths about sex
Facts of Life are all One and the same, Many have come from the One, subatomic, Singular die
Fins are up, since you’ve got no choice, you’ve been swept out to sea by the tide, isle #Yuletide.
I kid you not, it’s been said that one way or the other, in the end, everybody gives it up high
Here and now, one door opens & another door closes on the points of no return to this sky
Underground burial or immersion in the salted, dead seas’ & oceans’ leftover H2O battleaxe
Divine worthiness of your egocentric Id is your ticket to paradise, we think, we’re la bombax.
Idolizing the memory of the spirits of all, passed away skulls and bones left over and out of it
Bog of swamp muck surrounding your mansion’s mote, keep your chin up, breathe out of Chit
Nobody can hold it in very long, what goes in must come out or ill-disease results in predation
Oxygen and hydrogen-two, essential with rare elements of silver, gold and calcium deposition.
Oh, y’all thought you’d be rewarded after bodily expiration, sad but true, it’ll all be over, caput
Dreams and hauntings of the critical thinking mind you inherited by accident becomes a foot
From the edge of the universe’s dark void looking inside out, like a brown tide of Savoy, alas!
Egregious form of the shape of things, complexly simple conglomeration of free radical blasts.
There is a will to power of everything, it’s probably a #Clusterphuq of data in a tangled web
Display an asterisk for the follow up reference to a morsel, a smidgen or byte of Dataset celeb
Coming from underneath the muck and mire, ad infinitum, Free Will defunct, without power
Punked by the minions, just a phallic head and mutant voice-over, yet wise as a lawn mower.
Seriously or flippantly, I declare that I have no knowledge of anything more than Plato or Kant
In every case, to know is to assume conclusions based on assumptions, all impossible to know
Foreign to Earth from the moon to the stars in this & all other galaxies, the Cosmos’ epistemics
Models formed as red blueprints, I am holding the adversary off alone, bare handed & free.
Of a drink called Squirt, it puts a grin on your chin, standing alone without the crutches’ fly
Get some Devil Dogs to #Loose when WAR is waged, things themselves to the beats of battle
War on US enemy shores, if another one stands, I’ll send your life, come to a nightmare, son
Got brimstone for the lucky to be dead & gone, none will walk, none will have teeth, all gone.
One marine, with a need to bleed when the light goes green, one of a kind, deadmen survive
No standing alone, last to go, hardcore to the enemy, soft to my kin, baby boys’ & girls’ hive
Hell has no feeling I won’t overcome, bring the Devil himself, gonna force the #Turnaround
In a hot fire, OORAH Marines, #GetSome & say good night to Jesse & Sophia, heroes of One.
Halls of Montezuma to shores of Tripoli, the battles come and go, equipped to end the scuffle
Oorah, Git Some, Dogs to loose, War is waged, fill a need to bleed, so God smiled on the Corps
Rivers of blood runnin’ under your feet in the swamps, jungles and meadows of Oz’s wizards
Now, communicate, now hear this, deny your Ends to your peril, ready? Marines are brutal.
Gone further than the Yin and Yang were willing to go, beyond the force of the Void Devil
Hell being the Hades scheduled for the Evil who embody the Live Fear on the windowsill
March on this, chew on K-rations, drink pilled-pee & say night to Jessie, where chit blazed
Strong survive & for certain the bombed die, natural for dogs to loose, War jungle waged!
Here now, there’s a few gasps of breath left, nobody knows which one’s the last, kill more
Death does that to every living thing, subatomic or macroscopic solar systems, Marine Corp
1st Marines take on every communist who knows nothing of Marx or Einstein, singin’ a song
Warriors all over Space dispersed from 1st detachments, wings with skills on simmer, Score!
On a scale which has a zero in the middle of positive & negative integers out of order lineup
The stipulations have not only recommendations but also more importantly, a #Swifty D-cup
Million to one, a billion to one and it’s not my intent to repeat up to the Supreme Court dock
If the stream’s strong then the Force has the power to cause change, effective as a cock block.
Once happiness has cause pleasure and satiation, then and only then will the Life be copacetic
Nothing but the best things happen to the good & the ugly, the bad move subatomic evil slick
All things are a molecule in one form or another, from barnacles to triplets of human mothers
Electrons, neutrons & protons annihilate all 999 forms of life, slap me 5 Outerspace brothers.
Straight A’s didn’t get you into Yale or Stanford but it was your ticket to elite military groups
U.S. Intelligence as the foundation for keeping this Liberty we cherish & fight back the coups
Of all the dead heroes who gave their lives so that you & yours feel safe to party-on, I salute
Shook my phone for a response, just rates dropped so my yield increased beyond a law’s suit.
Pull and push the handle so that it’s open or closed at will, high-heeled boys with low sparks
No means yes & vice versa in the bizarre world without mothers & fathers, big dogs run parks
Trees, bushes, grass & ponds in pristine condition on the outskirts of the metropolitan locality
Crime defined as breaking ten commandment, punish as a necessary condition of humanity.
Disobedience to One Law or many laws with zero tolerance will lead to the contradiction con
Playing a game with the results a payoff in gold or tender, maybe a trade-off property owned
Big time or tiny space you can’t make increase it’s modus operandi if it’s not in the code, son
Predilection for more Time when you’ve run ut is a moot point, no more cash to be loaned.
On to conclusions, all deduced or become induced from the veracity of false assumptions
Consequential justice for the ignorance of the crimes and punishments of odd prosecutions
Mitigation of words, proof without any doubt that the Truth is deduced so very reasonable
Far away, much further than the farthest place in Space, out of this world, you ring my Bell.
All hands on deck, we have boots on the ground adversely affecting the extinction of life
Not only just the answer to the meaning of existence but all tight spots ready for battle
Defense & offense merge for the perfect nonsense & defense of the command’s ordinance
For the last time, wake up before it’s too late, your father’s orders, come on, Let’s Dance!
r j j stephan, I
c. Vendredi, Freezember VIth MMXXIV
Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST
{ Opened this can of worms while
jammin’ to @BadCompany #ShootingStar & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/EaZZRrWxAN8?si=0StR03TBrpwM2Y84