Saturday, August 07, 2021
#WellPlayed #Honeymooners #AJA #SteelyDan #SylviaPlatt RIP #MontgomeryGentry #SmokeyRobinson #DarylHall #DarylsPlace #MarvinGaye #TammyTerrell #JeffersonAirplane #RascalFlatts
Friday, August 06, 2021
#ColdONE #ShortOfATwelvePack #ItGetsColderBelowZERO #SteelBulletProof #KryptoniteTight #GotTheBestOfWho #TailLightMemoryPhotostatic
Thursday, August 05, 2021
#TheStruggle #YouMustBeChitlinMe #StopTheMadHypertension @StevieRayVaughan @FriedrichNeitzsche @BookerTWashington #MyStruggle @ImmanuelKant (#CategoricalImperative) #GitGit
Wednesday, August 04, 2021
#AdminSpecialist #RockTheGeeks
Nothing's certain, an eagle's uncertainty principle of Heisenberg allows my rope to skip
Predication of subjects & objectifying the conclusions deduced is the only way to trip
Onto the #AcidMath of corollaries & theorems loosely based on wild, crazy assumptions
Rest after infinite unrest from Mercury to Pluto and beyond the system of revolutions.
Your father and mother know the Ends now that they're dead and gone, it's grim fool
To be hooked on what you cannot afford to buy, you do not work, you don't get paid
Nothing you can do because you didn't study the words and problems in high school
At rest without a prayer to solicit super power assists at scoring the points for the fade.
It all turns to black when there's no light to illuminate the ignorance inherited from Eve
She really blew the knowledge/power of the machine, @Apple now uses the #Karens
Emasculate & reconstitute the idiots & morons who inhabit the land without a home
Epidemic is at pandemic proportions, ten to one, you're gonna die sooner or later, OM.
Asserting premises have veracity doesn't mean they're necessarily true without my me
Ego of the beast of burden completes the inquiries of philosophical injection, of venom
To kill the living to eat the living to avoid the death that cannot be avoided forever, Si?
Sterling silver & fool's gold make the world flip flop like mankind's bad zoom to doom.
Ennui set in before you turned 59 & now you're headed to Ends of Time, more or less
Nothing to recollect here in the middle of my goblet, it was the last of grapes & beers
Wet whistle and parched throat in the middle of the covers that tell the gods to bless
It's now for me to say that you'll NEVER realize your self until you've become selfless.
Really mutated the DNA's acid math beyond recognition of the problem or the solution
Marvelous as usual, just breathing without pain & suffering is preferable to mortal sin
What the hell that is, disobedience to a random, Rando command, of vermin or human
All too human to be trippin' or flashin' back, never false yet it's #FakeNews, manoman!
Goomba of Guido & Franco who whips the boys into shape after they've return so pure
It becomes the spirit of the nitty gritty nuts and bolts of the machine's ghost, the core
To calculate without counting, without a formula to validate accuracy is madness' cure
Contempt for pretentious love, disrespect royals, Marx' in a doom room, 0 - 1, #Score!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, August IVth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 3:33 PMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @TheGlennBeckProgram link on iheart @ https://www.iheart.com/podcast/the-glenn-beck-program-23014384/ & @BareNakedLadies #Flat Earth link @ https://youtu.be/tgyKISW_elQ }
Tuesday, August 03, 2021
#HokeyHookersGrammaCommies @AynRand #Randism #CockTheTrigger #FaceLiftOlympicsMMXXI

Punks on the corners with a hustle on turf of their forefathers' blood, sweat & tears, let us play
Games 'tween competition for survival of the fittest, fatal disease cannot be cured of humankind
No fault of their own imperfection, evolutionary mutation's nature of a beast, a herd's hind end.
I could save you a minute or two on your eventual quest to discover the Truth of what this life is
If we're not the food for thought and just the contents of coffins and urns and a plethora of Fizz
Meat on bones not to mention the plants grounded in gold & dirt, money grown on Weed trees
Vaccinate your arm with an unproven, experimental Chinese company called USA, no surprises.
There's no proof that billions of dollars behind the Chinese bat fever, invested within a fake 401K
Or was it my 30:06 Remington gotta be useful to do nothing but terminate lame and docile prey
Inject the cat-feed, inject the venom in the posterior of the forms' largest muscle head to six feet
Incorporate the Ends which inevitably favor Time in Space, your intent and feelings are obsolete.
Shooting the messenger for an unfavorable Truth which can't be disputed by humanity or divinity
To remedy the problem of inseminating the empty minds with the infection of undeniable ecstasy
It's all becoming Man or Woman on Earth, obey rules of ones who prematurely came in big bangs
No pistols or long guns, take my word for it, it's a WORD that's feared, not gunpowerless fangs.
Mind your own P's & Q's which the nuns in my old schools used to drill into my head, I was social
Being taught to be anti-social by the socialites' faceless leaders in a secret berth on a yacht at sea
Nobody sees & nobody cares if the #Homeless abandon junk, tried to be a taste of sweet nothings
Meaning that Nothing's more important than Understanding random, natural birds & bee stings.
Where is the refused and homeless by the golf course's fence, near the railroad tracks to Roseville
Where the bums and junkies congregate because they are unpresentable to be employed by shills
Men & women who built a business and await the competent young people from professorial fun
Knowledge & wisdom of the unknown is still the same, I'm still the same, we are like the top gun.
In our own vehicle in the direction a bullseye's target, random or intended vaccine's high efficacy
Spectrum of Light from a star, a sun, ultraviolet to infrared burning, wavelength's low frequency
Atomic fission and fusion of microscopic neutrons, protons and electrons yields fire's gold powder
Close your mind, cover your face, cover your eyes with a whole lot of Rosie, a dead, rosy flower.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, August 3rd, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST #TransubstantiationOfDNA
{ Drafted while listenin' to @GretaVanFleet #HighwayTune link @ https://youtu.be/aJg4OJxp-co }
Monday, August 02, 2021
#BoysRoundHere & #IceColdBeer #ChewTobaccoSpitItOut
Created on Earth from dirt & rock, evolved #HandsOff powers that Be, this one y'all
About this here and that there & a need to be known as a troubled soul's downfall
That would be everything under a star sun, if you knew you'd flip or drop cold dead
It's not for me to say who'd be in The Dream to know the Truth or GTF back to bed.
Well armed and dangerous governments to control the all too human thrust to survive
From pole to pole, nobody gets out of here alive, none of the dream's images are alive
Just like a chimera of smoke forming only in the mind's eye then vanishing from view
Tell me right this moment you understand the nuances of sarcasm and wry humor too.
Follow me down this narrow path right down the middle between a far left & an alright
A miraculous event took place the moment you got conceived by the angels in a fight
For Heaven and Earth and a little myth about down below, of course, Earth core of old
Down under all of the dirt, mud, sand, rocks and sediment, a lava maker, volcanic gold.
Did I mention I was moving? Aw, shucks, just here at point B drivin' to angels' el metro
Don't have much time to reflect on the final ending of us all but give me one more blow
Not a job senorita & senora, it's just a pause in the action, Cause of the whole shebang
Stopped moving as it was in the beginning, shot Alpha & Omega, heard a song you sung.
Miniature soldiers, sailors & marines all defending the borders of invaded rock & snow
Robbed from the ones who were here in the beginning, first came and second served
Makes no sense to natives or invaders yet history is written until it's books are burned
Smoke from that drama will be breathed in by all our descendants who ain't alive now.
I will to the power allotted by the Main Ingredient of this mixture of joy & mirth boys
Girls are Bettys & that's a good thing because that's how daughters multiplies guys
To man the self defense of the freedom to move about your country without a ban
All She wrote in pieces of One, #MolonLabe collapsing on a Big Bang's theory, Man!
r j j stephan, i
c. Monday, 8-2 21 A.D. a Happy 65th birthday to my bro Al Stephan! RIP brother man!
{ Drafted jammin' to @SugarRay #EveryMorning & HITS link @ https://youtu.be/3cqU1pFRqYE }
Sunday, August 01, 2021
#HammerOfGod @ArthurCClarke #SwungLow #TheThreeStoogesSlung #FullOfBaloney #TheHammerOfGOD @Donovan #MellowYellow1
I thought nothing of capitol punishment' treks, t'was all gonna be forgotten scuttlebut
Not long after ties that bind us all are broken, dicks in the dirt of Time & Space,caput
A Dick & Jane melody, some poetic lines that rhyme in a mad world's spaceship 8 balls
Blinded by infrared & ultraviolet so move along 'cause ain't nothin' to see o'er here y'all.
Game with rules for players so that all's fair in the love & war for whom? The self myth?
Where you'll be when you die is where all of the rest have gone & future others will be
It's like a heaven or limbo compared to hell on Earth. on Mars, Venus, Mercury or Pluto
A piece of your mind is like all of the rest of the big Mind's gold, where it's always been.
Far away in another cosmic awareness of Time and Space, nothing is there, it's the singularity
Of the black hole you used to be in the middle of, fearing it and hating to leave it simultaneously
But working and playing can't stop the praying for a sign to make you feel enormous yet so tiny
Mind over matter, theoretically a philosophy of failure since matter is everything, Earth is a sea.
A sea in the middle of nowhere other than empty space between planets & a myriad of galaxies
See them or not, accidentally blinded by the light or a lack of genetic recombination success sees
Far ahead of the present, DNA sees inherently for the sake of species survival, evolution of mud
Worms, bacteria and virus migrating from your mother to you and your offspring, shoot a SCUD.
Who is hungry when there's something to eat, not far away from fingertips and kneecaps, I am It
The rest from the mean, ugly & evil to the innocent yet wild on their E Street shuffle on Boss' lane
Come in from the darkness and when you get in the light, don't stare at the source, make me sing
Words coded, scribble on cave walls' filler dirt, Rainier's volcanic rock-crushed gold dust, an Oring.
Tip top to the center microdot of the core, nothing else for millions of miles, just you & all bums
Be happy like there's no tomorrow mama, I know you follow me & know where I'm comin' from
For the sake of my female kin who have hundreds of friends, there's no other way to be so rude
It's absurd yet it's the Truth, this is no joke and there's a vain hope that comprehension is good.
Hung up the hang ups & I got nothing left to hang on to, the hooks and Velcro disappeared fast
Brought the goods and the bads home once ma & pa let me roll in the hood, sixty years all past
Silver hair that used to be mousy brown & a head that was bald twice, once at birth, then Basic
Known to croon a tune so that the minions will feel sorrow so sad to make some cry a river sick.
Bank for the three squares and a roof overhead, finding joy in the satisfaction that you breathe
Air in & out of the Thing itself, unmoved mover doesn't even get that pleasure, only you & me
Close to my heart with all pretentious reminiscences that'll never cease coming back infinitely
Gallows built for me alone, trees cut into a stage for a show, programming young thugs' glory.
Capitol punishment or not, Evil is Live spelled backward & where there's life there's evil, so live
Recording nothing but the idle threats without muscle, promise of afterdeath indulgences jive
A haunting you while you're awake & while you're dreaming before every dawn, a ghost given
Gem of a blood flow, ruby rouge, accidental gem, all's too HUMAN, way gone kid, unforgotten.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, August ONE, Twenty ONE Anno Domini @ 11:11 AMPST
{ #ComeOneComeAll #HowWeGotHere ...drafted while jammin' to some
@Offspring #Woodstock concert youTube link @
https://youtu.be/k0HhvHbegug & some @EricChurch #HITS @
https://youtu.be/b-KEMcnmOrE & some @Smashmouth link @
https://youtu.be/LQj--Kjn0z8 & for the coup de grace some
@ArthurCClarke #TheHammerOfGOD on youTube link @
https://youtu.be/QBshwX2CIPY & of course, some #ThreeStooges
@https://youtu.be/rmVrI1NVbvk }
#PollenDrips #PenicillinForThatToo #SurvivalInTheCity #LivinDayToDay #NoPityStreets #BornInTheCity #LiveInNomansland
It's fine with me that the fix is in, the fever is very high over 98, hope sprouts in recollected fears
That it is a vain attempt at a common protocol, feigning ignorance until the jig's up, it always is
Nobody on Earth can be immortal, sucklings of the kings and queens play onboard 64 square tiers
At the center of the south, there's a hub of rendezvousing goin' on at the shipwreck of whispers.
Old beaches have sand from shore to shore, there's an empty hole filled with H2O blood drippin'
Of Jupiter or Mars, Saturn or Earth on to Uranus and Neptune, all them rocks glow, keep trippin'
Apelike infantile behavior is the protocol for the spoiled brat, punk kid grown to be in way deep
A satisfaction ensues, the seminal dream begins, vision-sleep tells me why before I go to creep.
On or off, heat of God's knights' armor, relief comes in the dissolution of the flesh and T-bone
Humans are not the food of the Earth but everything else can be eaten or burned to sandstone
In the lava beds inside of the volcanic core eruptions trying to turn Earth into the vast offspring
Of men, women, rats, roaches and every other critter and plant, the world's DNA royal is king.
There's no other gods to name as if they exist in any reality before or afterbirth, that's silly scat
All of it, philosophers' concoction of theoretical assumptions, deduced inductions, that's all folk
This isn't a joke, I'm not laughin' 'cause I don't think it's very clever to decimate a COvid holy bat
Inherited as an infant crying right out of the womb room, you live & you're gonna die by a poke.
Send kids to up to 16 years or more of school to teach logic & reason, tell 'em to trust in @WAR
Yet Science cannot be trusted since it changes what is known constantly as Time ticks away kicks
Dope of mine's like dopamine when it's deeper than quicksand outside of your apartment's door
Gotta go to work, gotta get a job first, nobody wants to hire an illiterate bonehead, ghetto picks.
The day you die, you'll remember these words after I imagine them in a moment, I am creating it
From nothing but emptiness, some squiggles networked into an agreed upon orientation of shyte
Queens & kings moved little or not at all, pawns did all of the Work, battles & guards all the rest
Behind my mother's apron, still holding on to the strings in back of her behind, she was the best.
I look into the mirror provided and see a dumb person, not stupid just dumb shyte that's a Truth
About living & dying, being born and dying in the same place or a different one, in a phone booth
Bums used to pretend to be talkin' on the phone when there was nobody home, can't wait to go
Number one it's been called by the pretenders who create colloquial conjugations of anthro lingo.
Up and down matters very little, it will all be gone in a brief gasp when you immerse to speculate
All over in a flash, more or less a hundred spins about a burnt star, one sun of the gods' love affair
Taught speech to talk & express your inner soul's wasted Time in this Space to speculate on faith
It's no wonder when you see the light where you stand, empty of a full blown divine night's mare.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, August 1st, 2021 Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST\
{ Drafted to an @TheEagles #FarewellTour 2004 Australia concert #SatanicCountryMusic on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/TvNsl_oZCxY }