Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, May 30, 2020
Dive right into an unknown situation where you have no allies and no weapons with power
Ready to lay down and die to be buried, chopped, burned or eaten and then turned to sewage
Just because you’re alive on Earth and the third stone from a star called, Top God, Ala & Ra
Whether you or your parents or children like it or not, you’re all they got for a linchpin to Me.
Who I am is not important so just consider me an alien from another planet, another #Word
Silence of the last scream I can find in your mouth, you’re done then, choked you to the death
On your way to your maker and you can’t come back and get me for the murder, I’m an angel
I have a body but it’s not my own, it’s a vehicle to be used for the morality and ethics of Hehl.
Evil is Live spelled in reverse, you can’t make this scat up, it’s obvious that it’s a joker’s game
A player with the minions who dress their naked bones in Blind Faith about what’s my name
Last, middle or the first, junior, senior or the third or fourth, history of the past now defunct
Future history being made in the hodge-podge with every word said, every move made, funk!
About gold, silver and the Benjamins, buried or in the bank, when you’re dead, it’s done gone
You’re as good as dead already ready, you have less than a hundred years to use up the bones
Made by my ancestors who progenated eggs for an ape-form, a naked ape, a son of the suns
Animals killed for hairy skin to keep barren skin warm during the hunting party, love guns.
Needle threaded by touch, since we’re all blinded by sunlight, we’re put to sleep like a wee pet
Dog, cat, bird, snake, spider, hamster or a roof rat, your children and kin are no better, nyet
On the other hand, all of life is no worse than humanity, which can be extinct, night and day
A supernova or black hole collapse into a Singularity is no way to go, but it Is, the only way!
r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, May 30th, 2020 A.D. @ 12:00 HIGH NOON
{ Generated out of sheer mischief, listenin’ to thejackson5 #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/i6a0GMcLDKQ & @ChristopherCross #RideLikeTheWind & #HITS @ https://youtu.be/ur8ftRFb2Ac }
