
Saturday, November 24, 2018

ON FIRE!!~Joe Bonamassa at the Greek 2018~Full Set

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, November 24, 2018
You and I remain silent and listen to the crickets rubbin’ wings and legs, heads-up my bros
In a concert of imaginary divinity’s whims, above and below, of OMG sisters, and so it goes
Out of left field in Deep Spaces out of black gold, Dead & Company, Golden State Warriors
Forsaken by Divinity’s conscious skies, damned Eskimos smilin’ at a T-boned igloo affair.

Pickin’ the melody and succumbing to the rhythm of the beat is All of It, all the red meat
On the baronesses of the trebles and clefs, inside and outside of the steady, staccato beat
Makin’ the males and females trip with the music of the band playin’ ‘til we all up and die
If you think that this isn’t a dream then what is It then, It ain’t my fault, divine, Great Lie!

Alive in HOT HEAT, everything in ashes from a world afire, son of a holy man’s faux #SPARK
Everything alive flash-died in a New York, Neva-Cal minute and there’s no bones’ DNA mark
Imagine lying down grounded, damn World around you aflame, became a burnin’ Fire’s reign
Hiding deep in the unconscious mind, screaming until infinite trauma shuts down brain.

A month ago, many people were alive and now they’re all dead in Hell fire of the Sun’s mind
It is a tragedy and a message for the living who survive the pain and suffering of man’s kind
If you think that this isn’t a dream then get a GD handle on what it Is, ain’t #FakeNews opine
Feel me now? Closed, shut down, a step from bein’ stuck in a nugatory Void, eyes wide open.

It is as complicated as an equation can become when you begin at zero and move left or right
On a line from point to point, random-turn caused this angle, beginning another line’s point
At my mother and father under the velvet covers of warmth and conception, a joke in a yoke
Evolution of a group of microscopic yinyang-isms simulated, this imaginary piggy in a poke.

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 24, 2018 A.D., Saturday @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to @JoeBonnamassa  https://youtu.be/FDjVep9eNB8E }


Friday, November 23, 2018

#LOGICAL #DreamingWhileAwake #AdInfinitum #ForYourMindOnly #BlastOffLaunch #NotLicensedForFlight #ConsumerAffairsGold #HashtagGold @DCA

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, November 23, 2018
Energy spouts Matter, the two forms of things in this world’s things themselves, perfect gas
Subjects of the action and reaction of atoms to One another, charged power, supernova blast
Movement, animation, friction to start the fire and the initial alpha explosion of the ZaZen
Completely out of intent and control of a Will to Power, no almighty in charge of Zeus’ kin.

Deceived no longer in Space of this present, open book investment futures are #undercover
Never completely destroyed in this universal custom of life and death, stars, point to human
Microscopic and macroscopic philosophy of Nature and Being, #SmilingEskimo, like a lover
Mating blindly to the #LastWord’s evolution, #StarStuff all divine DNAcid, god-reigned Man.

Free “Holiday Movies” for the #InfiniteGod we have anointed as the #Christos’ shack daddy
It is OK that I refer to the Origin any way I please, since in fact, #TheWord needs a caddie
This flesh and all flesh meaning our skin, our bones, our minds, spirits and our #HolyCow
Stop wasting the Time you’ve stolen from the safe place of heaven, Do What You Will, now.

I mosey along from pointless intent’s jagged line around the block, poor doves in a #robomall
But I don’t mind wastin’ my time walkin’ and lookin’ in windows, at somethings I want/need
Just what I needed in front of my eyes, unexpected momentary lapse of time starts to bleed
God’s gonna turn black without you, a plethora of friends fade, Hollywood’s meteor downfall.

Before long from the dawn of civilization and DNA cells of Matter, clones of Hydrogen, a ruse
Plastic and cement, oiled concrete in a salt water porridge of scalding, hot rhythm and blues
Danger zone’s both at the origin and the destination, Nobody gets out alive, death’s shambala
Carcasses’ bones, iced into hot days and nights, power of love insane, enjoy the cream in Ala!

r j j stephan, i *{ Nothing Burns Like A Star #California! Eagles flyin’ #Sonny n’ #Tree }
c. BLOVEMBER 23, 2018 * a wonderful #BlackFriday anomaly from the #Muse who dreamt well & is still once again, full of Carolita’s Lasagna! #LetUsMakeSomeNoise #ItsFriday

Thursday, November 22, 2018


No seat belt on, that saved my life, the truck was cut in two, the jaws of life had set me free
Stuck in a hospital in traction, getting sick with the viral/bacterial cells of hospitality MD’s
Sick and on meds, meds and getting sicker and more sick of being sick than an actual sneeze
Complicated in the ignorance of the living cells around you and I, #ChiTown freedom, please?

It’s a city of bad smells for a reason, the lake’s fish and recycled edibles overwhelm schnozes
Put your nose deep into the business that is none of yours but is everybody else's, ma’s & pa’s
An aroma of blood spilled on the hot asphalt and concrete of the bad smell city, road boozes
To the skin and bones, the head and face of the beautiful and the ugly, #mooshed into a pizza.

It may be a form of life you’ve never seen or heard of before, a mighty virus or bacteria cell
Macrophages carrying a load of survival and extinction all in one bag, awaiting variation hell
Where the things that look similarly familiar to the family are nothing but the enemy’s kin
They want to be your friend, your mate and then run out of your pleasure and move, again!

On and on until the lights go out, you and I have no choice except to be and avoid a matricide
No killing mother Earth or Father sun with an atomic implosion/explosion, #BigBang patricide
Nothing left to imagine in the Void where you and I hope never to be, never will to be or Not
It cannot be done, to be in a Void, a contradiction in terminology, conflict of me eyes, I-robot.

Complete, utter sensationalism down there below the ground locked in a coffin, soft n’ warm
Denial and avoidance of the facts of life is a survival mechanism, avoid hopeless depressions
Stay out of the troughs where your body disappears with your conscious awareness’ silkworm
Daughters and others than me conceived, #FakeNews guilty by nature, god‘s adam sins.

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 22, 2018 AD { Pilgrims Creek, Roseville, California, thank you my friends! }
{ drafted while thinkin’ about the cheaters who blow in and out of our lives thinkin’ that: @AlrightAlrightAlright is the thing, nobody is gittin’ out alive baby! &...of course, not in a vacuum and listenin’ to the Tesla the Band HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/9vwHuCC6nP8?list=PLS5X54f9JXXZ4CsA8IJOFhnKTpZg6QOmK }

#SUPERCOPS #HappyThanksgivingThunderWarriors

Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, November 22, 2018
It’s a secret that the people of our nation are protected beyond their wildest dreams, Kids!
#Supercops made from nothing and don’t exist anywhere on dirt or steel, workin’ off grids
Men and women, mean and nasty by nature, controlled chaos in a tight, a super-pack bless
Things done, unknown and without any knowledge to the masses or the media of the press.

Secrets in the service, secrets hidden from the idiots and morons who provide viral extinction
If allowed to control the narrative of the history, using the words expressing the thoughts’ kin
Put on the armor of amour, sacrifice your life to nobody anywhere, come on! God is all blue
Please me and please you without the pleasure of the feelings, the emotional baggage of you.

Punks gathering with the monkeys at the table to reconnect with the others, human herds’ ilk
Cousins, mothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters and husbands of wives all drank white milk
Add the subtractions and the multiplications of the divisions in the units, add it all up to zero
Nothing left after everything’s gone, if you can’t sense the things any more, you’re dead, Doh!

Dressed in the regalia of the birds, the feathers of the national bird, here is my mama’s tease
No meatballs and no pasta on the day of the Pilgrims Creek, Roseville, California of the herds
No caviar of the Sturgeon and no burgers and rice of the Euro-Asian cuisine, pigs and words
Thank the Earth for the rotation and the wobble around the sun, eat your carrots and peas!

Garden of Eden is the Garden of Eve, the creator left us here all alone with fire and a cook
Still here after thousands of years of killing to stay alive, to eat and protect our belongings
From the drifters and grafters, orphans untaught by the genome to behave, to avoid dEvils
God’s bad guys never know a ‘myth’ hits ‘em, This is The Way of Warriors, Supercops Live!

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 22, 2018 A.D. @ 5:55 AM PST #Thanksgiving
{ drafted while listenin’ to the echo of the last 67 years of #Thanksgivings inside my cranium and listenin’ to the way we got here in my opinion, WAR THE BAND link @ https://youtu.be/WJMAzHaPaOU & masticating on the rocky mountain bull testicles, #PrairieOysters ! }


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

#AAAFerociousScowlingPussycat #TablesAreTurned

* * *
Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, November 21, 2018
There is nothing to it all, don’t worry and be happy is all you needed to do, a myth, voodoo
Making the matter of gold appear to be the bad and ugly when it is the good, that’s Leftism
Pure and simple thrust toward a Big Brother and Big Sister, Big Mama, singers of the Blue
Upset that life’s thrown screwballs over my home base, I swung on time, twisted the screw.

Put the whole house of cards together in nineteen years of programming a mojo’s job blow
All gone in sixty seconds of basic training in a panhandle’s Mex-Tex, F-recruiters leaked lies
Idiots and a huge bunch of women in uniform, waiting to kiss my cold lips in hehl fire below
Mathematical certainty I doubt, crucified sex, a number One mythology, good God-man dies.

Stupid non-sequitor statements of men and women, fittest survival among prideless lion cats
Pets to keep fed in the sunlit cave, no hunger left to worry about being eaten before the rats
Ugly and scarey if you look at a rat right in the face, eye to eye, mano a mano, chills up spines
Shiver and a shake getting godlike survival skills to boot up, almighty control of sixteen lines.

There’s a con job that fools you and fools me but the fool that can’t be fooled is the First Fool
Not the first or subsequent fool-tool created from the Nothingness of a wishing well cesspool
Perfect and perfunctory, ballin’ in confusion, the apathy is pathetic, robots will burn the joint
I am out of the circle, a square triangle in a pentagram’s hexagram, an angle’s linear tippoint.

Off of the grid of the social media platform again, the pressure is invisible and imaginary Ga
Living or dead, the bodies come and go in and out of existence, related to the empty vacuum
Historical record of etchings on rock walls, pen’s ink, pencil’s lead gave us a record of my Ra
These are the good, bad and ugly words of Mankind’s Way, #ShieldsHigh #FakeNews scum.

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 20, 2018 @ 12:12 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Cheech and Chong again #BigBamboo #TorturedOldMan & HITS on youTube link @https://youtu.be/Vsu80OG3R20 }

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


 #BrownEyedGirl #DaysLIkeThis
Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Far away from magic homes back in the Fifty States, being a Chain’s here, Cheech and Chong
Skinny or fat you were before, now just the skulls and bones, y’all are the rocks of the bong
Fat-bottomed country or city girls, skinny-legged bad boy souls mix in the halls of SingSing
Cream on top of the sweetness that we all require every single morning, eye-wide opening.

Pay for things you will never see or enjoy the pleasure of, pay up all of you, work work work
Give it all you’ve got, creatin’ God’s distinguished DNA genome-animates beyond extinction
Being most fit to survive is the way of the Beast, this man anyway who swims in endorphins
You’ve got the almighty to answer to when this life pokes your eyes out, due to original sins.

So, therefore, hence, in the end, finally, it’s over, the beast lies dead, white eyes wide open
I will bring up the subject and comment on this object of ‘all too human’ fear of extinction
On the hunt for the living things to kill and eat to survive and be the fittest, food kiss of God
From the hands to the mouths of babes when the “Milk of The Way” dehydrates to wet mud.

Two billion dollars will get you immortality, ask anyone in the Great Beyond, gods always lie
Figure out the facts based on your use of logic and reason, the tools of Plato wax pre-Socratic
When the deduced inductions settle into the conscious realization that all you can do is die
Well Almighty then, man is irresponsible, not responsible, there is No Free Will, so get high!

All of the education has forced me without my own free will, to say what men do fear to know
What women fear to know too, the words and thoughts you shield from your soul’s big show
This is it, this life is all you get, there is no after this life, grab this moment by the spirit’s Om
There is no other way, blind faith in mama and papa won’t work, orphanage of Zeus’ Rome.

Fight each other to the death or live in peace and harmony until you your last breath is free
It doesn’t matter if you cannot gasp the logic and reason of deductions, trust me, it’s a bust
Do not doubt the fact that you are here in this space, you live right here, right now, you see?
Now you got it pops? Hell is what we’re in, a chain of weak links in an open, golden flower.

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 20, 2018 AnnoDomini @ 9:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Aretha Franklin #FreewayOfLove & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Ip_pjb5_fgA?list=RDIp_pjb5_fgA & @JoeSatriani #BorgSex link @ https://youtu.be/kSBwsNcjiFo?list=RDkSBwsNcjiFo }
& @SATCH @

Monday, November 19, 2018

#PULLitOUT #SomethingInYourMouth #OnTheHunt

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, November 19, 2018
You know what that looks like if you’re not blind, you can kiss my #Nickelback rockin’ hoots
Bodies speakin’ sound, repeating live digs, processed pricked holes into a goddess’ reboots
Goin’ in the out door and never sayin’ goodbye, just a hardy fare well, see you soon, ya goon
Not that anyone cares, not even starving kin, that you die alone, they do too, godly monsoon.

Alright now, put me from my naked birth into my blue jeans and cowboy ten gallon hat
Drivin’ cattle and playin’ in a rock and roll band at night, just to see powder on your nose
Bein’ the one who gets to look at your naked beauty means that my fortunate way is Fat
Comin’ in and out of the closed doors that were not locked, nobody wondered, I got close.

Perfect nights and days movin’ conscious minds from pretension to faxed #FakeNews, sons
It’s always YES, that is always the answer, today, yesterday and every day, doom conclusions
Wherever the gods rock, if they are rockin’ in an immortal #Cloud9 waitin’ for a motherboard
Animals, humans, insects, humans, bacteria and viruses and yes, nothing more nor less Lord!

I see the moonlight shinin’ on the bay and I’m havin’ machine-gun flashbacks of God analysis
Believe in the blindness of the faith in nothing you sense with your intellectual capacity’s kiss
Holy reflection of The Emptiness of the Thing without matter or energy, rockin’ fake-infinity
Like an invisible obelisk at the bottom of every bottle of Mex-Cali worm from the angels’ city.

Read and rewrite the horror of the words that repeat ad infinitum, just for grandmothers’ kin
Cousins, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, father, mother of God, wisdom’s holy invisible skin
Covering the bleached white bones, everybody’s skeleton is from the Peg’s dispenser, baby ‘C’
Saved me from the blazes of hell above and below the here and now, gratitude, we are Thee!

Shout out loud when there’s no air around your face or body, you’ll hear nothing loud n’ clear
Imagine leavin’ your place in space, go out toward the moon, Venus, Mars, lost in Dead Space
Between the stars, between our sun and the Earth, it’s a matter of mysterious plethoras of gas
Last song ends, instruments destroyed on stage, All holy Smoke, we’ll take a bow, my heroes.

c. BLOVEMBER 19, 2018 LUNDI @ 7:11 AM PST
{ DRAFTED while listenin’ to Nickelback HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/g9uAtMmqT2A & @LynyrdSkynyrd #OnTheHunt link  @ https://youtu.be/icmF1NE0tg4 }  

Sunday, November 18, 2018

#ProfilesToDiscourage #FakeNews @FakeNews


Concrete shoes on my feet when you checked me out to the lake, a drop, empty bag of bones
Gangs banged the holes in the walls of the rubber green plants with their apple cellphones
Some died young and some are still alive close to a century thanks to my Hippocratic Oath
A vow of the witch doctor, shaman awakened with salves and concoctions, pills after birth.

Compared to yesterday, tomorrow will be late as today is a bit too early, a First Cause move
For no good or evil reason, from a constant mass of Origin fusion comin’ in a smooth groove
As if we were never here at all, no feet on this ground of being, no hands in action, clear skin
Recorded historical language on sheepskin and tree paper pulp, gone in a forest fire’s burnin’.

Suddenly, before anyone is aware of what’s happening, the hot fire turns to frozen ice, again
It appears and disappears like prestidigitation of my forefathers, slight of hand keep it sane
You don’t know like I know what it’s like to be told one thing and it’s misunderstood as lies
So sad these old men and women who lived before us didn’t know the purpose of Life of Man.

Ignorance is propagated by the deceivers who rule the roosts of civilization, far inner Space
Idiots and intellectual genii have mutated the genome into an adaptable bag of a boned face
Perception, intellectual indoctrination and broken i-Rules of Engagement, fit survival’s sake
Cool as it is, your moment of being down with love on a blue marble’s all “News of the Fake.”

Sun burns the life, melts the rock, annihilates the moments of time and puts the zero in Void
Queens and singers record speculation on what it is, why we’re here and when to move next
All of it on the record to read in the babble of the towers that leaked the secrets of Pink Floyd
First or last, #BigBang #BigCrunch #Unknown’s solid chocolate creeps, Dreamweaver’s sex.

r j j stephan, i * {I ain’t} *
c. BLOVEMBER 18, 2018 A.D. @ 12:00 noon high PM
{ drafted in the rock and stone left by a #BigBang of a #BigBandInTheSky & listenin’ to the mighty Stephen Hawking’s 1991 #ABriefHistoryOfTime link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MtvcwvByR8 & jammin’ on Nickelback Brasil https://youtu.be/j4y-RzVGrHg }

#DoYouWannaGetDown? @ricoSacto #ricoSacto #InSlowMotion

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, November 18, 201
If only I could turn into stone and have someone chip my rock into sitting, thinking schtick
Call it nothing but sediment from the Big Bang or granite from the calcified gas magic trick
Making this humanity out of nothing is a miracle, you’ve got to conjecture, PS. divine unseen
Hee Haw accidental boiling of gas and a Supernova pinch of Space’s & Time’s country queen.

My feet won’t be up at the end, they’ll be toes up but I won’t be anything but skin and bone
It’s not my fault, don’t blame me for seeing the scat right in front of my eyes, my headstone
My name that my parents gave me is etched into the granite to let nobody know I was here
Just like old #Kilroy I am guilty of leavin’ my trace of breath-fogged window of hu-man fear.

Singular or plural entry into the pool of dreams, sins, schemes, double talkin’ mini-microbes
If you are not reincarnated by the invisible power of the sun’s hydrocarbon in godlike robes
Makin’ a man upstairs responsible for the tilt of the Earth, it’s wobble, rotation and orbitals
Like electrons spinnin’ around bubbles of nuclei full of protons and neutrons, charged balls.

Like a rack of billiard balls ‘bout three quarters off of the dot matrix, chaos is just like this
You don’t know and can’t even ask what’s goin’ on here, just you gotta believe in somethin’
Reminisce the cool summer nights, goin’ out to romance the young, tenderly motorboatin’
Findin’ fear in the father’s eyes that the daughter would get hurt in a world that wasn’t his.

Just like me, all the pretty maids I laid in a row from fifteen to fifty were unreasonably won
Just a smile and a word got the little pretties beside my in my father’s cars, at night, no sun
Periscopes were up, submarines were down under the dashboard lights, in love every time
I was but the poor scared lambs of their fathers could not taste my sweet amour on a dime.

On the last shelf at the bottom of the closet, your hillbilly grandfathers left you a secret key
To the vault where the Truth is kept safe from those who would doubt their own minds-eye
Seeing through proud window to another side, peering at the unbelievable, inexplicable Void
Inside and outside are identical, #HammerIsDown, you feel me, Pink is the New Black Floyd.
r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 18, 2018 A.D. @ 3:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to some Blake Shelton #TheMoreIDrinkTheMoreIDrink honky tonkin’ etc, etc on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/A3MGfJ3eMGA }
 W.W.A.R.D. ?