Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, November 24, 2018
You and I remain silent and listen to the crickets rubbin’ wings and legs, heads-up my bros
In a concert of imaginary divinity’s whims, above and below, of OMG sisters, and so it goes
Out of left field in Deep Spaces out of black gold, Dead & Company, Golden State Warriors
Forsaken by Divinity’s conscious skies, damned Eskimos smilin’ at a T-boned igloo affair.
Pickin’ the melody and succumbing to the rhythm of the beat is All of It, all the red meat
On the baronesses of the trebles and clefs, inside and outside of the steady, staccato beat
Makin’ the males and females trip with the music of the band playin’ ‘til we all up and die
If you think that this isn’t a dream then what is It then, It ain’t my fault, divine, Great Lie!
Alive in HOT HEAT, everything in ashes from a world afire, son of a holy man’s faux #SPARK
Everything alive flash-died in a New York, Neva-Cal minute and there’s no bones’ DNA mark
Imagine lying down grounded, damn World around you aflame, became a burnin’ Fire’s reign
Hiding deep in the unconscious mind, screaming until infinite trauma shuts down brain.
A month ago, many people were alive and now they’re all dead in Hell fire of the Sun’s mind
It is a tragedy and a message for the living who survive the pain and suffering of man’s kind
If you think that this isn’t a dream then get a GD handle on what it Is, ain’t #FakeNews opine
Feel me now? Closed, shut down, a step from bein’ stuck in a nugatory Void, eyes wide open.
It is as complicated as an equation can become when you begin at zero and move left or right
On a line from point to point, random-turn caused this angle, beginning another line’s point
At my mother and father under the velvet covers of warmth and conception, a joke in a yoke
Evolution of a group of microscopic yinyang-isms simulated, this imaginary piggy in a poke.
r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 24, 2018 A.D., Saturday @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to @JoeBonnamassa https://youtu.be/FDjVep9eNB8E }