
Saturday, July 21, 2018

"SCENES FROM AN EMPTY BOTTLE* #FoolDisclosure @FoolDisclosure

A tall and small punk all rolled into one little face from 1954 AD, just because you’re android
By a bad guy with a knife, in a dark room without a stitch of light, full power’s common sense
Comin’ inbound from the netherworld, outside somewhere in the essence between my Voids
I have no reason, no language, no thought to mend your ignorance, innocence and petulance.

To drink and eat the matter that is present, here and now, masticate the divine self, chew it
Teeth bite flesh and bone, suck blood out of hearts and sin out of souls while Earth’s in orbit
No idea why it’s goin’ around and around, history is hysteria and hysterical, yet all we got
Believe in the blind men and women who died and left dusty, old bones, God’s record spot.

Fear and loathing of who you are and what you’ve become after being cut loose from the sun
Light from the violet to the red, purple, royal blue, crimson and pink shades and hues of fun
Protecting your family and yourself from the predators left in the gangways and four corners
With the power within your hands and feet, you can mold the world around imagined fears.

Why the fire mixed with the water and entered my mainline, injected venom popped a cork
Let the genie out of the bottle with the smoke that disappears in the electromagnetic sky-park
In an empty vacuum, there you go again, nowhere to go once you’re out of here, go reverse
Back into the matter, over and over again, ad infinitum, highballs and 7-7’s, it gets worse.

When the buzz wears off of the reality and your hands and fingers protect your head’s face
Knowing that you must remain awake during battle to stay alive is the knowledge of a race
To be hit in the head by the hardest rock from the ground of this flotsam and jetsam of Sun
And then you die in pain or in your sleep before you get to be 100, in China, USA or One.

r j j stephan, i { *header’s cropped photo of my 4 year old #stare in 1955, #EyesWideOpen }
c. July 21, 2018 Saturday 12:22 PM PST

{ drafted while listenin’ to JEET KUNE DO Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts video of my sensai’s (RichardKrueger) sensai, Dan Inosanto online @ https://youtu.be/Dvd3G7tO8EA ALSO BIT THIS @ https://youtu.be/qZ_xs40Rv-k }

Friday, July 20, 2018


Friday, July 20, 2018
What eats Nothing at all, weakened the @Herd of @Many with the essence of sweet Never
Not that you care or want to be exactly what you are, what you’ve become, what you’ll be
System of the melted, frozen snow from mountaintops, riverlets of your Mother, my father
Dead as the things #DeeBears leave in the woods, on purpose, out of the Way of you & Me.

Checking to see if it’s the case or not, whether you love this planet or even in the #Darkroom
Inside your head’s mind calculates that you’re a mortal, an animated bonebag ‘s mortal skin
Not only the case that I want to be alive forever but also I am here and now in pending doom
Periodic termination of the DNA reproduction in cycle of being and nothingness #Collusion.

Where did your Ego and personality, your being’s mind go at that #NextToTheLast breath?
Read the #Word, nobody knows, they leap to an unconditional assumption that All is well
When it is anything but well, ship of the fools we’re related to on the sea of fictional #Hehl
Space where conscious’ divinity is assumed to be Cause of Good, Evil, Birth, Life and Death.

You are and I am part of the people, places and things we call ‘Them” but the #Floyd is “Us”
Way back when Ignorance was bliss and wisdom, knowledge’s plethora of info-data omnibus
Sacred wisdom your #Mama warned you about, staying away from the rational thought dust
A birth of a #Devadip and dozens of vinyl and compac discs later, still the #Man, hum buzz.

Sweet sweep of a prime broom in Space-Time, mine moves away, I’m guiltless, I am faultless
For no reason, y’all go ahead and pick a number from One to ten and then I’ll terminate clues
Why? Just because I can, like the creator of heaven and earth can do, I will do that, guiltless
Deep, holy holes, asleep at night at an edge of darkness, Carlos Santana ‘s freeway of #Blues.

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, July 20, 2018 @ 7:11 AM PST
{ written while listenin’ to Carlos Santana on his #Birthday #7-21-1947 & I personally salute the #Devadip for the many hours of Time spent listening to LIVE & RECORDED versions of #PureLove! Thank you my brother from another mother! #OyeComoVa link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/VYEgCukYZbA

@CarlosSantana #Devadip


#GoodOldFeeling - @ThreeDogNight GREAT CONCERT LAST NIGHT BOYS!
