
Monday, May 06, 2024

#SkipItSkippy #PeanutButterFromHeaven #MickeyMouseClub #SpeedballSpringsteenConcerto2024 #WhereTheCountryGirlsAt?


Of course, danger is the day you die, stay away from the unknown, because it is what it is
Regardless of your wants and needs as a human being, an evolutionary shake of two dice
Spirit moves the unmoved mover from being at rest without duality, sparking fire & ice
Motion puts the wheels in gear for the momentum initiated onto infinity’s faint, fade fizz

Rolled the rocks away from the cave’s hole, the holy place where God died & came alive
From the dead place where nothing alive that dies EVER comes back from, heaven or hell
Pills swallowed without the liquid chaser, they get devoured by the viral bacteria hand jive
Washing them in warm water and lava soap works for a minute until the germs ring a bell.

Then it’s every atom for itself, electron-ics tuning up the nucleus’ proton & neutron dance
Bringing your wine to the place we’re tweeting the whines of the proletariat with no stance
Other than to break down the status quo for replacement with random chaos of orphan scat
Children groomed without the Men of Mankind turn into the followers of the stupid, Fat Cat.

Leader of men & women with scarves’ checkered tiny heads, hidden identical dykes as crass
As 4P + 5O2 which always without fail yields 4P2O5, like it or not, recall the Chemistry class
In no garden of Eden that’s any free for all or for any at all, a planet of broke atoms of a star
A-bomb-burnt-out gas through a vacuum to reach the ignorant’s food of ignition, Earth Fire.

Why you want to kill your brother and sister before you meet your maker, creator of apes
Great or lesser than the least, naked or hair of hippy freaks’ ponytails of dead follicle vape
Monsters born to mothers without animal husbandry #101, shooting for dark starlit fears
It’s nowhere in sight yet everywhere you can’t see with your eyes or hear with your ears.

Bums and junk-filled veins of their mothers and fathers who excommunicated their party
From the basements, cellars & attics above and below the main floor of trolling sorte faire
Dominated by the subordinates you wouldn’t pick for your team of elite family of nonsense
Best friends & mortal enemies in your & my dreams and daymares with no spirit reference.

In the jams of the intersections of speedballs and slowpokes all sharing the same deadline
Getting to the ready line is half the battle, the rest is a cake-walk through infinity’s uppercut
Lookin’ up from lying down on the coffee grains and scum at the bottom of the cedar barrel
From no master whoever was & won’t ever be ‘til a Black Hole appears, ‘til then, it’s my call.

Cocaine in a gun, shooting straight from your holy soul’s tender ectoplasm onto your brain
Leaving your mind without the safe and sound witness to survival, approach death insane
Out of your mind, beside your true Self, a moron in an idiot’s closet full of burnt seashells
Words just sounds comin’ out of a windbag full of constant variables, x & y inequality hell.

God has stopped up the river flows down from the mountains, evaporation of the ocean sea
Earth without the H2O imagined to be the 3 or 4 fifths of #WhatItIs, imagine a holy potato
Dry as the day it was dug out the mud, blood & beer dropped on a bar room’s wooden floor
Mopped up daily to repeat the whole 24/7 ad infinitum, I’m Singularity & I’m at your door.

Peasants and the elite royals of the herd, rushed out of the womb of annihilation, a big bang
Senses of the five or six ways to forget about it all, the fact that you’re here & now, all hung
Without a clue to why you came, forget about it isn’t an option when you’ve never been free
Wise old owl smarter than any man born to woman, oldest in human recorded history, 143.

Abusing no privilege allowed by the powers that be, neither you nor me, that’s who it is, “X”
No conditional propositions lead to uncompromised deductions, all-star invalid conclusions
Promised rewards immersed in a blind faith inherited from the uneducated, unenculturated
Without blame for the inheritance of the ignorant bliss, it will run out of steam unsatiated.

One’s total sum, a product of all quotients, whether plus, minus, multiplied or divided Skin
The vote is tied, 50 to 50, a sudden death overtime will proceed on the photo-finish photo
Popeye is, was & always will be, boyfriend of Olive Oyl, pal of burger Whimpey & a big Bluto
Sweet pea lookin’ like half of one & two quarters of another possibility Olive Oyl is a virgin.

Protest your shotgun marriage to your wife and mother of your twelve children, no survivor
All fourteen, whole family, wife, progeny all down in flames, old infant & 11, all buried at sea
I survived the tragedy obviously because here I am right now, at least I think I must be 1, me
If & only if I’m wrong & it turns out in the end that I’m not me then I’ll kneel, fall on a sword.

Garbage I’ve made, trash of everyone else who eats & defecates good & evil energy & matter
Flying from one rock to another ‘tween floods of H2O without which we’re all divine scatter
In pieces we’ve all been blown on a side job, extra cash under the table that only Gods know
Taxwoman ain’t like the old Taxman, relentless & able to put you in chains, steady low blow.

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi May VIth, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1212 PMPST
{ Urgent hysteria providing #HostageHushMoney for blown hand-jobs from the Storm, the Gale & Typhoon of trumped-up inter-galactic alpha beta soup while jammin’ to @Ana_Popovic link @ https://youtu.be/UN0SJcA2hTM?si=Jx84Vyp9tMrMKJB1 }


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