We had a tiny scuffle between the good & evil winged ones, we dive deep downIn your mind and body, in your soul there’s a hole twixt two doves who’ve flown
From nowhere to right here and now, this is somewhere in the middle, you’re fly
So wake up before the end of the dream, you’ve been asleep in a slick, divine lie.
Truth you’ve found before me is One I’ve rejected after your death, wisdom’s cry
Owls blink one eye at a time to focus upon subjects & predicates with black light
Fear in the darkness’ dome, bumping objects into nouns & verbal knives to fight
If and when you see your ghost inside of your bones, that’ll be the day y’all die.
Describe God’s altitude from the plane of Earth, drop angel hair pies over there
Higher than low balls droppin’ from all too human species’ idiots who fly higher
Sewers full of disgusting, refused matter that passed through the Father’s son
What’s the score? Nothing to nothing, a reflection in the mirror shows no one.
Skin walks off the 208 bones immediately upon rigor mortis, dream’s The End
Of the story that means something to everyone, it’s untold, theoretical fraud
Mothers & fathers of this genome’s generation left a mean backstreet retweet
Figures of eighty-eights & donuts formed into The Dozens, a failure of two feet.
Brief screams before turning into the food for the pretty faces, animals & crows
All died for the good of mankind, on a BBQ spit or a fired up, wood or gas’ love
Breakfast, lunch & supper snacks between all known UFO stars are saucer blows
Disease eating health & vivacious love of life, extinction ground below, so above.
Woke up the Woke ones, showed ‘em all a final moment on Earth, woke hiccup
There & then, here & now, back over there, UFO identified as the gods set us up
Idiots and morons in charge of the important things within Nothing, rollin’ 1991
Time has begun to tick, split atoms, extinction of species, God, stoppin’ the fun!
This is a put-on, an interstellar vehicle flambee without a flame or ultraviolet fire
Nimble on an orbit that gravitationally collapses eventually, history cries, “Liar!”
Creating a narrative without knowing Truth, subatomic evolution, it’s impossible
Yet, here we are, here we go again, reincarnated stardust, Unmoved Mover Hell.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, May 7th MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 333 AMPST
{ Contents Unknown, gleaned from the Void while on the dark side of Earth listenin’ to #BeyondUFOSightings on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/s5OMu1bkems }
F I N I SW.W.A.R.D.?
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