
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

#BlackOnBlue #BlueAndBlack #SoSorry #LiedToMe #MONEY


Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Could be beautiful and invisible at the same time, in stealth like a bomber ready to annihilate
From the pity of the rat-infested cities to the sorrow of the back-wood, dirty-road caliphate
Pills and salves on within and without the 208 bones of Adam’s Eve and the DNA star-trust
All Time in every Space is One and the same, nowhere and everywhere makin’ out holocaust.

Creation of two F-22’s, a raptor 412 million bucks each makes a 1/2 a billion buck shadow tax
Go to work and pay the piper, take it from your sweat and blood, to hell with your baby tears
Bombers and flying wings of flashing lights, back-engineered mothers not of this Earth’s men
What is it? What are they? X-15 shoes on my feet at 13, never wore out, taken, God’s whores.

Escort performing, #Underground nature of a Being, Earth’s your mother, it’s not your pop’s
F-18 #Skunks have an odor of bloody punks pretending to be tuned to invisible, cosmic gods
Numbskulls and intelligence merge into the bleeding river of nightmares and daydream stops
Wore a top hat and white gloves on the stage but naked as a j-bird in a rumble seat’s hotrod.

Greasing the gears to hide the naive, all too human fears, nobody knows everything ‘bout Life
In the river’s stream, playin’ the games in the right place at the wrong time, got to beat a wife
Not mine or yours but the wife of the guy in charge of the whole shebang, all-Broadway funky
Slippin’ in/out of dreams, creepin’ in the AM darkness, to find a dead-end ghetto OG junkie.

I shall survive alone and at one with the universe but I won’t have time to trump Hearts’ aces
Cards are dealt and I didn’t shuffle the deck, I didn’t cut the deck, I never knew divine faces
Could be beautiful and invisible at the same time, in stealth like a bomber ready to annhilate
My darkness without light consumed the moments I had laughing at the moon’s death fate.

It’s a burned out star, don’t shine or heat the bones and blood 186,000 miles away from here
A satellite of Earth’s status as Home of Android and Cellphones to communicate with Spock
Wandering and wondering with an evolved chain of lightnings central nerves, full faux-fear
From the get-go it’s Truth or fake Pride, be mellow, Hollywood be rollin’ bones off the dock.

r j j stephan, i { *header is a DNA mix of The Jezabels, here, now! Blind between the eyes! }
c. BLOVEMBER 13, 2018 @ 5:05:05 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Kool & the Gang #HollywoodSwingin & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/YK-cvcw3ngM?list=RDd-z2Kyiu0Nk }
<3 br="">


Monday, November 12, 2018

#CloseToMySpine #HollowAndNaked #SoulStrippers

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, November 12, 2018
Forgot my top hat and white gloves, I’ve become nothing perfunctory, infallible or certain
My mind dreams outside and inside of things themselves and there’s electronic confusion
A prison with bars and solid steel doors cannot hold the spirit inside the bones of the Pope
Punks and derelicts all over my dream within a dream, doin’ dirty deeds with AC/DC dope.

Compared to yesterday tomorrow is an unknown, right here and now is past in a flinch
Why your mother and father conceived this life you’ve got, there’s no way to tell for sure
Probably an accidental crash of two heavenly bodies and disqualifying me, a tiny pinch
Putting Smash back in graveyard’s dirt, front of the fence or outback, deity kills the pure.

Beyond the burning fire of atoms in each star in the cosmos, there’s Nothing but fool’s gold
I don’t have any proof any more than anyone has any proof that there’s Life out there, oh Ga
Sisters and brothers mating, fighting, dying for no good reason at all, for the Karma on hold
Wings on my back are in use and I am not coming back to the nest to rest, swamp of the FLA.

Begin the life in innocent ignorance and end the same life with identical wisdom of a saint
Nothing to begin with and nothing to end with, not even a slight reward or rebuke for Evil
Alive is just a girl named Evil A. and that is all there is for real, who is that lady? She ain’t
Peach, apple, bean and animal fat goin’ in and out of the machine, your mama’s on the pill.

Extinction of the species is an act of contrition for being so mean in a garden called Eden
Where the First Lady named Eve, came before Christ’s mass, an anointed elf, Xmas twerp
Presents of unknown intent, to dupe receivers into longing for words up in a fountain pen
Pointed to the quadratic equation and the categorical imperative and I hear crickets’ chirp.

Smell and breathe the burned grass and wood, the pungent odor of dead dirt, a tornado spout
Alive in the fear and loathing inherited from the teachers, professors of faith in an Unknown
Without seeing or hearing the miracle presented, a blind faith is reduced to the only way out
Utter hopelessness, midgets smiling, universal faith in nothing at all, I think I’m overblown.

r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER 12, 2018 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST
{ written while in inbred-audio-mating with the #Marconi on Talk 650 KSTE-AM & the mighty Armstrong & Getty givin’ opine re: gangland killing.....maybe they can learn from the draft of the WW I thugs from the #BigApple back in 1917? link iHeartRadio @ https://www.iheart.com/live/talk-650-229/ }

 #PulpFiction SOUNDTRACK


Sunday, November 11, 2018

#NothingMatters & #WhatIfItDid #HeardItOnMyRadio #Queen #SteveieRayVaughan #FreddieMercury


Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, November 11, 2018
In the middle of dead night up on the north pole’s moguls and snow-blind slopes, I fly above
Everywhere gets no higher than I do, call me bald but I’ve got feathers you can see all my love
A deep blue sea or under fire, smoke, dirt and rock you get buried within a pretender’s spirit
Where the matter of elder dust, asexual copied genes of RNA in the DNA nucleii, you got it?

Now and then the family’s needing some food and comfort in the dark nights, therefore I am
Nothing else to do here and now in the presented past and denied future dirty water scams
Games on the boards and the grounds of being, with the players, the rules and happy ending
Where the beans are counted and the gold is saved in the lead vaults of the planet’s lining.

Outside of this Earth, there is nothing for thousands of miles and then there is rolling rock
Between the emptiness of the Void and the Vacuum, Nothing is left to appear on the block
Staying out of tune for extended periods of time causes malfunctions in the junction, doubt
Only one of them and there are many more behind and ahead of where I stand in and out.

Dizzy up there in the heights of the abscence of everything, you know exactly what I mean
Even if you’ve forgotten your trip from the netherworld into the conceived DNA of a teen
Sudden birth, sudden death in the stars because you cannot blame it on the One sun, ours
That would be a destructive and burning hot First Cause, it would ruin Hollywood stars.

Walks and runs of fame’s fortune and neverending acts of naitivity, ignorance and fake news
From All Fathers without children and Mothers without husbands, you got it, TV-Radio ruses
Bitter people young and old, feeding off of young, helpless and hopeless, down-luck’s dumps
For a jinxed, stoned rock-play, happiness springs and falls, it’s the #TheDonald who trumps.

An appearance on the side of the road with the full metal jackets of your grandmother’s sons
Trucking from sea to sea, from Gulfs to borders of North and South poles of neutrons’ mix
All of our children want freedom and the ability to be civilized in their neighborhood matrix
Here’s the serving of man you waited for, the #Manburger, eagles just runnin’ the #Dozens.

r j j stephan, i { "blazing", "hiking", "roasting", "capping", "clowning", "ranking", "ragging", "rekking", "crumming", "sounding", "checkin", "joning", "woofing", "wolfing", "sigging", or "signifying" }
c. BLOVEMBER 11, 2018 AD @ 11:11 AM PST
{ DRAFTED b4 the #Daylight was blocked by the For those in the path of the CaliforniaFires Malibu WoolseyFire, #GodBlessYall, & may comfort be in your near future & listenin’ to Stevie Ray Vaughan ‘LIVE’ Montreaux link @ https://youtu.be/S2uMYyAKFvU }