
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

#DoNotDoubtMe #ResistanceIsFutile #ItIsDoneYall

---#TemptedOnce- shame on you, #TemptedTwice, shame on me!---
Inside of the closet of space between burning balls of gas, it is where you begin, to set, to go
Then you blow your last dump and breath for loved ones or strangers to burn or toll the bell
Bones gave up the ghost one way or another, at some time in space, regardless of the impact
On being a civilized human on a dirt ball just because I want to do unto others and do it well.

Whiskey and rum to fill the spirit with the bottom feeders’ fuel to run their mouth’s lips blue
Punks of the tribes, the herds are the heroes of lore, stories which never happened, all untrue
No story of anything in our own story or history can get over you or I, OMG divine #fakehoax
Whiffs of the sweet leaves burned waffs through the bodiless crowd, to a series of high heads.

You don’t know more than I do if you know nothing at all, except on Tuesdays when I pretend
I know the trash needs to be out at the curb for pickup, that I’ve got to go spend one farthing
I can bring a mojo to the final end but it has no power, it’s just a lump of flim flam, I offend?
Special creation of the God’s children who are punished for their ancestral, mortalic darlings.

Truth is funny when you come to your ending right there in front and center of My black hole
Whatever is left has no nerves and no mind to feel or sense, interpret the end of the big boss
Without you, without me, without sensation under a #BlackHoleSun because it is the Cause
First Cause and last place in Space and Time left over by the somnambulistic boss of me, yo!

Pleasure and pain moving from the alpha to the omega, angels never existed, oh so appropo
From the bowels of the center of the hottest joints in the universe, here we are, away we go
Discussion using the logic and reason evolved from the cavemen’s grunts and naked apeskin
Will to Power ‘s supreme, without It,, there’ll be only extinction, I am The Power I’m eatin’.

r j j stephan, i
c. July 23rd, 2019 A.D. @ 8:30
{ DRAFTED while listenin’ AprilWine on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/AKORP6ENyFw & not to mention to Friends Who Like #ArmstrongandGetty @ArmstrongandGetty Armstrong & Getty on Talk 650 KSTE 0600-1000 AM PST }

Monday, July 22, 2019

#GoldenFleeced #NoTasteOfYourSoul #KickYourOwnArseIn #OhMama #OhDaddy #FromYourLipsToAlaEars

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, July 22, 2019
Last image you ever want to see is the animal, the thing itself that wants to kill your moans
Actually they really don’t want You, they want your meat and marrow in your skin’s bones
Regardless of your alert process from the orphanage or parentage you’re groomed to sting
One thing is for certain, defend yourself or die before your Time of natural heart attacking.

If it’s alright or not, there’s a thing or two to know before your journey into this #Crisis of Id
Split your mind in two, right down the middle of your #CorpusCallesum and set It loose, free
To be or not to be isn’t only Not the question but it is also irrelevant, incredibly false but true
In hindsight and foresight, the vision is identical, blackness of the empty Void outside Earth!

Continue with your eyesight directed toward the dirty ground of a burned out ball of bums
Shooting from the hip when you’ve got no sidearm is absurd yet it is what the sheeple allow
To animate the political control of the herds and mobs, brothers and sisters beat their own
Drumsticks to beat the stretched animal skin and wood and metal, follow the jobs all blown.

Suffering of your mother’s labor ignored by the ungrateful Luddites who populate the coasts
Waiting for mama and daddy to give you everything on a silver platter won’t work, you’ll see
It’s all a matter of Time and Space and your consciousness training by multi-cultural carwash
Minds in brains may be terrible things to waste but they’re required for survival’s extinction.

Enjoy the ride, god-games until it’s all over, at the precipice of a stoned junky #EventHorizon
Ready or not, here we go trippin’ in brown shark paradise to God knows where? To be One?
Not for the atheists to know but for them to find out at the moment their eyes enclose forever
Mouth agape, tongue stuck out as if a child shows their disagreement ad infinitum, oh mama!

r j j stephan, i
c. Monday July 22, 2019 A.D @ 9:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to Armstrong & Getty talk radio show on Talk 650 KSTE & during commercials I’ve heard 2 hundred times already, listenin’ to Brooks & Dunn #HillbillyDelux on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/LXhZo682W_c }

Sunday, July 21, 2019

#MoonPigeons #VikingOne #UnidentifiedWalkingSubject #UWS

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, July 21, 2019
------------- #MUFON ----------------------
Hurl rocks at the offender in a circle jerk, stoned junkies and hookers, bums and insane kids
Walkin’ around the sidewalks and streets. you gotta keep movin’ place in space, time to time
Stiff skeletons grown in this petri dish of fecal matter, the dregs of the dirty planet’s orchids
Nothing in the matrix gets away with the murder of the killers, white blood cells thin dime.

I have no news for your recollection, everything is ancient beyond my wild imagination, One
There is nothing to harness the illness of separation from the original source of my magic fun
Roaming from city to city, country to country, lookin’ for the same things I’ve seen, sun beach
Center of every black hole in the universe exists a disturbing monster, Nothing et al, a glitch.

Aware that day and night are the designation of spinning dirt in a shadow of doctors’ nurses
Lying face down or face up, ready for a toe tag and a deletion of you from memory starbursts
Mind is a radiation of charged particles coalescing into the thing itself, conceived cosmic egg
AURORA in the BOREALIS, spirit in your bones is just a convention to slow your dice roll.

What is it? Why do you ask? Are you writing a book beyond humanity’s comprehension
L I F E... reproduce, reproduce, reproduce, lift-off and a mystery begins, what’s goin’ on?
I am in tune with Nothing but I try to undress the naked lady anyway, space’s #MoonPigeons
Coming for you and I if we allow entry, to be or not to be is the only question, #FilmAtEleven.

Before the case is closed, find out what is inside the holy grail of Life in a rock, on a dirt ball
Mars life and Earth life means that the occult knowledge of humanity is faulty or at least false
Organic organs played in the scale notes from Do to So, Re to Mi and Fa and so La Dee Dah!
Built it, they came and now they’ve gone without a clue, no feet or fingerprints, I AM into It!

r j j stephan, i
c. July 21st, 2019 A.D. @ 3:33 AM PST
{ Scratched these words out of my bones EARLY, punched out while listenin’ to UFO Hunters exploring Stephensville Texas Rangers link @ https://youtu.be/bLDw5B63b4g }