
Monday, December 16, 2019

#PunkedInTheFunk #Wanderers

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, December 16, 2019
-------------- #GravitationalCollapseField --------------
Meaning of the predication used in the exposition of the crushing, infrared Osiris ultraviolet
Unique and common at one and the same time, a star is born before the same dark starburst
Nothing anyone can say or do to cause Origin to change its nature, stillborn, cosmic Signus
HD209458B, Osiris, God of the Dead, stellar drama of asteroids’ gravity collapsed Pegasus.

It’s hot at one time and simultaneously cold every time, the fullness and absence of gas burns
Be alive and breathe in and out, it’s expansion and contraction of matter, takin’ it, dirty turns
Fall hurtles into winter, then spring. summer, ad infinitum, cosmos spins its wobbling bytes
Orphan worlds, neglected children #Planimo, the ejection out of a Pulsar’s Milky Way fights.

I am skeptical and you are stuck in the muck and mire of the cosmic funk inherited by Adams
Crushed by the weight of Eve and her children’s souls, chaos’ baby, microbial zombie remains
Merry gods orbit the hot fun in the summertime and frigid void of the voided vogue, my Void
Moon rivers of galactic rock collisions create the rollin’ rocks we all know today, AC/DC hoy!

Water on Earth is nearly everywhere except the uncovered mountains look like dry, old #ice7
High pressure make the H2O alive and form a moving crystal, rock salt of my mother’s moon
If there’s a son of atom, It exists there, in Adam of the Sun, superstar, cosmos’ dusted heaven
City of angels and another of bad smells, diamonds and silk rise to the top, await the swoon!

Ports to park your ride for maintenance and get ready for the super nova, you cannot escape
Nobody gets out alive, God and the angels all descend to the center of the Singularity’s drape
Minds over matter find Nothing left to perceive, zero left to think about, everything is broken
From the core of ignorant, Milky Ways into bellies of beasts, we plummet to be or not, ZaZen.

r j j stephan, i
c. LUNDI, FREEZEMBER 16TH, 2019 A.D. @ 1:11 AM PST
{ Standing at a black hole’s holy singularity, a swallow of a bird in grave danger of extinction, listenin’ to the #SoundsOfSilence on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/LjIu-o3wDXA }

Sunday, December 15, 2019

#PutItOffUntilItsRightOnTime #WillToPower @RareEarth @BrooksAndDunne @FrankSinatra #PhoenixRising

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, December 15, 2019
------------------ #EveryMoveYouMake #WatchingYou ------------------
A silent coup d’etat and feeling of malaise taint the Christmas carols ala #olBlueEyes Sinatra
In this real world of mortal sins, humans rule the roosts of civics, survive gods, Ala & Buddha
Santa Claus rules cultures that believe once upon a Time, an unmoved One moved & fell too
Like magic, a human union enfolded a magic angel, two front teeth lost and then found anew.

Above and below are both Hades and Utopia for the good, the bad and the ugly lonely ones
Conspiring to bite off more than anyone can chew and/or swallow, time to time in a space
A movement is made from being at total rest, asleep as we do from time to time, we got guns
Ray guns and caulking guns to seal the cracks and nail holes in walls made of paper & mace.

Just leave me a little bit of cocoa and some cookies next to the stereo console that prays to die
Yet, it persists for centuries ready to connect audio to the matrix’s hopeless fears of my Nigh
Land of snowing particles of H2O, frozen and landing in piles of whiteness and wet snowballs
Conspiring to feel pleasure and avoid pain from dusk until dawn and dreamin’ of siren calls!

Back down to the ground of here and now, apparently stardust we’re on here and now, Earth
Bound by gravity of the ground and being buried six feet down under or a flipback to rebirth
In every case, no exceptions to the rule, if you’re alive, right here and now, you are gonna die
Nothing can change the fact of life, nobody and nothing can avoid the Truth, Jingle Bells fly!

Sugar, salt, flesh and bone combined the DNA to be here and now for no reason we assume
A reason for Being Good, Never Evil, so cool that a law broke, we #fake eschatological doom
Created from Nothing, the Void of playdough infused with perfect recipes of gas and mineral
Ape’s an #ap clap-trap that loads a datastream of dot-stars, singularity-gravity collapse call.

There is a very good reason why thinkers of rational thoughts need to stop and shoot shots
Strong drinks will make you forget what you can’t remember, the Truth about reality robots
All alive and moving, growing from invisible cells to the death of DNA’s verve, nuclear death
Wizards’ and drunkards tease us all about a Will to Power, #FireWater goddess’ holy breath.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, FREEZEMBER 15TH, 2019 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Driven over the edge of the uttermost echelon of the core, the pit full of empty souls of bone marrow and listenin’ to Brooks & Dunn #NASCARwinner Sharon's Tastee Freeze https://youtu.be/H3QEKT2mk_Q }

#PassThatFifthOfCampThisWay #UpDown #DancinInSlowMotion #NotGoodAtNotKissinAgain

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, December 15, 2019
------------- #CollarIsBlue #StraightUpCountry #TeaIsSweet -------------
Waiting tables for waiters and waitresses is an occupation which exposes all too human blues
From the small children toddlers through the adolescents, creation of anti-social, #fakeNews
It’s main ingredient, love-excited germs undercover, electrolyte-protonic, or an invisible neutron
Anti-matter doesn’t really matter at all except that it’s the matrix of God, Void Mind, oh, fun!

On every other hand, to think about it more than zero Time, fakes a move from check to mate
Game ends as it began, in a neutral-off position, spaced-out while downloading a dream date
From breathing the air, the gas provided by the H2O and Void plethora of leftover #Stardust
To seek and destroy all problems which cause fear leave the path of dire straits, it’s a big bust.

It may be a predication of subjects or objects at hand, ideas and thoughts, above, so blow me
Naked cities full of hairless apes, skintight, out of divine insight, nobody’s God died so slowly
Hung to rise from the corpsed 208 bones of rocked, liquid calcium, narrow form’s shape-size
Material girls, fathered by stupid boys are the electrocute-proto neutrons of excited, blinded eyes.

Around the algebra and calculus and trigonometry, invisible points and infinite lines of wrath
Consciousness returns to the being who has fortune in a rear view mirror, trouble will ensue
Causes of the effects beyond the control of the One who seeks the Way down the middle path
Nuts and seeds in grounded solar dust, blown in winds of change back to my Void, #TheBlue.

X marked the G-spot but everyone knew it was a sham of womb, man makin’ more love bone
Creative and destructive at one and the same time, Supernova and Black Hole are hell & gone
You don’t know like I know, what that father and mother have done to me, trained to be free
Liberty and Justice for all even if you cannot handle the Truth, it seeks a dark mind, you see?

It may be a shot in the darkness on the edge of your municipality where you can drop a dime
My place in Space where I can see It all but nothing shines on the vacuum, in and out of Time
Two eyes blind without insight or hindsight, useless tools for survival of the most fit of our ilk
You want it, I want it, they want it, we all want it, health, wealth, eternal love, you #GotMilk?

r j j stephan, i *Header is the Greek, #Sisyphus the poor #RockPusherman, #UpDown!
c. Dimanche, Freezember 15th, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST
{ Drafted as the #e Coli jumped around as if they owned my sacred two hundred & eight! While listenin’ to the ELVIS PRESLEY EPN: Elvis Presley News #ChristmasPlaylist on youTube cd link @ https://youtu.be/m8IgLJx5U3Y }