
Thursday, February 20, 2020

#DoTheJerk #ThisMeansWar #MontyPythonFlyingCircus

DAY, 2-20-2020 A.D. GENI FLIPPER *
Richard Joseph Stephan · Thursday, February 20, 2020
- - - - - - - #NothinSpecialButYouYouYou - - - - - - -
It’s been a while, eh, since day 1-1-1 A.D. there’s been a discrepancy in utero, fake music light
Multiplied subtraction damage from extracted recombined codex of DNA’s holy infinite fight
Gave it to you and me right there down the middle of the pipe, in the pocket’s sweet spot core
Dying a moment after I’ve come to Jesus or high heaven just because I can, a cracker at four.

I got some music left inside of the deep, dark space place between the star dust, blown suns
Father of the suns just a byte of unknown “x” of the thing itself, what it is to be a man’s guns
Arms of biceps and triceps to be stroked as if it means anything more than a form of apemen
From swingin’ through trees on vines to running, walking, hiding, trapping & eating spawn.

On a joy ride in style of the kings and queens who never had a want or need unfulfilled, alive
In a mortal bag of skin full of 208 bones, hooked up with sinews moved by thinkin’ it’s Live
Transformed in the process of transubstantiation’s miracle of a pretend happening, I forget
The rest is history you can find written down on paper in twenty some dialects of lingo debt.

You got what you gave the entire time you’ve been seven, an age of reason, logic’s rational fun
Invasive from the core of being to the current affair of being in harm’s way or an easy Big One
Like Big Sur or a Big Dipper, nearly unimaginable good graciousness, musty King Kong balls
Serious waves movin’ with the rhythm of the moon perturbation and Earth’s wobbling walls.

Crying because I can’t laugh anymore in this darkness left over from the grateful soul train
First Cause keeps it moving and pulling the entire universe back into the implosion fashion
Temperate, cool heat of Gold states; dreamers with a demon immersed, bent H1N1 v-disease
On a knee bent for honor at nightfall, fell apart & gave nothing but a common flip, free fees.

Everything is everything and everybody knows that is the Truth, it cannot be denied, a priori
Judgement call as presented by a mind trained seals and showdogs eaten treats, a posteriori
Now and then there’s a this or a that which comes out of nowhere seen, Void’s full empty set
Some might find it well before the last gasp of wicked, putrid gas and funky punk blood’s let.

Right before the end of the third act, I left the play without adieu, nobody ever knew my bytes
Disappearance like magic makes the reasons for things themselves, random flyin’ xBox kites
In the explanation of the Essence and Form or shape of Matter, a supernovae singularity hole
Pronouns will have predicated the appearance of an astral vacuum, no justice, I’m in control!

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, 2-20-2020 @ 2:22 PM PST
{ Drafted in the swamp while listenin’ to @MontyPythonCommunistQuizSketch @ https://youtu.be/vZ9myHhpS9s }
* Header’s moi, when I was ‘bout 4 years old, circa 1955 A.D. I was NOT a paid actor! }

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

#WatchHimPayForHisEverySin #KissThis #ZORROSignal #Z

She knows everything I know and it’s not a top secret you need to keep, broadcasted LIVE
From mountaintops and ocean buoys, satellites and cosmic rays out of the Void’s ether pit
Amazing feat, this fait accompli and the happiness of philosophical pi in the blue sky above
As below, in any case the sky is grey or blue, reflected obstruction of the Singularity of Love.

Persecution for the running of bulls near the red barn and the fenced in cowboys’ cowgirls
Can’t move without the preying lips of the wanted and unwanted, dreamers all just spit curls
Punched in the mouth or the solar plexus bread basket, knocked teeth out, took breath away
To the jerk of the grabbed collar at the back of your neck, gave you the nature of priestly gays.

These guys who are all dead by now, used to be the teachers I was exposed to from ‘65 to ‘69
Priests of the cloth, a collar of pretendin’ to be Christlike yet just a masquerade for Evil Lives
I feel sorry for all of the dead old men and the ones who still survive this Glass Bead endgame
Sitting on the face of Fear and Grace is all a part of the cub and boy scout, altar boy’s blame.

Taught by the best to be the quickest draw undercover, a stealth tool for the defense of gods
What is or is not running the game you and I find ourselves in the middle of, with or without
Souls and spirits move it until it either freezes, melts or becomes the food of gods’ original sin
Hunks of burning matter, atomic quarks and the essence of minion forms, eat Out, suck It in.

Harder on you than it is on me & that’s not the deal I made, mighty powers of a wild #Wife
You were supposed to be facilitated by my presence to avoid the impediments of nasty life
A moving target, animated by eating what was alive and burning the fuel, to be or not, OM
In grooves of Space & Time, particular and in general, stabs at the Truth are all of this, Ma!

It’s a matter of cuttin’ and runnin’ when the Time rolls over your attention to the matter’s sin
That you paid no attention to the caring for the love and nurturing the place where it is In
Your heart, your soul, a goodbye kiss or a hello goodbye hug like a step brother’s real mother
I can take it or leave it, a goodbye kiss is fine on my cheek and I don’t mean One with red lips.

r j j stephan, i
c. February 19th, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while listenin’ to some #AaronTippin #KissThisGoodbye on youTube #CeeYa link @ https://youtu.be/gaVnU6yHwSI }