
Saturday, March 14, 2020

On 110th Street it's DICEY AND SPICEY, PENS, NAPKINS & THIS SHEETS GOIN' DOWN! #HappyRightNow #ItAintGonnaLastTooLong #ThatIsTheTruth #ItFadesAway #ReasonToLive

------------------  #FadesAwayFromYou ------------------
Do it right or don’t do it at all, the matter at hand is not afoot any longer, it’s what it always is
Spelling words right or wrong has everything to do with the meaning, the essence of funk fizz
When the entire genome dissolves into a jello muck and mire, a quicker sand than the beach
Now and then the red and white turns blue like the night sky on the other side, out of reach.

Utter nonsense coming out of your head and mouth, terminating in your mother’s vacant dot
Holy end to the middle of the beginning and the finale of the alpha headed to the end, Omega
For the dream to come true it must be manufactured out of A Void you know, recollect a shot
Come and go as the wind and rain do, whirling and swirling around viral bacteria and She, la.

Person to person whatever that is, caused by the original alpha idiot, the moron who is Alpha
Get this down to the lowest common denominator, school is closed, classes are cancelled God
Nothing to learn any more once the virus has inserted it’s ugly DNA head into the microcosm
Punks generated by their mothers and fathers of their sisters and brothers, it’s only a system.

Nothing to see here in the middle of nowhere you called paradise, away from it all, in the hole
Black or white matters little once the sucking begins and gravitational collapse crushes it All
It cannot be stopped by your ma or your pa and their viral infections, consummation of souls
Edit the Word, tell the Truth about the recollection of historical fact and hysterical doubt call.

Dead and gone with a fading tide that moves from anomalies and subsequent quarantine ilk
Out mothers who art in heaven, hallowed be thy wombs, our origin host of the humane milk
Clearly the sentimental journey it’s always been, when the One turns to Many and back again
Why is just because there’s nothing else to do, hustle the humans, control the mortals sinnin’.

Rainbow darkness filling in the blanks of the white-outed, black-balls, analyzing Corona RNA
Jokes aren’t all funny as peculiar as can be, open water birth canal, Last Word to bleed today
Came into blacklist with a free choice, selfless even, nothing to do with it, a God’s goddess’ lie
Actually impossible to tell the Truth, gunshot of Alpha’s spontaneous combustion, hung high.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, March 14th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 2:22 AM PST
{ Drafted while living here and now, being alive on Earth, whatever that turns out to be & listenin’ to @RareEarthBand #ItMakesYouHappy link @ https://youtu.be/mb1otXnd6Ic }

Friday, March 13, 2020

#GhettoIsInTheProjects #FridayThe13thHarpooned #RedDirtRoadsAndMe

---------- #LongLostFriendsAllGone ---------
Synchronized in a futile hodge podge of a June bug holiday in Hades, ain’t a water’s dam skit
Idiots and morons sunnin’ under the moon and bringin’ justice to the insanity of a hater’s fit
Monkeys and not apes without a shave on their faces, chests, arms and legs, blackhawk sex
Every day around the spin of Earth, all 365 1/4 spins around the Hollywood star of Gen X.

Far away from a conception you’re deep within, out of your mind so to speak, first movement
A big bang of amorphous liquid solids, ready to smoke out into the gas of the star stuff I sent
Before my father met my mother, I was here and now, that’s my myth, I always was cuz! I am
This here and that there, from neutrino to Red Giants’, White Dwarves’ and Black Hole spam.

You don’t know like I know and it doesn’t appear that you ever will, your blind faith’s strong
Believe me and don’t believe your first program to live and die with a purpose, same old song
It’s a matter of efficient prestidigitation and proficient slight of hand before the third red eye
Deep down to the bone, between the epicenter dot’s period, bring it on down, crosshair high!

Now and then you and I will digress and get back to the innocence before we re-engage God
Beginning nowhere, in an empty womb, en egg and a spermatozoa commingling heavenly body
Then a sudden thrust of labor, pain, sweat, tears, crying, suffering, then joy and happiness do
What they do when they do it, give and take away without intent, just random scat, H1N1 Flu!

We’re all gonna die just like it’s obvious that we’re all alive and we kill living things, to devour
In and out of the hatches we’ve evolved from the random Big Bang, papa in heaven pretender
As if there is another step after our final gasps of oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and weed flower
It appears the Way is narrow, straight and narrow, silent, I’m #woke, wake up YOU mothers!

r j j stephan, i
c. Freitag, 13. März 2020 Jahr des Herrn um 05:55 Uhr PST
{ Drafted while groovin’ to @DonnyHathaway #NeverMyLoveAnthology #VoicesInside #EverythingIsEverything on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/l3p4DFnBpkM }


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

#YouMayGoNow #ThinkAndThinkNotThink #ItsJustBusiness

Richard Joseph Stephan · Wednesday, March 11, 2020
------------------  #Defunct  -----------------
You probably don’t want to know the Truth about life or death so let’s spread a virus later on
For right here and now, it’s all about the WORDS on-the-air in and out of our lungs, it is fun
From the first eye opening in the morning with or without an alarm clock buzzin’ or beepin’
Morons and idiots that you may or not be related to by DNA in your bones, my we be trippin’.

It’s complicated but either it’s all made up or you’re not in on the occult secret of a holy monk
Out of probabilities, you’re doomed to be buried with zombies and neutrino quick-sand funk
Hurt your finger bones on the rim, on a 360 degree slam dunk, everything is everything, dash
Busted by the consciences of the mighty nations descended from a mythological rock scratch.

Death from heart failure while you’re wide awake, standing up or falling down, One’s a name
Of what the men and women said when we were young, parents, adults, sisters or big brother
Trained and programmed without a free will to disobey the law, there’s a retribution violation
Only Good die young, that’s #1, old men and women who raised babies or not, mortality’s sin.

Now wait just a moment and settle down before you go flyin’ off the handle once again, man
In a nutshell so you may crack it at will, in due time after the presentation, I am not your fan
You are mine! A fan is something that blows artificial wind on your skin and bones, It cools
The only way to fly, to rock and roll in every direction on all seven continents of motley fools.

It is agony to create and deliver the wise cracks to the least likely to grasp the subtle inference
Nothing changes in your life when you’re warned by the #ShameShameShame chain of fools
Ma & pa’s potty training was so important to adeptness at reason and logic, common sense
In or out of your diapers before you’re 3 years old, the cutoff of personal doom, my friends!

Put your lips together, just blow, blow easy or blow hard depending on the heat of the fleets
What you’ve seen since your first breath out of the womb until the last twinkle of your tweets
It’s all here and now, with or without me it’s still here and now to y’all, I’m merely a chimera
To be or not to be Shakespeare is only a question for the forms of mud and blood, gods of Ma.

Stop your babies from touching their faces with their bare hands, they will get sick on nipples
On the bottles of glass and plastic and mammary glands, the young will suckle and be all viral
In or out of the DNA and RNA of the cells, inside of the protoplasm and shape of the formal
Who wants to lead the lemmings off of the cliff, LMAO and falling, the viral cure is #Skittles!

r j j stephan, i *Header is Marilyn Monroe with 14 million followers, never tweeted tweets!
c. March 11th, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ Solved the calculus and advanced trigonometry problems & then wrote this down, while listenin’ to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardy_(singer) & MorganWallen https://youtu.be/bXS7f8XO9nQ & https://youtu.be/Sn2RBKPMpU0 