
Monday, March 16, 2020

#NoWayForPink @PINK #GravitasLatino @CarlosSantana #SANTANAconcert2020

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, March 16, 2020
-------------  #EverythingIsIndeedEverything -------------
Way back a long time ago in 1971 A.D. I volunteered to be your twinkling star on a Hanoi nite
It wasn’t funny shippin’ me off from the Windy City to the Alamo, my old Davy Crockett fight
A day that the #1 fire fighters went upstairs to sleep above the snorkels and hook and ladders
Grandma’s hands never let the bad guys get to me in the holy city’s eye balls, god-impostors.

For Jets and the Sharks, everything improbable in history actually occurred for real, honest
I would not lie to the ones who need to know the reality they are immersed within, fear US
Compared the things themselves to one another and found a homogeneous symbol of Void
Nothing but the sub-atomic dissolution of heaven and hell, reality is eternal, a mother-lode.

Patience and courage from the alpha’s points of view to the victory of the battle to Feel
Keeping the sun’s rays in batteries and incandescent and florescent on a solar Newheel
Hovering above the ground of being where angels feared to go, O2 personally stepped in
Muck and mire choking gestures, #AsAboveSoBelow, NOW, 360 degrees, I Am Oxygen.

Out of the uniform, out of the war, into a universal program of divinity’s particular squats
It’s a One, a Singularity in the middle of the #CoronaVirus from baboons’ humanity plots
Equation mathematically discharged into faded dummies and literal idiots of man’s DNA
Ability to perceive in A Sixth sense, above and below the seven seas here and now, F’n A!

Judging before you are judged by strangers who enforce the rules of being in a black hearse
Unless you want to go to heaven or hell before #YourTime, you must obey just one law first
Teaching every tiny tot the Golden Rule, Kant’s Categorical Imperative’s sweet spot’s foal
Good and Evil fighting like the gravitational collapse of a White Dwarf into a Black Hole.

Blizzard of teeth chewing the muscle and skin off of your sinews and bones, God’s holy fun
And then well you know what happens after that, don’t make me tell you it’s come undone
You must admit it to your true self, there is a gimmick that’s fools and jokers and a holy bum
Reasons for Nothing, a #YoHoHo being on planet Earth, shooters of #StPatty’s day 151rum.

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi 16 mars 2020 Anno Domini, @ 8:30 Heure normale du Pacifique Ante Meridian
{ Generated in the Void of Mistaken Identity with your hundred year old bag of bones, gettin’ down with #FracturedFairyTales @ https://youtu.be/vVuiunGFT80 }

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Eagle, Falcon, Owl - Birds Of Prey, Nature 2018 HD Documentary.


#InTheDeeperWater #RubberBandWomen #GettinUpAndDown #ListeninToThePeopleSingin sooo, #WhatAreYouDoin'? #SpreadOut

MY 78’s FLIP AT 33 1/3 OR 45 RPMs
Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, March 15, 2020
Music plays from speaker wire hooked up to a transmitter, an amplifier of the half notes
Dreams of men and women recollected in the nature of noise, banging and blowing away
The things themselves which know nothing about where they’re at or where they’re goin’
From baby’s diapers and glass or plastic bottles with a #FakeNipple to suck gravity’s sin.

Nothing to see here nor there but still there’s a need, a desire to get nearly impossible dreams
To be or not to be inside of me, at night or day time, all day every day 24/7, foul ball schemes
Comin’ to Buddha, Jesus or Confucius or any Toma, Dickey or Harriet who rocks this world
Beaches to the top of the mountains’ peaks, frozen water clearly BADABING, so God hurled.

Now, lost in the bright light of day in a foreign country’s hostile neighborhood, Time is tight
So, in the middle of the scrum, you’ve got to think faster than the hate-lovers in a tough fight
Love to all of the haters alive right now in the present and to their kin, dead ones & soon to be
Love murders the hate when it runs out of breath, out of gold and silver bloody paths to Me!

I will call you so do not call me, don’t even think about me, forget my name and numbers OK
Needs and wants are all fulfilled with the Words and Clothes that bled out from purple hearts
Wound scars ‘neath skull & bone tattoos from my toes to my nose, yo hey, what HO did I say?
Phraseology gone wild, past status quo’s lost threshold of fear and loathing, loaded fine arts.

I want you and you want me like our mothers and fathers wanted us, hell we were accidents
Kiss moments, vacant mind mode of WTH changes of third eyes’ playgrounds down in Time
Infinite space inside and outside of the thing itself, it walks, it talks, it struggles in the rhyme
In the end, Alpha waves suck it all back into the Beta collapse of mind’s eyes, makes no sense.

Party over here and there, before and after the conscious realization that you’re spores of Ra
All of the many combined return to the cosmic wave that began in a whimper, in fire hot spa
Top of pyramids for sacrifice to live after the death of the heart and mind, pure bull’s feces
Cherished in the Word, the books full of mercy and phrases of intentional deception, 10 cc’s.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche 15 mars 2020 Anno Domini de l'année du Seigneur, sur Les Idées de mars à 6 h 66, heure normale du Pacifique (PST)
{ drafted WHILE listenin’ to: Al'Green #TiredOfBeingAlone on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/csZV3w_nscg }