
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

NICE DREAMS! #FeelinLikeChristmasAgain #Wait2020DontGo

Who!  Zygote to corpse, life & death rear godheads above & below a GI's bed of dry, wet dreams
Came for the party and received the shattered love of nobody other than me, myself, my schemes
Nothing comes of this after death, no soul to live on and be rewarded or punished for darker days
You and I were awake in the light and during the darkness we slept and dreamed it's just a phase.

Mercury to Pluto and beyond the microcosm we refer to as our star system, there's infinite grace
Blessing to be alive for a second, a minute, day, week, month, year, decade or century of my face
Lookin' in the mirror and watchin' the mutation of growth from boy to old man, before the creep
Of modus operondi & corpus dilecti, I soul search for a Happy Ending to this apple core, too deep?

On a drift boat goin' downstream to the sea of unknown things and absolutely nothing In and Out
It's not my choice but it is my destiny to move the thing itself, inside of my bones' form to Doubt
About the nature of this and that beast's relationship to Death, food we eat, our inedible corpse
Monsters drifting into the flow to steal the happiness from the cowboys and girls, savin' a horse.

New deal is the same old deal, confiscating property & possessions of all the free ladies & gents
Put into a huge cauldron of donations and burned into the meltdown of Gold for the camel tents
OIl underground of the sand dunes in the moonscape of Earth, it's the life blood of the animation
Burned to animate the thing itself, a myriad of form-shaped Time & Space, mortality's venial sin.

Puffing hard on the joints rolled from the trees and plants of the planet, heights known to few go
Up & away from a grounded foundation of assumptions, extinction-worthy schemes of cats flow
Pretending to bark and growl as a junkyard or champion dog breed should, waiting for a bone
To gnaw and lick as if it's fresh kill leftover from the Big Dog and the nasty beeotch females, so...

Songs, full of notes and words from another plane of communication with the other world's kid
All of the thoughts go in and out as they naturally do and in the End, silence is always what I did
Crying at first for no reason other than the shock of being out of the womb, begging for a scone
Just before the wonder is assuaged by the facts of life, One to One, we are all the One, it is done!

Bears, butterflies, bacteria and the virus that originates the pantheon of Reality, as we all know it
Those things merge with who we believe we are & we create Things, we shall all know It in a bit
As above, so below itself, the same thing embraced as an empty Void of rat leaves and ginsing tea
I am, you'll are & someday DNA forms won't be, no trace of a ghost, no return, dead n' gone, MC!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, Freezember XVI, MMXX
{  Drafted to #Creepin' by @EricChurch link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/8OZhw-aQTP8 }



Tuesday, December 15, 2020

PROGRAMMED TO GRADUATE & BID ADIEU #PutThatInYourPipeUndSmokeIt #TakeALittleNip @Nickelback #Luke @BillyJoel & @CarlosSantana seranade!


It's melodrama 'bout saying yo hey, lovin' every minute in Zanzibar with a 70 year old girl scout

Jersey girl cells of my home sweeter than 'bama sweet home, buzz below, above any holy doubt

Whatever you want, bees' knees etcetera, here on Earth, out of mom & pop, who're good cops

Stardusted stuff mixed into blood & bone, atoms of the itty bitty, hocus pocus, occult full stops.

Free is not what you'd think it should be because it's an illusion of the mind's fears of the dark

Rock stars strokin' gold diggin' hammers, nothing like a super groupie givin' it one good fight

It's not like you & I are the First Cause, the Prime Mover of the entire neon lit walk in the park

Formula of infrared waves & cosmic frequencies dispatched into the neck of ol' Dracule's byte.

In the mode of the poor men who pass the time on Earth without a clue regarding their futures

In Time and Space's winds of change, the thinking of the lean and mean machine I am, endures

It has a lot of zeroes for the final sum of everything, winds of Time and the Silver Bells ringin'

Trollin' 'round for the sake of humanity's function of cosmic slop, you're a fake The Thing, man!

First egg, then conception of the idea out of the massive, infinite Void, a constant oneness price

Nothing anyone you or I know can do anything at all about the Cause or the Effect of Supernova

Being informed of the state of Being not only a human being but also a holy spirit's piece of soul

In one piecebut just an infinitesimal piece of the puzzle, jigsaw & soduku with Jack Daniel's ice.

If you can stop & think about it before you have to resume your function as humanity's designed

Then you'll be able to follow the way down, middle of the Way, a Path from the get-go stop signs

Got thoroughly inebriated with devil's eggs of the foggy bottoms of 32 chromosomes' half a mile

Hairless monkeys, naked apes and zillions of supra and sub-species, smile, enjoy the ride, smile!

It's no big thing but it is your thing, not my thing but that's fine, that's OK, we all gotta eat & dine

For the sake of the Miraculous that happened the day we were conceived in our mama's way deep

Down in the land underneath the core of the center of Nothing, a Void, a Singularity monkey shine

Live concerts of men's women, banging First Light, silent speakers of voices, we're #woke asleep!

Stilettos and the flintlocks moved the pirates and popes into the treasure protection mode, far out

Away from the eyes and ears of the mentally challenged without the ability to reason about doubt

To know anything is impossible, saying the word doesn't make it so, reality's a search mission now

In the holiness of the Space outside this Earth, Nothing other then the emptiness & silent 66 route.

Whistling in the darkness, I hear the melody of the honeymooners goin' in one ear and out the other

Got a minute or three left before the final destination is absorbed into the infinite's crematorium fir

Smoke from explosions of atomic fodder, my kin, enemies & friends, all alive to be killers of liberty

Ended the future of this orbital nucleus of you, me and mine, all of us have a need to Try It for free!


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Mardi, Freezember 15th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 0300 hours PST

{  Too rude to bother anyone with pain & suffering, wanton soul, I want all of the house's pain for myself, drafted this to a @Billy_Joel concert (1978) link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/QzGhUcko4WI }


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Dimanche in any language is Sunday in English! @JetLi @Nickelback & @ELVIS #RockPicksOfMeMyselfAndEye #Merry Christmas


Puns and twisted words of phrases and diatribes of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly are funny
Monkeys and slugs from the place occupied before we were here and after we're all gone, sonny
My dreams and the thing itself I know as Reality are actually One and the Same to divinity's face
All too human, I think therefore I am, from the alpha and onto the omega, it's all Time in Space.
Exact estimates and approximate singularities amassed en masse for the princes, idiots & paupers
All the ones who learn how to pretend forever is in the purview of meaningful, fake flying saucers
Punks & intellectual, devout young & old, men & women, few and far between coconut macaroons
Of granite stones & fish food in Davy Jones' locker, conjured spells to virgins' sons of alien goons.

Things themselves happen with or without direct intent, dynamic sled to slide from the ups & downs
Emotional and physical remedies for the extinction of the species have all become the circus clowns
Makin' fun of the absurd and tickling the fancy of the absurd and pretending to be happy or sad, at One
No more than five or seven feet from the age of reason to the last rights that scare your soul to the sun.

Like it or not, it is what it is and there's Nothing anyone can do to alter the course of the Space's Time
24 hours an illusion of the spin to you and I but the glasses full of wine down my hatch, make it rhyme
As if I care about the misunderstood and the comprehended, it's all a humanitarian being compassionate
To the friends, enemies and strangers yet to meet, Love out of my heart to the function of my last date!

Tonight or tomorrow, right now or much later in a few decades, it's all gonna be the way it's gonna be
Tautological argument for the unknown will suffice for the comprehensive awareness that God's dead
Didn't want to die, I was just a co-pilot unfamiliar with controls of a solo flight to heaven's blue sea
Ne'er too late for cool cover of the shade tree next to the pond in the park, you're a flower, I'm the bee.

Never to die on a sunny day on Earth, always on a rainy day when the sky's crying the blurry balloons
Tears fallin' down to the ground to spread the unhappy fear of the unknown to the minions of maroons
Just a fluke for the orphans and blue bloods, switching the identity of the genetic code from XY xo XO
Best way to get from one point to another is a straight line of Cajuns, Louisiana's complicated, ass-hoe.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche 13th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 1705 hours PST
{  Drafted this before watching some #Bloodsuckin #MartialArts with @JetLi on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/3aLiOO3-MSw }