
Tuesday, February 09, 2021


Sprinkles of the backward slicks of burned rubber, back roads to perdition's final ends' old scores
Better than the movements of Time and the emptiness of Space, gone in through the outer doors
Run into you and all you've ever done before we met by accidental, involuntary intent of the Jack
On a lark and a few million dollars of gold and silver booty, #GOATs take it all without a sad sack.

Spell this word LIVE backward and it looks good for Doom's coincidental jailbreak of holy mates
Foes of the One and the Many who must move ahead from behind whether or not you get dates
From the teens to the elders of great parenthood, the Soul is a rocket-ship full of fool's fuel, genius
Yet, not only do you lack blind faith in the unknown but also you require O2 air on Earth breaths.

Created from an absolute, a nugatory, the rest is what it is without me here, now dive, dive, dive
Remedy for all that might be leading to the place in Space where my sweet love leads, by the sea
Reconnoitered in the Latin language, recording the good, bad and ugly who'll live & let me be alive
Last Cause of the Final Effect, beyond the Good, the Bad & the Uglier than you, twilight zone Tea.

No sagas from the past I never lived in, I wouldn't do any story justice other than my own you see
I've been filling in the blank spots before my conception & during my unconscious somnambulism
Comfort zone near pretty girls, marry them & let them move away from the only good thing, me!
I'm just playin' baby, you know how humble I am, so shy, don't give me that cold shoulder schism.

Morning or evening is the same, love of ready to fight to my death for your safety, so be happy
Nevermore to fear the worst that can happen, it's inevitable and nobody knows but holy pappy
One descended from the head apostle not the jealous one, a figment, a mirage, shot in the dark
Utter nonsense yet the #Fake works and you blow in for the touchdown, it's a walk in the park.

Descended from the conquering hordes of cowboys and Indians, spirits of the all too civilized Id
Visions come and gone in a New York Minute, a fabulous display of getting ready rip a supernova
Nothing you or I can do about the future or the past, the present is come and gone cuz, you died
ON the OFF buttons and switches, ma and pa, test-tube or passionate pleasure with a welfare ma.

Hit the jackpot after I loosened my load in Reno or maybe it was Sparks but anyway, blue traveler
Emotion and rationality mixed up right there at the crossroads 'tween o'er here and there of Her
She moves and wobbles, circulates around the source of being and cannot become independent
Nobody is free of egg One, source of your break to see even an iota, a squirt of twilight ZaZen.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, February 9th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drafted while grabbin' ZZZZZZ's & awakening in a thick fog of uncertainty where the originality is the exact same thing repeated ad infinitum, slow hands, cool hands, maybe sweet invisibility.  Listenin' to the @PointerSisters #SlowHand & #Jump hits link @ https://youtu.be/dbk29JZdl5A }

Monday, February 08, 2021

#PullTheDanmTrigger #SixShooterReload

Grown in burnin' homes of the brave & the land of the freeform street urchins & royal Brahman
All dead and gone a long time ago and some of them not even born yet, some are living proof
Knives and the nuclear missile arsenal ought to either end this world or at least become a goof
Just like your fathers & uncles 'fore you, descended from the low IQ students, a beast's burden.

Forms from random shapes of coalescing electrons, shapes of atomic matter, cover up 208 bones
Inside or outside of the things themselves, tackles are missed and touchdowns made in tight ends
Around tackles and over nose guards, a quarterback's option runs untouched, into the end zones
Miraculous search for the reason why we keep on truckin' down the road to perdition, no offense.

Veronica & Betty are under their fathers' control, scrambling with the quarterback in a super ball
I know & you know the truth about you & your kin, your sisters & brothers from others' mothers
Perfection is pie in the sky yet it is the goal of my living soul, it is the source of pure joy, oh sisters
Welcome home to the warriors who know who they are, nobody but you could have done it all.

Becoming one from many, one way or another, death's theoretical Big Bang's luck of a gun draw
That's all folks get for their trouble from innocent infancy to the guilty for mortal sins' adult claw
It's a last call for this happy hour and you'll get no more shots and beers tonight, shootin' me up
All the way down, burned my throat & stomach but soon it'll be a naked ape's cotton mouth trip.

I intend no harm by the world's words I'm using to express the view I've gleaned from the heroes
In the books & in my younger days during this life, older men, braver men wound up as dead ends
Facts of life, father told me about the expressway to paradise, southeast, west to northern lands
Simmering that heat in your temper down to the low end of burn, misunderstood all too human.

I made love to daughters of the men who raised those beautiful, funny better halves of me, mon
From beginning to the final good-bye we had serious fun and no regrets for anybody bein' a tool
I've known nothing since day one & as if I ever did, I drink up, because it's over, have a cold one
Blood & beer ran up & down from soggy boots to my foggy bottom brain's parody of a poor fool.

I jumped for your love and then one night, I jumped higher than the sun, closer to a star lover
Hid the course from every other soul in heaven & on Earth, no reason just gotta keep the pace
My heart & soul feels nothing other than this stingin' pain & singin' pleasure, #Fire undercover
Fixed up from head to toe, Earth smellin' musk, holy bones & muscles, features of a holy face.

Lying to nobody & telling the Truth to everyone exposes liars, Romeo & Juliette kissin' to slaves
The lips on the face of the head above the body & in love with the sight & sound of it's hot scat
Surf's up & the beach is full of bodies in the sand, bikinis fallin' in love with smilin' @Q's waves
We were so happy to be cops & robbers, good guys & bad guys who sell the bloody, the blue tat.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, February 8th, 2021 A.D. @ 9:11 PMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @Audioslave #ShowMeHowToLive on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/vVXIK1xCRpY?list=RDvVXIK1xCRpY}

Sunday, February 07, 2021

#PlayTheGame #SUPERBOWLV #TampaBayGOAT #TomorrowTodayYesterday #LV #BradyGoatHead

When & where this is, blacktop ends, born & raised here & now, long time ago, a far away place
Scanning the blind, folded cards with no hearts, diamonds or clubs, just a spade to dig in Space
Between ears you have above your skinny-boned necktie of a medulla oblongota, 9 zeros to see
Soul and spirit moving it all within to be the First Cause of the things themselves, atomic debris.

Cans of beer, bottles short and long necks, every one of them empty with cigarettes from big bird
No bail for me or you, we're all broke and there's nobody but a justice of nobody's peace, it stinks
Not only because you are YOU but also because YOU are a temporary fix to the permanente links
Compare the cats and dogs gettin' ready to be eaten to the ones that get fed and killed the word.

Two legged, two armed, everything except the hearts and souls in duplication of the One's singin'
Mental and physical in a neutron or a supernovae complex of galactic, cosmic soup in the infrared
Lights of the black and the white, the blues always take over before the last gasp, fear & loathin'
Mothers' pearls & One father of metaphysical essence, not the Many, One & only is asleep in bed.

Objections to the subject and the predicate of the theoretical syllogisms of the intellectual lover
Edge of the real world and the other side of the Everafter where haters & lovers get no more fun
No air anywhere outside of this planet's atmosphere, gettin' stoned or not, it's all of it, It is Done
Einstein's special & general theories of relativity, Timing's everything, it's in the Mind, it's all over.

Been everywhere 'fore today and I'll probably be everywhere else tomorrow, if I ain't well, amen
Right here is where I belong, my intention was always to be or not to be, it was the only question
In or out of The Place down at the core of the rocks called planet Earth, hell's bone dust & robots
A categorical imperative of Truth, substance, essence, a boilermaker BLAST of Jack Daniel's shots!

Evolved these apes from amoeba into the mighty ancient forms that moved from roads of red dirt
Some red and some black but all of the dirt was all that was left of the gold and diamonds, the oil
Cans all empty and there's nothing left to buy or sell, there's no wet market in sight, gods to hurt
Needing to kill A WORD, HAPPY EVER AFTER is full of dead things, corpses, pockets of tin-hat foil!

Learn to read the Words that the ancestors left to save you Time, lookin' for the pot of gold road
Starting with the sounds & inked meanings to refer to what is outside and inside God's fake mode
When the sun explodes, when you die, when all of the friends and enemies are vanished into dark
Happiness is a side of Darkness, the sadness, drops of Jupiter Truth, Saturn sushi, in Uranus' shark.

r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, February 7th, 2021 A.D. #SuperBowlLV #SuperBowlSunday @ 0900 hours PST
{ Drafted to @Brooks&Dunn #RedDirtRoad on a youTube link @ https://youtu.be/zBTpoKvre84 }