
Saturday, February 20, 2021

#YouAndMe #ThatIsAll #ZeppelinSpringsteenTurner #WhipItGood #BlewTheBoysAway @TomPetty #KeepMovinOn #MaryJaneKillinPain

#wtf, DO NOT @SicilianKiss THIS OR THAT
Ferocious as a day your placenta gave way to Space-Time you call your own, complicated breaks
This conglomeration of causes and effects that keep you #Woke, at least awake until death is sent
A body that you have no rights to inhabit, it's an accident of one moment, parental coitus climax
Until that moment you did not exist at all, neither in the Past nor Future, you became Present.
On turnpikes from pole to pole on all seven continents, It, living never survives death's eerie idea
From the start until the finish, the game has rules made to be broken & a time limit to break a tie
Omnibus is 40 yards long, dual tires, a Mack engine & omniscient robot driver, an autopilot man
It's up to The Computer to see and do what I would have if I wasn't asleep in the back of a van.
Blind faith is the last effort to believe in something since the Pointer sisters can't roll any longer
Inspiration comes in a NYC moment, a neutron dance, shifted charm sub-atomic automatic
Slowing One down to strike the match & originate the spark for the fire, burn my middle finger
Jumpin' around on a stage or out the back door, movements of the rooks & bishops matter, Dick!
I felt a lot of feelings both good and bad but they all came and went without ever stayin' too long
Taken down and blown up beyond recognition as it was meant to be, nothing we can do about it
You hear the Word, you gotta jump or be left behind without a paddle to row upstream, so split
Get the Hades out of the place in Space here on planet Earth and go where? Out of here? Chit!
I will only because I have to and I have no choice, willing to be or not to be, a Francis Bacon bit
Not only are we alive and ignorant, we'll remain that way until the Ends come upon this play skit
Parts we all played before and after the Fire in a garden of Eden, stupid idiot moron Adam apart
Being used by someone for no good reason at all, just because of a kiss, addiction to One's phart.
I loved you and then I didn't, then the hold on me squeezed too tight and it froze my heart, HO!
I think it was a valve maybe or just the ebb & flow through the dream world, reality I am Romeo
Looked for Juliette, found her depressed, down & out, then she got it, #Woke up in a great flood
Soon burned inside my heart & soul, rollin' Presence into Mama's vampires, french kissin' blood.
r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, February 19th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 5:55 PM PST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @TinaTurner & friends workin' "IT" https://youtu.be/TTfYnRQgKgY }

Friday, February 19, 2021

#KissMyEarsInEmptySpace #GodAintNowhereNearHere #WhatsTheOverhead #WhatsTheDownside #GODFATHER #RIPAntonioAlfano #GoGo

 #wtf, DO NOT @SicilianKiss THIS OR THAT
Ferocious as a day your placenta gave way to Space-Time you call your own, complicated breaks
This conglomeration of causes and effects that keep you #Woke, at least awake until death is sent
A body that you have no rights to inhabit, it's an accident of one moment, parental coitus climax
Until that moment you did not exist at all, neither in the Past nor Future, you became Present.

On turnpikes from pole to pole on all seven continents, It, living never survives death's eerie idea
From the start until the finish, the game has rules made to be broken & a time limit to break a tie
Omnibus is 40 yards long, dual tires, a Mack engine & omniscient robot driver, an autopilot man
It's up to The Computer to see and do what I would have if I wasn't asleep in the back of a van.

Blind faith is the last effort to believe in something since the Pointer sisters can't roll any longer
Inspiration comes in a NYC moment, a neutron dance, shifted charm sub-atomic automatic
Slowing One down to strike the match & originate the spark for the fire, burn my middle finger
Jumpin' around on a stage or out the back door, movements of the rooks & bishops matter, Dick!

I felt a lot of feelings both good and bad but they all came and went without ever stayin' too long
Taken down and blown up beyond recognition as it was meant to be, nothing we can do about it
You hear the Word, you gotta jump or be left behind without a paddle to row upstream, so split
Get the Hades out of the place in Space here on planet Earth and go where?  Out of here?  Chit!

I will only because I have to and I have no choice, willing to be or not to be, a Francis Bacon bit
Not only are we alive and ignorant, we'll remain that way until the Ends come upon this play skit
Parts we all played before and after the Fire in a garden of Eden, stupid idiot moron Adam apart
Being used by someone for no good reason at all, just because of a kiss, addiction to One's phart.

I loved you and then I didn't, then the hold on me squeezed too tight and it froze my heart, HO!
I think it was a valve maybe or just the ebb & flow through the dream world, reality I am Romeo
Looked for Juliette, found her depressed, down & out, then she got it, #Woke up in a great flood
Soon burned inside my heart & soul, rollin' Presence into Mama's vampires, french kissin' blood.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Friday, February 19th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 5:55 PM PST
{  Drafted while listenin' to @TinaTurner & friends workin' "IT" https://youtu.be/TTfYnRQgKgY }


#OneShortOfATwelvePack #TheHotColdOnes @Eric_Church

Long necks don't do any good unless you got all twelve in the pack, last one high and bone dry
Sweet and sour from the origin to the destination, on the way it was distracting, aw, oh my my
Now and then you gotta wonder, just what in the hell was I thinkin' when I took that long leap
Out into the empty abyss where angels fear to fly and go to their ending, the finish line heap.

Pity and sorrow filling up my ice tray that has nothin' but melted sewer water, grey, solid dead
Turning into the black hole of the sun I suspect, this isn't a dream as I first believed, I'm blinded
By darkness in the Void and everything else that's burning in a bon fire of fizzled ash and cumen
Communist or Republican, everybody is gonna die when it's time, you, me & the other apemen.

In the recycled water in the fountain of dreamland, I am now #Woke and awaiting a finale gasp
Promised to all from the conception of life's invisible egg into life as we believe it to be, an asp
Snake created #sin from a temptation of auntie Eve, hence uncle Adam hit it & dropped a dime
Down the pit without a bottom, where the pendulum swings to and fro, close to your bloodline.

Thoughts and the invisible mental problems come to a head, this is the Black Hole, you are here
In it and cannot get out of it, it's the matrix, home sweet home of Homer & Marge Simpson beer
Drunk on the hops that grew out of the dirt and sunlit seeds lookin' for the space without a trace
An entire pantheon of microscopic and macroscopic DNA & the other 99.9% of Nothing but haze.

Words to swear and cuss by, mean nothing to anyone from the moon on out to the Ends of Time
Sounds to be heard by the evolution of Time & Space's static noise of the empty, Godhead rhyme
Roses, worms, goddesses & prison inmates guilty of venial sin, one & done, masked-up Extinction
Without us, 7 continents remain, Earth wobbles & loses life, H2O's tons of fun in a black hole sun!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Friday, 2-19-2021 @ 4:44 AMPST
{ Squealed out of my hypothalamus this AM while listenin' to @EricChurch #ColdOne on youTube ad infinitum link @ https://youtu.be/BKvE-WoooLE }