
Saturday, May 15, 2021

#LeavesDropBudsSmoke #HighDefinition #WhoIsOnFirst @AbbotAndCostello

Superstition & superstitious are one's blind faith in the unknown, in Fear itself, One moon of 7UP fools
Wired for ordering the categories in limits of imperatives that cannot be false, a priori power, my ghouls
All the above and none of the below move anything other than this Earth, one planet's burnt life, dead
Occult wisdom isn't written in your bibles & treatise of the mass extinction, dirty baby bath watershed.

Miracles in attitudes of the prophets who know nothing and are starving for edible dead forms of life
In the end, you'll see the guns and knives, the bombs and the melting consciousness into the DNA glue
Bygones been bygones since the first day of light exploded the super nova and here we are, now so blue
As if dropped from the empty sky of dreaming millituplets, double jeopardy for a three musketeer wife.

For the last gasp of gas, you'll pay in advance from the birth to the death of one's who are the same
As if there was a mystery about the facts of life, come on man, a matter of Time's Space, a fire's flame
It's lit by love and in the end it's extinguished by the weight of the Void, the mass of anti-matter in utero
Of the mice & men who procreate the species that struggle to survive among predators' coca-cola blow.

Panic ensues for a little while & in the next moment, iron curtains merge together in fake synchronicity
Keeping the living safe from a dying Id,  if the law of the land is obeyed and dying with fools of pity
Summits and peaks to the valleys and the core of the whole shebang, the idea behind the all too humane
Rings around fingers to remind the poor angels with amnesia, they're all married to a hella great Dane.

On the other hand, it's just the political theology of the players who never pass GO to collect a 200 buck
Buy every piece of property, utility & railroads then eliminates competition for a l'il price spanking
Doing unto others as you would NOT like them to do unto you, that's crazy and counterproductive luck A middle way up the center line from where I am to where I'm going, it's a motherlode on a tether link.

Bad players come from everyplace on Earth, neglected baby miscreants grown to adjust bitcoin Time
Past to present to future and on ad infinitum, an abstraction extrapolated from the self-exam, I me mine
Of course you know, this means war when you try to hit me or mine, my meme or my avatar of the cake
It's what I had when I ate it, 151 rum cream filling, a family guy, no children or pets, my news #Fake.

Appalling events & players moving the bar higher than a 8 foot high jump, no man defies gravity long
Maybe for some people the Truth is relative and to others it might be absolute, it may be a line in a song
Worried minds make for worried men & women who smoke the planted seeds of pocololo dust, #420's
Sung the lines and slung the hash until the cows came home, I got mine, the bulls the cows & hippies.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Saturday May 15th, 2021 A.D. @ 12:12 PMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @TheologicoPoliticus by @BenedictDeSpinoza  https://youtu.be/c0qH0ztl630 & then a reprieve listenin' to #InSearchOfTheMiraculous by @PDOuspensky link @ https://youtu.be/vcBRjiRTA_4?list=PLKM35g3I0JIO5_EwAX-9Ag-dEn-hCJ755 }


#JOBS #SBOJ #GreenHamAndHumanEggs #YouCantHandleVirtualTruth


Sometimes you've got to wonder who has their hands on your mouse's cursing cursor, First Cause
A brain and a mind connected well between the bones' signals to the mind's eyes bloody gauze
Compared to Nothing, what you see is what you get when everything is all done, Many is at One
Picnic in the park, on a blanket under the oak or maybe it was the elm or the birch, son, oh son.

Wrote words of synchronicity to cause the magic effect out of the cookies' school introduction
Your in with the in crowd and you can put the data into the bank, simulate it too, ad infinitum
As above and so it is below, pre-Socratic and post-Apocolypic philosophy of a rubber soul Glow
Remote view your consciousness into the mental picture of #FakeNews & causing a Big Show.

You die, you're dead, it's a recollection of a trip you took in an alternate version of demigods
Bums & millionaires mated and became the Man of 2021 AD, Time in this outerspace is Out
Holy holes filled with foam rubber leaking out of divine high hopes of #IT hyper-hacked iPods
Freaking in the best way possible, it's a unique way of reacting to realizing that God is doubt.

Eagles fly in heaven lookin' down at the hell below, a place to land near the food that's still alive
Walking or crawling away from the place they were to where they will wind up at the end of day
I got your yo-yo goin' up and down in butterfly or imperial form, it's a @Duncan's world turnin'
Find them with the spinnable tops of various pretty colors, pulled the string, got it all wobblin'.

Non-invasive retrieval of your memory in order to erase it so you can't desire retaliation for IT
Talking words of illumination and writing the meanings for those who are not yet alive in our skit
Finding the pages of words that were never written down for our perusal, that's a magical scene
You know and I know what the YoYo's have left for us, dead bodies of bones, gods save a queen!

Edgar Allen still in a dream within the dream, not #Woke and will never be, nevermore, evermore
Some point on the Time line between anti-matter and infinity, the zero's & one's will be the score
Energy wants to be software in hardware and wants to Be Alive, in a form of bones that move It
Unmoved Mover is all there is, a Yo-Yo in a desert of unconsciousness, awaken the #Woke, #Shit!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, May 15th, 2021 A.D. @ 3:33 AMPST
{ In search of and found the #Miraculous before I wrote this gem, link @ https://archive.org/details/InSearchOfTheMiraculousFragmentsOfAnUnknownTeaching }

Friday, May 14, 2021

#ShotInTheDark #IShookYouAllNightLong #ACDC #RecollectionIsEVerything #HellsBells #AlreadyGone #TheEaglesBand

I do not speak with a forked tongue, it's as straight as an arrow from my secret quiver ammo
Dust from the beginning of the Ends you're in the middle of, the kid is alright, it's just the Who
Freaks and fools for pretty faces united in a finite wrangle of limbs, pleasure and pain for all
Never cut off the nervous system that warns the brain of danger, when failsafe is a long fall.

Down to the core of the planet, there's nowhere else below It, we got Space & Earth, that's all
Nothing more nor less than everything inside of your mind, in your tophat's invisible Idiot Ball
Everything you see here & now is in my dream now, therefore I am, intolerant Kryptonite blood
Reason to the rescue with corn flakes & wheaties, then the eating hole leaks of holy, hot foods.

We are such an alienated family of the homo sapiens species, we think we're all special egos & ids
Yet we are just one of the many, not a bad thing, not a good thing, it's just a thing we do to kids
Putting upon the young ones, the history and emotional baggage inherited from beggin' for a sign
Who violated commandments & theorems of Calculus and Trigonometry in metaphysical decline.

Have I got news for you?  No, I don't but I do have a recollection to share, to remind you of Death
That's with a capitol "D" as in extinction of the species & the planet of hydrogen & oxygen faith
Take all of the H2O off of the rock and it's curtains for the mammals and fauna rooted in the dirt
For the sake of reason & logic, I reverently bow low to the power that is, above & below the skirt.

This is not funny, there's no humor in the depressing thought that there's no fun after life, NONE
Now you know what I know, I hope sadness about Wisdom gleaned is well received, now it's done
Price of the cost is relative to the dead laws & rules, bleeding and leading the sheeple to a Homer
Simpson could be the good, the bad and ugly all rolled into One trinity Dog, even God's a goner.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  May 14th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 9:11 AM MST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @ACDC on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/FENliiAMOhE }