
Saturday, May 29, 2021

@BlueCheer #Hurrah #HipHipHurray #DontTicTocToe @RockyAndBullwinkle #DeaconBullwinkle

Power in the dark matter particles within and without the matter and the gut worm
Computers' calculations should and do become the proof that at least One exists
Who reads and who writes about what cosmos thinks, how crystals make the form
Controlled electron explosion of neutrons and protons, a trifecta in the trilogy cysts.

Science which is a wild guess at the reason for being alive other than inhumane quirks
Of the homo sapiens and the animals they eat and use for clothes and creature comfort
There is nothing more than some benign teeth of a toothless saber-toothed tiger to hurt
Nobody is safe from the predators who want to kill for hunger or for sport, Earth works.

Broken rock and Rubic cubes of rubber in a cornucopia of flombay sherbet ice, fire crack
Out of the morons and idiots in the pool, feces and urine from kids and jerkoffs who suck
Cleaned bases that were loaded everytime I came up to pinch hit all walks, 4 runs, no hits
Heads banged, arms twisted, legs broken with a foot in the grave, gang life winning, fun!

If my family needs help, the gang fulfills, if the gang needs help, I fulfill the request, +  or -
If you don't know what I mean then there's nothing to see here, who loves your highness?
I may renew the request if you don't back off, you may be surprised as you're goin' down
Took a step back from the door, it opened wide and revealed nothing but a blinkin' frown.

Dug the holes deeper than the original trenches, an old troll camp left witch's sand bologna
Broken to bits, shined glass that looked like fragmented stained obsidian from new Arizona
I could have made an error when I made my first move on the board, trolls are the doo-hacks
Cooked well on the darkside of the tunnel of love, boiled vapor, body, soul & all the stacks.

Grid of DNA recombining to elicit the highest evolution of sentient chemicals called 'em Souls
Fear above and below the beautiful and dreadful, either way you're alive, it's a mind bender
Treasure in my chest, heartbeating the rhythm to the rhyme, letting it be like a surrender
Existing in the desperation of searching for peace and destruction, death to the epic trolls!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, May 29th, 2021 A.D. @ 3:33 PMPST
{  Banished from the ville for life, wrote this while listenin' to @EricClapton @SteveWinwood, @GingerBaker & @RickGrech of @BlindFaith #DeluxeEdition link @ https://youtu.be/MKGbVXDj5vo }

#EntitledSonsOfBeachGods #Cottonmouths & #BLANKSpades @Clapton & @Cale #AzureBlues #MissingPersonWhereAreYOU?

You and I are lucky to be alive and due to that fortune, we get to get put down and die
Either involuntary disease or accident of causes and effects, bottom line's question, why?
There's no way that this Earth's life is the only life in the solar system's galaxy, can't be
If you were blind, not even hindsight to see anything to do with light or forms, you'd see.

Imagine for a moment, you were shot into outerspace by NASA or the minions of atheists
Eventually, in a short period of time, anyone would realize that Time means sunshine rays
Neither a ticking of a clock or a digital compilation of repetitive Arabic scratches are the One
One is within and resides way out of the atmosphere beyond the star clusters of atom-fun.

Desire and need have nothing to do with the momentum of the gravitational collapse, so
Expand as long as you can ride that wave, surf it in the curl, the head or tail, just hang ten
Conditions are at their highest quality for the fit to survive the natural selection, I'm a man
You may or may not be but if you can read the WORD, know this, I'm asleep in a dream can.

Do not awaken the giant inside of the bones, hiding from the light of today to keep the peace
Safety for the evil genii that roam the planet for plunder, then reproduce the retrograde fleece
Yesterday and tomorrow, you'll know because you've always known, it is what it is, wizard's Id
Neither the good nor the bad guy, a little bit ugly but not abhorrent, don Juan lover off the grid.

Impudent and unapologetic I am, it's not my parents' faults, they're benevolent innocence mine
Hidden deeper than anyone outside of me can find, there is no light down that holy gold signoff
Amen, so be it, to her & him and y'all on all seven dried rock, on which herds of Animalia whine
About survival, about hunger for consumption of the growing and living things, a mortal jago#f.

It ain't your fault nor your kin's intent to create a life of pain & suffering for your rewarded hog
A reincarnation excuse for settling for abuse and anti-survival behavior of the bon fire, hot dog
Inside the nucleus, inside of the proton where the neutron remains at one, at rest, a code red
There's a dark, dank sanctuary in this holy of holies, heathens & atheists reside in it, we dead?

Gambling that the gold you earned, found or stole from someone will multiply the take by six
So you play cards in Reno and win one G, then return back down to the high balls that curved
Rendezvous with the few as little as possible to mimic the end of days, atoned axe's hot licks
Time in Space created for smokin' buds, fired-up & smokin' humanity's ashes, altarboy served.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Saturday, May 29th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 9:11 AMPST
{ THERE, but for the grace of the gods go I, me & mine, drafted in a vacuum jammin' to #TheRoadToEscondido by @JJCale & @EricClapton link @ https://youtu.be/lxLEKPgvbYs }

#KissMyDNA #AintThatSomethin'? #Zorro #Homer #Bart #YoMama #TheStylistics

Just 'cause you think you're a pretty puss, don't mean you're so smart, you gnome
It takes a full grasp of rationality & irrationality to become just way too top shelf
Thinking apes sittin' around a campfire near the lakes and caves, oh sweet home
Talkin' Alabama up to Northern California on down south to Baja into a void gulf.

Awaken from the dream and stare at the moonshining in your window, see light
Reflection of the leftover sunlight from our star, the sun itself boundin' back to us
Over 360 thousand miles back and forth to the moon from Earth, more or less is
All you need to know, we make matter itself travel at the speed of sound, we fight.

To be or not to be the man or the woman descended out of the muck and mire tea
Some mythological record of nobody's recollection, presence at the original cosine
An @Apple in the cloud for a data dump, you're an android in the @Parlor liberty
Killed critters & plants after raising them from egg & seed, takes God's eye to see.

Think about saving yourself from rigor mortis, think that blind faith is the way to go
That's just fine to see the light and get blinded, the boss knows, the minions know
From Earth way down below where my feet rest upon a cement slab's Persian rugs
Iraq or Iran on a magic carpet ride over the sea to the land of the free, smokin' nugs.

You don't know like I know or maybe you do know more than I know, in and out or go
Jump into the lake or off of the cliff and either swim or fly, either way you're gonna die
Breathing and thinking that you exist will cease, memory of consciousness will go dry
Left over for a feline's historical record, buried in dirt, look away, baby look away, blow.

Freak of nature from the gene pool just beyond the horizon, cannot get some cornpone
You from the wrong coast if you're from the heartland of a continent of fool's fake bone
Get the job & then figure it out later, who is the congenital liar, after all's said, it is done
Produce the junkies and bums, produce the townsquare criers who protest it all, so fun.

r j j  stephan, i  { #zorro }
c.  Saturday, May 29th, 2021 A.D. @ 4:44 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @SteelyDan #PretzelLogic https://youtu.be/S643jMNqY2U }