
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

#YouMakeMyDreamsComeTrue #WhatDidYouThink? #YourKissIsOnMyList #CattleDrive

At the end of the beginning, there's a time to think about things themselves, A divinity forms
Spirits of the matter formed into shapes of animated protoplasm with a will to power worms
They rule of, by and for the mob and if y'all insist on survival, y'all will aid & abet the mob fold
Sheep flock human beings who were either born & raised by the good, bad & the ugly or old.

At the bottom of the barrel a man's gotta see it's time to saddle up & git hehl outta town
Whiskey drank when all the beer for my horses was gone, my boots walked off the brown
No matter which reason one uses to justify one's deduced inductions of pure logic, man
The end result is the unknown is never going to be the known by anyone that's a human.

Looking ahead or behind where you sit at one with the universe, so much more Sin, oh son
Which is the function of the creator of the universe, to sin and create the Many from One
Pumped perfection into a blob ruled by a mob, supergirls and batmen worked it all out too
No free will to divide, IT, been multiplied, #Foghat survived extinction, God's all stone blue.

Playing the songs on sounds of twang and bang-boom-shhhh, it's a dream come true nirvana
You cannot create this outta nothing if you're all too humane, if you're divine, inagadadavida
Movement of a 5th symphonic overture that ends in an exploded mass of a skunkworks chunk
In a sweet home in Chicago, Illinois my grandparents & my parents I began SHChicago of funk.

A starter of heaven that I'm dreamin' right now is you baby, ain't no satisfaction without you
There are no replacements, you're the starter and the finisher, come ten feet into cold blue
Instant karma for me and you, we already paid the piper and the minions of an alley's gators
Out of Academy Award movies into empty minds, crystalline cleared orphans' bloody doors.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mardi, Janvier XVIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 0711 AMPST

{ #CalmDaPhuqDown ALL for the #Bums & #Junkies with some #GottaJumpThatTrain & #HITS by @Foghat https://youtu.be/KEmZLC7uK8Q & https://youtu.be/VY0I0mMUCRM Son, Oh Son by @WARtheBand & @ https://youtu.be/oX9esXzzO7w Son of A Son of A Sailor by @Jimmy_Buffett & @DarylHall & @RobThomas LIVE at Daryl's House link @ https://youtu.be/0ItdraVXvAE }


Monday, January 17, 2022

#WhiskeyForMyMen #VictoryTune #BeerForMyHorses

Shoopantz not on my feet while I'm still alive, on the other hand there's Nothing
For boys and girls of these continents on this planet, orphaned or well bred too
All of y'all have needs and desires to survive the desolate game you're playing
It ain't my fault, you're an idiot, a moron, extinction's evil genius, Omicron Flu.

Killed, gone & we're gone a hundred years from now, holy bargain of price pods
Conception, birth, death, infinity and a wisp of wind reminded you of the gods
Punks for the dream characters to accompany the grand illusion, infinity's mine
Not even close, not a millimeter of infinitesimal DNA/RNA charm to be so fine.

Apes thinking about it and clearly deducing the conclusion, there is no Nothing
And then here we are in the centerfold of the twilight zone's playmates, singing
Freedom and dependence on the matrix for the air we breathe, it's all we scream
Hope for more ain't for me, I have this, I got this, Time constructed a wet dream.

Faith and Charity recommended for the sheeple, Hope of the Hopeless' scent
Corpses we'll all be, think about it or not, facts are facts, that's no bull's scat
Question everything and you'll find in the end, not even one human is #Woke
What it is to be a human, to be woke is to know you might die tonight, #Broke.

A human must animate the energy and matter according to the program scam
It's a code that precludes any beer for my horses, no Black Jack Daniels I am
Cold feet and nothing but shoepantz in sight, still gotta animate the 208 bones
A will to survive the best and the worst of the civilized kids with free i-phones.

No more Socratic method being downloaded to the young, they've got the skips
Classical literature or on-line NEWS honkies deliver the Word to genius minions
Playing ball or spectating the game with blinded eyes and deaf ears, dumb lips
Will to be alive, in this dreamlike matrix of gloom, doom and ecstatic, holy sons.

Categorically imperative i-Phones are the substance of the species, essence esse
God blesses you when you sneeze, but why?  You allowed your spirit an escape
To leave your bones for the ether, above & below, here, there & everywhere else
Truth, GOD, Justice, Platonic & Socratic wisdom's funeral pyre, Superman's cape.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, Janvier XVII, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 0659 AMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @Armstrong_GettyRadio on @ksteam650 link @ https://www.iheart.com/live/talk-650-229/ }
<3  <3  <3

Sunday, January 16, 2022

#BetterToBeThanNotToBe "#NoQuestion" #LIES #BOLDFACEDLies #CREED #BelieveYoureKindOfABigDeal #HeadInFoghat

Monkey's hands are paws, ape's feet are paws, honky homo sapiens' paws are feet & hands
More of the iridescent cream of the crop, no tattoos just the satin of smooth, red heart fans
Monger this and eat it all before you have to share it with the starved masses of fox in a can
In several moments from now, you'll die with no thought that you can stop it, ending began.

Short trip from the womb to the doom you get in the tomb, I don't need the reason's rhyme
Yet it comes and goes willy nilly, regardless of the will or intent of this thing itself, what I am
Nobody but me, nobody but anyone but myself or I, in any case, I deduce an induction of Id
Somewhere in Time's Space, deep underground near the core, it's too red hot, what God did.

I thought just like any other thinking amoeba in the cosmic menudo, that I'm all that it screws
Living in the world's series of misfits filling in black holes with smokey mirrors, it lives so it dies
There's no way that an evolved creation could be this absurd, to play games of mortality rules
On a moon or in a singularity's black hole, all hell's broken loose from the myth, angel fireflies.

Catch the ball, I passed it to you and it's on the way down to your paws, you got it now, run!
For the points, for the win for the sake of the civilized world, Man, Woman, a wise old bum
All above and all below the matter, the flow of the plasm moves directed by the will to power
Either you have it or you don't, it's a win or it's a loss, no middle fork to the finale of A Player.

Passed or run into the red zone, fission and fusion cause the effects which implode in a crypt
Typical invisible souls and DNA bones forming from microscopic code, recalled & forgotten it
On a number line, positive and negative integers to the right and to the left of zero, nil, zip
Funk of burning foam lifting up from the dirty ground beef chucked to the stock yards' heap.

Among you and me, there is nobody else you'll find to flip your pancakes like I can, but wait
A challenger attempts to intercept the butter and syrup taste with the blueberries, too late
Already ate the whole stack of my girlfriend's rack, got whacked and smacked just doin' it
 Conquered because I divided the multiplicity and subtracted additions resulting in this chit.

Pawns can take the queen and put the king into check without trouble as long as it's all safe
If you jeopardize your safety & lose your only chance to become enlightened, sleepy Gomers
With piles and piles of smiles for the tons and tons of #HellsFire, core of the Earth's UV light
Misunderstood, #HowWeDo an historical norm, "in the beginning" there was a cosmic fight.

Being supreme murderer isn't all it's cracked up to be, try to be perfect when it's One & done
No disobedience to morality law and ethical judgements about life, death and the after lives
Where the souls' spirit flies about in the middle of the Void, experiencing Nirvana just for fun
After the rigor mortis sets in, pulverized bones post incinerated cream or formaldehyde Lies.

Who wants a body to return to it's former living selfhood?  Nobody man, nobody, you're nuts
Coming back in an immortal forms of "GHOST" or "GEIST" ain't a Casper it's cracked up to be
Unfriendly ghosts cannot exhibit human fear and loathing of the existence we're blessed with
Too human, lunar ancestors watch from above & below US, ancestors of Stott, I Am Stith.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, Janvier XVI, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1:11 PMPST
{ Drafted in a @CREED #Tsunami link #OneLastBreath youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Ir5_Yeqw01g  }