
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

#OldSchool #NoSchool #Truancy #Delinquency #PerfectZeros

Get off of your aps and move away from the android/iPhone, this is one command of God
Creator of the Space and Time you lease out of the corner, awaits your minute return Bro
Just as it is above the sky so it is below dead air pockets, above Earth & holy moon  cheese
Bid adieu to the function of the no/know tree from great-grand father's holy mama freeze.

By hook or by crook, the job will be gone, if I'm alive, I'll get it done, If I'm dead, I don't care
I leave the living to care without me, it has no effect on anything in the Cosmos, it's not fair
Yet it is as it is, above and below the identical process occurs, cause's effects are all dynamic
In or out of the corner, where you sit because of your social nature chats during the schtick.

Professors down to the kindergarden teachers, all accepted the origin's Cause, nothing at all
Meaning something to somebody no matter where on this planet humanity plants the DNA
Over the history of the geography and the political science, it's always over, end of the hall
Just a locked door or a wall without a frame or sheetrock, 2/4 & 2/6 betwen joices in play.

Beer for my horses and warm bath for my men who've been ridin' horse for a week or two
We can neither recollect nor want to resume the horror of being without water and food
Pucks hit by hockey sticks on the graphic ice, betwen the goals' red & blue lines of the Ice
Sliding and skating, checking up against the borders & elbowing in haggard circumstance.

Fist fight, argument of Platonic deductions and inductions from sensing the zero effect
Monkeys' humanity, Cro Magnon or Neanderthal, evolved from a virus' infected insect
Cry your tears to fill the dried riverbed with your evidence of a communist manifesto
My philosophy of death is to live and die on Earth, history I'm not in, got a job to blow.

Burns healed, broken bones mended without the superglue and pins, insanity's all glee
Happy together with the rest of the creation, myopia & true love company, a miserable
Ecstatic as chances to be independent of the foul crucibles of cruel, evil genius' zen tea
Smoke from the seeds dropped out of the sky, freefallin' manna to feed dead to hungry.

Whistle blown, bell rung, buzzer buzzin' from my lips to God's ears, ain't no party shout
I thought this thing, this life was like a game with rules I didn't know but had to find out
On the inside of the game's box cofer, the rules & regulations would keep the game fair
Everytime every man dies, the light dies, the soul cries, you'll die a happy human, Hair!

r j j  stephan, i  
c.  Mardi, Aprile XIXth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{ Drafted playin' #MyOldSchool by @SteelyDan 1973 in an infinite loop on the way to @Cool link @ https://youtu.be/Sq8OU-7JDFA }


Monday, April 18, 2022

#Dead #Dylan #WHO #YouSaidDaddy LOLs

The Struggle, make no mistake about forgone conclusions deduced from the data's crunch
In the flow of the downstream, iPhone, android-savvy as the old species gets a hot punch
Right in the face and left knocked off your feet, there's no other way than to wake It All up
Mind sleep soundly and what happens when you're asleep may affect your back stepup.

Then comes right after the If & When, to know what I mean ya gotta have a bloody Heart
Lots and lots and lots of It, the Heart band is fine for the rocks' rolls, all Gas is burnt Phart
Cement is hardened over all of our bones, somewhere over the rainbow's infrared tornados
Criticizing your mother and father for conceiving your life, #eKill #eMail #ZIPcoded HOLES.

Kids, infants to adolescent adults, social life will force God to serve somebody, all in my fams
Rockin' all day long, soul music from the #Marconi or my iPhone library of critical racing scams
Poor rich people gotta give it all up in the end too, if the poor have anything, it's stolen guns
Born on a bright side of the asteroid occupation, a large rock blowin' between the ol' suns.

Socially isolated and politically mesmerized by the photon display called your mama's reality
Livin' in another country on the terrestrial outcropping from the Hydrogen-Oxygen bi-locality
Found in the lost words that never were written or even spoken, never knew a heart freezes
To be or not to be, a suicidal homicide of the cousins and all kin with DNA acid in the panties.

With the survival comes the extinction, hand in hand with a distant quality of the ugly & bad
Good down to a bone, soul either red or blue, debriefed upon return from battle's I had had
Blind man under another name other than yo' ma & pa have one final choice, a tug, John Doe
Land of lords where I come from, without a predicate, Truth is occult, hidin' in a head, yo yo!

Moe, old, bald Curly & hairy Larry gave the stooges some substance of ridicule slapstick schtick
Monkeys see & the monkeys that see, do what they gotta do & repeat ad infinitum only today
Didn't start yesterday because I wasn't present then, now I'm present & it's lost to the Past, so
Heavywight champ in a good fight for an unknown mass of bone in a downtrodden stage play.

Forks post-mortem, knives to avoid a savage BBQ eatin' with fingers, lickin' the guilt off a sign
Dead, kilt meat, eaten for Life to remain alive, a fuel for the tank overruns of a  time machine
It's today for my Space, until tomorrow where yesterday will never be again, dark mortal Sin
Reason, rationality, deduction, induction, words up & down, Ross, Randy & Patti, I Am All In!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, April XVIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 833 AMPST  *DebriefedWithPrejudice

{ Crammed out of my soul while listenin' to #TOMMY by @TheWHO link part Uno @ https://youtu.be/dyNGQ2wUSVM & part Deux @ https://youtu.be/9yQvAl1jdL0 & #TangledUpInBlue by @Bob_Dylan in a loop/link @ https://youtu.be/QKcNyMBw818 }

Sunday, April 17, 2022

#BamBam #BoomBoom #OldLawNewCreeps #DarkDeepLight #Creepin' #HomelessHeadTrauma #GodDied #GodArose #GodDog #HOTDOG

easter monday monster FOLLOWin' the SCIENCE VOID
Brain injury causes homelessness?  Come on man!  Criminal behavior brain damage
Inside the cranium, examined by MRI, a cure for criminality is NO PUNISHMENT
Rehabilitation of not only forced behavioral modification but also the Gold of Gods
Meaning you're here and now, get over the surprise & git jiggy wit it, you hotrods!

Try to stop breathing the gas into your lungs, go ahead, I'll wait until you stop it all
Meaning you'll croak and die forever, your damage to your brain be damned, a fall
Down the stairs, a tumble down escalator stairs, hit my skull on a sharp razor's edge
Found myself opening my eyes staring at a holy ceiling full of holes, an acoustic age.

So, some kinky king and or queen a couple thousand years ago kill God & get away
Make believe a mask will stop the air from entering your face, cry for the dead's day
Which is a rise out of a crypt's fully undcrepit scat should be for the God of a world
Entire universe depends on the Truth about the reason for the Cosmos' gitiin' old!

Can this species, #Mankind on camera with God, smile et al, a day's glory of old ID
Deeper down than your own awareness, a spark while alive goes out when y'all dead
Simply more complex than the subjects & objects of your inner punk face, you blow
What you get with what you see is all there is to it, vacuum empty above and below.

You're a small piece of a puzzle, one's bundle of memories have no relevence to God
Only the wonder of One place and One time will match the Truth about a just fad
Therefore, since tomorrow isn't here yet, this common ground you're on is all Gold
A moment from now you'll have it back to normal, right now, I've got You on hold.

No supergirl or superman can escape the Kryptonite and no human, no life is dead
Spark of the Holy One, the Sun, the star above that shines while we revovlve, evolve
In the end, blessing is that you found out what's goin' on before too long, s'nuff said
Or Frederica, Adam, Even, Ali Babba or Cool Moe Dee, All One GOD-DOG Dead.

See what I mean or not, what is important is that you've been led to the pond of H2O
Gas won't dissipate until you cease breathing in and out, you're choice or accidental
All the same, if you live, you're gonna die, don't shoot the messenger, I've got 4 aces
No way to win for you or your kin, our friends can't gain victory, your name GIJoe?

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Easter Sunday, God Rose in Adversity, April XVII, MMXXII Anno Domini
{ Drafted being programmed by @DrNadineBurkeHarris on a #YouTubular hot link @ https://youtu.be/95ovIJ3dsNk }