
Saturday, May 21, 2022

#Chicago @CHICAGO #YouDontKnowLikeIKnow #JackDaniels #MavisStaples @EricChurch @BobDylan

You believe what you've been able to interpret from the environment, orphans also
Nobody gets out of this alive, whether it's a zygote or old woman or planetary orbit
On the one hand there's life & on the other there's death, one requires the other too
Isolate the problem to solve it by dreaming in living color, as intended by God's crew.

Stones' perfect timing of the rocks left over by the Big Bang's burn in fantastic lust
Fake news of mortal Forms, viral germs evolved into peacemakers' mad hunter skills
Mad search for the Substance, about the things themselves, conceptual analysis' kills
Everything from the stars and the Space of infinity all around everyone of us, it's dust.

Brewed until ready to drink to get drunk, distilled grain, flowered bud, stayin' alive
Need to be above the ground of being's dirty starlit hunk of purple people microdots
Begin with innocence, never lost nor won, a hunk of matter taught to stay in the hive
Needs & wants taken care of until the drone stage emerges, if not little queen robots.

Watchin' and listenin', seeing and hearing it all, doing it all, useful idiot of the jive
From the ABC's to the numbers zero to ten, Time & Space acquire status to arrive
Through the mother's holy body, the zygote knows symbiotic notions, they vanish
Into the nights and the days of the coasts, lakes, rivers & mountains of pine & fish.

All of the mysteries come to light in the process, sawin' the fiddle is all you can get
When you got a band of banjos and bongos, you take the gold fiddle & saw the threat
Up & down the scales, escalating gradually increasing to fast until the Ends & it's over
Compared to the anomoly you're the same, like two peas in a pod, got no back cover.

You've got to go through all of the canals, it's a food thing, cooked or raw, eat it all
Carrying your water and your weight is all I have to do, it's my mission in life's fall
Foreknowledge that most of the species on this ol' Rock have no clue of #TheScience
It's of matter & of form, indisputable fact, we exist and there's no reason in a sense.

Once the empty entrails have succomed to the summons to atrophy, it's all over it
Clean-up on aisle 5, bring mops, paper towels & your gag reflex 'cause you're split
In two, then four in geometric progression, in harmony like the planets trip about
One sun, holy and hot, makin' plants photosynthesize green, forced twister shout.

All is not too human but just human enough to be dangerous, a fireman's grandson!
Seeing hot flames of the fire on all seven continents condensed into a Mind, it's done
Lunar whole that used to be cost you, due to Falls from heavenly grace & holy waters
Bums & junk phantasms of asexual healing, all in the family, ends of all the daughters.

No more monkeys to birth and teach the skills of aping the routine of staying alive
Consuming the living after it's dead, the way of carnivore and herbivore who adapted
To the Earth's gases' temperature that forms the liquid and the solid things to derive
One philosophy of life, breathe in & breathe out, energy, BE grateful, #EatTheDead!
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, May XXIst, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 888 AMPST
{ Internet is DOWN, had to do this acapelo, but I would have jammed to #TheGratefulDead link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZPJ_VN3Iis }

Friday, May 20, 2022

#PeriodOfEras #BurningIce & #FreezingFire #COSMOS @sagan

Sevens rolled when elevens were seen by all except for the One, it's always about every lover
Not many just the One, a universal deep down inside of Nothing in particular, secret generals
All ordering the movement of idiots and morons who follow the herd of stinkin' & stunk over
A cliff by the edge of the coastal water, ends the Earth for us all, holy watershed, sacred Seals.

Apes and worms merge into this last detail on the final list of things to do, things to see, #Me2
Literally on the day you die, you are spent and have nothing left to acquire from flying undead
208 bones of spirits who got head to ten toes, no survival of death, even for the fit, all's askew
Continental drift of germs' dirty floors, unmopped, unswept, unswabbed deck & ghostly head.

Plums and road apples for every boy and girl lookin' to help their parents' extinction of species
Walking and then dying without any process other than deterioration and dissolution into Air
Gas both hard and liquid, different forms of the same thing, a thing itself in a vacuum, Minded
No way to know your ignorance, it's all yours & for your eyes only, subject, object, predicated.

Mother goose said it all & I wrote it down for minions to hear & disregard, a 3 strike box bust
Four balls out of the strike zone, shoulder to knees, an inch off of the home plate, knuckle ball
I catch, throw & I hit the ball with or without the good wood from pine & oak, all leftover dust
Bizarre & so grotesque as the monkeys flew across a dark cave's ceiling, disappeared in a wall.

Been everywhere & done everything although you don't believe what I'm sayin', dog's done!
Spent too much time in the warm oven waitin' to hatch when it was too late, daughter & son
Chewed the little ones and began from the egg & the gamete, a Thing itself divides the 7's Up
Cocksure of the conclusions, deduced out of the blue on black, ink on a page's reblow hubub.

No brain and no mind inside of a virus or a bacteria although without them, Nothing survives
Extinction of the love and hate streams of consciousness on a web of internet function's jives
Punks and young, toothless human beings without homes, without rivers that run through us
Blinded by lights, sightless light in Darkness' hole, a fast lane's trippin' Eagle on a magical bus.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, May XXth, MMXXII Anno Domini at 711 AMPST
{ Simple minded #BlackHole on common ground, while I dabbled in the @Eagles flight in the #AudiophiledMaoists vacuum soul-portal @ https://youtu.be/MJL4EymEa9o }

F U N K  I N  M O T I O N

Thursday, May 19, 2022

#GravitationalCollapse #WorldWideSuckSound

Silver lining of the golden geese who laid empty bird shells, all that there
In the pink and the deep blues where only angels fear to go, trippin' fear
You and I know the same things in different languages taught by old folks
All of them dead much earlier or later than us, we survive humane jerks.

Now on with your own journey to the Ends of your conscious awareness
The day you die is a momentary lapse of rational thought, innocent rest
From the First Cause's Unmoved Mover syndrome, divine God complex
Immortal mortals with skin and bones that walk, run, fly and to have sex.

Maybe for nothing or something that's not clearly the finale of a hit play
Bull's eye aimed at and hit in the center of the target, home runs of a boy
Out the park over left-center & right field fences, 2 homers, switchhit too
Juiced bat with taped grip, got hit 40 times, pitched a few balls to review.

Early birds catch worms & the snowbirds snatch those tasty worm flow
From the holy mud downunder our footholds, matter, Time, Space & me
We all are in the same proverbial boat, like it or not, you're not gonna go
When you turn the switch ON & you see nothing igniting, repeat let it be.

Screaming bloody murder on a bloody Sunday will raise eyebrows a bit
Silence required to fill in the spots between noise & chaos' orgasmic hit
Base, double, triple, homer, walk or sacrificial flies in cosmic, soup stew
Mints of green color, spear or winter twix all whitey's red, black & blue.

Birds of a feather flock together & the same holds for apes' loaded glocks
Most species on Earth don't have a species-wide WAR, this world's droid
Killing the threats, absorbing the ways and means to increase the g-flocks
Supernova the result in One Singularity's Black Hole, be a Zero, The Void.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  May XIXth, MMXXII @ 1500 hours PST
{ Produced while out of production of baby formula, so I made it myself, water and baby geritol, orange flavored link @ https://www.amazon.com/Pack-Haliborange-Toddler-Liquid-BUNDLE/dp/B00URRDTZY/ref=asc_df_B00URRDTZY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=510945040761&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=341185328418344582&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032550&hvtargid=pla-1263221967245&psc=1 }