
Saturday, October 22, 2022

#YouWouldntKnowADiamondIfYouHeldItInYoHands #CrimePunishmentAndCircusClowns #MosconiCup2020 #SomeDayWellKnow #NewRadicals

Insider trading backseat to all The People, odds are house wins, lil losers
Winners and losers engage in the tension, in the end, dissolution sinners
Dissolving the Earth's dirty rock & water into oblivion is unwelcomed wit
Being absurd in dialogue and communication with everyone, I'm the s#it.

Kicking the past around and comprehending that life on Earth is absurd
As you feel that you live without any control over circumstance & pomp
Divided and conquered the bands of brothers and sisters of the herd dirt
A disembodied consciousness dictates rights and priveleges' undershirt.

Over a soul & heartbeat that keeps the lungs stimulated for the in & out
Thoughts that disintegrate once the arguments dissolve into leaf, a cup
Hearts aren't for breaking yet they break easily, a holier disappointment
With your friends and enemies lives in your hands, muster up & shut up.

Seeing miles ahead when it's lit by a sun's starlight, pop moonrock finds
A gift which cannot be bought with gold or barter, awakened open minds
Camping on the streets, on the sidewalks, wasting human life in a sewer
Older men and women without hope, veterans and hobo sons of mother.

You nor anyone else gets out alive, we're under the gun, it will all cease
Brain and heart move into the decrepit state and others may have it all
No mind or soul to pay for zero trespasses against every cro-mag peace
Dreaming inside of my face with my eyes closed, is difficult be pleased.

I will spark the power of shooting for bullseyes, alright, alright, alright
Toys in the toy box and not all over your bedroom floor, God's in revolt
You've got to make an effort to quiet the noise of discipline son, insight
Deep within the knowing thing, the wise One got it, my thunder's bolt.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  ROCKTOBER 22nd, 2022 A.D. @ 530 PM Samedhi Night
{ Drafted this gem whilst jammin' to @Traffic #LowSparkOfHighHeeledBoys link @ https://youtu.be/vDGorIWYz-A & #DeaconBlue ala @SteelyDan link @ https://youtu.be/ICK6e9WK2A8 }
"AJA, I RUN TO YOU" "Do It Again" - @SteelyDan

#WhatsMyName #NobodyYouKnow #ThisMeansWARagain

Pure chocolate, beginning on Earth where aliens thrive, smooth, all too who Man?
Words distorted of my mind's eye generated grunts, groans & philosopher dribble
Binge on the paranormal to take the normal for granted, in grave error to be seen
Before it's too late, you've got another chance to erupt the volcano & let lava drip.

Earth can't become a star with all of the H2O filling four fifths of it's matter & form
Without the Water, the gas combination of H & O reduce to outerspace time worm
Appearances' deception is the TNT, blow your mind into oblivion and back at home
It's not far from an origin, as ignorant & wise men alike know, it's all 'bout the beat.

Thinking that the thin skin upon the bones that form the hu in the man, it's so slick
Like a southern piece of turtle dung at the bottom of the deep blue sea, it's all good
Or a northern piece of minnow fodder pond deep in scum, It IS the planet's schtick
Ask Dick & Jane to spill the beans on the words, they'll show Jane came from Dick.

Facts of Life before you find the awakening of the spawning complex, never forget
Nevermore in Never-Neverland with the fairies and boy-girl, girl-boy, twins onset
Open mind allows the historical flood from the caves and shores of Gicchy Goomy
Born wild just after then end of a world's war with itself about divinity's territory.

Hunger for the life of the living is going to be swallowed up into the Void of Ego
As if Ego could figure out the nature, a world as sweet as fortified wine Vermouth
Your daddy really wasn't your father, it's your mama's deep secret, aw you know
She's just tryin' to live with her pain & suffering by securing the false for a truth.

Martini for you and for me, I'm buyin' the rounds since I own the bar so get drunk
Don't worry about driving home, I've got limosuine service for the sick as a skunk
No more parties after this last fling, no holds on behavior of animals & plant pods
Miracle is that you were even conceived much less graces with the death of gods.

Seriously, if today's War caused an End Of Time, what do you want me to do, cry?
OK, I will but before that inevitability passes for the Present moving into the Past
There's a Future that will have become the presence in the fleeting moments' chi
Energy in dream-like forms of smoke & mirrors, reflecting magnetics of humanity.

Stoned on the Rosetta Stone H-bombs nobody else can or will blow up Earth's dirt
The day you die you'll confirm the Truth obvious to the blinded by light, open shirt
Preachin' politics and religion from the stage into jelly beans and jello molds of H2O
Ghetto colic caused by the Masters of the Game's schism, watermelon's drunk Blow!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  ROCKTOBER XXIInd, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 8 o'clock, time to rock, listenin' to @WARtheBand #TheWorldIsAGhetto vinyl record link @ https://youtu.be/VmheOZtLn3U }

Friday, October 21, 2022

#KissOfLife #SentencedToLifeInYourBrain

On the origin of a TODAY, the individual and in general the species are all moot ID
Pay no attention to the dialogue between the ignorant and the wise words will be
What it is and always was, an accidental collision of matter, blown star bits of pain
Oneness fancy in all but mythology, no god alive or unwell, 21st century humane.

Still there's going to be a final gasp of breath before eyes remain so wide open, see
Dream is over before you knew it was a dream, thought it was all but a real reality
Awakened before death, a fighting chance due to the slander power of naked apes
It doesn't matter about the matter, really it doesn't, draw the curtains and drapes.

Fear of the end, fear of the pain and suffering and loss of the happiness and health
That is the name of the game, the tune can only be played backwards from death
Part of the whole thing itself, a conglomeration of DNA from angels to Simon says
I got mine, hope you get yours unless you're not born yet, abortion extinguishes.

Ore is gold and nobody's buying it, need zillions of bytes of data, cups runneth over
As the overflow commenced, the historical record was purged like a spurned lover
No Adam, Eve, Cain nor Abel to blame the original sinning upon, there's One soul
Above and below the zero level void, we're here in spirit, flesh & bone with a goal.

To be or not to be, surviving under ten commandments & theorems of the calculus
Huff and puff, one foot in front of the other, woke or asleep at the wheels of a bus
Not magic and no accident that ignorance is preferable to knowing the whole truth
Nothing but the Truth won't even help God indulge in swearing, hapless forsoothe.

Launch consciousness away from the planet for a moment, no deposit & no returns
You will still have the free will to choose, the cradle of love, eternal recurrence urns
As if there's any chance in Hades that your Ego and Id will survive seizure of organs
Nothing survives, I shot the sheriff & deputy, Abomb payin' off God's scandal's sins.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  ROCKTOBER XXIst, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 0830 AMPST
{ Drafted while playin' WORD to @WARtheBand #HeartbeatFUNK on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/_gO4HnfFkuE }