
Monday, May 08, 2023

#Cloud9 #KeepersLostMarbles #ZorroSwordSharpStabs

p i = 3. 1414 ...{roughly}

I didn’t do it many times, first I cut the pie in two halves, four quarters and eighteen eighths
A cup of mocha java or a three cent carton of chocolate milk, I thought I had y’all in the face
Laugh, it’s funny with the gold & the velvet idiots who appear to be carnival barker’s ol’ soul
On the Space and Time you’ve conceived so you are able to criticize your own lack of control. 

You have nailed the two by fours together to begin the frame of an Earth’s planetary mutation
Making trees and rocks, sand and dirt into a form of shelter to protect the human bodies in sin
If you comprehend both split infinitives & the skies of blue above and below this planet’s fauna
Then you’ll be able to sleep without One’s eye open, if you don’t have three then it’s 1 of 2, duh!

I’m from the windiest city in the world as I’ve been told from 1951 thru 1969, I’d put up your dukes
From the garden of children at four, five, six & seven, I saw the future with none of them in any of it
The nightmare of children in both public and private schools in every culture on everywhere, full tilt
How and why, when and where are the words used to question authority, within or without the ruse.

Hookers, w#ores on cells’ walls inside of the bars & concrete rocks, not them just trillion dollar coins
Well endowed with a pirate’s cove treasure gleaned out of a cruel world’s egg whites & square loins
Unknown answers on a cheat-cheat stuck into the back of my necktie, can’t use a bow tie for an A&B
Grades to get to a higher education above the parochial enculturation of infantile minds of The Free!

Indenture from sixteen to a hundred give or take a day, year or decade & you wind up at The Ending
Like going down a drain, Earth spins & brings all pleasure/pain from alpha to omega, humans all sing
Out or in tune with the melody and rockin’ jazz-blues beats comin’ out of thin air, elliptical god-swag
Think, hangin' 'round stars, divide One's duration by revolutionary orbits a la papa's brand new bag.

Painted it all white so I couldn’t see the shapes and shadows back on the wall, I started it, I’ll finish it
Grown from 1 invisible sub-pebble shaped egg, microscopic to macroscopic, optical #godsmack fit
Laugh every day you’re awake & conscious without pain & suffering, 24/7 pleasure & happiness too
Divine justice y’all, every one of us, I’ll judge souls & intent of every single human, astonish the fool!

Now and then the junk yard comes in handy, refuse of the civilized men and women who run a Zoo
Sometimes the good things get thrown away by mistake or on purpose by the robber & owners too
President or dictator of The Herd of the linguistically challenged & empty bags of absurdity, tin skin
Lipstick on a pig is invisible in Darkness; Narrow Way is Sound, OM to communicate, makin’ bacon.

Holy scat is just a manner of speaking about facts of life, not descended from Adam & Eve’s shiftiest
God extinction is humanity’s survival, holy wars settle the battle, analyzing concepts Unknown is best
Here & now or then & there, whenever the random chaos winds up down at the Deli’s ham sammich
Need a kosher slice of pickle & mustard on Jewish rye, cut it in half, crucify my kidneys, God's Rich!

Fine as the rough edges around the perimeter of the protected love of my life, words alive in a hole
Four walls, three lines of a shape mated together in a triangle of squares, empty area within, a fool
Two timing Ma-mother & Godfather with my 7 wives and 40 children, y’all worked to civilize history
What Title #42, #TrojanHorse full of fuel mutation-DNA, Texas’ lock ‘em all out, #STFU everybody!

Cut of your jib is welcome, I copy your condescending attitude toward the discrimination of Man
As if discriminating between the good & the bad is Evil itself, the survival mechanism of Peter Pan
Adam to Zacharia, prepare for your demise, yes, you will die, sooner or later, what will you do then
Hot God’s damned things in Hades & everywhere else, systemic burning, congealed, divine phlegm.

r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, 5-8-2023 Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Failed to Launch this AM at 0600, yet in search of the miraculously serendipitous event, succeeded at jammin’ to slow-roll of @BrothersOsborne #ShootMeStraight link @ https://youtu.be/-aiQEys3APU }


Sunday, May 07, 2023

I MAY SEVEN OR ELEVEN TO HEAVEN #DrippingGripRevolver #TheBeatlesRevolver

Contents of the cyclic form is every single byte of cosmic dust in the third dimensions
What it means and what it is to be the perfect joker you think you are, #1 & #2, sons
Flawless in private & public just because that’s the nature of the beastly boy within
In a hive, nest or cave-hole in a mountain wall, aloof & caught in a river of high sin.

As sharp as a knife or a thumb tack, easy to punch through or carve & slice a fool
Ran the country without thinking about repercussions of the Many being a tool
Sooner or later, love would always win games without an ending, a sight unseen
Breakin’ bad, harder to ride, hard body like a backhoe, 2 Michelin tires, so mean.

Pawns moved checking my knights’ good reason, check-off on all Sunday sermons.
All 64 spaces in that 2-dimensional square will morph like magic into 3 dimensions
All 3 planes of existence for the rooks, knights, bishops & queens are all warp jumps
All ready for you to pull the ripcord and drag the weight you’ve eaten out the dumps.

Taking wine and transubstantiating it into the blood of a dead man, long gone, bloodless
Only some realize and are satisfied that knowing nothing is a tool for the holy & ruthless
What appears to be a hot-cold, atomic issue of crankin’ Yanker’s nightmare, a 1 & a 2 &
Etcetera if you can repeat that two more times & turn around counter-clockwise in sand.

Hippies and the funky groove path up & down the board, in and out of the heat of light
Witches brew a holy, magic smoke to cause inhalation of bud-flower-weed, goddess’ dope
Knows wisdom like the back of your hand, not his or hers but yours no problem, y’all hope
It’s gonna be alright in the end, unconscious of the life you lived conception to death’s fight.

Now you’re at the place in Space where it all turns into the Singularity of the Black Hole, son
It’s a star, a blown out divine gas of the divinity we’ll ne’er see or hear, just taste, smell & feel
As if it’s meant to be that way & there’s no other way to explain the mysterious anomaly run
Of First Cause to the final effect without a memory, not a clue about nature’s glued, holy seal.

Stopped at the beginning of the end before it began explosion-implosions of a holy, new Void
To be or not to be is always what everything is all about, there’s no other dilemma to solve it
Only you know & I know what it is and why it is, nobody else cares & never will make fun to fit
It’s not their mission to make an act of contrition, nobody is sorry for being a natural android.

r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche 5-7-2023 @711 PMPST
{ Twilight-Zoned from the cornucopia-at-large while jammin’ to @Waylon_Jennings concert link @ https://youtu.be/4eZzY3f1VCk )


Saturday, May 06, 2023

#DrunkOnTheFifthTheFourthTime #HappinessIsEverythingThatsAllFOLKS #Truckin' @DEAD @ArcOfTheCovenant #TheTemptations #TheStaples

I walked away as a Cheshire cat with a pocket full of dough, bucks I got from a black hole harbor
No plan or blueprint for the random chaos in or out of the Bush, flatland’s forests or deep sea’s caves
Swam, jogged, got to the finale of the play before I knew it was even comin’ then I got hit by the car
On my bike, ridin’ down the road & the dog came across my path, swerved & got killed, Jesus saves.

On being a character, playing actor in the pretender saga, infant to old man or elderly woman I avoid
Puckered up in a corpus dillecti without ever downloading the data to me or my bitten apple android
Of course, if you abstract thought into a solo conceptual analysis, only you & an empty space lover
Nothing more nor less than what’s always been happening, Oneness in a solar death flame thrower.

Bumps to get over the humps and that is the test to see if you can handle the essence of being Me
Nobody but I can do this, can’t ask for aid for dependent mothers & children, cash-cow better to flee
Far away from debits & credits online or the greenbacks you’ve never even seen with a naked eye
Thinking you got supercool just by mocking your idols and role model, puffed up morons, an idiot-pie.

You got down when everyone else got high, incomprehensible dilemma of a macroscopic shebang
Atomic, subatomic or supratomic, in an effort to encompass the matter’s empirical nature, it’s a fang
To puncture the thin skin and draw the blue blood before the red begins to ruin the atoms’ big teats
Paws, claws, hands, feet, tenacles & sharp teeth, recycle the moons gone into all too human feats.

Of Truth, Justice & unamerican ways of the minions who have no power, no wisdom, nothing at all
Nothing matters to them or anyone who breathes air, language doesn’t matter in a tower of Babel
Subjects, verbs, objects, predicates to obfuscate the present and past trips for the future is pending
Doom results without awareness of threats to the Air & Water from the Sun’s hot fire & my singing.

I’m pinchin’ my arse right now to see if I can wake myself up, it’s now workin’ so I’ll be so woke now
I will begin by trippin’ on thinkin’ that I know something that nobody else on Earth knows, holy cow
Knowing what’s unwise to tell anyone other than ones who deserve to know, not an enemy of mine
Kings, queens & servant paupers who ate & shat to stay alive for revolutions of sons & a hot sun.

Any angels & devils in all dimensions of Time are like witches and warlocks, a mutant paramecium Id
From One comes One too Many, here we go again, blind faith to irritate the consciousness of a kid
That ‘Kid’, a reference to the one inside of us all, the deep one in a shallow skull, don’t need no intro
Breathe deeply, it’s a reward for makin’ it to a finish line, goal achieved, rest in peace, Homer-Dough!

Ultraviolet-Infrared wavelengths are responsible for The Life as we know it, everyone know the facts
Of course, the facts of death are the unknown to the living who never died before a fellow-pharaoh
Jumping around in a circular jerk-off with the cats who run from the dogs of prey, I cease to be Dope
I could be, I would be except for the injection of the philosophical venom I gleaned from the ol’ pope.

Of unholy men & holy women, they’re all too human & nobody gets out without the mortal wounds
Thrust into the body by the stone and metal daggers & swords, steel and invisible yell-word sounds
Raised voices shouting for vengeance against perpetrators of crimes versus deluded, illusory visions
Grandparents fathered & step mothered Homer-broods, the clans, families of species’ proabortions.

My extended background investigation yielded an historical nonsense, evolved to being, son of Man
Leaving no woman behind or in front, a best kept a secret, invisible to a prowling predator Peter Pan
You & I will always know, we’ll always remind the ones who forget that this is all there is for all of y’all
No heaven nor hell for Obedient & Cheerful boy scouts, evil boys’ & good girls’ malfunction via screw.

I got neighbors, ain’t goin’ nowhere, this side, that side, front and back in the woods, love ‘em all, see
Used to have ‘em, now I’m way up high in Space, above the fray, no more air B & Bs for my skies’ blue
No more wood for fires, I’m the flame and heat’s the essence of my core, like my dad taught, got grew
My arse was so hot, I thought I’d been hot too long or BBQ’d way out back in the Pines, smokin’ OG.

Peel the peach & don’t hit the truck or you’ll meet the preserves that’s been in a reservation’s destiny
Thinkin’, you got it made on a boss hog trip down Rte. 66, peach truck chuck full of wood, I hit the tree
Now I think I’m above it all, but I may be deceived, could be below it, in any case, can’t tell the difference
Smoked the plants in papers & in plastic, underwater or in an air-fryer, get off on hallucinated nonsense.

Two choices for us all, laugh or you cry, no other way to be alive or make sense of being here & now y’all
Neighbors quiet when they’re asleep, the bonfire is out, empty bottles are on the lawn, we all had a Ball
Now, it’s time for silence and the gold of saying & doing nothing but what I do so well, unmoved movin’
Rebels & compliant ones all in the same boat, rowed or powered by oil-gas, my baby keeps me groovin’.

Onto a system of cause & effect, we’re involved down deep, whether approved or rejected, as forsooth
You bargained to get here on the top of the star dirt, the Earth is just that, rejected, blown God’s dusted
Gold or silver, mercury or lead, the thing is the heart is beating & it’s all beautiful if you know the Truth
Got a chick on the side, got another, a better lover off to the left or the right, it matters to Egos, all dead.

Dazed into clarity of functional of calculus, it’s on a graphic interface bell curve, blind man said, not I
It’s all latitude of our attitude which elevates life's experience of being happy while living above Dirt
Bury me not, ain’t gonna be in the old dead bones you’ll burn or bury or dump in an orgasmic spurt
Here, now, don’t chop off the witch's noggins, interdiction Ma Earth’ll gitterdone, life's all gonna die!
r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, 5-6-2023 Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Jacked this up while listenin’ to @Curtis_Mayfield #BackToTheWorld in honor of my 2nd return from South Korea back in 1974, during the Viet Nam skirmish, link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/kvkBtKi9VIc }