
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

#SickAsHades #Marvelous #InvertedDenominators #squaredCubes

Horrific yet fuel for the simulation of the atomic power, molecular degradation for posterity
Nobody else can fulfill the expectations of the ancestral recollection of what may be illusory
Twilight Zone type of scenarios beginning in peace & silent harmony ending in skullduggery
All because of the freedom, liberty to cause any effect that can be judged by the grand jury.

All too human homo sapiens cannot avoid becoming cosmic dust after several revolutions
At a wobbling angle to the ecliptic revolution around the closest star to Earth’s dirt, the Dung
At one point, shining starlight upon the darkness & in the end, remaining in the hot fun I rung
Out of rags, soaked with river water, I squeezed out all that I am & will ever be, I sang a song.

It went something like this… wait, I forgot that it’s a forgotten old tune, even I can’t recall
It was soft and sweet to begin and it graduated to some fine hard rockin’ drivin’ up the wall
End of the night, the girl I danced with looked over at me wondering if I’d breach the barrier
I did, got her number, dated & married her, she had eight kids, she died at forty-four, miss her.

Are you out of your mind? Maybe you didn’t even know you had a mind but it’s academic
Nobody is alive today who knows the reason why they are here & now on Earth, gonna die
Nothing but credos, beliefs in blind faith of dead men who wrote words of babble in books
All of Life is dead which was conceived before 1875 A.D. states of being, all leftover crooks.

Another thing before you exit the stage which won’t call you back for an encore, it’s all over
As above, so below it had to be, no two ways about it, only holy ghosts are the undercover
Brought out of the darkness into the blinding light made no difference to my mama’s labor
My wireless bandwidth is dependent on the things themselves; a virgin turns into a whore.

A king turns into a bandit pauper, sentenced to the streets to pimp for the failed females’ Ids
All the love on the planet becomes extinct as the Dodo birds’ species, the moment bones skid
To a halt or onto the speed of light & beyond the tachyons’ presence, woke, awaken the pest
The mind in the head will die without the Earth, Wind & Fire in the Dodge, Ford or Chevy SS.

Blood runs, leaks, floods the floor and the spirit sprints from start to finish, backward in Time
Forward thinking as if that prevents malfunctions of causes & effects, nothing at all to rhyme
Words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs of arguments & the conclusion that inevitable results
From the deductions & inductions of reason, truth is you never can ever conclude the pulse.

Death toll is less than zero above and below this planet but here & now, it’s 100% on point
Idiots and morons both in charge of the whole shebang, 24/7 orbiting the Sun, black hole It
Or maybe its just a white dwarf renegade from the universe, it’s old Sol, far from far away
93 million miles from our open hands & feet, we’re here for a spell, y’all gotta go, any day!

r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, August XVth 2023 Anno Domini @ 840 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to lowdown funk blues @ https://youtu.be/-0a5-J2somM }

