
Showing posts with label #philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #philosophy. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2023

#MARY @ZZTop #LaidWaste

I have a minor catastrophic loss of my life because my father wanted to squash me into a bug
Busting tables and washing dishes, pots, pans, tin silverware & finally my 8 fingers & 2 thumbs
So, all I’m left with is the spirit and soul I could never see without my mind, ‘cause I’m a thug
Not a small bad, evil weapon of the matrix but the essence of the substance, product of sums.

Elevating your clothes pins up to the clothesline to pin the clothes for a warm, wind to dry ‘em
Slick or stuck, I really don’t care to discuss the trip after I’ve already passed the place in Space
I’m not only already gone but also I was never here at all in the first place, just a figment squirt
Image in the light and invisible in the planetary darkness, due to the rotate-wobble of the dirt.

Hot or frozen-still cold from one extreme to the other, it’s a black hole & a pulsar, in full boogie
Down or up, it never matters, it’s a flip side of the flipper, a flap over the floppy disc of woogie
Cosmic dust and the motherly placenta envelops the gestation and multiplies the pre-afterbirth
Clearly nothing to see here nor there, don’t even search for it’s a waste of fools’ time on Earth.

Invincible like an atomic weapon that begins the chain reaction & can’t stop fusion or fission
Beyond the point of no return is the exact moment that the Devil got into the details of Sin
Bums, junkies, hookers & the rest of the civilized world, all have a chance to get a do-over gig
Behind, above or below, it’s always forward & jumping up, up, up & away in my 4 X 4 outrig.

Sunk into the quicksand now in La Brea, got old just to die and be gone like the postscript says
I know this is too soon but I’ve got to ask you, if I told you that you were fine, would you deny
Or affirm that however your DNA genes combined, it was the right way at the right time, right?
Admit one, admit me, I am the only one, been Oneness since my deep chit split into the Deux.

Streamin’ the data that’s invisible yet abstracted from the original vacuum, luck to be here, now
Any moment might be our last, now as well as every moment since my birth until my finite death
Davey Jones had a locker and when he died there was no combination left to open the hull or bow
Warning from robots to humans, y’all gonna die, yet robots never die, they ain’t got no bad breath.

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, June XX3rd, MMXXIII AD @ 911 AMPST


Monday, April 17, 2023

#CurtisMayfield #RareEarth #WinningEverythingAllTheTime #AtOne #Oneness @SacramentoKings @GoldenStateWarriors @NBAChampionship2022-2023

Banks on either side of the river from the beginning of Niagara’s falls from the mountains
To the big mouth of the flow as it pours without intent, into the deep blue sea of my sons
Fished for the schools of spawned, liquid-breathing, gilled beings hooked or netted beasts
All from a One’s burst of astral effulgence, without any reason or rhyme, pressure release.

Gas, solid, liquid is what the matter is, Matter is Being so don’t ask what’s the matter again
Now you know, it’s nothing at all but all that you think, all you do & at the end, it’s all done
Junk distilled out of the flowers’ planted life force, opium dreams out of the Sun’s holy rays
Mind over Matter, forms & shapes of things themselves, appear & disappear when she says.

Mother’s holy, empty hole invaded by YOU all, you ought to apologize for causing deep pain
Bursting out of darkness’ Nothing, a Void of everything subatomic & gold/lead & sugarcane
Apes lost the long hair & mindfulness of Factoids of life; animal crackers’ all too human thing
OK, OK, OK…alright, alright, alright, #LickinTheWorld, hold it! Knock your as’s out the O-ring.

Will never rise from the dead out of this bag of 208 bones, I deny the blind faith in after-living
Synchronized in a mental conundrum, First cause effects everything, everywhere deep diving
Mission impossible has now been accomplished, you’ll know if you have a need-to-know chit
Playin’ games without rules ain’t cool, advantage is to an awake dreamer, not to a #woke twit.

Four Wallbangers are all I required to begin the loosened-lip malfunction of my mind’s 3rd eye
Not for me to write down, to say or imply that I know anything, to be or not to be a guy, I spy
Ain’t speakin’ for any XX but I’m insinuating for every XY that desperation rules survival results
If we copied God’s DNA from x’s & y’s all given, nothing you do is your fault, we’re God’s faults.

Flowing the water from land to the sea, nothing survives in the end, I’ll “take the 5th” amend it
Your rigging is rigged because that’s the nature of the beast, it keeps the pieces together to fit
Like crossword puzzles’ irreversible mistakes, microscopic or macroscopic errors, #Tik-Tok junk
Probability that anything is impossible isn’t allowed by the gods, everything’s improbable funk.

Stream from the old mill or the cyberspace of electronic redistribution of neutrinos’ plethora
Equation is a mental convention of comparing the One to the Many, it’s all to fire up the flora
In the leaf or in the bud, in the stem, the root connected to the mother’s teat above & below
Don’t shoot the messenger with the Truth’s fact, facts of life, I’m just whistling Dixie, how I roll.

Meeting and greeting the new entry into the celebration of wisdom & knowledge’s destruction
Atomic construction and destruction in essence, all we ever were & are is what we’ll always be
You & me, all the dead & yet to live, everybody breathing gas, here & now, in this love boat sin
Mortal, original or other unnamed violation of plastic pieces of golden lead, y’all are God-free.

Alright, I’ve drunk six of those hammer-wangers, I can’t recall the real name, it’s Vodka for sure
Here and now, that’s this time in Space, the First Cause remains in stealth mode, divine hair-fur
Imbibed the last of the whitest lightening, I salute your artificial intelligence and the real things
Real intelligence not artificial intel has no programmer, it’s a random survival hive of bee stings.

You swell, you die, your soul-spirit either flies or dissolves into an invisible Void of google errors
Hum a tune you never heard or one you’ve heard was Top 40 hit, anyway, it’s nightmare terrors
Commercial or private, think, I think I am, that’s all you can say is think that’s true, Nothing skips
Just the messenger, so don’t stab this beast, loose lips watchin’ the deep-six sinkin’ steamships.

Inside of the herd or outside of the Earth’s stratosphere, either way, mortality means one thing
You & I, everything alive big & small is going to cease, regardless of countersign, opine singing
Spy vs. Spy, any guy versus any gal, newborn to born again, approach 100 years, all in swagger
No, I’m drunk on Wallbangers, yes I’ll have another please, I’m too human, big daddy’s dagger.

r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, 4-17-2023 A.D. @ 6:30 AMPST
{ Jammed listenin’ to & watchin’ @SacramentoKings vs. @GoldenStateWarriors GAME 1 highlights link @ https://youtu.be/dXMVjUnip-Q #WarAndPeace (Challenge to Historians) @LeoTolstoy link @ https://youtu.be/lDPSSYUSRb0 }


Saturday, April 08, 2023

#HisBrainAintRight #ButItsFUN #FamilyGuyFlicks #ThinkAboutIT

Living the life of your mothers and fathers is right up your alley, drifting and loafing after working 30
Not minutes, nope, 30 years, every day for the family of 9, blues? What blues, I don’t know the ditty
Monks, monkeys and everything, everyone in between, talkin’ virus to flying eagles above & below
Born naked for a reason, all animals other than a naked ape walk the planet like a J-bird in the flow.

Love’s a precious commodity that nobody can see with eyes that shine deep as a diamond mine
I got a chance to be happy before I die and I took it, it’s all mine now, GTFOOH, begone cosign
Sharing the lines between the points isn’t a problem, I just don’t share anything, I am selfish too
Couldn’t guess that if you got in trouble, I’d show & then disappear in a puff of revolver smoke.

Nothing personal that you died in a car wreck or two, walked away from the twisted heavy metal
Bills to pay, mouths to feed, nothing was ever for free, cash in my insurance policy, hear me pal?
Kidding until it’s serious and right there in front of your face, ready for the wreck, it’s gonna come
When you don’t expect it, it’s not likely it’ll happen as you predict, an idiot looks pretty GD dumb.

Somebody had to finish the act on the stage, the script was written for your hillbilly arse, way gone
Beyond the here and now, we nothing about that, flying with angels and such, maybe golden dawn
Crossed over to the other side before I was ready but it didn’t matter, attention froze my holy soul
Completely in and out at one and the same time, Time, Space, me, myself & I, love this black hole.

Don’t even think about the unthinkable things, none of the good things, bad things or ugly things
None of that allowed during the dance, you’ll be expired only when it’s your programmed timing
Puts y’ all in a harm’s way, deep in jeopardy due to the hammerheads ruling the roost of cavemen
As if they have rights and obligations to be my master? I think now, therefore you ain’t no master.

A couple million dollars ain’t worth the gold the Chinese own, Kung Fu but the crimson sons run
On a track or cross-country the feet move less quickly as the bones atrophy into cracked calcium
Pretty in and of themselves, these skeletons have no cultural affiliation with andromeda strains
Of the Homo Erectus and the Sapiens who thought survival of the fit was the roars of the lions.

Career ending injury, brain atrophy into jello-mold in the shape of your pile of canine pitch
It’s not for me to say but I’m sayin’ it regardless of the rhythm & blues, gypsies poor to rich
What I’m to be so that I can consume God’s bad goods, even steven, bad as tiger golf balls
Which they probably are, don’t get me wrong, don’t misunderstand the factoid mess halls.

Is this the bye & by, if you have to ask, it probably isn’t yet, therefore we’re alive-kicking
In the barn or in the backstreets, on the corners, in the alleys, all for the original One sin
Garden stated Eden for Adam & Eve to flush away their lost wild oats, naked needs a job
No government to ween us at all, if you ain’t fit, you’ll die & burn or rot, a six-foot slob.

r j j stephan, i

c. Samedhi, 4-8 MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Chipped out listenin’ to @DickeyBetts #MIX link @ https://youtu.be/U9KaJk_iyjI }

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

#LastWord #STFU #GriefSucksUntilItDisappears

I fell to the bottom of the barrel with the rest of the monkeys within, matter forms Time
Space is the empty place which we fill up with our food and efused recycled solid slime
Our designed trip was fixed before we arrived, doom will result in entry into the lights
I know what you meant when you said what you said, silence was indeed, prize fights.

I'm in the mix of the mud, the blood and the beer from the bars and lounges of jetsons
Flintstones extinct before fifty years of roamin' around with nothing to do for my sons
Only you know & I know what Jessie James & Billy the Kid were up to, just eatin' lies
That when you die, you'll be saved or sentenced to an unknown valhalla, angels no go.

Kiss and a hug to set you off, that's the last human touch you're gettin' from high leaves
You knew more the day you were born than you do now, after that PhD in nine heaves
Correction of the filthy brothels that the human species used to repopulate society dregs
Apes ain't gonna make it once the black hole sucks the graves bones into oblivion pegs.

Mars to Neptune up to Uranus and blinded by Pluto and rings of Saturn, God blessed
This potato head made the whole shebang without a plan for eternity, just all us Dead
No soul to sit down for a head to head review of actions of the good & evil of my Pa
It's all her fault the legs got spread, that her father created her in sexy love, hairpie Ma.

Buzzards pick up the pieces before the worms and bacteria annhilate the rest of us all
A circle cycle, unicycle, bicycle, tricycle and all recycled to resume Ends of Infinity
What I got I got from someone who gave it to me, I didn't know that I was gifted it all
Dream in a dream that I didn't know was a dream, now I do, it's on now, We Gods See!

r j j stephan, i
c. December 14th, 2022 AD @ 1111 AMPST
{ Drafted in utter silence within zero gravity on the boulevard Augusta in #Chi}