
Saturday, June 29, 2019

One Headlight by The Wallflowers (Lyrics) #IndependenceDay #OneHeadlight #GlennFrey #TheOneYouLOVE #BobSeger #DownOnMainStreet

Nobody kisses the corpse of their dead relatives anymore, but I still do, I loved many of them
I kiss them goodbye for the last time because there’s no two dead lips and no spiritual REMs
Blinkin’ eyes caught forever fully wide open to see Nothing as clear as day, it is so very clear
Light from the sun, reflected from the moon, comin’ down here to me, came to me and you.

Becoming the only one who knows what’s what, what the Truth is we’ve got True love missing
Important if you’re not starving hungry or sloppy drunk, with logic and reason we all emit
Freedom from the Life that Death brings, whether you like it or want it or not, it’s so crazy
But if you stay a little while and learn how much it feels good to feel the feelings, a bit sexy.

Whispers in your ears from the hollow wind, sayin’ zip about Nothingness, our heartless seize
Fiction, make-believe, faith in the unknown that will come to get you and I, all the tiny babies
Eating us all, one by one, you’ll see the other side of this me and you, soon you’ll have to dash
Nothing matters and if it did, you’ll never know eventually, underground or smashed potash.

Mona Lisa is the reason for the high stepping of my soul, being deep in a groove of ecstasy fat
Hard knocks of the idiots and morons and geniuses who taught me everything, tip of the hat
Lifted up by bootstraps and naked metatarsals, above the waterline, below the space, I glide
Everything is a piece of this Nothingness my friends, it ain’t my fault, I report and you decide.

I’ll forget about the lips and the face and body of bones, the soul and spirit of the thing itself
It will be most difficult to avoid since it’s the nature of being, doomed to the Void’s mystery
Do everything to honor the supernaturally endowed Hopes and Dreams of the cerebral shelf
God’s danged empty tomes that nobody reads, still got a game of love to play now, I am key!

True love it is when you have no idea that your genes are pulling to become more than One
More than the Many, the One is the True Love of this solar system’s galaxy, this universe Us
Made for more than two, this One has become the Many for a reason, there was no other way
The Way is My Way or the highway and if you cannot accept Truth, you are dismissed today!

This is not coming out of the blue, It comes out of blackness, outside the Earth’s spin wobble
But she’s my baby, she’s my girl, she is everything to me, without her I can’t survive a bubble
Moving wasted matter downriver into the sewers that bring nourishment to blue skies above
Fishermen know and so do the artists and musicians who go crazy over their hunger for love.

This is It, It is all you’re gonna get from the whole shebang, your dead relatives got It so right
It’s all about the survival on the surface of burned out stardust, come with three times alright
Being’s nothingness, smoked mirror of the silent sounds pointing to dawn’s fade to sundown
Free Will to be Good, Bad or Ugly, a lonely taste of Old Chicago, Capone’s tootsie roll town.

r j j stephan, i *LIPS/TONGUE HEADER c. The Rolling Stones full copycredit!
c. Saturday June 29, 2019 A.D. @ 7:11 AM PST
{ drafted while listenin’ to the Eagles #TrueLove Glenn Frey “You want me to get in back?” ROTFLMAO ...oh-well... https://youtu.be/mUM4x4Bl_Ic }

Friday, June 28, 2019

#AintDeadYet @GratefulDead #BadaBing @ACDC #Unhinged #SoulStrippersOnDeck

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, June 28, 2019
Messages are not all they’re cracked up to be are they? Stones roll and nobody knows why
Gone downhill, up and down, all around the world as we know it, therefore, I am the sky
Peace and war are the way of the warrior, my way, not yours, you want the civilized atoms
I am part of the Neutrino force of None of your business, do not seek, shake your pom poms.

Cheers and skoal to the drunken sailors and hookers who entertain the Neutrino, what I am
Please don’t take this personally if you ever get this far in the killer verse of a bursting dam
If you choose not to see the light it behooves you to just close your eyes, be blind old Road
Undocument me and my immigrant grand parents who floated over to US on a boat loaded.

Gravitational pull on your bones to the ground of being, this Earth, this star in Space’s Void
A grave of ash and fossilized calcium at the final curtain, the end of the play, your call of Ra
Tip top of the pyramid or the mountain of burst volcanic pressure from a holy, salacious rack
In a twilight zone, a politician and a priest enter a bar and ask the tender for shots of #Jack.

To poke the monster in the cage and awake it’s horror at being confined in a barred jail cell
Is to become the essence which preceded the existence of the flesh, bone, bloody well mental
Philosophically waxin’ and wanin’ lunar clarity with obfuscation of Last Words before Silence
Boys and girls to women and men, animate the genome from origin to extinction nonsense.

Permanent vision of you in my field of existence prevents my devouring of the stardust 3rock
Gobbling souls is not important, only the DNA than contains the souls, souls may screw away
With the birds and the feathers lighter than the oxygen-hydrogen flow in the temple of doom
My place or yours? Please make up your own mind, whatever It is, door slams on this room!

Experiments of scientists in a pickle to justify their own existence in a Void of lead guitar riffs
Nooks and crannies of the crazies and the crones, olden Drones, followers of unshod two feet
Reasons to be men and women reduced to the gaping orifice and the fair game of saints’ stiffs
All about the bass on home base, backbeat of a stretched animal skin over hollow, Hollywood.

Mercy and Charity for Hopelessness, the Many educated by K-12, the Beast in a holy steeple
Pretty girls and handsome boys of the exiled turn into the hands out waiting for Golden funk
Form of ignorance and hunger for the booty of the overlord, the many revolt against Hunger
All they want is a free place to stay and free food whenever they’re hungry, come on punks!

r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday June 27th, 2019 A.D. @ 11:59 PM PST
{ drafted while in my own mind as I went out of my mind and lost my mind on the way & watchin’ LooneyTunes compilation on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/OM6xvpzqCUA & listenin’ to the Grateful Dead #PeggyO & HITS @ }

#EyeAintGotNobodyThatEyeCanDependOn @CarlosSantana #ALoveSupreme @JohnColtrane #LastNightSpectacularitySupernaturallyMine #YoYo #Yo


Y’all know who I’m referring to as I capitalize the first letter of you, know what I mean?
Y’all go to church on Sundays every week or temple on Saturdays or every holy revolution
Y’all spin around in wobbling circles or so I’m told from priests, nuns, brothers & foes
Y’all can count on one thing in this life or so I’m told from my national conscience, debt.

Nothing other than death can beat the feeling of a Supreme Being in debt to no skill set
Who in God’s name is in charge of the spin and wobble? Who’s in charge of throwing?
When I’m hit by a stranger or a loved one, I strike back twice as hard to warn them all
To be or not to be is to be the fool who mixes up my humility and appearance with bums.

Bums being the men and women who keep their hands out until they’re filled with deadpan
To get the stamps for the food, the tax payouts of welfare checks to the hungry for concerts
Even the poor and the huddles masses need to reconvene in the center of the middle plan
Uttermost echelon of the the cosmos itself, you know what I mean, pity the fool Peter Pan.

Girls cannot be boys and boys cannot live forever, therefore, I think I was, all that she wrote
These words, all of the entire species’ genome, the x and y chromosomes of the nut dreamer
Species’ extinction in a super nova to come, wake the F up, Supreme evil genius, Id schemer
One Id for the whole shebang, squeeze it out of your #Holy oneness, be and then pass it out.

Lies mated with the language to deceive the oneness granted to divine, conceived by conmen
They too will meet the fate of those who are fleeced like the sheep’s flock in hell, AHO, Amen
On being all too human, dimly bright, unevolved oh, amoeba and paramecium pre-afterglow
Putting random collisions of protoplasm in an atmospheric fishbowl is interesting, um, no?

r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi 28 juin deux mille dix neuf (année du Seigneur) Friday June 28 2019 AD
{ Drafted from THE #VOID after #LoveSupreme Carlos Santana concert last evening with the The Doobie Brothers NOW to santana_carlos012 link @ https://youtu.be/7sXt-j6s1bM }

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